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         Undset Sigrid:     more books (103)
  1. Kristin Lavransdatter II: The Wife (Penguin Classics) by Sigrid Undset, 1999-11-01
  2. Kristin Lavransdatter - The Cross by Sigrid Undset, 2009-04-14
  3. Kristin Lavransdatter: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) by Sigrid Undset, 2005-09-27
  4. Gunnar's Daughter (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics) by Sigrid Undset, 1998-04-01
  5. Kristin Lavransdatter I: The Wreath (Penguin Classics) by Sigrid Undset, 1997-12-01
  6. Catherine of Siena by Sigrid Undset, 2009-10-01
  7. The Bridal Wreath: Kristin Lavransdatter, Vol.1 by Sigrid Undset, 1987-05-12
  8. The Axe by Sigrid Undset, 1930
  9. The Mistress of Husaby: Kristin Lavransdatter, Vol. 2 by Sigrid Undset, 1987-05-12
  10. The Unknown Sigrid Undset: Jenny and Other Works by Sigrid Undset, Tim Page, et all 2001-05-10
  11. The Master of Hestviken: The Axe, the Snake Pit, in the Wilderness, the Son Avenger by Sigrid Undset, 1962
  12. Jenny (Dodo Press) by Sigrid Undset, 2008-10-16
  13. Kristin Lavransdatter: A Trilogy: The Bridal Wreath; The Mistress of Husaby; The Cross by Sigrid Undset, 1940-01-01
  14. In the Wilderness: The Master of Hestviken, Vol. 3 by Sigrid Undset, 1995-06-24

1. Sigrid Undset - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Sigrid Undset was born on 20 May 1882, at Kalundborg, Denmark, at her mother s handsome childhood home on the market place of the small town.
Sigrid Undset
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Sigrid Undset Born May 20
Denmark Died June 10
Norway Occupation Novelist Nationality Norwegian Sigrid Undset 20 May 10 June ) was a Norwegian novelist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in Undset was born in Kalundborg Denmark , but her family moved to Norway when she was two years old. In , she converted to Catholicism and became a lay Dominican . She fled Norway for the United States in because of her opposition to Nazi Germany and the German occupation , but returned after World War II ended in Her best-known work is Kristin Lavransdatter , a modernist trilogy about life in Scandinavia in the Middle Ages . The book was set in medieval Norway and was published from to in three volumes. Kristin Lavransdatter portrays the life of woman from birth until death. Undset was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for this trilogy as well as her two books about Olav Audunss¸n , published in and Undset experimented with modernist tropes such as stream of consciousness in her novel, although the original

2. Sigrid Undset - Wikipedia
Sigrid Undset (født 20. mai 1882 i Kalundborg i Danmark, død 10. juni 1949 på Lillehammer) var en norsk forfatter som mottok Nobelprisen i litteratur i 1928
Sigrid Undset
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi
G¥ til: navigasjon s¸k Sigrid Undset, mars Nobelprisen i litteratur
Sigrid Undset (f¸dt 20. mai i Kalundborg i Danmark , d¸d 10. juniLillehammer ) var en norsk forfatter som mottok Nobelprisen i litteratur i «spesielt for sine mektige beskrivelser av livet i Norden i middelalderen» . Hun skrev p¥ riksm¥l og er mest kjent for romanene om livet i skandinaviske land i middelalderen . Undsets mest kjente verk er trilogien Kristin Lavransdatter

3. Undset Sigrid
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Undset Sigrid
Sigrid Undset, 20. mai 1882-10. juni 1949. Debuterte i 1907. Forfatterskapet deles inn i nåtids- og middelalderromaner. Diktergasje fra 1922. I 1928 fikk hun Nobelprisen i litteratur "spesielt for sine mektige beskrivelser av livet i Norden i middelalderen". Sigrid Undset var i en årrekke medlem av Forfatterforeningens litterære råd, og foreningens formann 1935-40. Storkors av St. Olav, 1947.
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4. Sigrid Undset - Wikipedia
Translate this page Sigrid Undset kam am 20. Mai 1882 in Kalundborg in Dänemark als älteste von drei Töchtern von Ingvald Undset und seiner Frau Charlotte Gyth zur Welt.
Sigrid Undset
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Sigrid Undset 20. Mai in Kalundborg D¤nemark 10. Juni in Lillehammer Norwegen ) war eine norwegische Romanautorin , Novellistin und Essayistin. Ihre Werke befassen sich mit dem Konflikt zwischen norwegischer Tradition, der europ¤ischen Krise ihrer Zeit, dem r¶mischen Katholizismus und der weiblichen Emanzipationsbewegung. „ Vor allem f¼r ihre kraftvollen Schilderungen des nordischen Lebens im Mittelalter “, so die Begr¼ndung des Nobelpreiskomitees, erhielt sie 1928 den Nobelpreis f¼r Literatur

