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Agronomy Index: more detail | |||||||
141. Ohio Agronomy Guide, Corn Production A guide to corn production by the Ohio State University with discussion on climate, corn growth and development, and planting. http://ohioline.osu.edu/b472/corn.html | |
142. Experimental Agriculture Publishes the results of original research on the agronomy of field, plantation and herbage crops grown for food or industrial purposes, and on systems of agricultural production. http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?historylinks=SUBJ& |
143. Department Of Crop And Soil Sciences Penn State University. Information about admissions, curriculum, faculty, research and publications. http://www.agronomy.psu.edu/ |
144. UW Silage Breeding Information on corn silage analysis, breeding, and evaluation of germplasm available to the public and private sectors. http://www.silagebreeding.agronomy.wisc.edu/ | |
145. UConn - Department Of Plant Science Concentration in agronomy which teaches students how to manage and maintain turfgrasses. http://www.canr.uconn.edu/plsci/turfscience.html | |
146. Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Provides information on research, market development, agronomy, and nutrition. http://www.saskpulse.com/ | |
147. UConn - Department Of Plant Science Concentration in agronomy which emphasizes soil chemistry and the transport and availability of nutrients and contaminant in soils. http://www.canr.uconn.edu/plsci/soilscience.html |
148. Pennsylvania State University Forages Alfalfa Covers characteristics, establishment, grazing, and fertility information. http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/casdept/agronomy/forage/docs/species/alfalfa.html |
149. Front Page Seed Co Limited Zimbabwe Current catalogue, with extensive notes on agronomy, pests and diseases. http://www.samara.co.zw/seedco/ |
150. Penn State's Forages Information and links on forage management, notes on related soil and botanic science. http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/casdept/agronomy/forage/forages.html |
151. BeneTerra Index Page: Specialists In The Beneficial Reuse Of Wastewater Specializes in the beneficial reuse of wastewater. BeneTerra team members are experienced in agribusiness, agronomy, engineering, wastewater treatment, and business management. BeneTerra provides unique, comprehensive solutions for the wastewater industry. http://www.beneterra.com | |
152. Brassica Home Page Characteristics and adaptation, establishment, harvest management, fertility, and pests of Brassica crops for forage. http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/casdept/agronomy/forage/docs/species/brassica.html |
153. Jackson Lab :: Grassland Ecology :: Jackson CV Assistant Professor of Grassland Ecology. Department of agronomy. University of WisconsinMadison. http://agronomy.wisc.edu/jackson/people_jackson.htm | |
154. God4science.com A high school chemistry teacher with a Ph. D. in agronomy discusses issues of God, science, evolution, faith and reason. A public discussion forum is provided. http://www.god4science.com | |
155. Agronomy Programs, Department Of Plant Sciences, University Of Tennessee Square bullet Undergraduate majors in agronomy/plant science. Square bulletGraduate programs in agronomy and crop science http://plantsciences.utk.edu/agronomy.htm | |
156. MedBioWorld: Agronomy, Plant, Crop & Soil Science Journals Links to agronomy, Plant, Crop and Soil Science Journals. http://www.medbioworld.com/journals/agronomy.html |
157. International Network For Improvement Of Banana And Plantain INIBAP works to increase productivity of banana and plantain grown on smallholdings for domestic consumption and for local and export markets. The site includes 3 Musa databases, publication list, information on Musa agronomy, botany and uses. http://www.inibap.fr/presentation/inibap_eng.htm |
158. 2005 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings The yearly meetings of American Society of agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Societyof America (CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) bring together http://www.asa-cssa-sssa.org/meetings/acs/ | |
159. STRI - Welcome To STRI STRI is the independent market leader in turfgrass research and agronomy. It is the UK's National Centre for consultancy in Sports Amenity Turf and is recognised as a world centre for research. http://www.stri.co.uk | |
160. Index http://www.tarleton.edu/~aahrm/ |
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