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21. DELEGATION ANNOUNCES GRANTS TO STATE OF ALASKA $268333 to the Eastern Aleutian Tribes for consolidated health programs. to the State of alaska in HOME funds to supply decent lowcost housing. http://murkowski.senate.gov/pressapp/record.cfm?id=236903 |
22. Alaska Housing Finance Corporation V. Alaska State Employees In 1992 the alaska legislature consolidated state housing programs under AHFC. In doing so, the legislature transferred housing programs administered by http://touchngo.com/sp/html/sp-4380.htm | |
23. Alaska Home Loan Programs; Refinancing And New Purchase Program information for alaska Home Loans; Refinancing and New Purchase AHFC, alaska housing Finance Corporation A state entity that acts as an http://www.summitmortgagealaska.com/homeloans.htm | |
24. Rural Housing housing programs are administered through the Rural Development alaska State Office, located in Palmer. housing program services are also provided through http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/ak/rural.housing.htm | |
25. Juneau Alaska Yellow Pages. HOUSING PROGRAMS, LOW INCOME Listings housing programs, LOW INCOME Yellow Page information for Juneau alaska. http://www.hellojuneau.com/YP/c_HOUSINGPROGRAMSLOWINCOME.Cfm | |
26. Juneau Alaska Yellow Pages. ADMINISTRATION OF HOUSING PROGRAMS Listings ADMINISTRATION OF housing programs Yellow Page information for Juneau alaska. http://www.hellojuneau.com/YP/c_ADMINISTRATIONOFHOUSINGPR.Cfm | |
27. Alaska Division Of Public Assistance -Heating Assistance Program Home of the alaska Division of Public Assistance website. However, if you participate in a subsidized rental housing program that pays all of your home http://www.hss.state.ak.us/dpa/programs/hap/ | |
28. Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center Homelessness in alaska (from the alaska housing Finance CorporationÂs 31938 households were sheltered in the 161 shelter programs located in 39 http://www.ipjc.org/programs/housing.htm | |
29. Energy Efficiency And Housing Affordability - The Alaska Experience Delegates can learn more about the alaska programs during Anchorage Winter Cities 94. Typifying their partnership, the alaska housing Finance Corporation, http://www.north-rthn.org/newsletters/Frostline/94/12eng.html | |
30. RCAC - Alaska Authored and produced the alaska Affordable housing Development . Facilitated sessions for state and federal programs on designing an interagency http://www.rcac.org/corpinfo/annualreport/states/alaska.html | |
31. RCAC - Housing In the Mutual SelfHelp housing program, a group of families and individuals housing Program grantees in 11 Western states (USDAÂs Region IV) alaska, http://www.rcac.org/programs/serv-housing.html | |
32. GAO: Abstract Stateadministered programs Surveys BIA Tribal Self-Governance Program Federal Assistance Award Data System HUD Indian housing Block Grant Program alaska http://www.gao.gov/docsearch/abstract.php?rptno=GAO-05-719 |
33. Seattle University School Of Law - Study Law In Alaska - Housing & Meal Plan programs CLEs. Jump to other pages in the programs section. Study Law in alaska. June 6 Â July 28 Summer 2005. housing Meal Plan http://www.law.seattleu.edu/alaskasummer/housing | |
34. Biggest General Fund Spending Programs (Operating) Administration, alaska Longevity programs Mgmt, 35828.4, 22857.6, 0.0, 12970.8 Revenue, alaska housing Finance Corp, 39487.9, 0.0, 20218.6, 19269.3, 322 http://citizensguide.uaa.alaska.edu/1.BUDGET_PIES/tables/more_tables.htm | |
35. Sec. 1715d. Insurance Of Mortgages On Property In Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, And Virg If the Secretary of housing and Urban Development finds that, because of higher TYPES OF housing FOR INDIAN, ETC., housing programs Section 323 of Pub. http://www.washingtonwatchdog.org/documents/usc/ttl12/ch13/subchII/sec1715d.html | |
36. Alaska Home Loans By Homestate Mortgage Company CONVENTIONAL Traditional loan programs that usually require 5% down and alaska housing FINANCE CORPORATION (AHFC) - Homestate Mortgage is an AHFC http://www.homestatemtg.com/loanprograms.php | |
37. Representative Richard Foster alaska housing Finance Corporation and to its rural housing programs, to the corporation s supplemental housing development grants to regional housing http://www.akrepublicans.org/pastlegs/20thleg/Foster.htm | |
38. Rural Assistance Center :: Information Guides :: Tribal Issues Guide to USDA programs for American Indians and alaska Natives Contains general information about USDAÂs housing programs structure and how they http://www.raconline.org/info_guides/tribal/ | |
39. Welcome To Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority General Program Overview for THRHA. At TlingitHaida Regional housing Authority, Glacier Village located in the Mendenhall Valley of Juneau alaska.. http://www.thrha.org/Programs/ProgMain.asp | |
40. Family Literacy Programs SERRC, in partnership with the alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau School District and the alaska housing Finance Corp., http://www.serrc.org/files/FamilyLit.asp | |
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