5. Sigrid Undset
Sigrid Undset spent ten years as an office worker, writing in her evenings and spare time. Her first novel was rejected by publishers as uninteresting,
This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for Sigrid Undset Born: 20-May
Birthplace: Kallundborg, Denmark
Died: 10-Jun
Location of death: Lillehammer, Norway
Cause of death: Respiratory failure
Remains: Buried, Lillehammer Church, Lillehammer, Norway
Gender: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Author Nationality: Norway Executive summary: Sigrid Undset spent ten years as an office worker, writing in her evenings and spare time. Her first novel was rejected by publishers as un-interesting, so her next effort was somewhat racier, with the title character, Fru Marte Oulie Mrs. Marta Oulie ) admitting to adultery in the book's first sentence. It was quickly snatched by a publisher, and as prudish critics condemned it, the book became popular. Her father was an archeologist specializing in the Middle Ages, and Undset became best known for her epic historical novels. Her most famous work, the three-volume novel Kristin Lavransdatter , tells the story of a medieval Norse woman's life, beginning with her youth, continuing through her unhappy marriage to an unworthy man, to her reckoning with God and finally chronicling the protagonist's death from bubonic plague. Undset was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1928, for "powerful descriptions of Northern life during the Middle Ages", and

6. Sigrid Undset - Wikipedia
Sigrid Undset (20. mai 1882–10. juni 1949) var ein norsk forfattar som mottok Nobelprisen i litteratur i 1928, spesielt for sine mektige beskrivelser av
Sigrid Undset
Fr¥ Wikipedia – det frie oppslagsverket
G¥ til: navigering s¸k Sigrid Undset, fotografert av Carl Van Vechten i Sigrid Undset 20. mai 10. juni ) var ein norsk forfattar som mottok Nobelprisen i litteratur i , "spesielt for sine mektige beskrivelser av livet i Norden i middelalderen". Ho skreiv p¥ riksm¥l , og er mest kjend for romanane om livet i skandinaviske land i mellomalderen . Undset sitt mest kjende verk er Kristin Lavransdatter (publisert 1920–1922). Undset vart f¸dd i Kalundborg i Danmark som dotter av arkeologen Ingvald Martin Undset og den danske kona hans. D¥ Sigrid var to ¥r gamal flytta familien til Kristiania Oslo Den lange yrkeskarrieren hennar tok til i Oslo, der ho arbeidde som kontordame. Ho sende tidleg romanmanuskript til forlaget Gyldendal i K¸benhavn . Direkt¸r Peter Nansen n¸gde seg med ¥ svara: «Fors¸k Dem ikke mer paa historiske romaner. Det kan De ikke.» Det skulle seinare visa seg at det var s¦rleg som forfattar av historiske romanar Undset skulle verta verdskjend. Ho debuterte i , med samtidsromanen «Fru Marta Oulie». Men gjennombrotet kom med romanen

7. Sigrid Undset - Britannica Concise
Search for Sigrid Undset at Encyclopædia Britannica Online for all this plus dictionary definitions, magazine articles, and more.
Undset, Sigrid
Britannica Concise
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Sigrid Undset
Sigrid Undset.
Courtesy of the Royal Norwegian Embassy, London
born May 20, 1882, Kalundborg, Den.
died June 10, 1949, Lillehammer, Nor.
Norwegian novelist. Her father was an archaeologist, and her home life was steeped in legend, folklore, and Norwegian history. Her early novels deal with the position of women in the contemporary lower middle class. She then turned to the distant past and created her masterpiece, the trilogy Kristin Lavransdatter The Master of Hestviken document.writeln(AAMB2); Images and Media: More on "Sigrid Undset" from the 32 Volume Undset, Sigrid - Norwegian novelist who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928. Lillehammer - town, seat of Oppland fylke (county), southeastern Norway, lying where the Lagen (river) flows into Lake Mjosa (the largest lake in Norway) in the southern end of Gudbrands Valley (q.v.). Lillehammer was chartered in 1827. Industries include textiles, lumber, and paper and food processing. A gateway to picturesque Gudbrands Valley, it is a year-round resort. The open-air Maihaugen folk museum ... Norway - Located on the outskirts of Europe and with much of its inland population almost completely isolated until the 20th century, Norway has been able to preserve much of its old folk culture, including a large body of legends concerning haugfolket (pixies), underjordiske (subterraneans), and vetter (supernatural beings). On the other hand, as seafarers and traders, the Norwegians have always received ...

