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         Albanian Government:     more books (24)
  1. 35 Years Of Socialist Albania by Albanian Government, 1979
  2. Martyrdom today (38 years of torture and imprisonment of Albanian Jesuit Father Mikel Koliqi under the Communist government).: An article from: Catholic Insight
  3. Albanian Identities: Myth and History
  4. Reforms in Albanian Agriculture: Assessing a Sector in Transition (Sector Studies Series) by Severin Kodderitzsch, 1999-03
  5. Albanian Stalinism by Arshi Pipa, 1990-10-15
  6. Albanian Journal of Politics 2005
  7. Albanian Journal of Politics: 2006
  8. The Crescent and the Eagle: Ottoman Rule, Islam and the Albanians, 1874-1913 (Library of Ottoman Studies) by George Gawrych, 2006-12-26
  9. The Albanians: A Modern History by Miranda Vickers, 2001-06-01
  10. NATO in the 21st Century: Albanian and Macedonian Perspectives.: An article from: U.S. Department of Defense Speeches by Gale Reference Team, 2007-02-03
  12. The Albanian Question: Reshaping the Balkans by James Pettifer, Miranda Vickers, 2006-12-26
  13. Albanian Law on City Planning: Critical summary of its major provisions (Albania series) by Harvey Martin Jacobs, 1997
  14. Legal transfer and the legitimation of law: Implications of farm family property provisions in Albanian legislation (Albania series) by Rachel Wheeler, 2000

81. Arms Control Association: Arms Control Today
The albanian government claims to have discovered the chemical agent stockpiles in several locations while canvassing the country for weapons caches hidden
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Arms Control Today December 2004
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Albania to Receive Nunn-Lugar Assistance
Michael Nguyen With a key U.S. lawmaker calling for more such projects, Albania has become the first country outside the former Soviet Union slated to receive assistance from the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) program. The United States will help the southeastern European state destroy its small stockpile of chemical weapons.
According to Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), the United States will provide Albania with about $20 million over two years to eliminate 16 tons of chemical agents. So far, U.S. funds from a different program have helped the Albanian government install a security fence and cameras around a storage barn containing the chemical agent.
The assistance is possible after President George W. Bush signed the Nunn-Lugar Expansion Act last December. The law, authored more than a decade ago by Lugar and former Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) was initially designed to safeguard and destroy Cold War stockpiles of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and related delivery systems. It allows the president to use up to $50 million in CTR funds for nonproliferation activities outside of the former Soviet Union.
Lugar introduced legislation Nov. 16 that would further broaden the use of such funds. The legislation would eliminate the $50 million cap on programs outside of the former Soviet Union and transfer the authority for approving funds in this manner from the president to the secretary of defense.

82. Welcome To :: An Albanian Immigrant And Cultural Resource
The albanian government had realized the value of having the Vatra band tour For example, I would visit the different albanian government ministers with

83. Helsingin Sanomat - International Edition - Foreign
However, the albanian government and parties have been taken a critical view of According to Respublika, the albanian government felt that Lipponen had
Verkkoliite Nyt Oikotie Advertising Information ... Sanoma Corporation International Edition HELSINGIN SANOMAT
You arrived here at 15:15 Helsinki time Sunday 18.9.2005




Albanian leaders angry at Finnish OSCE diplomat

Newspaper report: Tirana government demands departure of Osmo Lipponen
Osmo Lipponen print this The head of the Albanian mission of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Ambassador Osmo Lipponen , has come under sharp attack by the Albanian government and party leaders in the country. The mass-circulation newspaper Respublika writes that the government of Prime Minister Fatos Nano wants the Finnish diplomat to leave the country. Neritan Ceka , the leader of the small Democratic Union party, has said that he plans a special "Lipponen go home" demonstration in September. Osmo Lipponen himself is taking a calm view of the situation. He says that he has operated completely within the OSCE agenda. In any case, he is scheduled to leave Tirana in October to go to the United States, where he will take up the post of Finnish Consul General in New York. Lipponen recently delivered a very critical report of the situation in Albania to the OSCE in Washington. According to

84. Dollars And Sense: The Magazine Of Economic Justice
After 1992, the albanian government, Western governments and international Despite aggressive advertising campaigns by the albanian government,
home subscribe current issue search ... search The Albanian House of Cards by Fred Abrahams In early 1993 a journalist with the Albanian Economic Tribune visited Albania's Finance Ministry to collect figures on the country's macroeconomic development. Confident officials provided him with rosy statistics showing that Albania had reduced inflation, stabilized its currency and promoted growth since the first post-Communist government took power in March 1992. In the Ministry's bathroom, however, he discovered another picture. As was common in Albania, old papers lay in a plastic basket for use next to the toilet. Among them was a draft report that presented a far less optimistic picture of the economy than the official figures he had just been provided. Like any good journalist, he took the documents and ran them in his magazine. Later someone joked that this was the beginning of yellow journalism in Albania. Unfortunately for Albanians, it is not much of a joke. After 1992, the Albanian government, Western governments and international financial institutions presented Albania as the "economic miracle of Eastern Europe," pointing to an 11% growth rate (the highest in the region), low unemployment and a stable currency. But nobody mentioned the first drafts of the economic reports that were ending up in ministry wastebaskets. Industrial production was near zero, almost half the GDP was from foreign aid or the remittances of Albanians working abroad, and the trade deficit was soaring.

