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81. American Studies Links African American studies Links (Also listed under African American studies) The Global Network of Chambers of commerce and Industry http://www.class.uidaho.edu/sobrien/amst_links.htm | |
82. RACEETH The objectives of africanamerican studies are to provide a systematic study ofthe experiences, conditions, and origins of african-american people, http://www.uww.edu/catalog/02-04/degree/courses/610.html | |
83. Course Descriptions - University Catalog - George Mason University African American studies, AFAM. Alternative Education, EDAE. Anthropology, ANTH Interdisciplinary studies, MAIS. International commerce and Policy, ITRN http://www.gmu.edu/catalog/0304/courses/ | |
84. Programs Of Study - University Catalog - George Mason University African American studies Ancient Mediterranean Art and Archaeology International commerce and Policy MA; Law (For information on these degree programs http://www.gmu.edu/catalog/0304/programs/ | |
85. Yale > African American Studies > About The Faculty Lisa M. Collins is a lecturer in African American studies and Anthropology. At Yale since 1977, he has served African American studies as Director of http://www.yale.edu/afamstudies/aboutfaculty.html | |
86. African And African American Studies Director Professor of African and African American studies. Ph.D., Universityof Connecticut Arrived at ASU2004 Office Cowden 224H http://www.asu.edu/clas/aframstu/faculty/Iheduru.htm | |
87. African American Studies Introduction to African American studies (3 sh) F S SS. Prerequisite AfricanAmerican studies 0056 or permission of instructor. http://www.temple.edu/bulletin/ugradbulletin/ucd/ucd_aas.html | |
88. African American Studies - Ferris Course Catalog This African American studies minor is open to any student admitted to FerrisState and AFAM 107, Introduction to African American studies *R C, 3 http://www.ferris.edu/htmls/fsucatlg/coursecatalog/programs.cfm?program_id=389 |
89. Pan-African Studies Teachers Institute In other words, more than 40 percent of the African American population of To address this dilemma, the Department of PanAfrican studies (PAS) and the http://www.louisville.edu/a-s/pas/teachers.html | |
90. Archives Du Commerce Des Esclaves: UNESCO-CI commerce des esclaves - Mise à jour 12-05-2005 1348 Indiana University-Bloomington - Archives of African American Music and http://portal.unesco.org/ci/fr/ev.php-URL_ID=8780&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=-4 | |
91. International Third World Studies Journal And Review: Assensoh, Alex-Assensoh Sl Third World studies Conference Philosophy Religion Home. INTERNATIONAL THIRDWORLD studies JOURNAL AND REVIEW. Volume XV (2004) http://www.unomaha.edu/itwsjr/ThirdXV/AssensohSlaveTraffic.15.htm | |
92. Subject Guides -- Black Studies INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN AFRICAN AMERICAN studies UCLA Center for AfricanAmerican studies, 44 Haines Hall, Los Angeles, (310) 8256060 http://www.csulb.edu/library/subj/black.html | |
93. A Roadmap To African-American And Diversity Resources Purpose Learn about africanamerican and Diversity Resource links that you can from the Association for the Study of African American Life History http://cisit.sfcc.edu/~sdupree/resorlik.htm | |
94. News Release 5/2005: Prominent Names Listed Among Speakers For Convocation Cerem 4 pm A Celebration of Excellence Honoring African American, Asian American, 3 pm - Center for Mexican American studies, College of Liberal Arts, http://www.utexas.edu/opa/news/2005/05/commencement10.html | |
95. The Hindu : Let There Be Commerce Let there be commerce between the diverse classes, conversations and essays Let the political scientist visit the poet within the pages of a study and http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/lr/2002/06/02/stories/2002060200360500.htm | |
96. Bates College Catalog: 2005 Established programs are African American studies, American cultural studies, Recommended background African American studies 140A or African American http://abacus.bates.edu/catalog/?s=current&a=renderDept&d=INDS |
97. History 477-The Old South Selected Web Sites on African American studies Compiled by Kathy Wheeler andCubie Joor. Indians of North AmericaCommerceSouthern States. http://www.southalabama.edu/univlib/sauer/hy477.html | |
98. Study Abroad Egypt Subjects Areas Business, Administration, commerce, Management, African AmericanStudies Program PO Box 497327 Chicago, IL 60649 USA http://www.studyabroad.com/simplehtml/white/Egypt.html | |
99. Biblio: Find Books In African American > Studies Find African American , studies books from the preferred source worldwide forused, rare, and outof-print books. http://www.biblio.com/catalogs/sub/380/Studies.html | |
100. Browsing The Inventory Of Cat's Cradle Books By Catalog: AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIE AFRO AFRICAN AMERICAN BLACK studies LITERATURE LITERARY CRITICISM FICTION PROSE AFRO AFRICAN AMERICAN AMERICANS studies BLACK UNITED STATES AMERICA http://www.biblio.com/browse_books/catalog/20466/309.html | |
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