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61. People's Daily Online -- "War Has Destroyed Our Traditional Culture," Says Afgha afghanistan lost many professionals on traditional culture and heritage during the war, which makes it even more difficult to revive traditional culture, http://english.people.com.cn/200410/17/eng20041017_160450.html | |
62. First Art Exhibition In Post-war Afghanistan - Culture News Homeculture/Life/Edu-culture News The first exhibition since 1992 is held in Kabul, capital of afghanistan. Wood carvings with a history of 200-300 http://www.newsgd.com/culture/culturenews/200501140313.htm |
63. First Art Exhibition In Post-war Afghanistan - Culture Life Homeculture Education-culture Life The first exhibition since 1992 is held in Kabul, capital of afghanistan. http://www.newsgd.com/culture/life/200501060062.htm |
64. Error - LexisNexis(R) Publisher afghanistanculture-Department. Iran News Agency. Tehran, August 08. Iran-Reporter Day. Hamedan, Aug 8, IRNA Director General of culture and Islamic http://www6.lexisnexis.com/publisher/EndUser?Action=UserDisplayFullDocument&orgI |
65. Revolutionary Association Of The Women Of Afghanistan (RAWA) RAWA holds 4day seminar on Promoting the culture of RAWA statement on presidential elections in afghanistan Italiano Español http://www.rawa.org/ | |
66. Afghanistan: Afghan Culture, History And Media afghanistan Afghan culture, History and Media. Afghan culture Afghan History Afghan Media Afghan Travel http://www.travelnotes.org/Asia/afghan_culture.htm | |
67. Culture Without Context: Issue 11, Afghan Cultural Heritage In Norway afghanistanÂs cultural heritage in Norwegian museums? Cultural heritage originating in afghanistan has for several years been removed from the country http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/IARC/cwoc/issue11/afghanscrolls.htm | |
68. Culture And Fundamentalism The ruin of afghanistan s culture is nothing new. The colossal 1700year-old Bamiyan Buddhas were first defaced by the cannons of Mogul soldiers during the http://www.ovationtv.com/artszone/programs/kabul/culture.html | |
69. AREU Official Website The afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) is an independent research AREU also actively promotes a culture of research and learning by http://www.areu.org.af/ | |
70. Windows On Asia As a result, it becomes difficult to discuss afghanistan s culture as many Each of the ethnic groups in afghanistan has different cultural traits based http://www.asia.msu.edu/centralasia/Afghanistan/culture.html | |
71. VOA News Report SLUG 550370 afghanistan / culture Shock, DATE, NOTE NUMBER NUMBER=5-50370. TITLE=afghanistan / culture SHOCK. BYLINE=IRRIS MAKLER http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2001/10/mil-011024-2cc94110. | |
72. Afgha.com - News - Afghanistan All News of afghanistan since 1984. as you might know the Afgha culture Days will soon take place again. This year we would like to do something http://www.afgha.com/ | |
73. Archive: Afghanistan. Contemporary Art From The Islamic World A stocktaking of afghanistan s culture published online by Visiting Arts (Great Britain), including an index of institutions. Issue 11, July 2005 http://www.universes-in-universe.de/islam/eng/archiv/afg/ | |
74. Visiting Arts-british Council-afghanistan Council has provided funds to publish the afghanistan Cultural Profile on this website. Click here for the Visiting Arts afghanistan Cultural Profile http://www.britishcouncil.org/afghanistan-arts-and-culture-visiting-arts.htm | |
75. Arts And Culture-British Council-Afghanistan information about arts and culture. European and other partners to discuss the traffic of artefacts from Iraq, afghanistan and beyond. Read more. http://www.britishcouncil.org/afghanistan-arts-and-culture.htm | |
76. AFGHANISTAN Arts And Culture Links afghanistan Arts and culture Links. afghanistan@culture Gateway to Virtual afghanistan Afghan Music from Afghan Online Afghan Poetry Language http://www.eurasianet.org/resource/afghanistan/links/arts.shtml | |
77. EurasiaNet Culture - Photo Essay: Afghanistan Looks At Itself culture. afghanistan LOOKS AT ITSELF A EurasiaNet Photo Essay by Ivan Sigal 2/15/02 Articles Index. All culture Articles All afghanistan Articles http://www.eurasianet.org/departments/culture/articles/eav021502.shtml | |
78. Books & Culture's Book Of The Week: Remember Afghanistan? - Books & Culture Books culture s thoughtful editorial reaches readers who want to be challenged to think beyond today s headlines, to dig more deeply into issues and ideas http://www.christianitytoday.com/books/features/bookwk/031110.html | |
79. Kabul's Must-see TV Heats Up Culture War In Afghanistan | Csmonitor.com Tolo TV is a lightning rod for Afghan critics who see the station as a threat to the country s Islamic values. http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0510/p01s03-wosc.html | |
80. NPR : Jacki Lyden In Afghanistan A Cultural Reawakening in afghanistan From NPR s Jacki Lyden, April 11, 2002 Reporting on a culture like afghanistanÂs where the past is blurred http://www.npr.org/news/specials/lyden_afghan/ | |
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