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21. Agronomy Professors Honored At Annual Meeting KState word graphic media Relations Marketing word graphic K-State Two K-State agronomy professors were honored at the recent Society for Range http://www.mediarelations.ksu.edu/WEB/News/InView/21904agronomy.html | |
22. Society Store - Journals Addl. media are $10.00 each. Add $36.00 for postage outside the US MultiUserLicense - Searchable CD Collection for agronomy Journal (1907-2001) http://www.asa-cssa-sssa.org/journals/ | |
23. John Cushman Home Page - Purdue Agronomy agronomy 675/Math 698 Physics of Fluids in Porous media (taught in both Math andagronomy at the 600 level) agronomy 498 Unsaturated Zone Hydrology http://www.agry.purdue.edu/staffbio/jhcbio.htm | |
24. Lee Schweitzer, Department Of Agronomy, Purdue University Purdue University media Distribution, Lafayette, IN. CD AY 1. Schweitzer, LE,et al. Educational Materials Award, American Society of agronomy, 1996 http://www.agry.purdue.edu/staffbio/lesbio.htm | |
25. Agronomy And Soil Science,UNE Teaching Activities involving Electronic media. agronomy and Soil Science isunique in Australian universities as it combines the skills of plant and soil http://www.une.edu.au/agronomy/AgSSnTeaching.html | |
26. ACES Personnel Directory agronomy SOILS Agronomic Crops, Animal Science and Forages media Expert. 2,DILLARD, CHRIS AGRI PROGRAM ASSOC I agronomy SOILS http://www.aces.edu/directory/WizardSearch.tmpl?timekeeping=935&program=1 |
27. Agronomy Links University of Nebraska agronomy; Other University agronomy Departments This section contains links to agricultural publications and media. http://www.nebraskacropconsultants.org/related.htm | |
28. Institute Of Communications Research From agronomy to zoology, from classics to medical sciences, from literature to The media Studies Program offers courses that consider ethnicities in a http://www.comm.uiuc.edu/icr/undergrads/-home-/ | |
29. EJ List By Publisher's Initials, Keio Univ. Media Centers (J) Soil Science Society of America Journal , American Society of agronomy, OPACLink Titles at Hiyoshi Free Access Journals (HighWire) ; 1999 + FREE http://ejopac.lib.keio.ac.jp:8888/ejbypub_e.asp?imprint=American Society of Agro |
30. EJ List By Subjects, Keio Univ. Media Centers (J) Archiv fuer Acker und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde (Archives of agronomy and SoilScience) Euphytica , - Springer Science+Business media BV, OPAC Link http://ejopac.lib.keio.ac.jp:8888/ejbysubject_e.asp?subject=Agriculture&cd1=S&ca |
31. TEMP\ewing1 Former associate editor (software) for agronomy Journal, 19962001. Stochastic pore-scale growth models of DNAPL migration in porous media. http://www.agron.iastate.edu/soilphysics/ewing.html | |
32. Agronomy Forms ITC Key Loan Form  Long Term Usage If you need access using a Marlock keysfor the media Cabinets in the agronomy Classrooms, you will need to request a http://www.agron.iastate.edu/department/internal_information/templates/Forms/Agr | |
33. Know How Media Kit | Biographies | Peter Coaldrake | Pioneer Hi-Bred Internation know how media day industry biographies peter coaldrake. A native of Australia,he earned his bachelor s degree in agronomy and his doctorate degree in http://www.pioneer.com/media/knowhow/biographies/coaldrake.htm | |
34. Know How Media Kit | Biographies | John Soper | Pioneer Hi-Bred International, I know how media day industry biographies john soper. College Park, and hisdoctorate in agronomy/plant breeding from North Dakota State University. http://www.pioneer.com/media/knowhow/biographies/soper.htm | |
35. IATP | Media Center He retired in 2000, and is professor emeritus of agronomy and Agricultural He also served as president of the American Society of agronomy and the Soil http://www.iatp.org/iatp/experts.cfm | |
36. Media Releases The students who graduated this year have obtained professional degrees inarchitecture, telecommunications, dentistry, medicine, agronomy and psychology. http://www.stkittsnevis.net/media/august04-32.html | |
37. Agronomy And Horticulture The undergraduate program in agronomy and horticulture prepares students for avariety of careers in JOUR 210, Writing for the Print media, 3 http://www.nmsu.edu/Academic_Progs/Undergraduate_Catalog_96_97/ch2/agro.html | |
38. Agronomy And Horticulture 19951996 Undergraduate Catalog College of Agriculture and Home Economics -agronomy and Horticulture, NMSU JOUR 210, Writing for the Print media, 3 cr. http://www.nmsu.edu/Academic_Progs/Undergraduate_Catalog_95_96/ch2/agro.html | |
39. Media Guide To Experts - University Of Alberta media Guide to Experts Find an Expert. G Grain Cereal breeding, geneticsand agronomy Crop information system, satellite use in agriculture http://www.expressnews.ualberta.ca/expressnews/mediaexperts/experts.cfm?alph=G&s |
40. Media Guide To Experts - University Of Alberta media Guide to Experts Find an Expert. G Genetics Bacterial gene cloning Cereal breeding, genetics and agronomy Gene cloning, gene regulation, http://www.expressnews.ualberta.ca/expressnews/mediaexperts/experts.cfm?alph=G&s |
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