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         Albanian Government:     more books (24)
  1. 35 Years Of Socialist Albania by Albanian Government, 1979
  2. Martyrdom today (38 years of torture and imprisonment of Albanian Jesuit Father Mikel Koliqi under the Communist government).: An article from: Catholic Insight
  3. Albanian Identities: Myth and History
  4. Reforms in Albanian Agriculture: Assessing a Sector in Transition (Sector Studies Series) by Severin Kodderitzsch, 1999-03
  5. Albanian Stalinism by Arshi Pipa, 1990-10-15
  6. Albanian Journal of Politics 2005
  7. Albanian Journal of Politics: 2006
  8. The Crescent and the Eagle: Ottoman Rule, Islam and the Albanians, 1874-1913 (Library of Ottoman Studies) by George Gawrych, 2006-12-26
  9. The Albanians: A Modern History by Miranda Vickers, 2001-06-01
  10. NATO in the 21st Century: Albanian and Macedonian Perspectives.: An article from: U.S. Department of Defense Speeches by Gale Reference Team, 2007-02-03
  12. The Albanian Question: Reshaping the Balkans by James Pettifer, Miranda Vickers, 2006-12-26
  13. Albanian Law on City Planning: Critical summary of its major provisions (Albania series) by Harvey Martin Jacobs, 1997
  14. Legal transfer and the legitimation of law: Implications of farm family property provisions in Albanian legislation (Albania series) by Rachel Wheeler, 2000

41. Insurance
US $ 10 million to the albanian government under its Private Sector Recovery acts of the albanian government which prevent an Albanian entity or a

42. Home Page
The Albanian Economic Development Agency (AEDA) was created with the initiative of the albanian government in August 1998.

43. The Terrorism Research Center ::
The albanian government of Fatos Nano keeps a moderate stance with Kosovar and Cam On the other hand the albanian government and President Moisiu has

44. Albanian Elections Reflect Will Of The People. Future Government Must Improve Hu
At the same time, we expect the future albanian government to substantially improve We encourage the albanian government to recognize and respect the
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 97 19:26:39 CDT
Subject: IHF Report on Albanian Elections
Albanian elections reflect will of the people; Future government must improve human rights record
International Helsinki Federation: Greek Helsinki Monitor press release
1 July 1997
Tirana 1 July 1997. Four major human rights groups stated today that the parliamentary elections of 29 June 1997 in Albania were conducted in a general free and fair manner and called upon the future government to substantially improve Albanian's human rights record and re-establish the rule of law. The Vienna-based International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) and three of its affiliates, the Albania Helsinki Committee in Tirana, Human Rights Watch/Helsinki in New York and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee in Oslo monitored the elections in a number of major cities and smaller town including Tirana, Durres, Lushnje, Kavaje, Kruja, Bathore and surrounding areas. Based on our observations and consultations with OSCE election monitors, local NGOs and journalists , we conclude that the elections reflect the political will of the Albanian electorate. Some irregularities were observed, such as incidents of intimidation, incomplete voting lists and a few reported acts of violence including one tragic death. These incidents should be investigated by Electoral Commissions and the police and those found to be responsible should be held accountable. But we believe that these irregularities were not sufficient to question the validity of the vote as a whole.

45. Keesing's Worldwide Online - Hot Topics: Macedonia
In Albaniawhere the government issued calls during March for a Despite the Yugoslav allegations of albanian government involvement in the disorders and
Home About Us Print Products Electronic Products ... Trial Overview Hot Topics: Macedonia March 1998 In Kosovo, Albanians, most of whom were Muslims, constituted around 90 percent of the 2 million-strong population. However, although Serbs amounted for only a small percentage of the population, the province was considered to be the historic Serb homeland. The current Yugoslav (and former Serbian) President, Slobodan Milosevic, had risen to prominence in 1987 on a promise to protect Kosovo's Serbian minority. The crackdown appeared to enjoy the support of most Serbs, including the Serbian opposition, which opposed Kosovo's separation from Serbia. September 1991 In a referendum held on Sept. 8 in Macedonia 75 per cent of the registered electorate of 1,400,000 went to the polls; they were boycotted by many of the Albanians who made up 25 per cent of the republic's population. Results showed that 95 per cent had voted in favour of a "sovereign and independent Macedonia with a right to enter a union of sovereign states of Yugoslavia". No immediate secession was envisaged, although this option was endorsed by the hardline nationalist Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization-Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity, the biggest party in the Macedonian parliament. On Sept. 19 the Prime Ministers of Bulgaria (which regarded Macedonians as Bulgars) and Greece held talks in Athens with Milosevic on the future of Macedonia.

