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         Undset Sigrid:     more books (103)
  1. The Faithful Wife by Sigrid Undset, 1944
  2. Sigrid Undset: Kristentro og kirkesyn (Norwegian Edition) by Finn Thorn, 1975
  3. Sigrid Undset: Chronicler of Norway (Berg Women's Series) by Mitzi Brunsdale, 1989-02
  4. Kristin Lavransdatter: The bridal wreath, The mistress of Husaby, The cross by Sigrid Undset, 1930
  5. Jenny, a Novel by Sigrid Undset, 1921
  6. Sigrid Undset: On Saints and Sinners (Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute)
  7. Redefining Integrity: The Portrayal of Women in the Contemporary Novels of Sigrid Undset (Europaische Hochschulschriften Reihe I, Deutsche Sprache Und Literatur) by Elisabeth Solbakken, 1992-05
  8. Six Scandinavian Novelists: Lie, Jacobsen, Heidenstam, Selma Lagerlof, Hamsum, Sigrid Undset by Alrik Gustafson, 1968-06
  9. Sigrid Undset, et liv (Norwegian Edition) by Gidske Anderson, 1989
  10. Paradigms and Paradoxes in the Life and Letters of Sigrid Undset by Sister Margaret Dunn, 1993-12-22
  11. Sigrid Undset (Twayne's World Authors Series, No. 107, Norway) by Carl Frank Bayerschmidt, 1970-06
  12. Menneskenes hjerter: Sigrid Undset, en livshistorie (Norwegian Edition) by Tordis Ørjasæter, 1993
  13. Sigrid Undset: A Study in Christian Realism by Andreas Hofgaard Winsnes, 1970-12-16
  14. Sigrid Undset in America by Marie Maman, 2000-11-15

21. Reading Sigrid Undset Today
Article from the Catholic Educator s Resource Center.

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Reading Sigrid Undset CYNTHIA GRENIER Sigrid Undset's two greatest novels Kristin Lavransdatter and The Master of Hestviken detail the long, often difficult lifelong road of the two protagonists, each equally strong-willed, to submit to a higher power and attain their final salvation. Given the torn fabric of our culture today, a fabric marked by so much that is ugly, wrong-headed, and destructive, the world of Undset's novels, a world where values really matter, gives us a welcome opportunity for spiritual renewal.
Sigrid Undset
Seventy years ago Norwegian novelist Sigrid Undset was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. At 46 she was one of the youngest authors and only the third woman to be so honored. As the decades have passed, it has become ever more evident that Undset's talent as a novelist places her, along with George Eliot, as one of the only two women meriting a place in the pantheon of the world's greatest writers. And to Undset herself goes surely the distinction of being the premier Catholic novelist of either gender in this century. At the Nobel award ceremony in Stockholm, Par Hallstrom, a distinguished author in his own right and a member of the Swedish academy, praised her for her remarkable recreation of medieval life in her two major works

22. Sigrid Undset Selskapet
sigrid undset Selskapet (SUS) er en forening som gjennom sin virksomhet skal fremme interessen for sigrid undset og hennes forfatterskap samt støtte
Om oss Medlemsskap Arrangement Årsberetninger ... Lenker Du er her: Hovedsiden Velkommen!
Geir Hasnes foredrar om
Etter pause formidler NRK-journalisten Astrid Brekken Doris Lessing : ”Det er blitt sagt at Doris Lessing skriver slik at det forandrer menneskers liv.”
Olav Duun med
Johan Falkberget med Svarte fjelde
Sigrid Undset med Fru Marta Oulie
Jubileumsstevne i Litteraturhuset i Oslo 21. og 22. september (i Wergelandsveien 29).
Duun-ringen, Falkberget-ringen og Sigrid Undset Selskapet i samarbeid med Aschehoug Forlag Les mer
Ny Undsetbiografi av Sigrun Slapgard

