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         Vega Lope De:     more books (30)
  1. Three Major Plays (Oxford World's Classics) by Lope de Vega, 2008-08-01
  3. Fuente Ovejuna (Drama Classics) by Lope de Vega, 2010-03-01
  4. El Caballero de Olmedo: Lope de Vega (Hispanic Texts)
  5. Fuenteovejuna (Biblioteca Clásicos Literarios) (Spanish Edition) by Lope de Vega y Carpio, 2010-06-14
  6. Lope De Vega's Los Espanoles En Flandes: A Critical Edition (Iberica) by Lope De Vega, 1997-12
  7. Duchess of Amalfi's Steward (Carleton Renaissance Plays in Translation) by Lope De Vega, 1987-10
  8. Desire's Experience Transformed: A Representative Anthology of Lope De Vega's Lyric Poetry by Lope De Vega Carpio, 1991-11
  9. Spanisches Theater: Band III. Schauspiele von Lope de Vega. Teil 1 (German Edition) by Lope de Vega, 2001-11-26
  10. Translations of the American Plays of Lope De Vega: The Discovery of the New World, the Conquest of Araucania, Brazil Restored (Hispanic Literature, V. 78) by Lope De Vega, 2003-04
  11. Parte Veinte De Las Comedias De Lope De Vega Carpio (1625) (Spanish Edition) by Lope De Vega, 2010-09-10
  12. Wit's End: An Adaptation of Lope De Vega's LA Dama Boba (Iberica (New York, N.Y.), Vol. 32.) by Edward H. Friedman, Lope De Vega, 2000-01
  13. El nuevo mundo descubierto por Cristobal Colon: Comedia de Lope de Vega Carpio : edition critique (Spanish Edition) by Lope de Vega, 1980
  14. La Corona Tragica de Lope de Vega: Una Edicion Critica by Lope De Vega, 1982-01

1. Lope De Vega - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Lope de Vega was born in Madrid to a family of undistinguished origins, recent arrivals in the capital from Valle de Carriedo in Cantabria,
Lope de Vega
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search For the municipality in the Philippines, see Lope de Vega, Northern Samar Lope de Vega
Portrait of Lope de Vega Born 25 November
Madrid, Spain Died 27 August
Madrid, Spain Occupation Poet, playwright Lope de Vega (also F©lix Lope de Vega y Carpio or Lope F©lix de Vega Carpio 25 November 27 August ) was a Spanish Baroque playwright and poet . His reputation in the world of Spanish letters is second only to that of Cervantes , while the sheer volume of his literary output is unequalled: he is estimated to have written between 1,500 and 2,500 fully-fledged plays – of which some 425 have survived until the modern day – together with a plethora of shorter dramatic and poetic works.
edit Life
Lope de Vega was born in Madrid to a family of undistinguished origins, recent arrivals in the capital from Valle de Carriedo in Cantabria , whose breadwinner, F©lix de Vega, was an embroiderer. The first indications of young Lope's genius became apparent in his earliest years. At the age of five he was already reading Spanish and Latin, by his tenth birthday he was translating Latin verse, and he wrote his first play when he was 12. His fourteenth year found him enrolled in the Colegio Imperial , a Jesuit school in Madrid, from which he absconded to take part in a military expedition in

2. Lope De Vega --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Lope de Vega in full Lope Félix De Vega Carpio, byname The Phoenix Of Spain, Spanish El Fénix De España
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Lope de Vega
Page 1 of 4 born Nov. 25, 1562, Madrid
died Aug. 27, 1635, Madrid Lope de Vega. Bettmann/Corbis outstanding dramatist of the Spanish Golden Age, author of as many as 1,800 plays and several hundred shorter dramatic pieces, of which 431 plays and 50 shorter pieces are extant. Vega, Lope de... (75 of 2906 words) To read the full article, activate your FREE Trial Commonly Asked Questions About Lope de Vega Close Enable free complete viewings of Britannica premium articles when linked from your website or blog-post. Now readers of your website, blog-post, or any other web content can enjoy full access to this article on Lope de Vega , or any Britannica premium article for free, even those readers without a premium membership. Just copy the HTML code fragment provided below to create the link and then paste it within your web content. For more details about this feature, visit our

