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         Tzara Tristan:     more books (100)
  1. Approximate Man and Other Writings: Approximate Man and Other Writings by Tristan Tzara, Mary Ann Caws, 2005-12-28
  2. The Gas Heart by Tristan Tzara, 2008-02-01
  3. Chanson Dada: Tristan Tzara Selected Poems by Tristan Tzara, 2005-11-01
  4. 4X1: Works by Tristan Tzara, Rainer Maria Rilke, Jean-Pierre Duprey, and Habib Tengour by Rainer Maria Rilke, Tristan Tzara, et all 2003-01
  5. Tristan Tzara: Dada and Surrational Theorist by Elmer Peterson, 1971
  6. Grains et Issues by Tristan Tzara, 1987-10-01
  7. Tristan Tzara by François Buot, 2002-10-15
  8. Vingt-cinq poèmes (French Edition) by Tristan Tzara, 2010-04-18
  9. Meetings with poets;: Memories of Dylan Thomas, Edith Sitwell, Louis Aragon, Paul Eluard, Tristan Tzara by Jack Lindsay, 1969
  10. Itinéraires et contact de cultures, numéro 29 : Tristan Tzara, le surréalisme et l'internationale poétique
  11. Buddhist Elements in Dada: A Comparison of Tristan Tzara, Takahashi Shinkichi and Their Fellow Poets (New York University studies in comparative literature ; v. 8) by Won Ko, 1977-01-01
  12. Dada terminus: Tristan Tzara-E.L.T. Mesens, correspondence choisie, 1923-1926 (French Edition) by Tristan Tzara, 1997
  13. Modernist Song: The Poetry of Tristan Tzara (Legenda Main Series) by Stephen Forcer, 2005-12-01
  14. Tristan Tzara: A bibliography by Lee Harwood, 1974

1. Tristan Tzara - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
I cannot help opposing those influences with the most violent lunge forward, the idea, and the most creative of actions, idleness. ” —Tristan Tzara
Tristan Tzara
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search I consider America responsible for the shame of our age: the glorification of work, that stupid ideology which has engendered the idea of material progress and the disdain of every utopia or poetry tending toward the perfection of the human soul... I cannot help opposing those influences... with the most violent lunge forward, the idea, and the most creative of actions, idleness. —Tristan Tzara Tristan Tzara Sami Rosenstock a.k.a. Samuel Rosenstock April 16 December 25 ) was a Romanian poet and essayist. He was one of the founders of the Dada movement, known best for his manifestos. He was a collaborator with Marcel Janco . It is speculated that the word "Dada" comes from the Romanian "Yes, yes" and is thus originated from Tzara and Janco's contributions. It is more commonly believed Tzara picked a random word out of a French dictionary and got "Dada", a child's word for a hobby horse

2. Tristan Tzara
Tristan tzara tristan Tzara. dada is alphabet tzara tristan Tzara was a dadaist of the first moments. He invented Dada in Zürich and started the
You are in: Museum of Art Museum of Modern Art Tristan Tzara
Citation: Website address (ie ), edited by Stanley L. Klos and volunteer editor's name, if any, listed at bottom - Carnegie, PA 1999-2006. We rely on volunteers to edit the sites on a continual basis. If you would like to edit this site please submit edits and  biographies in text form
Tristan Tzara
Founder of the DADA movement Research Links Tzara, "Dadaism"
Dadaism. By Tristan Tzara. From "Dada Manifesto" [1918]
and "Lecture on Dada" [1922], translated ...
Description: Excerpts from "Dada Manifesto" [1918] and "Lecture on Dada" [1922]. Tristan Tzara (1896-1963)
Tzara, Tristan. (b. 1896, Moinesti, Romania - d. December
1963, Paris, France) Romanian-born ...
Description: A brief biography and two short works, "Manifesto of Mr. Antipyrine" and "Proclamation.. TRISTAN TZARA
... Poète français (1896 - 1963), perturbateur et tumultueux, Tristan Tzara se réfugie
à Zürich, lors de la première guerre mondiale. Il y retrouve en autres ...

3. Tristan Tzara - Poems, Biography, Quotes
Free collection of all Tristan Tzara Poems and Biography. See the best poems and poetry by Tristan Tzara.
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Women Poets ... Meaning of Names Tristan Tzara Enlarge Picture View Tristan Tzara: Poems Quotes Biography Books Tristan Tzara (April 16, 1896 - December 25, 1963) is the pseudonym of Sami Rosenstock, born in Moinesti, Bacău, Romania. A poet and essayist who lived for the majority of his life in France, he is known mainly as a founder of Dada, a nihilistic revolutionary movement in the arts. The Dadaist movement originated in Z¼rich during World War I; Tzara wrote the first Dada texts - La Premi¨re Aventure c©leste de Monsieur Antipyrine (1916; "The First Heavenly Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine") and .. Continue.. Some of Tristan Tzara Poems Cinema Calendar Of The Abstract Heart - 09 Proclamation Without Pretension The Great Lament Of My Obscurity Three To Make A Dadist Poem ... View all Tristan Tzara Poems Quote from Author The rest, called literature, is a dossier of human imbecility for the guidance of future professors.

