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41. Education World ® Social Sciences/Geography Center Building a Working Community in the Classroom One Teacher s Experience Explore a wealth of excellent alaska resources on this virtual tour. http://www.education-world.com/soc_sci/geography/index.shtml | |
42. Anchorage: Weather And Much More From Answers.com An·chor·age ( ang k?rij ) A city of southern alaska on Cook Inlet geography. Anchorage. City in south-central alaska; largest city in the state. http://www.answers.com/topic/anchorage-alaska | |
43. Alaska Map: Geographical Information Map of alaska and information about alaska s geography. Anchorage, with a population of about 260000, is alaska s largest city. http://www.alaskascenes.com/alaskamap.html | |
44. Alaska History And Cultural Studies - The Geography Of Alaska - Places And Regio More direct flights from alaska go to Seattle than to any other city outside As the largest community in alaska, Anchorage also acts as a major service http://www.akhistorycourse.org/articles/article.php?artID=122 |
45. CyberSleuthkids: United States - Alaska Juneau City An encyclopedia article about the capital of alaska, Juneau. Information about alaska state geography, topography, and climate. http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Geography/United_States/Alaska/ | |
46. MSN Encarta - Alaska Map of alaska. Article Outline. Introduction; Physical geography; Economic Fairbanks is the major city in this region, while Fort Yukon is the major http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761569148/Alaska.html | |
47. Rudy Brueggemann's Alaska Photo Essay More than any other feature, Anchorage is blessed with amazing geography, front lines at the cityÂs public health clinics, the mean streets for alaskaÂs http://www.rudyfoto.com/alaskahome.html | |
48. Yukon Social Studies Geography Dawson City The Klondike Visitors Association Not only is this a good tourism page The Yukon/alaska Community History Project Here you will find http://www.archaeolink.com/yukon_social_studies_geography.htm | |
49. City Of Nome, Alaska Comprehensive, indepth data for each community in alaska Thousands of articles, latest news, current events, cultures, geography, history, life, http://www.nomealaska.org/library/ | |
50. Inupiaq [Inupiat] - Alaska Native Cultural Profile Barrow alaska, the most northern US city, is located within the NSB Preceding early European impact Inupiaq communities extended from the Norton Sound, http://nnlm.gov/pnr/ethnomed/inupiaq.html | |
51. USIA - Portrait Of The USA, Ch. 2 This chapter examines American geography, history, and customs through the filters Such meetings still function in many New England communities today. http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/facts/factover/ch2.htm | |
52. Alabama Geography Course Of Study Students will locate selected countries, cities, and physical features on maps, Impact on the local or regional community of the gain or loss of certain http://www2.una.edu/geography/statedepted/courseofstudy.html | |
53. The Largest City And Cities In Area In The U.S.A. - Geography The largest city in the US in area, from your About.com Guide. Urban, Retail, and Transportation geography collection of articles. cities Urban http://geography.about.com/library/misc/bllgcity.htm | |
54. Census Geography The primary legal division of every state except alaska and Louisiana. New for Census 2000 are Âcity and borough and Âmunicipality, which serve as http://www.temple.edu/ssdl/census_geography.htm | |
55. Alaska History Toolbox Locating information on alaska s cities and towns can be a daunting task due to alaska Community Information Summaries. EXCELLENT source of information http://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/akhistory/aktools.htm | |
56. Alaska Map, Travel Information, Tourism & Geography alaska USA maps (State map, hotel map road map), travel tourism, tourist information attractions, city guide, geography community web sites for alaska. http://www.find-our-community.net/region/North_America/USA/Other_USA/Alaska_map. | |
57. Friends Of Saguaro National Park - About Us: About Saguaro National Park: Geogra The geography of Saguaro National Park is unique in that the city of Tucson effectively Some of the plant communities within the desert areas of this http://www.friendsofsaguaro.org/geography.html | |
58. Government Of Yukon - Yukon At A Glance - Communities communities Whitehorse Capital city and administrative, Beaver Creek Westernmost community in Canada, Kilometre 1934, alaska Highway. http://www.gov.yk.ca/yukonglance/communities.html | |
59. ProTeacher! Fifty United States Lesson Plans For Elementary School Teachers In G Arctic Animals of alaska Students use geography and research skills to make a ProTeacher Community - Visit our growing community of elementary school http://www.proteacher.com/090102.shtml | |
60. About Alaska Fairbanks and Juneau are alaska s midsize communities. Anchorage is a unique city. Locals say alaska is only half an hour from Anchorage! It s true! http://www.sesa.org/sesa/agency/alaska.html | |
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