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41. Alaska Refinance - Refinance Companies In Alaska alaska Mortgage Solutions Basic programs Federal housing Administration (FHA), Includes Double Zero down, Veterans Administration (VA), Includes Triple http://www.sitesandsounds.com/refinance/alaska-refinance/ | |
42. Financing For Projects: Directory Of Web Resources For Financing Projects, Housi alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority provides forms and program and eligibility Provides information about housing finance programs from the housing http://www.constructionweblinks.com/Industry_Topics/Financing_for_Projects/finan | |
43. Alaska Real Estate Update - Sponsored By Residential Mortgage LLC AHFC Energy programs Senior housing programs AHFC Loan programs Public housing State of alaska Employment alaska State Chamber of Commerce http://www.homesforalaska.com/ | |
44. State Benefits The alaska housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) administers the Veterans AHFC.state.ak.us (Go to Loan programs, then select Veterans Mortgage Program) http://www.ak-prepared.com/vetaffairs/state_benefits.htm | |
45. State Of Alaska Public Notice State of alaska Online Public Notices, Public Notices alaska housing Finance alaska; D. Changes to Mortgage programs and Authorization to hold public http://notes5.state.ak.us/pn/pubnotic.nsf/0/1c79cc20f0fb2e518925704a0061e6e1?Ope |
46. Indianz.Com > News > GAO Report Addresses Alaska Native Housing Funds Ted Stevens (Ralaska) about Native housing funds. Based on a review of 13 federal programs, the GAO said that non-profits and tribes built a total of http://indianz.com/News/2005/009726.asp | |
47. American Indians & Home Ownership, 1995 There exists a large amount of money for housing programs when compared to other states. on American Indian, alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian housing. http://www.airpi.org/research/hsgsect5.html | |
48. Alaska Independent Living & Senior Independent Living - RetirementHomes.com Cook Inlet housing Complex 9131 Centennial Dr Anchorage, alaska, USA Phone The AuthorityÂs housing programs are designed to empower clients and to http://www.retirementhomes.com/homes/Independent_Living/USA/Alaska/ | |
49. REGISTER USER ACCOUNT The city has no affordable housing programs, leaving nonprofits to direct programs. United Way of Southeast alaska has identified lack of affordable housing http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/071205/loc_20050712002.shtml | |
50. The Body: HIV/AIDS In ALASKA In alaska, the cumulative number of reported AIDS cases from the beginning HOPWA provides for HIVspecific housing programs, 90% through formula grants, http://www.thebody.com/aac/statefact/alaska.html | |
51. NYS DHCR - Press Release Are our federal, state and local housing programs doing everything they should Executive Director, alaska housing Finance Corporation; Jeffrey Burum, http://www.dhcr.state.ny.us/general/press/press05.htm | |
52. The Seattle Times: Tribal Housing there are trying to do so much, said Johnson, a housing director in Juneau, alaska. In cases where individuals take advantage of housing programs, http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/news/local/tribalhousing/response/auditors.html | |
53. Mortgages And Loan Rates- Interest.com. Compare Current Interest Rates For Mortg alaska housing Finance Corporation PO Box 101020 Each housing finance agency will establish financing incentive programs based on specified borrower http://mortgages.interest.com/content/govloan/hfa.asp?sa=alaska |
54. Sr Main MultiFamily Loan Purchase Program Senior housing Loan Program alaska housing Finance Corporation (AHFC). 4300 Boniface Parkway http://www.ahfc.state.ak.us/Department_Files/Mortgage/Senior-Housing/seniorhsgma | |
55. Multifamily Housing Program Contacts HUD Region X (Washington, Oregon, Idaho and alaska) Multifamily housing program contacts. Multifamily Demonstration Program (M2MKT), alaska, Idaho, http://www.hud.gov/local/shared/working/localpo/xmfhsgcontacts.cfm?state=wa |
56. MURKOWSKI ANNOUNCES PUBLIC HOUSING GRANTS FOR ALASKA Lisa Murkowski, saying that all alaskans deserve decent housing, The Rural alaska Community Program based in Anchorage has gained a grant from the Rural http://murkowski.senate.gov/pressapp/record.cfm?id=225274 |
57. Alaska Statutes: AS 18.56.010. Findings And Purpose. Participation by the alaska housing Finance Corporation in the program of purchasing and insuring state veterans loans as provided in this chapter will be http://touchngo.com/lglcntr/akstats/Statutes/Title18/Chapter56/Section010.htm | |
58. CCHRC Research The CCHRC was funded by alaska housing Finance Corporation to undertake a CCHRC funding initialized this research program in rainwater catchments. http://www.cchrc.org/completed.html | |
59. About CCHRC: Board Of Directors Wendy served many years as President of a nonprofit housing program, was actively Michael Buller is the Deputy Executive Officer of the alaska housing http://www.cchrc.org/directors.html | |
60. 6.2 Public Corporations alaska housing Finance Corporation (AHFC), Using proceeds from its bond sales, AHFC buys home AEA administers the Power Cost Equalization program. http://citizensguide.uaa.alaska.edu/6.STATE_ASSETS/6.2_public_corporations.htm | |
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