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Vollman William T: more books (22) | ||
21. An Interview With William T. Vollmann william T. Vollmann I was born in Los Angeles. My dad was a graduate student there, and we didn t have a lot of money. We lived in this slum neighborhood. http://www.altx.com/int2/william.t.vollmann.html | |
22. The Vollmann Club -- William T. Vollmann The Vollmann Club is an online collaborative effort to read all of william T. Vollmann s books and place Mr. Vollmann s work into perspective. http://www.edrants.com/wtv/ | |
23. McSweeney's Internet Tendency: William T. Vollmann william T. Vollmann was born in Los Angeles in 1959 and attended Deep Springs College and Cornell University. He is the author of, among others, http://www.mcsweeneys.net/authorpages/vollmann/vollmann.html | |
24. Literary Kicks : Overrated Writers, Part Three: William Vollmann Anyways, since you guys hate long stuff, Id reccomend checking out that william T. Vollmann Reader/Collection that is out there, it has a nice hodgepodge http://www.litkicks.com/OverratedVollmann | |
25. A Day At Vollmann's Studio william T. Vollmann appears at the door just as I turn in to his driveway. It s raining, so he helps me carry my camera bags in. http://esposito.typepad.com/TQC_6/Vollmanns_Studio.html | |
26. Bookslut | An Interview With William T. Vollmann william T. Vollmann has experienced more than most writers would care to in a lifetime. He has watched his friend shot and killed right in front of him in a http://www.bookslut.com/features/2005_11_006908.php | |
27. Scriptorium - William T. Vollmann This page contains links to sites on william T. Vollmann, and will one day contain a full Scriptorium page. http://www.themodernword.com/scriptorium/vollmann.html | |
28. William T. Vollmann Is A Man Of Many Words, Most Of Them About His Favorite Subj william T. Vollmann is a man of many words, most of them about his favorite subjects prostitutes, drugs, violence. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/11/28/DDGNO3ALP51.DTL |
29. William T. Vollmann On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online There are 35 conversations about william T. Vollmann s books. Users with books by william T. Vollmann. fairbrook (18), abductee (17), eisfordanger (16), http://www.librarything.com/author/vollmannwilliam | |
30. San Francisco Bay Guardian | Arts And Entertainment Kate Braverman holds a genteel conclave with william T. Vollmann about guns, whores, whiskey, death, and other literary matters http://www.sfbg.com/40/21/lit_conversation.html | |
31. The BEATRICE Interview: 2000 william T. Vollmann s writings have always displayed a fascination with traveling to the ends of the earthfor his novel The Rifles, he set out on a solo http://www.beatrice.com/interviews/vollmann/ | |
32. William T Vollmann - News, Biography, Links, Et Cetera This page is dedicated to the works of the young American author william T. Vollmann, widely regarded by his peers and readers as the one of the most http://www.williamtvollmann.com/ | |
33. William T. Vollmann | Reviews, Interviews, Articles Villiam T. Vollmann reviews, interviews, articles, more. http://www.quarterlyconversation.com/Vollmann-author.html | |
34. Finding Aid The William T. Vollmann Collection - Rare Books And Finding Aid The william T. Vollmann Collection Rare Books and Manuscripts Library, Ohio State University Libraries. http://library.osu.edu/sites/rarebooks/finding/vollmann.php | |
35. The National Book Foundation Europe Central by william T. Vollmann, published by Viking Press. william T. Vollmann at the 2005 National Book Awards Ceremony as he is announced the http://www.nationalbook.org/nba2005_f_vollmann.html | |
36. Dalkey Archive Press: An Interview With William T Vollmann An Interview with william T Vollmann. By Larry McCaffery. Larry McCaffery In one of your biographical statements, you emphasize your absorption as a kid in http://www.centerforbookculture.org/interviews/interview_vollmann.html | |
37. The New York Times Books Sunday Book Review Rising Up And william T. Vollmann, the author of Rising Up and Rising Down. n 1987, william T. Vollmann published his first novel, You Bright and Risen Angels, http://www.nytimes.com/2004/03/07/books/review/07MCLEMET.html?ex=1393995600&en=5 |
38. Vollmann, William T. (American Author) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Although another decidedly experimental work, Europe Central by william T. Vollmann, an 811page novel about the rise of Nazism and the Russian front, http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-1116623/Vollmann-William-T | |
39. NYPL, LIVE From The NYPL, Event Description Karl Taro Greenfeld will journey with william T. Vollmann together exploring william T. Vollmann is the author of seven novels and three collections of http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/pep/pepdesc.cfm?id=2671 |
40. William T. Vollmann Criticism william T. Vollmann Criticism and Essays. william T. Vollmann 1959. American novelist, short story writer, and memoirist. http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/vollmann-william-t | |
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