Sigrun Slapgard fortel om den nye biografien i samtale med Magnhild Bruheim
Les mer
Norsk litteraturfestival – eget Undsetseminar 31.mai-2.juni Fra utroskap til tro(skap), Ondskapens lidenskap og lidenskapens ondskap Hva er en kone? Identitetsproblematikk i Fru Marta Oulie Les mer Les mer fredag 23 mars 2007 klokka 15.00 Se mer Les mer Sigrid i skrivestuen. Sigrid Undset Selskapet Postboks 457 2603 Lillehammer Stiftet 20.05.1997 Levert av React Solutions

23. Stamp Of Sigrid Undset
From the series Famous Norwegian Women on Stamps , based on a portrait painted by her husband in 1911.
Page Famous Norwegian Women on Stamps SIGRID UNDSET (1882-1949)
Portrait of the author Sigrid Undset painted in 1911 by her husband Anders Castus Svarstad. She is best known for her historical novel "Kristin Lavransdatter". For this Middle Age trilogy she received the 1928 Nobel Prize in literature. She gave the money from this prize to help families with disabled children. Among many other famous books are "Jenny", "The Master of Hestviken", "The Faithful Wife" and "Madame Dorthea". Many of her novels deal with problems about regret and guilt. She converted to Roman Catholicism although she was first generation of emancipated women. Undset early stood up against the Nazism because of its contempt for weakness and had to live in USA during the German occupation of Norway.

sigrid.gif (6553 bytes) sigrid undset ble født i Kalundborg i Danmark. Faren var en kjent norsk arkeolog, Ingvald undset. Moren Anna Maria Charlotte Gyth
De tre kvinner

Camilla Collett

Camilla Colletts diktning
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Sigrid Undset ble født i Kalundborg i Danmark. Faren var en kjent norsk arkeolog, Ingvald Undset. Moren Anna Maria Charlotte Gyth var dansk. Familien flyttet til Norge i 1884 og bosatte seg i Kristiania. Hennes søstre Ragnhild og Signe ble født der. Sigrid var et begavet barn, og da faren ble alvorlig syk, tilbragte hun mye tid hjemme og leste høyt for faren. Hun ble kjent med norrøn litteratur, vikingetiden og middelalderen. Da Sigrid var elleve år, døde faren.
Moren tilbød Sigrid videre skolegang, men Sigrid visste at moren hadde dårlig råd etter hun ble enke, og tok derfor handelsskolen og fikk seg kontorjobb som 17-åring. Hun var kontordame i 10 år .Hun kjedet seg i jobben, og fritiden ble brukt i ensomhet. Hun utforsket Kristianias arbeiderstrøk og opplevde kontrasten til de deler hun hadde vokst opp i. I kontakt med naturen følte hun glede over livet. Hun skrev ved siden av kontorjobben , og tre år etter debutromanen Fru Marta Oulie kom ut i 1907, kunne hun endelig bli forfatter på heltid. Hun fikk stipend og reiste til Italia. I Roma levde hun i kunstnermiljø, og

25. - Web Site Information
sigrid undset bodde med sin mor og søster i matros Jørgen Hansens hus i Hvitsten. sigrid undset nevner Theodor Kittelsen i boken Florida Water. Web Site Information: There is a problem with this account. The account owner should contact EsoSoft as soon as possible.