8. Biography Center : Biographies Of Sigrid Undset In
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9. Kunstnerregisteret Sigrid Undset
Sigrid Undset Fikk Nobelprisen i litteratur i 1928 for sine beskrivelser av livet i middelalderen i Skandinavia. Det vil si trebinds verket Kristin

10. Sigrid Undset - Wikipedia
Translate this page Sigrid Undset (Kalundborg, 20 mei 1882 – Lillehammer, 10 juni 1949) was een Noorse romanschrijfster die de Nobelprijs voor de Literatuur van 1928 won.
Sigrid Undset
Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie
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Sigrid Undset Kalundborg 20 mei Lillehammer 10 juni ) was een Noorse romanschrijfster die de Nobelprijs voor de Literatuur van 1928 won. Undset werd geboren in Kalundborg , Denemarken, maar haar familie verhuisde naar Noorwegen toen zij twee jaar oud was. In 1924 bekeerde ze zich tot het christendom . Zij vluchtte in 1940 naar de Verenigde Staten wegens haar verzet tegen Nazi-Duitsland en de Duitse bezetting, maar na de Tweede Wereldoorlog in 1945 keerde ze terug. Haar bekendste werk is Kristin Lavransdatter , een modernistische trilogie over het leven in Scandinavi« in de Middeleeuwen . Het boek speelt zich af in middeleeuws Noorwegen en werd gepubliceerd van 1920 tot 1922 in drie delen. Kristin Lavransdatter beeldt het leven van een vrouw van geboorte tot dood uit. Undset stierf in Lillehammer op 67-jarige leeftijd.
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11. Sigrid Undset - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Undset, Sigrid (1997), Cristina hija de Lavrans, Encuentro Ediciones. ISBN 978-84-7490-427-7. Commons alberga contenido multimedia sobre Sigrid Undset.
Sigrid Undset
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Sigrid Undset Sigrid Undset en 1927 Nacimiento: 20 de mayo de
Dinamarca Ocupaci³n: Escritora C³nyuge(s): Anders Castus Svarstad
Sigrid Undset (n. Kalundborg Dinamarca 20 de mayo de Lillehammer 10 de junio de Escritora noruega Hija de Ingvald Undset, arque³logo de reconocimiento internacional especializado en la Edad del Hierro en Europa, naci³ en Dinamarca, pero su familia se traslad³ a Noruega cuando ella contaba tan solo dos a±os de edad. Realiz³ sus estudios en Oslo , pero no pudo realizar estudios universitarios a causa de la temprana muerte de su padre. Trabaj³ como secretaria en una importante empresa de ingenier­a cuando contaba diecis©is a±os. Sus primeras novelas fueron La se±ora Marta Ulia Jenny ) y Primavera ), en las que escribe en contra de los defensores del «amor libre». Increment³ y consolid³ su fama con Las mujeres sabias ) y el ensayo Punto de vista de una mujer Sus obras m¡s conocidas son Kristin Lavransdatter ) y Olav Audunss¶n ), en las que trata el permanente conflicto entre el amor terreno y el divino.

12. Bernard Shaw Redivivus; Bernard Shaw Redivivus SIGRID UNDSET - Article Preview -
SIGRID undset sigrid Undset was born in 1582 in Norway. Dqrlng the greater part of her and youth she lived in Christiania, the scene of most of her novels.

