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61. Miguel De Unamuno@Everything2.com In Mist, unamuno creates a bunch of characters and casts himself (the author) in the role of God. One of the characters, Augusto Perez, meets the author http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=745305 |
62. SP2: Miguel De Unamuno Learning Resources Site for the Introduction to Hispanic Texts course in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Cambridge. http://www.mml.cam.ac.uk/spanish/SP2/unamuno/ | |
63. Search For ' Miguel De Unamuno ' In - PriceGrabber.com Results 120 of 125 matches for miguel de unamuno Books . miguel de unamuno, Andanzas Y Visiones Espanolas (1 Release) Author miguel de unamuno http://www.pricegrabber.com/search.php/bkcontrib_id=2172878 | |
64. Miguel De Unamuno (y Jugo) Biography - Biography.com Learn about the life of miguel de unamuno (y Jugo) at Biography.com. Read Biographies, watch interviews and videos. http://www.biography.com/search/article.do?id=9513373 |
65. HI - León - Miguel De Unamuno Youth Hostel Book León miguel de unamuno Hostel. HI Youth Hostel. Hostelling International s Hostel Reservation Site www.hihostels.com including Hostel Booking, http://www.hihostels.com/dba/hostel051112.en.htm | |
66. IngentaConnect Miguel De Unamuno Und Antero De QuentalIberische Religionskritik, These two forms of critiquing religion are illustrated by the examples of miguel de unamuno and Antero de Quental, whose writings were characteristic of the http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/brill/zrg/2007/00000059/00000004/art00002 | |
67. "San Manuel Bueno, Martir," Miguel De Unamuno. Performance Guides To Spanish Tex ED351870 San Manuel Bueno, martir, miguel de unamuno. Performance Guides to Spanish Texts. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED351870 |
68. UNAMUNO, MIGUEL DE: Todos Sus Libros Y Obras En Su Libreria Casa Del Libro Translate this page miguel de unamuno, catedrático, filósofo y escritor, combatió la dictadura de Primo de Rivera, lo que motivó su deportación a Fuerteventura y su huída a http://www.casadellibro.com/fichas/fichaautores/0,,UNAMUNO32MIGUEL2DE,00.html?au |
69. Gale - E-Docs - Miguel De Unamuno S Saint Emmanuel The Good miguel de unamuno s Saint Emmanuel the Good, Martyr A Study Guide from Gale s Short Stories for Students (Volume 20, Chapter 10) http://prp.contentdirections.com/mr/gale_edoc.jsp?doi=10.1223/GALFSSSFS000330 |
70. Logos Library - Logos Translations Multilingual Library Translate this page miguel de unamuno (1864 - 1936) Poeta, dramaturgo, novelista, filósofo y ensayista español de una sagacidad, agudeza e independencia poco frecuentes en la http://www.logoslibrary.eu/owa-wt/new_wordtheque.w6_home_author.home?code_author |
71. Antologia Poetica; Author: Unamuno, Miguel De; Spanish; Hardcover Antologia Poetica Author unamuno, miguel de. Author unamuno, miguel de Hardcover Published January 1999 Alianza Language Spanish ISBN 8420633763 http://www.netstoreusa.com/pxbooks/842/8420633763.shtml | |
72. Ceip Miguel De Unamuno Translate this page CEIP miguel de unamuno. 25È ANIVERSARI. CEIP miguel de unamuno. C/ÁNGEL GUIMERÀ 10-12. STA. COLOMA de GRAMENET. Telèfon 93 386 82 62. ACTES 25è ANIVERSARI. http://www.xtec.es/centres/a8032312/ |
73. French Studies -- Sign In Page Écrire devant l absolu Georges Bernanos et miguel de unamuno. By DANIELLE PERROTCORPET. (Bibliothèque de littérature générale et comparée, 53). http://fs.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/61/4/535 | |
74. Spanish Languaje Biography,Miguel De Unamuno Y Jugo, Novels And Stories In this page it will find one complete biography of miguel de unamuno y Jugo. Complete works of the famous author, beautiful poems that will be able to http://www.learn-spanish-guide.com/miguel_de_unamuno.html | |
75. Princeton University Press Books In Selected Works Of Miguel De Unamuno Selected Works of miguel de unamuno. The first edition, in translation by Anthony Kerrigan, of a great writer of modern Spain. http://press.princeton.edu/catalogs/series/bsmdu.html | |
76. Reserva Plazas Alojamiento Universitario Residencia Salamanca Miguel De Unamuno Translate this page Hotel Residencia Universitaria miguel de unamuno, el mejor lugar para vivir y estudiar en Salamanca. Tiene un carácter mixto y disponemos de un total de 63 http://www.residencia-unamuno.com/ | |
77. V: Positive Atheism's Big List Of Quotations miguel de unamuno The skeptic does not mean him who doubts, miguel de unamuno, in a confrontation with fascist General MilanAstray at the University of http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/quotes/quote-u.htm | |
78. Short Stories delibes, miguel. Umbral, Francisco unamuno, miguel de ValleInclán, Ramón del. Catalan Landscape The Hunter by Joan Miró. http://users.adelphia.net/~fvila/Spain/short_stories.htm | |
79. Unamuno, Miguel De. - Catálogo Acceder Translate this page 389 registros encontrados para la búsqueda unamuno, miguel de. según autor Abel Sánchez Una historia de pasión/ unamuno, miguel de Biblioteca Carlos http://www.acceder.gov.ar/es/buscador/creator:Unamuno, Miguel de. | |
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