26. Kristin Lavransdatter (Sigrid Undset) - Book Review
The Garland; The Mistress of Husaby; The Cross Perhaps as a result of the austere binding on the library copy, I approached Kristin Lavransdatter,
Danny Yee's Book Reviews
Titles Authors ... Latest
Kristin Lavransdatter:
The Garland; The Mistress of Husaby; The Cross
Sigrid Undset
translated from the Norwegian
Alfred Knopf 1930 A book review by Danny Yee Perhaps as a result of the austere binding on the library copy, I approached Kristin Lavransdatter , a thousand page historical novel set in 14th century Norway, with some wariness. And it is certainly not light reading, with its share of illness and plague, sudden and unexpected episodes of violence, death, and other human tragedies. Like the Icelandic family sagas which inspired Undset, however, Kristin Lavransdatter offers an ultimately positive view of human existence. Kristin Lavransdatter tells the story of one woman from childhood to death, through betrothal and an illicit affair, marriage and marital discord, and childbirth and motherhood. There is too much in it to grasp in a single reading, let alone summarise in a brief review. Among other things it encompasses the complexities of kinship ties and family relationships, the pitfalls of reputation and status in tightly knit rural communities (and briefly of the high politics of Sweden and Norway), and the variety of religious beliefs and practices. Undset handles the changes in pacing needed in a novel covering half a century, convincingly connecting events and depicting changes over a lifetime. Kristin Lavransdatter 14 March 1999
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Forfatterprofil med biografi og lenker til artikler fra NRK.
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Undset, Sigrid
Fikk Nobelprisen i 1928 for sine skildringer av menneskenes kår i middelalderen. Trilogien om Kristin Lavransdatter er blitt en klassiker som leses over hele verden.
Publisert 23.05.2001 10:43. Oppdatert 04.08.2001 19:17.
1907 Fru Marta Oulie
1908 Den lykkelige alder
1909 Fortællingen om Viga-Ljot og Vigdis
1910 Ungdom
1911 Jenny 1912 Fattige Skjæbner 1914 Vaaren 1915 Fortællinger om Kong Arthur og ridderne av det runde bord 1917 Splinten av troldspeilet 1918 De kloke jomfruer 1919 Et kvindesynspunkt 1920 Kristin Lavransdatter-trilogien: Kransen (1920), Husfrue (1921) og Korset (1922)

28. Norsk Litteratur - Hist & Hint
sigrid undset skrev flere bøker om middelalderen, og reflekterte også sine romanfigurer ved Selv om sigrid undset først og fremst blir lest av kvinner,

29. Undset, Sigrid Dagbladet :litteratur
Forfatterprofil i Dagbladet med biografi og artikler.
søndag 27.01.2008





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Yet since her death in 1949 Americans have heard little about sigrid undset. Tim Page wants to change that. Page, the biographer of another longneglected
THE UNKNOWN SIGRID UNDSET. Edited by Tim Page. New translations by Tiina Nunnally. 406 pp. South Royalton, Vt.: Steerforth Press. $30. Sigrid Undset on the Norwegian 500-kroner note Sigrid Undset, contrarian S he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928, the third - and still the most recent - Norwegian to do so. (The others were Knut Hamsun and Björnstjerne Björnson.) Her medieval trilogy Kristin Lavransdattar found a wide American readership in the 1920's; two decades later, a lecture tour in the United States made her one of the more high-profile of wartime literary exiles. Yet since her death in 1949 Americans have heard little about Sigrid Undset. Tim Page wants to change that. Page, the biographer of another long-neglected novelist, Dawn Powell, was led to Undset by a list of Powell's favorite books, on which Undset's Jenny (1911) was, he writes, the only title that ''drew a complete blank.'' He hunted down the novel - long out of print in English - and found himself sharing Powell's admiration. The result: The Unknown Sigrid Undset

31. Sigrid Undset - Authors - Random House
Random House Random House will keep you up to date on the works of sigrid undset! Enter your email address below to enroll.

32. Sigrid Undset - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At
Research sigrid undset at the online library.

33. Sigrid Undset --  Britannica Student Encyclopaedia
sigrid undset (18821949). When Germany invaded Norway in 1940, the author sigrid undset fled and began writing and lecturing on behalf of her wartorn
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34. Undset-bibliografien-NB
Ida Packness sigrid undsetbibliografi fra 1963 er tilgjengelig i tre formater. 1) PDF 2) HTML 3) Bla i en scannet versjon
Forside English Kontakt Opplevelse ... Om Nasjonalbiblioteket
Sigrid Undset-bibliografi 1907-2007
[Om databasen Undset] Forfatter o.l.: Tittel: Vertsdokument: ... Generelt emneord: (Se liste Person som emne: (Se liste Tittel som emne: (Se liste Sted som emne: (Se liste Formemneord: (Se liste Utgivelsesland: (Se liste (Se liste Publikasjonsform: alle Bok Kapittel i bok Tidsskriftartikkel Blindeskrift Teatermanus Avhandling Avisartikkel Lydbok Webside Film OG ELLER mellom feltene Ida Packness' Sigrid Undset-bibliografi fra 1963 er tilgjengelig i tre formater PDF HTML Bla i en scannet versjon