3. Lope De Vega - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio (Madrid, 25 de noviembre de 1562 – Madrid, 27 de agosto de 1635) es uno de los más importantes poetas y dramaturgos del Siglo de
Lope de Vega
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda No quiso la lengua castellana que de casado a cansado hubiese m¡s de una letra de diferencia
El amor tiene f¡cil la entrada y dif­cil la salida
Pero con una cosa me contento; que aunque pueda quitarme la esperanza, no me puede quitar el pensamiento
Lo que cuenta no es ma±ana, sino hoy. Hoy estamos aqu­, ma±ana tal vez, nos hayamos marchado
Ni el rey comer­a... si el labrador no labrase

Entiendo lo que me basta
y solamente no entiendo
c³mo se sufre a s­ mismo
un ignorante soberbio.
De cuantas cosas me cansan
f¡cilmente me defiendo; pero no puedo guardarme de los peligros de un necio. pero con falso argumento, que humildad y necedad no caben en un sujeto. —F©lix Lope de Vega y Carpio F©lix Lope de Vega y Carpio Madrid 25 de noviembre de – Madrid, 27 de agosto de ) es uno de los m¡s importantes poetas y dramaturgos del Siglo de Oro espa±ol y, por la extensi³n de su obra, uno de los m¡s prol­ficos autores de la literatura universal. El llamado F©nix de los ingenios y Monstruo de la Naturaleza (por Miguel de Cervantes ), renov³ las f³rmulas del teatro espa±ol en un momento en que el teatro comienza a ser un fen³meno cultural y de masas. M¡ximo exponente, junto a

4. Lope De Vega - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Lope De Vega
Hutchinson encyclopedia article about Lope de Vega. Lope de Vega. Information about Lope de Vega in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. de Vega
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Brightest star in the constellation Lyra and the fifth-brightest star in the night sky. It is a blue-white star, 25 light years from the Sun, with a true luminosity 50 times that of the Sun. In 1983 the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) discovered a ring of dust around Vega, possibly a disc from which a planetary system is forming. As a result of precession (the slow wobble of the Earth on its axis), Vega will become the north polar star about AD hut(3)
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5. Jewels Of Spain : Lope De Vega
LOPE DE VEGA (15621635) , Spanish poet and dramatist, who ranks as the founder of the Spanish theater. Usually referred to by his Christian name alone,
Lope de Vega
Home Jewels of Spain Lope de Vega Jewels of Spain Picasso Goya El Greco Cervantes Lope de Vega P.Casals Granados Avila Santiago Segovia La Alhambra El Generalife Holy Family The Mosque Patio
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    LOPE DE VEGA La Dorotea.
    Lope celebrated his release from prison and began his exile by eloping with a young lady, Isabel de Urbina, whose family started legal proceedings against him that were suspended on his marrying her. Leaving his wife in Valencia, Lope embarked in the Armada against England. He served on the flagship San Juan
    A vast crowd followed his funeral procession, for the scandals of his life, though they seem to have prevented him from obtaining the recognition he hoped for from the court, had not dimmed his enormous prestige with the general public. Their idolization of him led to the coining of the phrase es de Lope ("it is by Lope") to denote "superb," "incomparable." There even began to circulate a paraphrase of the Creed beginning, "I believe in Lope almighty, poet of heaven and earth," but this was promptly suppressed by the Inquisition. A volume of panegyrics published the year after his death contained contributions of 153 writers. His Italian admirers published simultaneously a volume of homage to the man whom one of them called "the poet of Europe" and "the Columbus of the Indies of poetry." His popularity and influence in France were also considerable. A sign of this international prestige was the conferment on him by Pope Urban VIII, to whom he had dedicated an epic poem, of an honorary doctorate in theology and a knighthood in the Order of Saint John.
  • 6. VEGA LOPE DE Term Papers, Research Papers On VEGA LOPE DE, Essays On VEGA LOPE D
    The paper analyzes Fuente Ovejuna by Lope de Vega, a play on 15th Century Spanish politics Major themes, critical views, characters and action.
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    Term Paper # 18976 SHOPPING CART DISABLED "Fuente Ovejuna" by Lope de Vega
    The paper analyzes "Fuente Ovejuna" by Lope de Vega, a play on 15th Century Spanish politics: Major themes, critical views, characters and action.
    1,800 words ( approx. 7.2 pages ), 6 sources, $ 63.95
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    "The purpose of this research is to examine "Fuente Ovejuna" by Lope de Vega. The plan of the research will be to set forth the major themes that emerge in the plot of the play, and then to discuss certain major ideas of critics with respect to Fuente Ovejuna. Additionally, the criticism of Fuente Ovejuna will be discussed based on a current reading of the play, with a view toward suggesting the impact that the play's pattern of ideas and the means by which the ideas emerge may have.
    Fuente Ovejuna is set in fifteenth-century provincial Spain, at the moment of history when the nation of Spain was emerging, owing to the unification of the crowns of Aragon and Castile under Ferdinand and Isabella and to the dominance of the Spanish over the Portuguese throne on the Iberian peninsula. Fuente Ovejuna, an outlying village, is occupied by troops of ... "