4. Tzara Tristan Zurich Switzerland
Celebrities in Switzerland Tristan Tzara Tzara, The Dada writer spent years in Zurich, helping to create this artistic movement.
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Tzara, Tristan (1896 - 1963) Romania Writer Zurich / ZH
The Dada writer spent years in Zurich, helping to create this artistic movement. Later he joined the french Résistance with his surrealist friends in Paris. More celebrities Romania Writer ZH All celebrities
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5. Tristan Tzara - Wikipedia
Tristan Tzara (n. 16 aprilie 1896 d. 25 decembrie 1963) este pseudonimul lui Samuel Rosenstock, poet i eseist evreu român, n scut în Moine ti,
Tristan Tzara
De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Salt la: Navigare căutare Tristan Tzara (n. 16 aprilie - d. 25 decembrie ) este pseudonimul lui Samuel Rosenstock , poet şi eseist evreu rom¢n, născut ®n Moineşti , Rom¢nia şi stabilit mai t¢rziu ®n FranÅ£a , cofondator al mişcării culturale dadaiste care a condus la o revoluÅ£ie majoră ®n artele plastice şi literatură.
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    In 1912, pe c®nd era incă ®n liceu, publică Revista "Simbolul" ®mpreună cu Marcel Iancu şi Ion Vinea , cu binecuv®ntarea lui Alexandru Macedonski şi ajutorul lui Iosif Iser . In această perioada semnează cu pseudonimul S. Samyro , pe care ®l va schimba mai t®rziu in Tristan Ruia şi ®n final Tristan Tzara. "Tristan" e ales pe l®ngă rezonanÅ£a particulară pe care o are numele ®n rom¢nă şi ca un omagiu către opera lui Wagner - o referinţă importantă pentru simboliştii care l-au influenÅ£at puternic pe t®nărul poet. Mişcarea dadaistă ®ÅŸi are originea ®n oraşul elveÅ£ian Z¼rich ®n timpul Primului Război Mondial . Tzara ajunge acolo ®n toamna lui şi cur®nd se alătură unui grup de tineri intelectuali care pun la cale "happening-urile" de la Cabaret Voltaire. Astfel s-a născut celebra

6. Tristan Tzara --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Tristan Tzara Romanianborn French poet and essayist known mainly as the founder of Dada, a nihilistic
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Tristan Tzara
Page 1 of 1 born 1896, Moinesti, Rom.
died December 1963, Paris Tzara Maywald original name Samuel Rosenstock Romanian-born French poet and essayist known mainly as the founder of Dada , a nihilistic revolutionary movement in the arts, the purpose of which was the demolition of all the values of modern civilization. Tzara, Tristan... (75 of 263 words) To read the full article, activate your FREE Trial Commonly Asked Questions About Tristan Tzara Close Enable free complete viewings of Britannica premium articles when linked from your website or blog-post. Now readers of your website, blog-post, or any other web content can enjoy full access to this article on Tristan Tzara , or any Britannica premium article for free, even those readers without a premium membership. Just copy the HTML code fragment provided below to create the link and then paste it within your web content. For more details about this feature, visit our

7. Tristan Tzara - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Tristan Tzara es el seudónimo del poeta y ensayista Samuel Rosenstock, que nació en Moinesti, Bacau, Rumania, el 16 de abril de 1896 y falleció en París,
Tristan Tzara
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Tristan Tzara es el seud³nimo del poeta y ensayista Samuel Rosenstock , que naci³ en Moinesti Bacau Rumania , el 16 de abril de y falleci³ en Par­s Francia , el 25 de diciembre de
editar Biograf­a
Vivi³ casi toda su vida en Francia y fue uno de los autores m¡s importantes del movimiento Dada , que fund³ junto con Jean Arp y Hugo Ball , una corriente revolucionaria en literatura que anticip³ las actitudes del surrealismo El movimiento dada­sta se origin³ en Zºrich , durante la I Guerra Mundial ; Tzara escribi³ los primeros textos Dad¡ — La Premi¨re Aventure c©leste de Monsieur Antipyrine ("La primera aventura celestial del se±or Antipirina", ) y Vingt-cinq po¨mes "Veinticinco Poemas" ), as­ como los manifiestos del movimiento: Sept manifestes Dada ("Siete manifiestos Dad¡", ). En Par­s organiz³, con sus compa±eros de movimiento, espect¡culos callejeros plenos de absurdismo para ©pater le bourgeois , "escandalizar la burges­a", y dio un poderoso impulso a la escena dada­sta. Hacia fines de se embarc³ en el reci©n inaugurado movimiento surrealista de Andr© Breton Louis Aragon y otros autores; dedic³ grandes esfuerzos a intentar conciliar las doctrinas filos³ficas nihilistas y sofisticadas del movimiento con su propia afiliaci³n