46. U.S. Department Of State: Background Notes: Albania, March 1999
The US maintained no contact with the albanian government between 1946 and 1990. Following the albanian government s lifting in March 1991 of
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U.S. Department of State
Background Notes: Albania, March 1999
Released by the Bureau of European Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Official Name: Republic of Albania
Area : 28,750 square km, slightly larger than Maryland.
Cities : CapitalTirana (est. pop 312,220). Other citiesDurres (100,405), Elbasan (87,711), Shkoder (82,097), Vlore (71,089). Terrain : Mostly mountains and hills; small plains along coast. Climate : Mild temperate; cool, cloudy, wet winters; hot, clear, dry summers; interior colder.
Nationality : Albanian(s). Population (1995 est.) Population growth rate (1995 est.) Ethnic groups : Albanian 95%; Greek 3-4%; other 1-2%. Religions : Muslim 70%; Orthodox 20%; Catholic 10%. Languages : Albanian (Tosk is the official dialect), Greek. Education : Years compulsory 9. Attendance 96.6% in urban areas, 41.1% in rural areas. Literacy 72%. Health : Infant mortality rate 30/1000. Life expectancy males 70 yrs., females 76 yrs.

47. Online NewsHour: Understanding Albania -- April 13, 1999
The previous albanian government and the current albanian government have been The albanian government has already called for massive response by NATO.
April 13, 1999
Could the Balkan war expand to Albania? Serbian troops invaded Albania for a short time today. After a report from ITN , Margaret Warner gives some historical background and talks with Albanian experts about the impoverished country.
Strikes in Yugoslavia Coverage
April 13, 1999
British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook provides and update on the miltiary campaign in Yugoslavia April 12, 1999
Four senators react
to the strikes in Yugoslavia. April 1, 1997
Albania is wracked with civil unrest March 14, 1997
Albania in anarchy March 10, 1997
Albania's economy is destroyed by pyramid schemes. Complete NewsHour coverage Europe Office of the President of Albania NATO Operation Allied Force (U.S. Defense Department) MARGARET WARNER: Now, three views on today's events in Albania, and their implications. Retired Major General Edward Atkeson had a 33-year career in the army, much of it in intelligence work. He's now senior fellow at the Association of the US Army, a private advocacy group on behalf of the Army. Janusz Bugajski is director of East European Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies here in Washington; he is the author of "Nations in Turmoil: Conflict and Cooperation in Eastern Europe." And Charles Kupchan was director for European Affairs at the National Security Council from 1993 to '94. He is now a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and associate professor at Georgetown University.

48. Troubled Territory-- June 5, 1998
That s our least bad option, because not only the albanian government and Albanian population, but also an independent Macedonia really will have a hard
June 5, 1998
Fighting continued today in Kosovo as ethnic Albanian leaders called off talks with the Serbian government. An offensive by Serb security forces against Albanian separatists has displaced about 10,000 people. Many of them have headed for Albania. Another 50 Kosovo Albanians have been killed and about 200 are missing since the Serb offensive began a week ago. The NewsHour has the report.
CHARLES KRAUSE: The latest round of fighting in Kosovo began last week, when Serbian security forces began clearing tens of thousands of ethnic Albanians from their homes and villages inside Kosovo along the Albanian border. According to western observers, the Serb offensive is aimed at depopulating the Decani region south and west of Kosovo's capital city Pristina. There, the Serbs reportedly hoped to create a depopulated no-man's-land along the border to try to stop the flow of weapons and other support from Albania to separatist guerrillas inside Kosovo. The guerrillas, who call themselves the Kosovo Liberation Army, have used the border area as a stronghold for their fight against Serbia for Kosovo's independence. Long resentful of Serb domination, an estimated 90 percent of Kosovo's 2 million people are ethnically Albanian. Yet, Kosovo remains a province of Serbia. The fighting has intensified since March, when the separatist guerrillas began to openly challenge Serb military forces stationed in Kosovo. UN and other western observers estimate that even before the latest defensive, fighting in Kosovo had left more than 250 dead and thousands more wounded and homeless. Since last week, the situation has worsened. There are reports of at least 50 more ethnic Albanians killed and hundreds more missing.

