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         Vidal Gore:     more books (100)
  1. Messiah (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics) (Classic, 20th-Century, Penguin) by Gore Vidal, 1998-01-01
  2. Duluth by Gore Vidal, 1983
  3. Empire by Gore Vidal, 1987
  4. Myra Breckinridge/Myron (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics) by Gore Vidal, 1997-09-01
  5. The Smithsonian Institution: A Novel by Gore Vidal, 1999-09-16
  6. Washington DC 1ST Edition by Gore Vidal, 1967
  7. Washington D.C. (Narratives of a Golden Age) by Gore Vidal, 1994-04-02
  8. Dark Green, Bright Red by Gore Vidal, 2005-07-21
  9. Myra Breckinridge by Gore Vidal, 1993-04-22
  10. Gore Vidal: Sexually Speaking: Collected Sex Writings by Gore Vidal, 2001-05-10
  11. Conversations with Gore Vidal (Literary Conversations Series)
  12. The Best Man. by Gore Vidal, 1998-01
  13. Duluth by Gore Vidal, 1984
  14. The Essential Gore Vidal by Gore Vidal, 2000-10-19

41. Gore Vidal : "Robert Graves And The Twelve Caesars"
gore vidal s famous essay on Robert Grave s version of Suetonius writings.
"Robert Graves and the Twelve Caesars"
by Gore Vidal
A little effete and even degenerate (but then I am a typical "20th century North American" in his eyes, I guess), Gore Vidal is an essayist of the highest rank, in my opinion. Below is an example of Vidal at his best - especially towards the end of his essay when he speaks of the ubiquitous tyranny of the post-WWII world. "Most of the world today is governed by Caesars. Men and more and more treated as things. Torture is ubiquitous. And, as Sartre wrote in his preface to Henri Alleg's chilling book about Algeria, 'Anyone, at any time, may equally find himself victim or executioner.' Suetonius, in holding up a mirror to those Caesars of diverting legend, reflects not only them but ourselves: half-tempted creatures, whose great moral task it is to hold in balance the angel and the monster within - for we are both, and to ignore this duality is to invite disaster." Tiberius

42. My Book: Gore Vidal
Brief review of gore vidal s novel The City and the Pillar.
Gore Vidal: The City and the Pillar (Abacus Books)
This is a new "revised an unexpurgated" edition of a book that shocked the American public in the late forties. Gore Vidal, praised as newest and brightest young writer in U.S., told with his third novel the story of the love affair between two normal all-American boys". The Times called it "The first serious American homosexual novel". I don't know if it is really the first one; but it's "a noble work" - to quote Thomas Mann. And it is hard to believe that this book has been written fifty years ago. Gore Vidal describes everything a young love is about - as it were today. This book is out of print at this time. You may try A Different Light for a copy. - Don't miss Yesterday's Favorites [Gallery] [Ké] [My Choice] ... [Menu]

43. Gore Vidal: President Jonah - The Huffington Post
Read this essay in its original context at, complete with photos and an audio file of Mr. vidal reading the entire piece.
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Gore Vidal BIO
President Jonah
Posted January 25, 2006 02:17 PM (EST) Read More:
Read this essay in its original context at , complete with photos and an audio file of Mr. Vidal reading the entire piece. While contemplating the ill-starred presidency of G.W. Bush, I looked about for some sort of divine analogy. As usual, when in need of enlightenment, I fell upon the Holy Bible, authorized King James version of 1611; turning by chance to the Book of Jonah , I read that Jonah, who, like Bush, chats with God, had suffered a falling out with the Almighty and thus became a jinx dogged by luck so bad that a cruise liner, thanks to his presence aboard, was about to sink in a storm at sea. Once the crew had determined that Jonah, a passenger, was the jinx, they threw him overboard andLo!the storm abated. The three days and nights he subsequently spent in the belly of a nauseous whale must have seemed like a serious jinx to the digestion-challenged whale who extruded him much as the decent opinion of mankind has done to Bush. Originally, God wanted Jonah to give hell to Nineveh, whose people, God noted disdainfully, "cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand," so like the people of Baghdad who cannot fathom what democracy has to do with their destruction by the Cheney-Bush cabal. But the analogy becomes eerily precise when it comes to the hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico at a time when a president is not only incompetent but plainly jinxed by whatever faith he cringes before. Witness the ongoing screw-up of prescription drugs. Who knows what other disasters are in store for us thanks to the curse he is under? As the sailors fed the original Jonah to a whale, thus lifting the storm that was about to drown them, perhaps we the people can persuade President Jonah to retire to his other Eden in

