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101. Program Of African American Studies Fall 1999 Course Atlas AAS 100 INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN AMERICAN studies Different from the HarlemRenaissance, how does theater of the 60 s respond to its political moment; http://www.aas.emory.edu/fall2001.html |
102. African American Review: The Harlem And Irish Renaissances: Language, Identity, Review book review from African American Review, a publication in the fieldof Reference As the study stands, the account of the harlem Renaissance, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2838/is_3_34/ai_67413415 | |
103. Souls Of Black Folk - Participants Charles M. Kiker Professor of Sociology and AfroAmerican studies at HarvardUniversity. Sponsored by The Department of African American studies http://www.afam.northwestern.edu/sbf/bios.html | |
104. African American Studies: UCSC Library Research Guide African American studies. This guide provides research help for social, cultural,political, African American studies Programs in the United States http://library.ucsc.edu/ref/instruction/refguides/afam.html | |
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