35. Bjerkebæk - Maihaugen
Velkommen til en rundtur i sigrid undsets dikterverksted på Bjerkebæk. sigrid undset fotografert ved sitt skrivebord som hadde tilhørt faren,

36. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection
There are no general critical sites about sigrid undset presently in the collection; Use these links to search for sigrid undset outside the IPL.

37. By Sigrid Undset
undset, sigrid Kristin Lavransdatter. The Bridal Wreath. The Mistress of Husaby. The Cross Publisher Alfred A. Knopf New York 1929. G/NONE Hardcover Boards

38. | Author Spotlight: Sigrid Undset
Random House will keep you up to date on the works of sigrid undset! Written by sigrid undset. Trade Paperback 208 pages Vintage Fiction

39. Sigrid Undset Biography
A brief biography of sigrid undset, recipient of the 1928 Nobel Prize for Literature.
Sigrid Undset biography
A brief biography of Sigrid Undset, recipient of the 1928 Nobel Prize for Literature.
Sigrid Undset, recipient of the 1928 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born in Kalundborg, Denmark. Her father, an archeologist, died when she was eleven. She began working at 16, taking a job as a secretary. Ten years later she left the job to devote her time to writing. Undset published her first book, FU MARTA OULIE, when she was 25. Her most famous work is the trilogy KRISTIN LAVRANSDOTTER, which was published from 1920 to 1922. Her autobiography, ELLEVE AAR (THE LONGEST YEARS), was published in 1934. Sigrid Undset died in Lillehammer, Norway in 1949. CHRONOLOGY 1882 She was born in Kalundborg, Denmark. 1884 She moved with her family to Christiana, Norway. 1898 She took a job as a secretary. 1907 FU MARTA OULIE 1908 I GRALYSNING; DEN LYKKELIKE ALDER; She resigned her position to devote her time to writing. 1909 FORTELLINGEN OM VIGA-LJOT OG VIGDIS (GUNNAR'S DAUGHTERS) 1910 UNGDOM 1911 JENNY 1912 She married Anders Castus Svarstad.

40. Sigrid Undset -
My father, Ingvald Martin undset, obtained his doctorate in 1881 with a thesis on The Beginnings of the Iron Age in Northern Europe.
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Sigrid Undset
My father, Ingvald Martin Undset, obtained his doctorate in 1881 with a thesis on The Beginnings of the Iron Age in Northern Europe My mother had no choice but to send me to a commercial school in Christiania. I did not like it there but it had one great advantage over my old school; no one there expected me to like anything! Later on, I went to work in an office and learned among other lessons to do things I did not care for, and to do them well. I remained there for ten years - from the age of 17 until I was 27. Before I left this office, two of my books had already been published - Fru Marte Oulie in 1907, and Den lykkelige alder (The Happy Age) in 1908. After leaving the office job, I went to Germany and Italy on a scholarship. I have published a number of books since, my last two novels being set in the Middle Ages. They are Kristin Lavransdatter , which appeared in three volumes (192O-1922): Kransen (The Garland) Husfrue (The Mistress of Husaby) Korset (The Cross) ; and The Master of Hestviken ] and its sequel In 1912, I was married in Belgium to the Norwegian painter A. C. Svarstad. I was received into the Roman Catholic Church in 1924, and my marriage was then dissolved, since my husband had earlier been married to a woman who is still living. We have three children.

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