13. Sigrid Undset - Wikipedia, Den Fria Encyklopedin
Sigrid Undset, född 20 maj 1882 i Kalundborg i Danmark, död 10 juni 1949 i Lillehammer, norsk författare; nobelpristagare i litteratur 1928.
Sigrid Undset
Hoppa till: navigering s¶k Sigrid Undset 1927.
redigera Sigrid Undsets liv och f¶rfattarskap
Sigrid Undset , f¶dd 20 maj i Kalundborg i Danmark , d¶d 10 juni i Lillehammer norsk f¶rfattare ; nobelpristagare i litteratur . Dotter till den norske arkeologen Ingvald Undset och dennes danska hustru Anne Charlotte Gyth . Undset gifte sig den sommaren med m¥laren Anders Castus Svarstad . Fadern dog n¤r Sigrid Undset var elva ¥r. Modern flyttade till Norge d¤r Sigrid och hennes tv¥ systrar v¤xte upp i Kristiania. Familjen flyttade ofta. Efter skolg¥ng och gymnasiets handelsprogram arbetade Sigrid Undset p¥ kontor i en tio¥rsperiod, fr¥n 17 till 27 ¥rs ¥lder. D¤refter debuterade hon som f¶rfattare. Sigrid Undset anses vara den norska nyrealismens st¶rsta f¶rfattare. Internationellt ¤r hon oj¤mf¶rligt mycket mer k¤nd f¶r sina historiska romaner. Hon erh¶ll nobelpriset i litteratur . I oktober konverterade hon till katolicismen . Hon intr¤dde 1928 som terti¤r i dominikanorden , och var d¤rvid knuten till dominikansystrarnas Katarina- konvent i Oslo. Hon var nazistmotst¥ndare och bodde under

14. Sigrid Undset - Wikipedia, Wolna Encyklopedia
Sigrid Undset (ur. 20 maja 1882 w Kalundborg, Dania, zm. 10 czerwca 1949 w Lillehammer, Norwegia) – wybitna powie ciopisarka i nowelistka norweska.
Sigrid Undset
Z Wikipedii
Skocz do: nawigacji szukaj Sigrid Undset, 27 marca , fotografia Carla van Vechtena Sigrid Undset (ur. 20 maja w Kalundborg Dania , zm. 10 czerwca w Lillehammer Norwegia ) – wybitna powieściopisarka i nowelistka norweska . Urodziła się w rodzinie znanego norweskiego archeologa. Po ukończeniu szkoły handlowej przez długi czas pracowała w biurze; zawarte w 1912r. jej małżeństwo z malarzem A.C. Svarstadem rozpadło sie 13 lat p³Åºniej. Już jako sławna pisarka, w latach trzydziestych wielokrotnie zabierała głos, wypowiadając się przeciwko rasizmowi i nazizmowi. Gdy wojska hitlerowskie wkroczyły w 1940r. do Norwegii, w dramatycznych okolicznościach opuściła kraj i wyjechała do USA. W 1945r. powr³ciła do ojczyzny osiadła i zamieszkała do śmierci w rodzinnym domu w Lillehammer. Sigrid Undset została laureatką Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie literatury za rok
  • Pani Marta Qulie Szczęśliwy wiek Młodość Wiga-Ljot i Wigdis Jenny Krystyna, c³rka Lavransa Legenda o kr³lu Arturze i rycerzach Okrągłego Stołu Olaf, syn Auduna

15. Sigrid Undset - Wikipédia
Translate this page Sigrid Undset (20 mai 1882 - 10 juin 1949) est une romancière norvégienne qui a obtenu le Prix Nobel de littérature en 1928 pour sa trilogie Kristin
Sigrid Undset
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Sigrid Undset en 1927 Sigrid Undset 20 mai 10 juin ) est une romanci¨re norv©gienne qui a obtenu le Prix Nobel de litt©rature en pour sa trilogie Kristin Lavrandsdatter
modifier Biographie
Undset est n©e   Kalundborg au Danemark mais sa famille s'installe en Norv¨ge quand elle a deux ans. En , elle se convertit au catholicisme . Elle fuit la Norv¨ge pour les ‰tats-Unis en   cause de l'occupation allemande. Elle revient apr¨s la Seconde Guerre mondiale . Elle s'est essay©   des styles modernes comme le courant de conscience Elle d©c¨de le 10 juin Lillehammer
modifier Les premiers romans
) et les romans historiques (le premier, Vigdis la farouche est publi© en En , son roman Jenny fait scandale. Il raconte la destin©e d'une jeune Norv©gienne, artiste peintre, ©tudiante   Rome et fr©quentant la boh¨me norv©gienne locale. Elle y rencontre un jeune Norv©gien, Helge, dont elle croit tomber amoureuse. Mais une fois rentr©e en Norv¨ge, celui ci perd de son charme jusqu'au jour o¹ Jenny tombe enceinte du p¨re de Helge. Elle s'enfuit en Allemagne mais la mort de son enfant la plonge dans le d©sespoir et elle se suicide quelque temps apr¨s.
modifier La conversion au catholicisme et le Prix Nobel
Sigrid Undset est connue pour s'ªtre convertie au catholicisme en . D'ailleurs ses romans s'en font tr¨s nettement l'©cho. Elle consid¨re ainsi qu'une femme ne peut v©ritablement s'©panouir et remplir sa vocation que dans un pays o¹ la Foi catholique est partag©e de tous.