44. Gore Vidal Criticism (Vol. 142)
(Full name Eugene Luther gore vidal; has also written under pseudonym Edgar Box) American novelist, essayist, playwright, screenwriter, short story writer,
Gore Vidal Criticism and Essays
Entire Site Literature Science History Business Soc. Sciences Health Arts College Journals Search All Criticism:
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  • Gore Vidal 1925-
    (Full name Eugene Luther Gore Vidal; has also written under pseudonym Edgar Box) American novelist, essayist, playwright, screenwriter, short story writer, and memoirist. The following entry presents an overview of Vidal's career through 2000. For further information on his life and works, see CLC, Volumes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 22, 33, and 72.
    An astute chronicler and audacious critic of American society, Vidal's idiosyncratic voice and persona have enlivened American intellectual life for decades. Highly regarded as a master essayist and historical novelist, Vidal is unsurpassed at the elegant but devastating put-down, witty in the way of Voltaire and Oscar Wilde. Indisputably he is considered an American original, born to wealth and privilege yet democratic to the core. The satirical Myra Breckenridge (1968), his series of “Narratives of Empire” novels, particularly

    45. Uncensored Gore Vidal
    Uncensored gore vidal, The takeno-prisoners social critic skewers Bush, Ashcroft and the whole damn lot of us for letting despots rule. by Marc Cooper,
    Gore Vidal Video LINK
    More Gore Vidal Videos on The Future ; The Cold War ; on Liberty Democrats and Religion ; Gore Vidal's Warning LA Weekly NOVEMBER 14 - 20, 2003 Uncensored Gore
    The take-no-prisoners social critic skewers Bush, Ashcroft and the whole damn lot of us for letting despots rule.
    by Marc Cooper,
    (Photo by Debra DiPaolo),
    It's lucky for George W. Bush that he wasn't born in an earlier time and somehow stumbled into America's Constitutional Convention. A man with his views, so depreciative of democratic rule, would have certainly been quickly exiled from the freshly liberated United States by the gaggle of incensed Founders. So muses one of our most controversial social critics and prolific writers, Gore Vidal. When we last interviewed Vidal just over a year ago, he set off a mighty chain reaction as he positioned himself as one of the last standing defenders of the ideal of the American Republic. His acerbic comments to L.A. Weekly about the Bushies were widely reprinted in publications around the world and flashed repeatedly over the World Wide Web. Now Vidal is at it again, giving the Weekly another dose of his dissent, and, with the constant trickle of casualties mounting in Iraq, his comments are no less explosive than they were last year. This time, however, Vidal is speaking to us as a full-time American. After splitting his time between Los Angeles and Italy for the past several decades, Vidal has decided to roost in his colonial home in the Hollywood Hills. Now 77 years old, suffering from a bad knee and still recovering from the loss earlier this year of his longtime companion, Howard Austen, Vidal is feistier and more productive than ever.

    46. Gore Vidal
    Quotations from gore vidal, links to real audio sites to hear and see vidal.
    'I just sort of drifted into it.' That's almost always the explanation for everything." "Nothing is true except from a single point of view." "Life is short, but the art is long." "Long life, finally, is nightmarish repetition." "The present intrudes." "Young people are more hopeful at a certain age than adults, but I suspect that's glandular. As for children, I keep as far from them as possible. I don't like the sight of them. The scale is all wrong. The heads tend to be too big for their bodies, and the hands and feet are a disaster. They keep falling into things. The nakedness of their bad character! We adults have learned how to disguise our terrible character, but children, well, they are like grotesque drawings of us . They should be neither seen nor heard, and no one must make another one." "All children alarm their parents, if only because you are forever expecting to encounter yourself." "I'm all for bringing back the birch, but only between consenting adults." "'Politics' is made up of two words, 'poli,' which is Greek for 'many,' and 'tics,' which are blood-sucking insects." "A superficial education would be worse than none. But a full education would open every man's eyes to the nature of human existence."

    47. 9-11 Visibility Project
    Democracy Now host Amy Goodman interviews historian gore vidal about 9/11 and the failure of NORAD to intercept the hijacked planes.
    Receive our 9/11 action alerts! home get involved contact about ...

