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Alaska Education Staff Development: more detail | ||||
81. Professional Development - Public Health Planet - Home Of Continuing Public Heal for Public Health education and Outreach Professional development Opportunities American Indian/alaska Native Health Care Issues, Policies and the http://www.sph.umn.edu/publichealthplanet/events/institute/2005_profdev.html | |
82. ASU Center For Indian Education - Native Educators Research Project To what extent and how should professional development programs for Native education is focusing on a large cohort of American Indian, alaska Native, http://coe.asu.edu/cie/proj2.html | |
83. Early Childhood Education Workforce: Practitioner Registry Systems alaska System for Early education development (alaska SEED) is a system ofprofessional development for alaska s field of Early Care and Learning. http://www.nccic.org/poptopics/practitioner-registry.html | |
84. ENC Online: Curriculum Resources: Alaska Frameworks: Using Standards To Build Ed there are video excerpts from the 1996 Alaskan education Summit, resources onstaff development and technology, five alternative visions of the future http://www.enc.org/resources/records/0,1240,013423,00.shtm | |
85. WOW! Health Education Teacher's Guide-Red Level - Human Kinetics Tammy has worked for the alaska Department of Health as the school health Professional development The authors of the WOW! Health education series are http://www.humankinetics.com/products/showproduct.cfm?isbn=0736057587 |
86. SEIR*TEC - Teacher Education alaska Society for Technology in education (ASTE) Online staff DevelopmentLessons Learned Macintosh Power Point 61 slides/3MB http://www.itrc.ucf.edu/other/seirtec/pres.html | |
87. 07.11.2002 - Teachers Hunt Alaskan Fossils Berkeleyled team of teachers digs for Alaskan dinosaur fossils will begina curriculum development program, along with her education staff, http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2002/07/11_fossil.html | |
88. Alaska SEED: System For Early Education Development alaska SEED System for Early education development Continue to refineprofessional development framework articulating career advancement http://seed.alaska.edu/mission.html | |
89. The Math Learning Center We are a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to making math education Money from this program can be used to fund professional development http://www.mlc.pdx.edu/PD_PF.html | |
90. EED - Forms & Grants spacer, Forms and Grants State of alaska Department of education EarlyDevelopment Forms Grants. In an effort to facilitate data transfer, http://www.eed.state.ak.us/forms/ | |
91. Comprehensive Planning: Guidance For Educators Of American Indian And Alaska Nat Educators and parents of American Indian and alaska Native (AI/AN) students, Is there a professional development plan for your school and did Indian http://www.ericdigests.org/1997-2/alaska.htm | |
92. Higher Education - The Critical Thinking Community Home Professional development Higher education Faculty in a longtermstaff development program learn how to design content-driven instruction; http://www.criticalthinking.org/professionalDev/higherEducation.shtml | |
93. US Geological Survey Activities Related To American Indians And A Leadership Council of SGU and USGS staff has been established to guide and Educational Outreach to Navajo Children. The USGS Flagstaff Field Center http://www.usgs.gov/indian/2001report/education.html |
94. About Alaska APA The Chapter holds an annual conference, educational workshops, assists with The Professional development Officer a) promotes professional development http://www.alaskaplanning.org/about_alaska_apa.htm | |
95. Testing Our Children: Alaska Professional development should be substantially expanded to support improvedclassroom Standards were developed by committees of educators and public http://www.fairtest.org/states/ak.htm | |
96. K-12 Practitioners' Circle: Teachers In terms of the format of professional development activities, for educationresearch and policy analysis on American Indian/alaska Native students. http://nces.ed.gov/practitioners/teachers.asp | |
97. WICHE Mental Health Program: Mental Health Professional Workforce Development In Mental Health Professional Workforce development in the WICHE West This workevolved from existing efforts in alaska, which were further focused by a http://www.wiche.edu/MentalHealth/WorkforceDevelopment.asp | |
98. MarcoGram November 2003 -- Exploring American Indian And Alaskan Native Traditio The MarcoGram For educators, principals and teachertrainers. Discover thedifferences among American Indian and Alaskan Native tribes in http://www.marcopolo-education.org/MarcoGrams/Nov2003.html | |
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