85. News Reports
albanian government reacts after The Friends of Albania remarks. albanian government knows quite well which are its weak points.

86. News Reports
Albanian PM Majko calls for improvement of Local Government work He also said that albanian government faced a very heavy test as was arriving of a half

87. Albania (March 1997)
According to ARTICLE 19, members of the albanian government, including the President, have alleged that the media and red terrorists supported by foreign
State of Emergency in Albania Means Clampdown on the Media
(Canadian Committee to Protect Journalists, 4 March 1997) - Faced with escalating anti-government protests growing out of anger at the collapse of high-risk pyramid investment schemes in which Albanians lost millions of dollars, the Albanian government declared a state of emergency on 2 March, quickly putting in place measures to clamp down on the media and impose blanket censorship. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, this crackdown follows weeks of beatings, short-term detentions and harassment of journalists who have been covering the collapse of the pyramid schemes and the mass public protests. Under the emergency measures, both national and foreign media must submit copy for approval prior to publication. ARTICLE 19 today reported that independent newspapers have chosen not to publish rather than submit to prior censorship. CCPJ fears for the safety of journalists amid increasing attacks on the press in recent days: According to ARTICLE 19, members of the Albanian government, including the President, have alleged that the media and "red terrorists supported by foreign intelligence services" are responsible for inciting the violence in Albania. In particular, the government has targeted certain foreign media, including the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Reuters and Voice of America's Albania Service, and has blocked several radio broadcasts.

88. NATO Speech: EAPC MoD Albania - NATO HQ - 8 June 2001
The albanian government is following these developments with great concern. Above all and most importantly, albanian government fully supports the
Updated: 11-Jun-2001 NATO Speeches Meeting of
EAPC Defence Ministers
Brussels 8 June 2001
by H.E. Ismail Lleshi,
Minister of Defence of Albania Secretary General Distinguished Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
This meeting is taking place in a very important moment for the countries of Southeast Europe, because of the recent events in the area and particularly the tensions in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
The Albanian Government is following these developments with great concern. Since the beginning of the crisis we have expressed clearly, transparently and in a constructive way our position, which consists in the following points.
Above all and most importantly, Albanian Government fully supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of FYROM, because we believe this is a principal issue not only for this country, but the region as a whole.
Secondly, Albanian Government has strongly condemned any use of violence and weapons as means to achieve political targets. We think that the use of violence would drive us, not only the involved parties in FYROM, but all Southeast Europe towards insecurity instability.

89. Bates College: Ladd Library Virtual Documents Exhibit: Kosovo
The albanian government then proceeded to alienate itself from the rest of the world. First, the albanian government broke ties with the UN.
A virtual exhibit prepared by Documents Assistant Renee Phelan during the 1999 crisis in Kosovo.
History In 1914, the Austrian Archduke Franz-Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, the event that caused World War I. In 1918, the kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes was formed. Eleven years later its name was changed to Yugoslavia. In 1928, the political struggle between Serbs and Croats, two ethnic groups, turned violent when the political leader of the Croats was shot by a Serb.
During World War II, Marshal Josip Broz Tito of the Communist Party emerged as a leader. On November 29, 1945, the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia was declared. On January 31, 1946, a constitution modeled after that of the USSR was adopted and Tito became the official head of the government.
For a brief period after the war Tito worked with Stalin, but Tito's insistence on Yugoslavian independence got his country expelled from the Cominform in 1948, after which Stalin imposed an economic blockade. This began Yugoslavia's so-called "independent road to socialism."
Up until the breakdown of the Yugoslavian union in 1991, the country was divided into six republics, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Also there were two autonomous provinces in Serbia, Vojvodina and Kosovo.