    7. Lope De Vega - Wikipedia
    Translate this page Lope de Vega war Sohn einer einfachen Familie, die in den Bergen von Kantabrien lebte. Am 6. Dezember 1562 wurde er in San Miguel de los Octoes getauft.
    Lope de Vega
    aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
    Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Lope de Vega. Lope de Vega 25. November in Madrid 27. August ebenda; vollst¤ndiger Name: Lope F©lix de Vega Carpio ) war ein bedeutender spanischer Dichter
    Bearbeiten Leben
    Lope de Vega war Sohn einer einfachen Familie, die in den Bergen von Kantabrien lebte. Am 6. Dezember 1562 wurde er in San Miguel de los Octoes getauft. Er hatte noch vier weitere Geschwister: Francisco, Juliana, Luisa und Juan. Einen Teil seiner Kindheit verbrachte er im Hause seines Onkels, der Inquisitor von Sevilla war. 1574 ging er auf eine Jesuitenschule und ein Jahr sp¤ter erschien sein Lustspiel El verdadero amante . 1577 nahm er sein Studium an der Universit¤t Alcal¡ auf, das er 1581 beendete. 1579 trat Lope de Vega in den Dienst von Bischof Jer³nimo Manrique und man glaubt, dass dieser ihm dabei geholfen hat, den Abschluss an der Universit¤t von Alcal¡ zu erlangen. 1580 verliebte er sich in Mar­a de Arag³n (Marfisa); ihre gemeinsame Tochter Manuela wurde am 2. Januar 1581 getauft. 1583 lernte er Elena Osorio, die Tochter des Intendanten Jer³nimo Vel¡zquez, f¼r den er Theaterst¼cke schrieb, kennen. Obwohl Elena Osorio mit Crist³bal Calder³n verheiratet war, begann er eine Liebesaff¤re mit ihr, die ¼ber vier Jahre andauerte, was die Verfeindung mit ihrem Vater zur Folge hatte. Ende der achtziger Jahre war Lope de Vega bereits ein begehrter Autor, wenn nicht sogar der begehrteste und beste von ganz Spanien. 1585 starb seine Tochter Manuela. Am 29. Dezember 1587 wurde Lope de Vega im Corral de la Cruz w¤hrend einer Auff¼hrung festgenommen, weil er eine Satire und ein Sonett gegen Jer³nimo Vel¡zquez und seine Familie, insbesondere gegen dessen Tochter Elena Osorio, geschrieben hatte. Im Gef¤ngnis verfasste er weiterhin verleumderische Briefe und Verse gegen Elena Osorio, so dass er am 7. Februar 1588 f¼r 2 Jahre aus dem K¶nigreich Kastilien und f¼r vier Jahre vom Hofe verbannt wurde. Am Tage darauf verlieŸ Lope de Vega mit Isabel de Urbina, die er am 10. Mai aus taktischen Gr¼nden heiratete