49. Albanian Information -
albanian government moves to Tirana, which becomes the capital. Communists meet to organize an albanian government; Hoxha becomes chairman of executive
  • Albania Kosova Macedonia ...

    1225 B.C. Earliest known Illyrian king, Hyllus, dies. Fourth Century B.C. King Bardhylus unites Illyria, Molossia (Epirus) and part of Macedonia. The Illyrian kingdom reaches its peak. 358 B.C. Illyrians are defeated by Philip II of Macedonia. 312 B.C. 232 B.C. King Agron dies, the Illyrian throne is occupied by Queen Teuta. 165 B.C. Romans capture King Gent of Illyria and send him to Rome. Illyria is now under Roman control. First Century A.D. Christianity comes to Illyrian populated areas. 9 A.D.

50. - Albania Aims To Reform Agricultural Loan System
To help finance such projects, the albanian government is planning to transform the The albanian government continues to place a priority on drafting

The albanian government reportedly asked the German government to take the shipment back The albanian government seems willing to improve the economy by
Industrial Waste in Albania
Sarand, Albania

52. Government Response: Albania: Visit 22/10/2001 - 26/10/2001
The albanian government has requested the publication of the CPT s report on its The response of the albanian government is set out in this document.
What's New ? About the CPT Members States ... Database CPT/Inf (2003) 12 [PDF Format] Response of the Albanian Government to the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) on its visit to Albania from 22 to 26 October 2001 The Albanian Government has requested the publication of the CPT's report on its visit to Albania in October 2001 (see CPT/Inf (2003) 11 ) and of its response.  The response of the Albanian Government is set out in this document. Strasbourg, 22 January 2003 Republic of Albania Ministry of Foreign Affairs the legal representative office  at international human rights organisations s ubject:        The Albanian a uthority’s r esponses relating to the problems presented in the Report of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture and other Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, for Albania. t he Committee for the Prevention of Torture and other Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (CPT) Council of Europe        -        Strasbourg The final report on Albania prepared from the Committee for the Prevention of Torture and other Inhuman or degrading Treatments, after its visit in Tirana during 22-26 October 2001, has been revised carefully from the Albanian a uthorities, responsible for the institutions where the observations have been made. Following, we present the responses of

53. Converted WP File St93
The albanian government has established a legal framework providing for private Now the albanian government has reduced its role in almost all fields of
World Trade WT/MIN(96)/ST/93 12 December 1996 Organization
Original: English MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE Singapore, 9-13 December 1996 ALBANIA Statement by H.E. Mrs. Suzana Panariti Minister of Industry, Transport and Trade It is a pleasure for me to be here today and to present to you the greetings on behalf of the Government of Albania. This Conference is a very important meeting which will assist of course, the development of the multilateral trading system. Respectful of the role of the WTO in the process of globalization of the world economy and international trade, I wish to emphasize the importance that Albania's Government gives the accession of our country in the WTO, considering this membership one of the priorities of its foreign economic policy. We appreciate better now the WTO, and its objectives and functions. I would like to mention some issues concerning: - The evolution and current status of Albania's programme to establish a market economy; - the role of international trade policy in Albania's economic reform programme; - Albania's prospective membership in the World Trade Organization; how our Government sees membership supporting its economic policy objectives, and how it would expect to fulfil the requirements of membership, recognizing that this membership involves obligations as well as rights.