90. EuroREX Partner Of The Week
cofinancing agreement between the SYNERGY Programme and the albanian government. By establishing the Centre, the albanian government has fulfilled part
EuroREX Partner Spotlight Albanian Energy Efficiency Centre
The Albania-EU Energy Efficiency Centre began as an action under the SYNERGY Programme in April 1993 and in November 1995 the Albanian Government adopted it and established it as a Foundation under the Albanian law. The long term aim of the Centre is to become self-financing through providing services in the field of the rational use of energy and its involvement in various programmes and activities. Nevertheless, it will continue to receive direct support until the year 2000 through an annual co-financing agreement between the SYNERGY Programme and the Albanian Government. By establishing the Centre, the Albanian Government has fulfilled part of its commitment under "The Protocol of the Energy Charter Treaty for Energy Efficiency and the Environmental Aspects concerned with it", which Albania signed in 1995. The main aims of the Centre are:
  • to increase the co-operation with other countries to implement the Government Energy Policy in promoting energy conservation and energy management in Albania to strengthen the co-operation between the other Albania institutions which work in the energy field.

91. ECOCLUB, International Ecotourism Monthly, Issue 52, September 2003
How do Albanian officials at a regional and central government level view the The albanian government regard tourism as the best and quickest way to
*Columbia College, USA
The ECOCLUB Interview
Index of Past Interviews Sir Patrick Fairweather
Director, The Butrint Foundation
Sir Patrick is the Director of the Butrint Foundation, which funds archaeology and conservation in the World Heritage Site of Butrint, in south-western Albania, since 1997. A former member of the British Diplomatic Service, his career took him to more remote or less well-known parts of the world such as Laos, Angola, Sao Tome and Albania, as well as Rome (twice), Paris, Brussels (EU) and Athens. What and who are the Butrint Foundation, what was the main reason behind the Foundation's creation and who took the initiative? The Butrint Foundation is a non-profit organisation set up in 1993 by Lord Rothschild and Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover to assist the Albanian authorities with the archaeology and conservation of the World Heritage Site of Butrint. Lord Rothschild, who has a house in Corfu almost opposite Butrint, was struck by the extraordinary beauty of the site when he was first able to visit in the early 1990s after the collapse of the Communist regime.

92. FAO : World Food Summit: Five Years Later
By the support of various donating countries, the albanian government has worked hard to stimulate and back up its agricultural production and food

93. SD: Institutions : Case Studies On The Organization And Management Of Agricultur
The objective of the case studies is to assist the albanian government to provide better services to small farmers and other rural operators,
Posted March 1996
Case studies on the organization and management
of agricultural services to small farmers in Albania:
General conceptual framework
by Luciano Montesi,
Senior Officer, Rural Development Organizations
Rural Institutions and Participation Service (SDAR)
FAO Rural Development Division FAO's Rural Development Analysis and Organization Service (SDAR) and the World Health Organization/European Centre for Environment and Health (WHO/ECEH) have decided to conduct case studies in Albania in the area of improving and strengthening rural services for small farmers and other rural operators and their organizations. The research aims at analysing the present situation, identifying priorities, and formulating conclusions and relevant recommendations that will be presented and discussed in a national workshop in 1996.
Outline of the study
The objective of the case studies is to assist the Albanian Government to provide better services to small farmers and other rural operators, who are both the poorest and the largest population components. The study, therefore, sets out to gather empirical evidence of Albania's experience in organizing and managing its agricultural services, particularly to small farmers, taking into consideration the differing conditions in the country's agricultural areas. An analysis of the outcome of the study and the consequent national workshop will lead to the formulation of policy issues and follow-up activities and programmes which may assist the government in implementing rural development organization in selected areas and in improving the organization and management of its delivery system of agricultural services, with the contribution of interested members of the donors community, partners of the Albanian Government.

94. Albanian Economic Development Agency
government agency with responsibility for development of a favorable business climate for foreign and local investment. Includes profile of the country and information on foreign investment, banking and insurance.

95. Department Of Information
Home Page, , Prime Minister, , government, , Minister of State, , Integration This is the official website of the albanian Council of Ministers.
Home Page Prime Minister Government Deputy Premier Integration Central Institutions Shqip English Main Curriculum ... Central Election Commission Prime Minister
Prof.Dr.Sali Berisha
Prime Minister Program of Government Public Relations Photo of the day The Information and Public Relations Department Main news Press Offices ... Government’s Bulletin Public Administration Department of Public Administration Law on Civil Service Status Vacancy Announcement ... Erdogan: Support to Albania for NATO membership and the Stabilization Association Agreement
Turkey will support strongly Albania politically and with the technical assistance for the NATO membership and also in fulfilling the EU conditions for the Stabilization Association Agreement. The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed this in a meeting that was held yesterday afternoon with the Prime Minister Sali Berisha during the participation in the UN Summit of the Development
The Prime Ministers Berisha and Karamanlis exchange the invitations for official visits and show their will for a successful cooperation
On Thursday at 12.00 (New York local time) the Prime Minister Berisha met the Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis while participating in the UN Summit of the Development Objectives of the Millennium. During a meeting held in a very friendly atmosphere, both homologues talked about the consolidation of the current collaboration and its extension in other fields. Mr. Berisha and Mr. Karamanlis s