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    An Interview with Gore Vidal Democracy Now host Amy Goodman interviews historian Gore Vidal
    about 9/11 and the failure of NORAD to intercept the hijacked planes. LISTEN TO THE GORE VIDAL INTERVIEW We are no longer accepting donations. Home

    48. The Meaning Of Timothy McVeigh
    By gore vidal Vanity Fair September 2001. Toward the end of the last century but one, Richard Wagner made a visit to the southern Italian town of Ravello,
    The Meaning of Timothy McVeigh
    By Gore Vidal
    Vanity Fair
    September 2001
    Toward the end of the last century but one, Richard Wagner made a visit to the southern Italian town of Ravello, where he was shown the gardens of the thousand-year-old Villa Rufolo. "Maestro," asked the head gardener, "do not these fantastic gardens ‘neath yonder azure sky that blends in such perfect harmony with yonder azure sea closely resemble those fabled gardens of Klingsor where you have set so much of your latest interminable opera, Parsifal ? Is not this vision of loveliness your inspiration for Klingsor?" Wagner muttered something in German. "He say," said a nearby translator, "’How about that?’" How about that indeed, I thought, as I made my way toward a corner of those fabled gardens, where ABC-TV’s Good Morning America and CBS’s Early Show had set up their cameras so that I could appear "live" to viewers back home in God’s country. It wasn’t until May 14, 1995, that Janet Reno, on

    49. Saul Landau: Gore Vidal In Havana
    His new book, A BUSH AND BOTOX WORLD, with an introduction by gore vidal, will be published in February by CounterPunch Press. This interview is the first
    home subscribe donate tower ... faq What You're Missing in Our Subscriber-only CounterPunch Newsletter Paul Craig Roberts on the Economy
    Dollar Dethroned by War and Red Ink Paul Craig Roberts on the mounting dollar crisis. Iran has dumped the dollar as its reserve currency. Arab nations are shifting reserves into Euros. "If foreigners take the next step and begin dumping their dollar holdings, there is nothing the U.S. government can do to avert the catastrophe." Roberts explains the options. Does the Koran really advocate an economic system different from the savage canons of capitalism? Thomas Naylor separates post 9/11 hysteria about terrorist money smuggling from the realities of Islamic charity today. Alexander Cockburn: cut war-enabling Democrats in Congress no slack! Remember, we are funded solely by the subscribers to the print edition of CounterPunch. Please support this website by buying a subscription to our newsletter , which contains fresh material you won't find anywhere else, or by making a donation towards the cost of this online edition. Remember contributions are tax-deductible.

    50. Gore Vidal's War On War
    Yet the chilling effect is real, so real that when gore vidal, America s greatest living man of letters, weighed in on the War on Terror,
    Gore Vidal's War on War
    by Franklin Harris We are, as George the Younger tells us, "at war," and having unpopular opinions during times of war is likely to get one shouted down, or worse. Fortunately, the War on Terror isn't a real war; it is a "new kind of war," otherwise its critics might find themselves in jail, as did critics of Lincoln's and Wilson's wars, never mind that pesky First Amendment. Yet the chilling effect is real, so real that when Gore Vidal, America's greatest living man of letters, weighed in on the War on Terror, not even his friends at The Nation would publish him. Vidal holds a view that is beyond the pale, or so the Conventional Wisdom would have us believe. He believes that the United States may actually have done something to provoke the hatred of the Islamic world. He explores that possibility in fine detail in his new book, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: How We Got to Be So Hated a slim but substantial collection of essays, including the one that

    51. Gore Vidal's Perfect Storm | By Genre | Guardian Unlimited Books
    gore vidal was a 19year-old soldier on an army ship when he wrote his first novel, Williwaw, published in 1946. As a new edition of the book appears,,6000,1090427,00.h
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    Review: A Quiet Adjustment by Benjamin Markovits
    Brian Morton: It's not enough just to sit in that garret Review: The Indian Clerk by David Leavitt Review: The Abstinence Teacher by Tom Perrotta ... Michael Hofmann salutes Irmgard Keun
    Gore Vidal's perfect storm
    Gore Vidal was a 19-year-old soldier on an army ship when he wrote his first novel, Williwaw, published in 1946. As a new edition of the book appears, he describes his wartime experiences in the hostile Bering Sea that inspired it