54. OSCE Praises Albanian Government's Decision To Publish Final Voter List On Inter
Albanian President Demands Authorities Address Rising Crime Rate. 04/08/2005. Macedonian Government Okays Opening of New Border Crossing With Albania
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OSCE Praises Albanian Government's Decision to Publish Final Voter List on Internet
TIRANA, Albania The OSCE Presence in Albania on Monday (27 June) praised the government's decision to publish the final list of voters for the 3 July parliamentary elections on the Internet. The OSCE said the move would enable everyone to verify their information ahead of the election, check assigned polling stations, and enhance the overall transparency of the election process. Also Monday, Prime Minister Fatos Nano met with the head of the ODIHR election observation mission in Tirana, Jorgen Grunnet, to discuss preparations for the vote. Nano reiterated the government's commitment to holding it in line with international standards. (Albanian News - 28/06/05; OSCE Web site - 27/06/05)
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55. Agro Web Albania
By this, albanian government reconfirm again the importance of agriculture sector on the overall weight of Albanian economy;
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AgroWeb Albania, a part of the AgroWeb Central and Eastern Europe Network is created in aim to collect and provide information on agricultural institutions and other important agriculture related subjects to help users to find information and contacts in Central and Eastern European countries and former USSR. A Workshop "AgroWeb ALBANIA: Agriculture and Forestry Related Information in Internet" was held in Tirana during the period 5-9 November 2001. The Workshop is being organized by Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Directorate General of Forestry and Pastures with the Intermediation of FAO Sub-Regional Office for Europe (SEUR). The financial support was provided through FAO-Czech Trust Fund while FAO Project GCP/ALB/004/ITA "Technical Assistance to the Forestry Project" provided organizational and logistic support. A seminar on "Rural Development in Albania: Achievements and Perspective"

56. People's Daily Online -- Albanian Government Provides 500,000 US Dollar For Tsun
A website by the People s Daily newspaper; China, business, world, science, education, sports news.
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Search About China China at a glance Chinese history Constitution Chinese leadership ... World UPDATED: 08:16, January 06, 2005 Albanian government provides 500,000 US dollar for tsunami-hit nations The Albania n Council of Ministers decided Wednesday to provide 500,000 US dollars in aid of the nations affected by the tsunami of India n Ocean, the ATA news agency reported. According to the report, under the proposal of Albanian Premier Fatos Nano, the Council of Ministers decided to provide through the Albanian Red Cross 500,000 US dollar, from the reserved fund, as a contribution to the victims of the catastrophe on Dec. 26, 2004. On Wednesday, announced by the government as national mourning day for the victims in the tsunami, the national flag in all public institutions of the country was flown at half-mast and every activity was interrupted at 12:00 of local time (1100 GMT) to observe three minutes of silence. The Albanian Red Cross had announced special accounts and had set contribution boxes in the streets throughout the country to collect donations of Albanian people to the victims.

57. Minister Kastriot Islami
One of the main challenges to the albanian government and society is the internal The albanian government is of the opinion that access by the Western

58. Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Of Albania
I would like to emphasize that the albanian government fully supports an active The albanian government supports the sovereignty, unity and territorial

59. Albania - Dependence On China, 1961-78
Albania s Third FiveYear Plan (1961-65) amounted to outright defiance of In 1962 the albanian government introduced an austerity program to keep the
Dependence on China, 1961-78
Albania Table of Contents In 1962 the Albanian government introduced an austerity program to keep the country's sputtering economy from stalling entirely. Official public appeals to cut costs and conserve resources and equipment netted a claimed 6 percent savings. The government also initiated a campaign of "popular consultation," asking individuals to submit suggestions for improving self-sufficiency. Years of state terror and still-rigid central control, however, had undermined the Albanians' willingness to assume personal responsibility. Party hard-liners, fearing they would lose their positions to a younger generation of more technically sophisticated managers, sabotaged cost-cutting measures. The government launched a program to increase the amount and quality of arable land by terracing hillsides and draining swamps. A new phase of collectivization was initiated. However, agricultural output grew only 22 percent over the entire five years instead of the planned 72 percent. Overall industrial production grew a mere 14 percent in 1964 and 1965. In emulation of China's Cultural Revolution, which was designed to rekindle the revolutionary fervor of the masses, Hoxha prescribed a regular rotation of managers to prevent "bureaucratic stagnation," "bureaucratism," "intellectualism," "technocratism," and a whole neologistic lexicon of other "negative tendencies." The campaign, called the Cultural and Ideological Revolution, also prescribed the replacement of men with women in the party and state administrations.

60. CIA WORLD FACTBOOK 1995 Via The Libraries Of The University Of Missouri-St. Loui
note IMF, working with albanian government figures, estimates the population at 3120000 in 1993 and that the population has fallen since 1990 Age
From: The CIA's THE WORLD FACTBOOK 1995 University of Missouri-St. Louis

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