    8. Lope De Vega - Britannica Concise
    Lope de Vega Spanish playwright, the outstanding dramatist of the Spanish Golden Age.
    Vega, Lope de
    Britannica Concise
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    in full
    born Nov. 25, 1562, Madrid, Spain
    died Aug. 27, 1635, Madrid
    Spanish playwright, the outstanding dramatist of the Spanish Golden Age. comedia (tragicomic social drama), which typified the new Golden Age drama. He wrote two major types of drama, both Spanish in setting: the historical play based on a national legend (e.g., and The King, the Greatest Alcalde The Gardener's Dog ). He established the comic character, or gracioso , as a commentator on the follies of his social superiors. All Citizens Are Soldiers is his best-known work outside Spain. He also wrote 21 volumes of nondramatic works in verse and prose, including The New Art of Writing Plays document.writeln(AAMB2); Images and Media: More on "Lope de Vega" from Britannica Concise Tirso de Molina - Spanish playwright. Calderon de la Barca, Pedro - Spanish playwright. zarzuela - Spanish musical play consisting of spoken dialogue, songs, choruses, and dances. More on "Lope de Vega" from the 32 Volume Vega, Lope de

    9. Lope De Vega (1562-1635)
    Biography of Spanish playwright lope de vega, plus links to all of his works currently in print.
    Lope de Vega Born November 25th, 1562, about two years before Marlowe and Shakespeare Fortunately for the good of the Spanish Theatre, Lope escaped the fate of many of his fellow soldiers during this disastrous venture against Britain. His ship, the San Juan , was one of the few to return safely. Not only did Lope survive, but he spent the six month voyage composing the epic poem The Beauty of Angelica After returning to Valencia, Lope set about the business of making a living in the theatre. Soon, he was composing so many plays that more than one manager was dependant upon the young playwright for his supply. But Lope still found time to carry on his love affairs. He soon initiated a tryst with the actress Micaela de Luxon who would provide him with four children and inspire many a sonnet. He would remain as constant to her as was possible for a man of his ilk, which meant that she would share him with several other Spanish ladies. In 1598, he married the daughter of a successful pork merchant. Lope's affairs produced a large number of offspring. In 1605, he found himself the father of both a son by his wife and a daughter by Micaela. Two years later, Micaela also gave birth to a son named Lopito who would become a talented poet. In spite of his many affairs, Lope was a devoted father. When his wife died in 1613, he brought all of his children together under one roof.

    10. Lope De Vega
    Biography of the Spanish playwright, known as The Phoenix of Spain. Includes titles of many of his works.
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    by Bamber Gascoigne
    Prolific playwright, pioneer of Spanish drama, author of as many as 1800 comedias and several hundred shorter dramatic pieces, of which about 500 have been printed. Lope de Vega's achievement is considered among Spanish writers second only to that of Cervantes . His life was as dramatic as his plays: he was a volunteer on the Invincible Armada; his many love affairs brought him both notoriety and problems with the law, resulting in prison terms and exile.
    que a su esposo quiere bien;
    entre paredes guardada,
    sigue su primer amor.
    Ariosto 's Orlando Furioso La Arcadia Lope bought a house in the Calle de Francos in 1610. Three years later Doña Juana died, and Lope had an affair with Jerónima de Burgos, and then with Doña Marta de Nevares Santoyo - this time his indiscretions with her were criticized even by Cervantes. In 1614 he entered a religious order and was appointed an officer of the Inquisition. "Harmony is pure love, for love is complete agreement," Lope wrote in FUENTEOVEJUNA (c. 1613). Lope's work as a playwright was not approved by the church, but he wrote many of his comedias Lope's productivity was phenomenal: he boasted that he had numerous times composed a piece and brought it on the stage within 24 hours. His success also overshadowed Cervantes's attempts as a playwright. Lope once wrote: "No one is so stupid as to admire Miguel de Cervantes." Essentially he wrote two types of drama, of which the

