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         Thucydides:     more books (100)
  1. The complete writings of Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War (Modern library of the world's best books) by Thucydides, 1951
  2. The History of the Peloponnesian War: By Thucydides: Illustrated by Maps, Taken Entirely from Actual Surveys; with Notes Chiefly Historical and Geographical by Thucydides, 2010-02-16
  3. Thucydides and the Shaping of History (Classical Literature and Society) by Emily Greenwood, 2006-01-30
  4. Thucydides on Strategy: Athenian and Spartan Grand Strategies in the Peloponesian War and Their Relevance Today (Columbia/Hurst) by Constantinos Koliopoulos, Athanassioss G Platias, 2009-11-01
  5. Thucydides: Book II (Bristol Greek Texts Series) (Bristol Greek Texts Series) by E. Marchant, 2006-02-15
  6. A Commentary on Thucydides: Volume I: Books I - III by Simon Hornblower, 1997-05-08
  7. Thucydides, Pericles, and the Idea of Athens in the Peloponnesian War by Martha Taylor, 2009-10-26
  8. The Peloponnesian War. With Introductory Essays. (A Bantam classic) by Thucydides, 1960
  9. Thucydides Mythistoricus by Francis Macdonald Cornford, 2010-08-27
  10. The Humanity of Thucydides by Clifford Orwin, 1997-08-29
  11. Greek political theory: The image of man in Thucydides and Plato by David Grene, 1967
  12. A Historical Commentary on Thucydides: A Companion to Rex Warner's Penguin Translation by David Cartwright, 1997-08-15
  13. An Historical Commentary on Thucydides Volume 4. Books V(25)-VII by A. W. Gomme, 1970-06-15
  14. A History of Histories: Epics, Chronicles, and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides to the Twentieth Century (Vintage) by John Burrow, 2009-04-07

41. Thucydides Reference List
thucydides 2.65.12. Arktouros Hellenic studies Presented to Bernard M. W. Knox on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Ed. G. W. Bowersock and W. Burkert.
Zulick Home COM 301 All Primary Texts All References ... Thucydides Guide Thucydides Rhetor:
Selected Sources
Adkins, A. W. H. "The arete of Nicias: Thucydides 7.86." Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies "Merit, Responsibility and Thucydides." Classical Quarterly Allison, June W. "Homeric Allusions at the Close of Thucydides' Sicilian Narrative." American Journal of Philology "Pericles' Policy and the Plague." Historia Power and Preparedness in Thucydides . AJPh Monographs in Classical Philology 5. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1989. Word and Concept in Thucydides. Atlanta: Scholars P, 1997. Andrewes, A. "The Opposition to Perikles." Journal of Hellenic Studies Andrews, James A. "Cleon's Ethopoetics." Classical Quarterly "Cleon's Hidden Appeals (Thucydides 3.37-40)." Classical Quarterly Bahr-Vohlk, M. T. "A Note of the Figurative Use of Words Denoting Posture and Position in Thucydides' Melian Dialogue."

42. Thucydides - Wikiquote
thucydides (or Thoukydides) (c. 460 BC c. 400 BC) was an ancient Greek historian, author of the History of the Peloponnesian War, which recounts the 5th
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Jump to: navigation search Thucydides (or Thoukydides) (c. 460 BC - c. 400 BC ) was an ancient Greek historian, author of the History of the Peloponnesian War which recounts the 5th century BC war between Sparta and Athens . This work is widely regarded a classic and represents the first work of its kind.
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edit History of the Peloponnesian War
  • On the whole, however, the conclusions I have drawn from the proofs quoted may, I believe, safely be relied on. Assuredly they will not be disturbed either by the lays of a poet displaying the exaggeration of his craft, or by the compositions of the chroniclers that are attractive at truth's expense; the subjects they treat of being out of the reach of evidence, and time having robbed most of them of historical value by enthroning them in the region of legend.
    • Book I, 21

43. Online Library Of Liberty - Thucydides
The Online Library of Liberty is provided in order to encourage the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals by making freely

