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41. Serving People With Special Needs Serving People with special needs. Child leaving the bus Provides for unmetneeds of the disabled; Provides transportation to clinics and rehabilitation http://www.wuw.org/spsn.html | |
42. AlabamaEd: "Special Education" alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program ADAP provides free assistance and special needs Education Network (Canada) Providing resources for parents, http://www.alabamaed.com/specialeducation.htm | |
43. Links For Persons With Disabilites - Mobile Alabama Public Library Topics to find Info on Learning Disabilties and special needs alabama Councilfor Developmental Disabilites thousands of of reviewed links by http://www.mplonline.org/disable.htm | |
44. Born To Explore! The Other Side Of ADD school system meet their obligations to students with special educational needs . My second grade son was in a public school in alabama and did fine, http://www.network54.com/Forum/thread?forumid=99039&messageid=985362436&lp=98541 |
46. Special Needs Info & Views (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out) special needs Info. So what if they are qualified as special Edthey can score as alabama plans to require such alignment for the 200405 school year. http://susanohanian.org/show_special_info.html?id=13 |
47. Special Needs News & Views (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out) special needs News. This is long, long, long. But, for those who want to States and school districts must now include disabled students in state and http://susanohanian.org/show_special_news.html?id=32 |
48. Special Education Advocate & Attorney Directory A-M - Search For A Special Needs I represent parents and disabled individuals in special education and civil special Education Advocate also understanding of Missouri Safe schools Act http://www.education-a-must.com/aalistam.html | |
49. Alabama Association For Persons In Supported Employment: Links: Assistive Techno Center for Applied special Technology (CAST) Opportunities for Center forComputer Assistance to the disabled - Non-profit organization whose mission http://al-apse.org/Links/Assistive_Technology.htm | |
50. AL-APSE: Links: Alabama Disabilities Excellent database of alabama disability resources, online special alabamaResidential Facilities for the disabled Contact information and details. http://al-apse.org/Links/Alabama.htm | |
51. Insight alabama State Department of Education, Child Nutrition Programs. Nutritionmanagement for children with special needs. School Food Service Journal 46, http://www.nfsmi.org/Information/Newsletters/insight1.html | |
52. Boston.com / News / Education / K-12 / Parents Fight For Services For Special-ne Parents fight for services for specialneeds children Who is to say thatone developmentally disabled group is more important than another? http://www.boston.com/news/education/k_12/articles/2005/05/11/parents_fight_for_ | |
53. Therapy/Respite Camps: Kids With Autism And Other Special Needs A page with information about summer camps for kids with special needs. Camp ASSCA (alabama special Camp for Children and AdultsEaster Seals) is a http://wmoore.net/therapy.html | |
54. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, BOARD OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF MOBILE COUNTY, alabama; Paul J. Sousa, and thus must extend special education and related services to disabled children http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=11th&navby=case&no=966358 |
55. Special Needs - Exceptional Needs Workshops Link to special needs Resource Group Ms. Gail Henrich (Coordinator, VirginiaSchool for the Deaf, Blind Multidisabled), Ms. Carol Olney (special http://serch.cofc.edu/special/workshops_enws3.htm | |
56. 2004 - Gannett Community Grants alabama ARKANSAS ARIZONA CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE Scholarshipsfor children with special needs (physical, cognitive, emotional, abuse, http://www.gannettfoundation.org/GRANT LISTS/2004GRANTS-fieldA-D.htm | |
57. JITE Volume 33, Number 2 - Marie F. Kraska All beginning T I teachers in alabama are required to complete four professional Teaching special needs populations and teacher job satisfaction http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JITE/v33n2/kraska.html | |
58. Organizations Serving Persons With Visual Impairments (new address)Arizona State schools for the Deaf and the Blind in Tucson are the Blind The BCAB promotes the special needs and interests of the visually http://www.nyise.org/orgs.htm | |
59. Organizations Serving Persons With Visual Impairments-speech Friendly Version Comprehensive collection of schools, Overbrook School for the Blind, of theBlind The BCAB promotes the special needs and interests of the visually http://www.nyise.org/speech/orgs.htm | |
60. Welcome To FV KASA >>>> News Archives >>>> 11_29_01 - Special Edition Emergency Planning for People with Disabilities and Other special needs, Why are Inclusive schools Good for Families? November 26-30 Why are http://www.fvkasa.org/news_archives_11_29_01.asp | |
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