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101. Aboriginal Studies - Subject Guide - University Of Tasmania Library The Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal australia. Cent Ref DU 120 .E58 1994 australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies. http://www.utas.edu.au/library/info/subj/aboriginal.html | |
102. New Statesman - John Pilger Pays Tribute To The Aboriginal Community aborigines comprise less than 3 per cent of the Australian population, and 60per cent of the inmates of the country s prisons; once inside, http://www.newstatesman.com/World/200407120005 | |
103. History: Category Website List: Australia's Culture And Recreation Portal Aboriginal australia has one of the largest collections of Aboriginal art, Special accent is on Aboriginal australia, and more specifically on the http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/website/category/ZXJA~History | |
104. Aboriginal Art R994.0049915 ENC The Encyclopedia of Aboriginal australia R994 BUR BurnamBurnamÂs Aboriginal australia. VERTICAL FILES, VIDEOS http://www.adelaidehs.sa.edu.au/ahsintranet/subjects/Arts/aboriginal_artP.html | |
105. Resources To Support The Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Examines the culture and traditions of Aboriginal australia. Click on subjectheadings (eg Aboriginal australia ..an excellent list). Enhance TV http://www.narrabundahc.act.edu.au/students/assparesources.html |
106. The Digital Library Of The Commons Totemism, Regions, and Comanagement in Aboriginal australia. Rose, Deborah Bird.1998. Totemism, Regions, and Co-management in Aboriginal australia. http://dlc.dlib.indiana.edu/archive/00000145/ | |
107. The Redfern Statement - Paul Keating, Australian PM - Redfern, 10 December 1992 How well we know what Aboriginal australians know about australia. Where Aboriginal australians have been included in the life of australia they have http://www.mountainman.com.au/redfern.htm | |
108. Gary Foley's Koori History Page - Speech #1 On 26 January 1988, Aboriginal australia celebrated and gave a great show of I believe that Aboriginal australia politically is in a very healthy http://www.kooriweb.org/foley/essays/speech1.html | |
109. The Native Born Victoria National Gallery of Victoria, undated. Sutton, Peter, ed. DreamingsThe Art of Aboriginal australia. New York George Braziller Publishers, 1988. http://www.asiasociety.org/arts/nativeborn/bibliography.html |
110. Australian Aboriginal Studies - Aboriginal Resources - Academic Info Online resources on Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. http://www.academicinfo.net/ausab.html | |
111. Bibliography For Australian Aboriginal Studies A selected bibliography for understanding Aboriginal Australian issues, bothhistorical and present. http://www.synaptic.bc.ca/ejournal/bib-abn.htm |
112. Aboriginal Studies - Art & Culture Paintings and limited edition prints by Australian Aboriginal artists together Wholesalers and Retailers of Australian Aboriginal Arts and Crafts http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/AborigPages/Art.html | |
113. About Australian Aboriginal Culture - The World's Longest Continuous Culture? Indigenous Australian Culture is ancient and utterly distinctive. This briefintroduction starts with the dreamtime and concludes with current issues facing http://www.didjshop.com/shop1/AbCulturecart.html | |
114. Aboriginal Australia Tours & Travel http://www.aboriginalaustralia.com.au/ | |
115. Discover - Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Resources They provide a diverse range of information on Australian Aboriginal and Torres Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies http://www.nla.gov.au/guides/discoverguides/ATSI.html |
116. Healing Lifestyles And Spas Magazine - FOR MORE THAN 40000 YEARS, THE ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE HAVE carried on a Performed by the therapist (with permission from Aboriginal Australian http://www.healinglifestyles.com/articles/2005/1/aboriginal_text.htm |
117. Aboriginal Art Catalog: Paintings And Information For Gladdy Kemarre Of Australi Australian Aboriginal Art and Paintings Information, seminars, exhibitions,sale, professional advice. http://www.aboriginal-art.de/art_eng/ver_gk_.htm | |
118. Wikipedia:Australian Collaboration Of The Fortnight/Removed - Wikipedia, The Fre Is Australian Aborigine, and certainly just Aborigine, pejorative? I was underthe impression that Aboriginal Australian was the preferred term. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Australian_Collaboration_of_the_Fortnight | |
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