    52. Gore Vidal Calls For New 9/11 Investigation 'Before We Find Our Leaders Dragged
    gore vidal Well, the Book Festival brings me here to Boston to Boston. To Austin. I m sounding like Jack Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson Boston and Austin
    Gore Vidal Calls for New 9/11 Investigation 'Before We Find Our Leaders Dragged off to The Hague in Chains' VIDEO: Rumsfeld Says Flight 93 Shot Down OTHER NEWS
    Russo: Rockefeller fortold "event" eleven months before 9/11
    ...related video Police take control of Mexican city Poll: Majority Believes Gov't Doing Too Much ... 9/11 and more at During his visit to the Texas Book Festival, author, historian and political commentator spoke with Alex Jones about the current state of the nation under the Bush Administration and what to expect in the near future. Vidal discusses the importance of due process of law, "the very basis of this country." He contends that the eradication of the Bill of Rights under the 2006 Military Commissions Act has led to a 'Bill of Wrongs.' "These are powers that have never been even thought of before by earlier Attorney Generals and Presidents and it's very scary that it all passes by so simply. Everybody yawns, 'Well, we've got to move on, you know.' Well, we've moved on into hell that is what has happened to the Republic of the United States," said Vidal. He lines that problem up with a number of factors an under-read and largely ignorant populace as well as the media, which has been "bought and paid for 1000 times over."

    53. 10 Questions For Gore Vidal - TIME
    Novelist, essayist, polemicist, allpurpose gadfly and now lion in winter, gore vidal has just published a second volume of memoirs, Point to Point,9171,1558288,00.html
    var s_account="timecom"; Search Archive
    • Home U.S.
      10 Questions For Gore Vidal
      Sunday, Nov. 12, 2006 By RICHARD LACAYO ROBYN BECK / AFP / GETTY Article Tools Print Email Reprints Sphere addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = 'timecom'; RSS Novelist, essayist, polemicist, all-purpose gadfly and now lion in winter, Gore Vidal has just published a second volume of memoirs, Point to Point Navigation, in which he thinks back on his life in letters and politics. Vidal, 81, talked with TIME's Richard Lacayo about the marginalization of the novel, his love life, Johnny Carson, J.F.K.'s assassination and the last word in last words.
      Related Articles'sphereSideBar','') tiiQuigoWriteAd(755769, 1290761, 180, 200, -1); In your memoir you say that you're not a famous novelistthat no novelist is famous because novels are not discussed in public anymore. Has it got that bad? There's no such thing anymore as a famous novelist. You can be a famous actor, a famous baseball player, a famous or an infamous politician. My point is not about me. My point is about the novel.

    54. Book - Dennis Altman - Gore Vidal's America
    gore vidal is one of the most significant American writers of the second half of the twentieth century, having produced a large number of best selling

    55. Gore-vedal-interview
    gore vidal, now 76, has made a lifetime out of critiquing America s imperial impulses and has through two dozen novels and hundreds of essays argued
    Home Alexander Order Coats-of-Arms Articles ... Spiritual Corner
    The Last Defender of the American Republic?
    An interview with Gore Vidal by Marc Cooper HE MIGHT BE AMERICA'S LAST small-r republican. Gore Vidal, now 76, has made a lifetime out of critiquing America's imperial impulses and has through two dozen novels and hundreds of essays argued tempestuously that the U.S. should retreat back to its more Jeffersonian roots, that it should stop meddling in the affairs of other nations and the private affairs of its own citizens. That's the thread that runs through Vidal's latest best-seller an oddly packaged collection of essays published in the wake of September 11 titled Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: How We Got To Be So Hated. To answer the question in his subtitle, Vidal posits that we have no right to scratch our heads over what motivated the perpetrators of the two biggest terror attacks in our history, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and last September's twin-tower holocaust. Vidal writes: "It is a law of physics (still on the books when last I looked) that in nature there is no action without reaction. The same appears to be true in human nature that is, history." The "action" Vidal refers to is the hubris of an American empire abroad (illustrated by a 20-page chart of 200 U.S. overseas military adventures since the end of World War II) and a budding police state at home. The inevitable "reaction," says Vidal, is nothing less than the bloody handiwork of Osama bin Laden and Timothy McVeigh. "Each was enraged," he says, "by our government's reckless assaults upon other societies" and was, therefore, "provoked" into answering with horrendous violence.

    56. Gore Vidal On The Hour With George Stroumboulopoulos On CBC
    Watch gore vidal He s known as America s greatest literary giant since Mark Twain. On The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos.