    11. Félix De Lope De Vega Carpio
    Félix lope de vega Carpio was born on November 25, 1562 in Madrid. This was two years before Shakespeare and 15 years after Cervantes.
    FÉLIX DE LOPE DE VEGA CARPIO Félix Lope de Vega Carpio was born on November 25, 1562 in Madrid. This was two years before Shakespeare and 15 years after Cervantes. He died at age 72 on August 27, 1635. Although his full name was Félix Lope de Vega Carpio he is most often referred to as just Lope de Vega.His parents were of noble birth but they were very poor. They both died when Lope de Vega was quite young. It was recognized at a very early age that Lope de Vega was quite smart. He could read and write latin at age 5 (he was of course already reading and writing Spanish). By age 14 he had already written his first play. The term "monstruo de la naturaleza" (freak of nature) was applied and stuck to him throughout his life. By age 14 he was a student at the Imperial College of Madrid. But Lope de Vega was looking for some adventure so with a classmate he ran off and joined a military unit to fight against Portugal. But before he could get into any real harm, the Bishop of Avila, became aware of Lope de Vegas talents and helped him to enroll at the University of Alcalá. Lope de Vega graduated with a bachelor's degree. He was about to become a priest when he fell in love.

    12. Biography Of Lope De Vega
    Lopé Felix de vega Carpio was born at Madrid on the 25th of November, 1562, fifteen years after Cervantes. His relations, who were noble, though poor,
    This document was originally published in Spanish and Portuguese Drama . ed. Alfred Bates. London: Historical Publishing Company, 1906. pp. 36-40.
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    13. Calderon And Lope De Vega
    A comparison of Spain s two greatest dramatists; includes a list of related links.
    Home Ancient Theatre Medieval Theatre 16th Century ... Email Us L His influence on the stage of Spain was far more potent than that of Sophocles on the theater of Greece or of Shakespeare on the drama of England. It was Lope who earliest discovered how to hold the interest of a modern audience by the easy intricacy of his story and by the surprising variety of the successive situations, each artfully prepared for by its predecessor. If Schlegel found an ingenious felicity of plot-making to be so characteristic of the Spanish drama that he was led to suspect a Spanish origin for any play in which he observed this quality, it was to the practice of Lope de Vega that his fellow-dramatists owed their possession of this merit. Marlowe 's formula in his youth and in his maturity borrowed Fletcher Euripides or Plautus , whereas Lope's opening scenes are marvels of clever presentation, taking the spectators immediately into the center of the action.

    14. August 26th
    Montalvan, one of the biographers of lope de vega, states that, while at Toledo lope de vega gave that tone to the Spanish drama, brilliant but immoral,
    Home About: The Book of Days Its Author This Site Our Staff ... Calendar of Days Indexes Search Site Links Contact Us Site Map The Book of Days is proudly brought to
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    August 26 th Born: Sir Robert Walpole (Earl of Orford), eminent statesman, 1676, Houghton, Norfolk; Prince Albert, consort of Queen Victoria, 1819. Died: Lopez Felix de la Vega, Spanish poet and dramatist, 1635, Madrid; Lord George Sackville, commander and statesman, 1785; Christopher Christian Sturm, author of the Reflections, 1786; Elizabeth Chudleigh, Duchess of Kingston, 1788, France; Karl Theodor Körner , martial lyrist, killed, 1813; Dr. Adam Clarke, eminent divine and author, 1832, Haydon Hall, Middlesex; Louis Philippe, ex-king of France, 1850, Claremont, Surrey. Feast Day: St. Zephyrinus, pope and martyr, 219. St. Gelasinus, martyr, 297. St. Genesius (a comedian), martyr, end of 3

    15. Biblioteca De Autor - Lope De Vega
    Translate this page Estudios y ediciones de algunas obras teatrales, por la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
    Página mantenida por el Taller Digital Marco legal Si su navegador no soporta Javascript, puede acceder a las obras del catálogo a través de la ficha de la obra.