8. Tristan Tzara
Tristan Tzara was a part of the founding of Dada (1916) in Zurich along with Hugo Ball , Hans Arp and Richard Huelsenbeck. The small Rumanian poet had come
Tristan Tzara (1896-1963)
"DADA suggests 2 solutions: NO MORE LOOKS! NO MORE WORDS! (No more manifestos.)" taken from Tristan Tzara's Manifesto
Tristan Tzara was a part of the founding of Dada (1916) in Zurich along with Hugo Ball Hans Arp and Richard Huelsenbeck. The small Rumanian poet had come to Switzerland (like many others) in order to escape the war. Hugo ball, certain that there must be "a few young people in Switzerland who like me were interested not only in enjoying their independence but also in giving proof of it' (first Dada publication - Zurich 15th May 1916) had set up the 'Cabaret Voltaire', a venue offering young writers and artists such as Tzara a show case for their work. Tzara was, according to all acounts, one of the most fiery and enthusiastic little men you'd ever want to meet. "What Tzara did not know, could not do, would not dare to do, had not yet been thought of." (Hans Richter: 'dada - art and anti-art'). Tzara's intense energy was indispensable to the artistic movement which started life in the Cabaret Voltaire and rapidly became known as 'Dada'. With his relentless declaiming (in three languages) Tzara was indesputitedly one of the main driving forces for the anti-spirit that is Dada. Tzara was the first to have poems recited simultaneously on the stage at the Cabaret Voltaire, a concept borrowed from the

9. Tzara
Tristan Tzara. Born Samuel Rosenstock. Born 16 April 1896 in Moinesti, Romania. Died 24 December 1963 in Paris. Writer associated with the Dada movement in
Tristan Tzara
Born Samuel Rosenstock.
Born 16 April 1896 in Moinesti, Romania.
Died 24 December 1963 in Paris. Writer associated with the Dada movement in Zurich and Paris. The International Dada Archive has extensive holdings of works by and about Tzara. BOOKS FROM THE DADA ARCHIVE
Click here to return to the list of individual Dadaists.
Click here to return to the home page of the International Dada Archive. International Dada Archive, University of Iowa Libraries.
Last updated: January 8, 2002

10. Tristan Tzara - Wikiquote
Tristan Tzara (Samuel Rosenstock/Rosenstein) (16 April 1896 – 25 December 1963) was a FrenchRomanian poet and essayist. He was one of the founders of the
Tristan Tzara
From Wikiquote
Jump to: navigation search Tristan Tzara (Samuel Rosenstock/Rosenstein) ( 16 April 25 December ) was a French-Romanian poet and essayist. He was one of the founders of the Dada movement, known best for his manifestos. He was a collaborater with Marcel Janco This People article is a stub . You can help Wikiquote by
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  • We [Dadaists] are often told that we are incoherent, but into this word people try to put an insult that it is rather hard for me to fathom. Everything is incoherent... There is no logic... The acts of life have no beginning and no end. Everything happens in a completely idiotic way. That is why everything is alike. Simplicity is called Dada. Any attempt to conciliate an inexplicable momentary state with logic strikes me as a boring kind of game... Like everything in life, Dada is useless... Perhaps you will understand me better when I tell you that Dada is a virgin microbe that penetrates with the insistence of air into all of the spaces that reason has not been able to fill with words or conventions.
    • As quoted in The Dada Painters and Poets: An Anthology (1981) edited by Robert Motherwell, p.250 - 251

11. Tristan
Sources Tzara, Tristan, Seven Dada Manifestos and Lampisteries , Calder Publications, London, 1977. Motherwell, Robert The Dada Painters and Poets An Tzara

