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81. Bridges4Kids State Resources And Information: Michigan agencies, organizations, and State Government Contacts for Children AtRisk - click here. Web www.linksprc.org alaska Congress of Parents and Teachers http://www.bridges4kids.org/states/ak.htm | |
82. State Resource Fact Sheets: Alaska Special education Service Agency 2217 E. Tudor Road, Suite 1 Anchorage AK 99507 Email parents@parentsinc.org Phone (800) 4787678 (alaska only) http://www.tr.wou.edu/dblink/people/statefact/showstate.cfm?state=AK&display=Ala |
83. Program | Alaska Statewide Special Education Conference | February 2005 Special education Service Agency (SESA). MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS. alaska Chapter of TASH (AK TASH); alaska Council of Administrators of Special education (AK http://www.assec.org/program.html | |
84. AK INBRE: Links alaska Federal Health Care Access Network (http//www.afhcan.org/) A Place for Teachers alaska Department of education Early Development resources http://www.alaska.edu/brin/links.html | |
85. HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies In ALASKA 08/08/05 HUD Approved Housing Counseling agencies in alaska 08/08/05 Rehabilitation Counseling Homebuyer education Programs Marketing Outreach Initiatives http://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/hcc/states/alaska.txt |
86. NCATE - Institutions - Program Review Process Alabama State Department of education jmeyer@alsde.edu. alaska South Carolina Department of education jharris@scteachers.org. Gail M. Morrison http://www.ncate.org/institutions/listofstatescontacts.asp?ch=90 |
87. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) State education Agency (State Department of education) alaska Top alaska Department of education and Early Development Suite 200 801 West 10th Street http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list.cfm?category_ID=SEA |
88. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) State Higher education Agency. Provide information on the state s education programs, alaska Top alaska Commission on Postsecondary education http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list.cfm?category_ID=SHE |
89. ALASKA DMV - AK DMV Department Of Motor Vehicles Guide - DMV.ORG alaska drivers license, vehicle registration, DMV forms, locations, and recalls. org is not owned, operated, or affiliated with any government agency. http://www.dmv.org/ak-alaska/department-motor-vehicles.php | |
90. Education Higher Education Colleges & Universities, Alaska Statewide, SuperPages education) State Higher education Agency State ak.us/ State Higher education Agency Top alaska Statewide Special education Conference, Anchorage, AK. http://yellowpages.superpages.com/web~C_Education Higher Education Colleges & Un | |
91. Southeast Alaska Avalanche Center Home The Southeast alaska Avalanche Center is an educational nonprofit corporation. We thank our corporate, agency, and organizational members, grantmakers, http://www.avalanche.org/~seaac/ | |
92. No Child Left Behind Services As alaska s only educational service agency, SERRC has the info@serrc.org. SERRC is a nonprofit educational resource center that provides programs to http://www.serrc.org/files/NCLB.asp | |
93. Alaska Resource Guides, National Mental Health Information Center General information resources in alaska. Internet http//namialaska.org. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) http://www.mentalhealth.org/publications/allpubs/stateresourceguides/alaska01.as | |
94. AWRC The alaska Women s Resource Center (AWRC) is a private nonprofit organization AWRC has developed into a multi-program agency empowering women and their http://www.awrconline.org/ | |
95. Alaska Resource Guides, National Mental Health Information Center Each State has a protection and advocacy agency that receives funding Internet http//namialaska.org. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) http://www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/publications/allpubs/stateresourceguides/Alas | |
96. Special Education Service Agency a public agency which provides assistance to Alaskan school districts and early intervention Special education Service Agency 2217 E. Tudor Road 1 http://www.tash.org/tash2005/exhibits/booths/sesa.htm |
97. American Indian Science And Engineering Society - AISES The scholarship is available to American Indian/alaska Native undergraduate Administered for the US Environmental Protection Agency, this scholarship is http://www.aises.org/highered/scholarships/ | |
98. American Association Of School Administrators - State Associations Missouri Department of Elementary Secondary education Montana Office of Public Instruction Texas education Agency Utah State Office of education http://www.aasa.org/state_associations/education_departments.htm |
99. 1998 California Resources Directory of Indigenous education Resources WestEd Region This agency serves the central California area under the jurisdiction of the Sacramento Area http://www.wested.org/lcd/IndigenousEdDir/CA/RSRC_CA_03PV.html | |
100. National PONSI Home Page National PONSI is a notfor-profit educational advisory service that links learning government agencies, professional and voluntary organizations, http://www.nationalponsi.org/ |
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