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61. BiblioReview, A Project Of Biblioworks.com weinberger , eliot OUTSIDE STORIES weinberger , Caspar and Peter Schweizer - THE NEXT WAR weinberger , eliot - WORKS ON PAPER http://www.biblioreview.com/author_find.asp?author=W |
62. "Weinberger, Eliot - World Beat: International Poetry Now From New Directions PT Home Books Literature Poetry 20th Century Poetry weinberger, eliot World Beat International Poetry Now from New Directions PTN http://www.frogpicks.com/a/0811216519ptn.html | |
63. Eliot Weinberger Books On RyanBooksNYC.com weinberger, eliot Listings. If you cannot find what you want on this page, then please use our 1, weinberger, eliot What Happened Here Bush Chronicles http://www.ryanbooksnyc.com/ap_eliot_weinberger.html | |
64. Search Results For Weinberger, Eliot - Wal-mart Search Results for weinberger, eliot . Please enter a 5digit ZIP Code. Find A Store. Enter ZIP Code to find your local store. Help Topics. New Customer http://www.walmart.com/catalog/search-ng.gsp?search_constraint=COMBINED_AUTHOR.3 |
65. Project MUSE eliot weinberger, equally unsympathetic to language poetries, enrolls Alexander in a party of one in opposition to all that weinberger himself finds http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/callaloo/v022/22.2nielsen.html | |
66. New Directions Anthology Of Classical Chinese Poetry, By Weinberger Eliot Weinbe By eliot weinberger, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, Kenneth Rexroth, Gary Snyder, David Hinton. Publisher WW Norton Co Inc. ISBN 0811215407 http://www.bookbyte.com/product.aspx?isbn=0811215407 |
67. Vidz Of Oz - WEINBERGER, ELIOT weinberger, eliot / NEW DIRECTIONS ANTHOLOGY OF CLASSICAL CHINESE. Book Hardcover $32.11 weinberger, eliot / NINETEEN WAYS OF LOOKING AT WANG http://www.vidzofoz.com.au/artist.asp?intArtistID=511560 |
68. Munro's Books : Author Details Titles by weinberger, eliot 1. World Beat International Poetry Now From New Directions By weinberger, eliot ISBN 0811216519 Paper $19.50 http://www.munrobooks.com/by_author.cfm?AUTHOR=WEINBERGER, ELIOT |
69. Kinokuniya BookWeb weinberger, eliot / PublisherNew Directions Published 2005/09 SGD26.10 Paz, Octavio / weinberger, eliot / PublisherHarvest Books Published 1998/04 http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-bin/bookseaohb.cgi?W-AUTHOR=WEINBERGER |
70. Eliot Weinberger (Almost Island) eliot weinbergers books of literary essays include Works on Paper, Outside Stories, Karmic Traces, and, most recently, An Elemental Thing. http://almostisland.com/eliot_weinberger.php | |
71. Philip Emery At Antiqbook.co.uk 75651 weinberger, eliot What I Heard About Iraq 76578 weinberger, eliot - What I Heard About Iraq 85848 WEINER, LAWRENCE - Steel Pennies Don t Come http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/eme/books32000.shtml | |
72. PUBLIC -//Stanford UniversityLibrariesDept. Of Special 14 4 NT Pobiz Montemora Issue Original ts of NT s piece with heavy handwritten corrections clean version; materials on eliot weinberger s Pobiz issue http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/spc/xml/m1132.xml | |
73. CEEOL Author List United States Weinberg, Steven, 1933 New York City. weinberger, eliot, . weinberger, eliot, 1949 New York. Weinreb, Lloyd L. . Welch, Holmes, . Weldon, Bill, http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/authorlist.aspx?countryID=d8c93041-fa31-456b-b6c6-a9c1 |
74. TomFolio.com By Elizabeth Bishop Paz, Octavio; weinberger, eliot (editor); ; weinberger, eliot (translator); Bishop, Elizabeth (translator); Blackburn, P Collected Poems of Octavio Paz http://www.tomfolio.com/SearchAuthorTitle.asp?Aut=Elizabeth_Bishop |
75. CHIN489 (p.13) eliot weinberger goes further to state Chinese prosody is largely weinberger, eliot, ed. The New Directions Anthology of Classical Chinese http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~ray/ChineseEssays/CHIN489Essay.htm | |
76. Keyword Actor / Director / Performer Title Author Match Any Word weinberger, eliot (EDT) Published Sun, Apr 30 2006. Paperback. In Stock weinberger, eliot/ Paz, Octavio (EDT) Published Sun, Mar 01 1987. Paperback http://www.tvondvdshop.com/rel/v2_home.php?storenr=193&deptnr=1021&rc=1.2[sn=34/ |
77. Why War? Eliot Weinberger Why War? works to activate a broad, global movement for peace and justice based on the principles of nonviolence. To this end, our work is focused on http://www.why-war.com/news/author.php?name=Eliot Weinberger |
78. Eliot Weinberger - Authors - Random House Random House Random House will keep you up to date on the works of eliot weinberger! Enter your email address below to enroll. http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=72681 |
79. Pleasanton Public Library /All Items Title, Selected poems / Octavio Paz ; edited by eliot weinberger ; translations from Alt author, weinberger, eliot. Aroul, G. ISBN, 0811208990 (pbk.) http://millennium.ci.pleasanton.ca.us:90/kids/0,1899,1927/search/a?Weinberger, E |
80. Online NewsHour: Octavio Paz -- April 20, 1998 ELLIOT weinberger, Translator Yes. Well, I think that the idea of opposites that Mr. . ELLIOT weinberger Yes. This is how he ended all of his readings. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/remember/1998/paz_4-20.html | |
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