16. Sigrid Undset
A brief biography and a listing of selected works.
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by Bamber Gascoigne
Sigrid Undset (1882-1949) Norwegian writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928. Undset is best-known for her novels about life in the Scandinavian countries during the Middle Ages. Her early fiction dealt with contemporary subjects, problems of city women. Often her heroines face tragic consequences when they are unfaithful for their true inner self or idealistically challenge traditional gender roles. In his presentation speech, Per Hallström, Chairman of the Nobel Committee of the Swedish Academy, stated that " the erotic life, the problem common to the two sexes, which constitutes the centre of Sigrid Undset's psychological interest, is found again, almost without modifications, in her historical novels. In this respect, objections naturally come to mind. In medieval documents, the feminist question is not known; one never finds hints of the inner personal life which later was to raise this question. The historian, demanding proofs, has the right to note this discrepancy. But the historian's claim is not absolute; the poet has at least an equal right to express himself when he relies on a solid and intuitive knowledge of the human soul. " Undset did not deliver a Nobel lecture, but said in her brief acceptance speech that "

17. Sigrid Undset - Autobiography
sigrid undset My father s family came from Østerdalen. The first ancestor of ours of whom anything at all was known was one Peder Halvorsen who, in 1730,
Sigrid Undset
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1928
My father, Ingvald Martin Undset, obtained his doctorate in 1881 with a thesis on The Beginnings of the Iron Age in Northern Europe My mother had no choice but to send me to a commercial school in Christiania. I did not like it there but it had one great advantage over my old school; no one there expected me to like anything! Later on, I went to work in an office and learned among other lessons to do things I did not care for, and to do them well. I remained there for ten years - from the age of 17 until I was 27. Before I left this office, two of my books had already been published - Fru Marte Oulie in 1907, and Den lykkelige alder (The Happy Age) in 1908. After leaving the office job, I went to Germany and Italy on a scholarship. I have published a number of books since, my last two novels being set in the Middle Ages. They are Kristin Lavransdatter , which appeared in three volumes (192O-1922): Kransen (The Garland) Husfrue (The Mistress of Husaby) Korset (The Cross) ; and The Master of Hestviken ] and its sequel In 1912, I was married in Belgium to the Norwegian painter A. C. Svarstad. I was received into the Roman Catholic Church in 1924, and my marriage was then dissolved, since my husband had earlier been married to a woman who is still living. We have three children.

18. Sigrid Undset Winner Of The 1928 Nobel Prize In Literature
sigrid undset, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.
1928 Nobel Laureate in Literature
    principally for her powerful descriptions of Northern life during the Middle Ages.

19. Sigrid Undset --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on sigrid undset Norwegian novelist who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928.
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Sigrid Undset
Page 1 of 1 born May 20, 1882, Kalundborg, Den.
died June 10, 1949, Lillehammer, Nor. Sigrid Undset. Courtesy of the Royal Norwegian Embassy, London Norwegian novelist who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1928. Special Offer! Activate a FREE trial to Britannica Online , your complete (re)search engine for when you need to be right. Elleve aar Eleven Years ), in which she tells of her childhood, to the story of her flight from Nazi-occupied Norway, published originally in English as Return to the Future (1942; Norwegian

20. Sigrid Undset Linkpage
Biography by Gidske; comments on sigrid undset in the 1990s by Janneken Øverland sigrid undset Autobiography; From the website of The Nobel Foundation

Sigrid Undset

Sigrid Undset Autobiography
From the website of The Nobel Foundation which awarded her the 1928 Nobel Prize in literature. Includes her acceptance speech

Sigrid Undset (1882-1949)
Biography and a list of Undset's works. From the Kuusankoski Public Library in Finland.

Sigrid Undset
Brief biography, depiction of stamp honoring her. From "Famous Norwegian Women on Stamps" website.
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