    57. Dawn Powell - Dawn Powell The American Writer, By Gore Vidal
    gore! I stopped; everyone stopped. From the cloakroom a small round figure, rather like a Civil War cannon ball, hurtled toward me and collided.

    58. Gore Vidal Talk Asia Interview -
    AR This week on Talk Asia, a literary icon revealed. We re with gore vidal. Always outspoken and always controversial. vidal s life has spanned the major
    var clickID = 2006; cnnSiteWideCurrDate = new Date(2008, 0, 27); var cnnCurrTime = new Date(1201476036641); var cnnCurrHour = 18; Member Center: Sign In Register U.S. Edition cnnAddCSI('cnnBreakingNewsBanner','/.element/ssi/intl/breaking_news/1.5/banner.exclude.html'); Home Asia Europe U.S. ... I-Reports Only on CNN Art of Life Business Traveller Charting Success Executive Education Future Summit Principal Voices Quest Revealed Screening Room Skewed View Talk Asia Languages Arabic Japanese Korean Spanish Turkish
    Gore Vidal Talk Asia Interview
    var clickExpire = "-1"; Adjust font size: HONG KONG, China (CNN) BLOCK A AR: This week on Talk Asia, a literary icon revealed. We're with Gore Vidal. Always outspoken and always controversial. Vidal's life has spanned the major shifts and upheavals in the United States, which he has faithfully chronicled in fiction and non-fiction. Widely hailed as America's greatest man of letters, he remains a high-profile commentator with bitter opposition to the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. Born into politics as the member of a rich and powerful family, he joined the Navy at 17 before shocking the world by writing one of the first novels to include and openly gay character. He's since written plays, essays and movies, also appearing in a number of films including the political satire, Bob Roberts. Vidal ran for office himself in 1960, calling for the recognition of Communist China, and later made a senate bid in 1982, which became the subject of a documentary. We meet in Hong Kong.

    59. Gore Vidal: Novelist, Essayist, Playwright, And Provocateur - BuzzFlash Intervie
    We spoke with gore vidal on why he thinks George W. Bush will lose this election, the historical figure he would most like to speak with to gain insight
    BuzzFlash Interviews November 1, 2004 INTERVIEW ARCHIVES Gore Vidal: Novelist, Essayist, Playwright, and Provocateur [W]e’re up against despotism. And whatever rhetoric they want to use and say, oh, we’re not despots, we’re good Americans well, everybody says that. But they’re not. They are the enemy. And they have targeted the American people. Gore Vidal, speaking of the Bush Cartel A BUZZFLASH INTERVIEW On the eve of the presidential election, we are honored to bring you a BuzzFlash interview with the man some regard as the ranking literary political and social critic from the left, Gore Vidal. Since we’re all enmeshed reading about the GOP’s massive dirty tricks campaign to steal the presidency – again – we’ll get right to the interview and direct you to the PBS program American Masters to read his fascinating and in-depth biography at your leisure. We spoke with Gore Vidal on why he thinks George W. Bush will lose this election, the historical figure he would most like to speak with to gain insight into our current politics, and why the "American story" is so far removed from our true history. Vidal's most recent book is "Imperial America : Reflections on the United States of Amnesia," Published by Nation Books.

    60. Bold Type: Gore Vidal By Fred Kaplan
    As a prominent postWWII novelist, socialite and public figure, gore vidal has lived a life of incredible variety. Throughout his career, he has rubbed
    Fred Kaplan:
    Gore Vidal
    As a prominent post-WWII novelist, socialite and public figure, Gore Vidal has lived a life of incredible variety. Throughout his career, he has rubbed shoulders and crossed swords with many of the foremost cultural and political figures of our century: from Jack Kennedy to Jack Kerouac, Truman Capote to William F. Buckley.
    From his early arrival on the literary scene, Vidal's fascinations with politics, power and public figures have informed his writing. He takes his first name from his maternal grandfather, Thomas Pryor Gore, a populist Senator from Oklahoma for whom neither blindness nor feuds with FDR could prevent a long, distinguished career (Incidentally, T.P. Gore belonged to the same political dynasty into which Al Gore was born). Vidal's best-received historical fictions, like Julian, Burr, and Lincoln, re-imagine the personal and political lives of powerful figures in history. In his essays, he frequently chooses political subjects, as he did with his damaging assessment of Robert Kennedy-for-President in an Esquire article in 1963.

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