96. Albania, The Land Of Eagles - Albanian Pilot Online
Includes information on albanian history, culture, and government.
Albania, the Land of Eagles.
In 1990 Albania ended 44 years of xenophobic communist rule and established a multiparty democracy. The transition has proven difficult as corrupt governments have tried to deal with severe unemployment, the collapse of a fraudulent nationwide investment scheme, widespread gangsterism, and massive refugee influxes from neighboring Kosovo. Geography Location
Southeastern Europe, bordering the Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea, between Greece and Serbia and Montenegro. The Balcan penisula. Geographic coordinates
41 00 N, 20 00 E Map references Europe, East Europe, South East Europe, Mediterranean Europe, Balcans.
Total - 28,748 sq km Land - 27,398 sq km Water - 1,350 sq km Area (comparative)
Slightly smaller than Maryland, USA. Land boundaries
Total - 720 km
Border countries
Greece 282 km, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 151 km, Serbia and Montenegro 287 km (114 km with Serbia, 173 km with Montenegro) Coastline
362 km Maritime claims Continental shelf - 200m depth or to the depth of exploitation territorial sea - 12 nm Climate Mild temperate. Cool, cloudy, wet winters. Hot, clear, dry summers. Interior is cooler and wetter.

97. NAAC Calls For Greater Transparency And Accountability From Albanian Government
The government would far better serve the albanian people by a addressing The government should try to gain the support of the albanian people with such
National Albanian American Council
NAAC Calls for Greater Transparency and Accountability from Albanian Government
Washington, DC, March 8, 2004: The National Albanian American Council (NAAC) issued the following statement regarding its recent visit to Albania and the attempt of that country's Prime Minister to portray NAAC has a supporter of his government. An Albanian version of the statement is available at the end of this text.
The acute problem of corruption, the Millennium Challenge Account, stagnation of progress on the Stabilization and Association negotiations, Albtelecom and a dysfunctional judiciary were amongst the topics discussed with the Prime Minister during a recent visit to Albania by the National Albanian American Council (NAAC). Unfortunately rather than releasing a statement reflecting this reality, the Ministry of Information through which the Prime Minister communicates with the public, released a statement effectively claiming NAAC as a supporter. The statement was a clear attempt at manipulating public opinion and is certainly not reflective of NAAC's position.
The Government would far better serve the Albanian people by a addressing their concerns over crime, corruption and issues affecting their quality of life rather than expending energy seeking to affect public opinion through the clever slanting of information coming out of meetings such as ours.

98. Albanian Uprising
Following growing antigovernment protests and strikes, the albanian people have risen up, and the government is on the verge of complete collapse.
Revolution in Albania?
Following growing anti-government protests and strikes, the Albanian people have risen up, and the government is on the verge of complete collapse. The prisons have been opened up, military and police armories have been emptied, police and military troops have abandoned their posts, and it is all the government can do to round up members of their secret police to protect a few of their most valued institutions in the capital. As each town falls to the armed populace, Autonomous Municpal Councils are set up and decisions are made democratically. Meanwhile, news reports claim that *all* political parties are pleading for NATO or UN intervention to prop up their government. That's right, *all* parties, from the right-wing to the old stalinists have lost control and fear the armed populace more than foreign troops.
Anarchist Sources
News from Freedom correspondent in the rebel town of Saranda, in Southern Albania!:
  • May 10 - Correspondent arrives in Saranda, gives first impressions of situation
  • April - Correspondent travels to Saranda
Revolution in Albania - at last Everybody Wins - from the British Anarchist Magazine Black Flag (April 2, 1997)

99. CNN - Kosovo Albanians Reject Provisional Government - September 29, 1998

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Kosovo Albanians reject provisional government
International monitors tour region
September 29, 1998
Web posted at: 10:39 a.m. EDT (1439 GMT) BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (CNN) Kosovo Albanians on Tuesday rejected Serbia's new provisional government for the province, along with claims that the rebels had been defeated. Fehmi Agani, chief negotiator for the Democratic League of Kosovo, the leading ethnic Albanian party, said it would not join the provisional government and did not expect other Albanian parties to do so. "There is absolutely no possibility of us participating in the work of the provisional executive council because this is an organ of the Serb authorities," he told the Belgrade news agency Beta. "I do not expect any party in Kosovo will agree to take part in the work of that body." The separatist ethnic Albanian majority in Kosovo has boycotted all direct contact with Belgrade while the population of the southern Serbian province is under attack by security forces.

100. CIA - The World Factbook -- Albania
former People s Socialist Republic of Albania. government type. Definition Field Listing emerging democracy. Capital. Definition Field Listing
Select a Country or Location World Afghanistan Akrotiri Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Arctic Ocean Argentina Armenia Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas, The Bahrain Baker Island Bangladesh Barbados Bassas da India Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dhekelia Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gabon Gambia, The

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