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41. FOX's Book Of Martyrs We have now to enter into the story of the good martyr of God, william tyndale; which william tyndale, as he was a special organ of the Lord appointed, http://www.ccel.org/f/foxe/martyrs/fox112.htm | |
42. 'Let There Be Light' (July 1997) - Library Of Congress Information Bulletin A small but intriguing exhibition at the Library tells a story of a 16th century scholar, linguist and priest who died a martyr. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9707/tyndale.html | |
43. Tyndale, William - Christianbook.com But when Tom meets william tyndale, who defies the king and distributes Bibles to the common people, he realizes that the Reformation is more than a http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/cms_content?page=34292&sp=1035&even |
44. William Tyndale (c.1492-1536) Site for the influential translator of the New Testament and Martyr of the Reformation. http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/tyndale.htm | |
45. The Story Of William Tyndale & The First English Printed Translation Of Our Bibl Details tyndale s life and efforts to translate the Bible into English. http://www.tbaptist.com/aab/tyndale.htm | |
46. William Tyndale With a passionate, booming voice william tyndale cried out at the stake, Lord! Open the king of Englands eyes. 1 Although william deserved no death, http://www.hyperhistory.net/apwh/bios/b2tyndalew.htm | |
47. Brewer, E. Cobham. Dictionary Of Phrase & Fable. Tyndale, William tyndale, william. (b. Gloucestershire, 1484 (?); d. Vilvorde, October 6th, 1536). The Obedyence of a Christen Man, and how Christen Rulers Ought to http://www.bartleby.com/81/18594.html | |
48. William Tyndale Life Stories, Books, & Links Stories about william tyndale s life and The Obedience of a Christian Man, tyndale s New Testament. With links to essays literary criticism and analysis. http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/william.tyndale.asp | |
49. Jesus Creed » Christian Biographies 1 Today I want to focus on my favorite biography of the break that of william tyndale, by David Daniell called william tyndale A Biography . http://www.jesuscreed.org/?p=3283 |
50. The Torchlighters - William Tyndale (2005) Got some great trivia, hot news or rumors to share about The Torchlighters william tyndale? POST A TIDBIT TODAY ». Status On DVD Genre(s) Family http://movies.go.com/the-torchlighters-william-tyndale/d770170/family | |
51. William Tindale Translation When william tyndale could not receive support in England to translate the Bible into English, he went to Germany, never to return. http://www.innvista.com/culture/religion/bible/versions/wtt.htm | |
52. William Tyndale And The English Bible - Answers In Genesis An excerpt from a forthcoming travel guide by Day One publications entitled Travel with william tyndale by Brian H Edwards. http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/am/v2/n4/tyndale-and-english-bible | |
53. [EMLS 1.3 (December 1995): 12.1-7] Review Of William Tyndale: A Biography. Daniell begins his biography by boldly asserting that william tyndale gave us our English Bible . Ninetenths of the Authorized Version s New Testament http://extra.shu.ac.uk/emls/01-3/rev_lak1.html | |
54. The Chronicle Of Higher Education With that exclamation, Jerry D. Bringard, president of william tyndale College, announced that the nondenominational Christian institution, which seemed http://chronicle.com/weekly/v49/i38/38a02703.htm | |
55. William Tyndale Quotes 13 quotes and quotations by william tyndale. william tyndale Christ made the bread the sacrament of his body only wherefore as the bread is no http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/w/william_tyndale.html | |
56. William Tyndale Quotes william tyndale quotes,william, tyndale, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people. http://thinkexist.com/quotes/william_tyndale/ | |
57. William Tyndale College: From The EdRef College Search Directory william tyndale College Free info about william tyndale College, including student body, fields of study, tuition, contact info, admission requirements, http://www.edref.com/school_list/william-tyndale-college | |
58. WILLIAM TYNDALE AND RARE BIBLE SUPER SALE Geneva Bibles, English Hexaplas, KJV Bibles on Sale. http://www.swrb.com/Puritan/william-tyndale-bibles.htm | |
59. William Tyndale College University and College Online Directory william tyndale College. http://www.jobbankusa.com/education/online_college_university/insitutes/3651/wil | |
60. William Tyndale This is the answer to how william tyndale accomplished what he did in translating the New Testament and writing books that set England on fire with the http://home.comcast.net/~pegbowman/BritishSaints/TyndaleWilliam.htm | |
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