12. TZARA Tristan, De Mémoire D'homme. Lithographies De Pablo Picasso.
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13. Tristan Tzara - Wikipedia
Translate this page Tristan Tzara wurde auf dem Cimetière Montparnasse in Paris (Frankreich) beigesetzt. Literatur von und über Tristan Tzara im Katalog der Deutschen
Tristan Tzara
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Tristan Tzara , eigentlich Samuel Rosenstock 16. April in Moineşti Rum¤nien 24. Dezember in Paris ) war ein rum¤nischer Schriftsteller 1912 (w¤hrend er noch im Gymnasium war) ver¶ffentlicht er die Zeitschrift "Simbolul" mit Hilfe von Marcel Iancu und Ion Vinea . 1919 zieht er nach Paris um. Begr¼ndete mit Hans Arp und Hugo Ball die Z¼rcher Gruppe des Dadaismus . Er schrieb die ersten Dada-Texte (u.a. La Premi¨re aventure c©leste de Monsieur Antipyrine Vingt-cinq po¨mes Sept manifestes Dada , 1924) und beteiligte sich an den Auff¼hrungen im Cabaret Voltaire . Er erfand das Simultangedicht , beispielsweise das Werk L'Amiral cherche une maison   louer . Ab 1919 beteiligte er sich an den Aktivit¤ten des Pariser Dadaismus, unter anderem mit Andr© Breton Philippe Soupault und Louis Aragon . Man schockierte die –ffentlichkeit unter anderem mit dem Versuch der Desintegration der Sprachstruktur. Ungef¤hr um 1930 wandte er sich der mehr konstruktiven Aktivit¤t des Surrealismus zu (1931: Essai sur la situation de la po©sie Der approximative Mensch L'Antitªte Grains et issues Sp¤ter k¤mpfte er mit im spanischen B¼rgerkrieg, nahm an kommunistischen T¤tigkeiten und im

14. Tristan Tzara On
Tristan Tzara was Robert (vocals), Ines (vocals), Miso (guitar), Chris (guitar), Sven (bass), Nils (drums) and later Thomas (drums).
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Tristan Tzara
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Tristan Tzara was: Robert (vocals), Ines (vocals), Miso (guitar), Chris (guitar), Sven (bass), Nils (drums) and later Thomas (drums).
Robert and Nils also were members of Kobra Khan . Nils is still creating some great stuff you can find on his MySpace or Virb profile . Sven our bassist also plays guitar in Louise Cyphre, like Chris did for some time. Check them out on MySpace and on . Thomas joined after the demise of Reno Kid. Find out more about them on Defiance Records . Robert runs a little distro and record label over here: Monotonstudio
Please take a look at the Links section to find us on other sites as well.
You can buy our records and some merchandise at Monotonstudio and other distros/labels worldwide, like: 29 North Records, Handstand Records, Electric Human Project, Interpunk, Greenhell Records, Pleasure Syndicate, Greed Records, Flight13... For more purchase options please take a look at the blog entries. Thanks.
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15. Tzara Tristan | Low Cost Bookstore
Chanson Dada Tristan Tzara Selected Poems ; Approximate Man Other Writings.
Tristan Tzara
Tristan Tzara
Tzara Tristan:
Chanson Dada: Tristan Tzara Selected Poems
Translator: Lee Harwood
Commonwealth Books/Black Widow Press , 2005
Quality paperback, 143 pages
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16. TRISTAN TZARA – Groups At
The TRISTAN TZARA group has 79 members at Connected artists include a fine boat that coffin, Am I Dead Yet and Utarid. danezaboravis. TZARA

17. Tristan Tzara
Tristan Tzara s Eighth Symphony, or How Dada came to me in the form of The Holy Words of Tristan Tzara from ABULAFIA S CIRCLES by Jerome Rothenberg
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he poko anahe
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haere i te hara tikoko Tristan Tzara : Toto-Vaca (1920) Tristan Tzara - Sound Poetry Tzara, Tristan (b. 1896, Moinesti, Romania - d. December 1963, Paris, France) Dadaism By Tristan Tzara "DADA suggests 2 solutions: NO MORE LOOKS! NO MORE WORDS! (No more manifestos.)" Tristan Tzara's Eighth Symphony, or How Dada came to me in the form of this self-contained manifesto Tristan Tzara - Research Links ... ARTseenSOHO - Tristan Tzara " The Holy Words of Tristan Tzara " from ABULAFIA'S CIRCLES by Jerome Rothenberg exhibition Artpool search Artpool

18. Chanson Dada: Tristan Tzara Selected Poems By Tzara Tristan : Green Apple Books
by tzara tristan. Publisher Information Black Widow Press 2005. Read more about new books ISBN 9780976844907. Price $17.95
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Chanson Dada: Tristan Tzara Selected Poems
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Black Widow Press 2005
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Dada ). His theories are expressed in Sept manifestes dada (1918) and See his Approximate Man and Other Writings (tr. 1973). Top Search the Library Books
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books on: Tzara Tristan - 323 results More book Results: Picasso as a Book Artist Book by Abraham Horodisch ; World Pub. Co., 1962 Subjects: Picasso, Pablo1881-1973 ...grateful to M. Jean Hugues and M. Tristan Tzara in Paris and to M. P. A. Benoit...published in the following year, Tristan Tzara De Memoire dhomme , which 80 51. Illustration from

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