    16. Famous Hispanics: Lope De Vega
    Famous Hispanics in the World and History, a service of a Baltimore, Maryland, web company.
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    17. Biografia De Lope De Vega
    Translate this page (Félix lope de vega y Carpio, Madrid, 1562- id., 1635) Escritor español. lope de vega procedía de una familia humilde y su vida fue sumamente agitada y
    Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Lope de Vega (Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio, Madrid, 1562- id., 1635) Escritor español. Lope de Vega procedía de una familia humilde y su vida fue sumamente agitada y llena de lances amorosos. Estudió en los jesuitas de Madrid (1574) y cursó estudios universitarios en Alcalá (1576), aunque no consiguió el grado de bachiller. Debido a la composición de unos libelos difamatorios contra la comedianta Elena Osorio ( Filis ) y su familia, por desengaños amorosos, Lope de Vega fue desterrado de la corte (1588-1595). No fue éste el único proceso en el que se vio envuelto: en 1596, después de ser indultado en 1595 del destierro, fue procesado por amancebamiento con Antonia de Trillo. Estuvo enrolado, al menos, en dos expediciones militares, una la que conquistó la isla Terceira en las Azores (1583), al mando de don Álvaro de Bazán, y la otra, en la Armada Invencible. Fue secretario de varios personajes importantes, como el marqués de Malpica o el duque de Alba, y a partir de 1605 estuvo al servicio del duque de Sessa, relación sustentada en una amistad mutua. Lope se casó dos veces: con Isabel de Urbina ( Belisa ), con la que contrajo matrimonio por poderes tras haberla raptado antes de salir desterrado de Madrid; y con Juana de Guardo en 1598. Aparte de estos dos matrimonios, su vida amorosa fue muy intensa, ya que mantuvo relaciones con numerosas mujeres, incluso después de haber sido ordenado sacerdote. Entre sus amantes se puede citar a Marina de Aragón, Micaela Luján (

    18. Lope De Vega: Poems
    lope FELIX de vega CARPIO (15621635), one of the greatest figures in Spanish literature, the monstruo of the critics, was born at Madrid,
    POEMS BY LOPE DE VEGA: LOPE FELIX DE VEGA CARPIO (1562-1635) , one of the greatest figures in Spanish literature, the "monstruo" of the critics, was born at Madrid, and after an irregular youth took part in the Invincible Armada, returning to receive priestly orders, but, also, to continue his dissolute courses. He is said to have written 1800 dramas of various kinds, establishing the style for all future writers of the Spanish theatre. His lyric talents are of the highest order, and his fluency makes him one of the most remarkable figures in the literature of the world. His Obras sueltas RELATED WEBSITES
    • - Brief biography of the Spanish dramatist.
    • - A comparison of Spain's two greatest playwrights.
    • - Analysis of Lope de Vega's dramatic qualities.
    • Lope de Vega (1562-1635) - A biography.
    • Lope de Vega Index - An index of articles on the Spanish dramatist.

    19. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Felix De Lope De Vega Carpio
    Poet and dramatist, b. at Madrid, 1562; d. 23 Aug., 1635.
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    Poet and dramatist, b. at Madrid , 1562; d. 23 Aug., 1635. With Lope de Vega begins the era of dramatic glory in Spanish literature of the Golden Age. He seems to have been an extraordinarily precocious child, whence the term "monstruo de la naturaleza", "freak of nature ", which clung to him throughout his life. At the age of fourteen he wrote a play. Like Cervantes, he saw service in the Spanish navy, and even took part in the disastrous expedition of the Armada against England . While aboard of his vessel, he spent his spare time Italian poet Ariosto in his "Orlando Furioso" Married by 1590 to Isabel de Urbina he returned to the service of the Duke of Alba, With whom he had been prior to the time of the Armada . His first wife died in 1597, and then, after some amorous adventure he contracted a second marriage, about 1600, with Juana del Guardo. By this time he had become the acknowledged arbiter of the , who bade fair to become a good poet. About 1610 Lope had made his home at Madrid . For some time before that year, he had led a wandering

    20. Lope De Vega
    Translate this page En esta página encontrarás la biografía y algunos poemas de lope de vega.
    Página para honrar al gran poeta español
    Lope de Vega
    WEBMASTER: Justo Alarcón Su biografía Sección de poemas

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    Humberto C. Garza

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