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81. UNT Libraries: Subject Guides, African-American Studies Subject Guides. African American studies. Line. Subject Guides Menu The HarlemRenaissance An Annotated Reference Guide for Student Research Z5956. http://www.library.unt.edu/subjects/afamer/afamst.htm | |
82. Department Of Africana And Diaspora Studies - College Of Arts And Sciences The Department of African American studies was founded in 1970 as the Center like the Chad School in Newark and St. Thomas Community School in harlem. http://artsci.shu.edu/afam/ | |
83. Phillips Middle School African American Studies African American studies. African American World Nat l Gallery of ArtAfrican American Artists Online Forum harlem Renaissance http://www.chccs.k12.nc.us/phillips/africanamerican.htm | |
84. African American Studies Courses - Hampshire College - Amherst, MA Four African American Poets harlem Renaissance Transnational, Transregional and Introduction to Black studies Literature of the harlem Renaissance http://www.hampshire.edu/cms/index.php?id=2921 |
85. Carleton College Academic Catalog 2005-2006: African/African American Studies The program in African/African American studies provides a crosscultural AFAM 233 A Study of the harlem Renaissance Through Literature, Music and Dance http://webapps.acs.carleton.edu/catalog/catalog.php3?dept=AFAM |
86. Graduate School Of Arts And SciencesAfrican American Studies George and Joyce Wein Chair of African American studies; Professor of History,College of Arts A study of the major writers of the harlem Renaissance. http://www.bu.edu/bulletins/grs/item06.html | |
87. Diversity In Higher Education: Why Corporate America Cares African American studies, Women s studies, American Ethnic studies. With historical articles on the development of art and culture in harlem, http://www.diversityweb.org/Digest/Sp99/journal.html | |
88. Academic Affairs - Undergraduate Studies Course Listing To introduce the student to the field of African American studies. In anunprecedented proliferation of artistic works, harlemÂs black literati http://talon.stockton.edu/eyos/page.cfm?siteID=14&pageID=86&program=AAST |
89. American Studies: Guides To The Collections: African American History And Life: The harlem Renaissance a Selective Guide to Materials in the British Library The rich surge in African American arts and letters that took place in http://www.bl.uk/collections/americas/harlren.html | |
90. PAL:African American Studies: Selected Bibliography Appendix B Minorities and Women studies African American studies Volume Fifty.and Afro-American Writers from the harlem Renaissance to 1940. http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/append/black.html | |
91. University Of Wyoming General Bulletin: African American Studies Course Descript The harlem Renaissance. 3. Examines the florescence of African American Prerequisites 3 hours 3000level courses in African American studies or http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/registrar/bulletin/aast.html | |
92. The Citadel / African American Studies / Courses Required for a minor in African American studies. Race Relations ENGL.African American writers of the Twentieth Century ENGL. The harlem Renaissance http://citadel.edu/africanamerican/courses/index.shtml | |
93. Encyclopedia Of The Harlem Renaissance Program of African American studies, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. back to top Director, Studio Museum in harlem, New York. Singh, Amritjit http://www.routledge-ny.com/ref/harlem/contributors.html | |
94. African American Studies Shot entirelyin harlem USA, the cine poeticexpereince includes a round table writers......AFRICAN AMERICAN studies A Huey P. Newton Story. http://appserv.pace.edu/execute/page.cfm?doc_id=2604 |
95. UC Press Description Search Your search for African American studies found 17 books, sorted by relevance . African American studies ; One of the Children Gay Black Men in harlem http://ark.cdlib.org/?mode=ucpress;bsubject=African American Studies;pageSize=20 |
96. African And African American Studies (AAA S) AAA S 083S (GH;US;IL) FIRSTYEAR SEMINAR IN AFRICAN AND AFRICAN AMERICAN studies ( 3) AAA S 240 (GH;US) (HIST) harlem HISTORY, CULTURE, AND POLITICS, http://www.psu.edu/bulletins/bluebook/courses/aaa_s.htm |
97. About The Program A study of selected African American Literature from the colonial period to A study of literature in the African American tradition during the harlem http://www.tcnj.edu/~afamstud/about.htm | |
98. African American Art Harlem Renaissance African American art, its story told by reknowned art historian Richard Powell see thumbnail to left Aaron Douglas, Study for Aspects of Negro Life The http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/a/african_american_4.html |
99. African American Art Great Depression And World War II Years African American art, its story told by reknowned art historian Richard Powell, see thumbnail to left William H. Johnson, Street Life, harlem, http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/a/african_american_5.html |
100. Faculty African African American studies Duke University In addition to this Harlemresearch, he has conducted three years of fieldwork in Crown Heights, http://www.duke.edu/web/africanameric/faculty.html | |
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