44. Thucydides: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati
In my Ancient Civilizations class, I referred to the famous Funeral Oration of Pericles as the one passage in thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War
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  • Thucydides on ancient Greek politics
    In my Ancient Civilizations class, I referred to the famous Funeral Oration of Pericles as "the one passage in Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War that makes the Greeks look admirable." I was only 3/4 of the way through a rereading of the History when I said that, but I'm still looking for the second. 55 days ago in Muhlberger's Early History Authority: 12
    Book 6 Thucydides - audio recording odyssey/ 2007/ 11/ book-6-thucydid.html
  • 45. Malaspina Great Books - Thucydides (c. 460 BCE)
    thucydides was the famous Greek author of The Peloponnesian War. He was born somewhere between 460 and 455 BC. thucydides was a wealthy Athenian noble and
    Malaspina Great Books, Established 1995; Created by Russell McNeil, PhD, Visitors:
    With the growing importance of global warming, Climate News Live provides up-to-date news and information. This is a non-partisan source of timely news articles, current events, and the relevant topics that are shaping the public policy debate in the United States and elsewhere. ... (click on picture or headline above for more)
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    The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius:
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    In 1862 the English literary critic and poet Matthew Arnold described Marcus Aurelius as "the most beautiful figure in history." The Stoicism of Aurelius is grounded in rationality and rests solidly on an ethical approach rooted in nature. Stoicism promises real happiness and joy in this life and a serenity that can never be soured by personal misfortune. This philosophy has universal appeal with practical implications on problems ranging from climate change and terrorism to the personal management of sickness, aging, depression and addiction. I truly believe that the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius has much to offer us now...(Click on book cover for more)
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    46. Thucydides Quote - Quotation From Thucydides - Education Quote - History Quote -
    thucydides quotation - part of a larger collection of Wisdom Quotes to challenge and inspire.
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    Quotations to inspire and challenge Main Thucydides History is Philosophy teaching by examples. This quote is found in the following categories: Education Quotes History Quotes Philosophy Quotes
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    Please feel free to borrow a few quotations as you need them (that's what I did!). But please respect the creative work of compiling these quotations, and do not take larger sections. Main page

    47. Bristol University - Bristol Institute For Research In The Humanities And Arts T
    The work of thucydides has had a farreaching influence on the Remarkably, however, the history of the reception of thucydides has never been studied in
    skip menus BIRTHA home contacts how to find us ... Conference advice Related Links Faculty of Arts homepage Full Economic Costing Information (fEC) Campaigns and Alumni Relations Office Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) ... BIRTHA
    Thucydides: reception, reinterpretation, influence
    A series of AHRC-funded research workshops
    Bristol, Oxford and Cambridge, October-December 2007 The work of Thucydides has had a far-reaching influence on the understanding of the modern world; he has been seen as the founder of critical history, as a pioneer in the critique of democracy and as a key thinker in the field of international relations.  Remarkably, however, the history of the reception of Thucydides has never been studied in depth.  The aim of these workshops is to bring together scholars from different disciplinary traditions to discuss how Thucydides has been read, studied and reinterpreted since the eighteenth century. All the workshops run between 10.30 and 6.00, with coffee available from 10.00. Attendance is free, and lunch and refreshments are provided. However, numbers are strictly limited; please contact the organiser, Neville Morley (, at least a week in advance if you wish to attend.

    48. Thucydides' Peloponnesian War
    thucydides uses the term logographers to refer to the prose writers who came before and were contemporary with his great predecessor Herodotus (c 480425
    The Classical Origins of Western Culture
    The Core Studies 1 Study Guide
    by Roger Dunkle
    Brooklyn College Core Curriculum Series
    Genre - History
    What we refer to as myth or legend was considered historical fact by most Greeks down into and even beyond the fifth century B.C. For example, the Homeric poems were taken seriously as an historical record of the past. Indeed, as modern archaeology has shown, there is a kernel of historical truth in the Iliad that is, a war did take place at the site of Troy in approximately the same period as was assigned to it by legend. Nevertheless, it is clear that the overall account of the Trojan war in the Iliad is the result of imaginative embellishment of a story told again and again by generations of poets. It was not until more than two centuries after the composition of the Homeric poems that a more scientific form of history developed. Rational analysis, which had begun in Ionia with the Milesian philosophers with reference to the universe, gradually extended to include the recording of human events. Historie , the Greek word from which our word "history" is derived, means `inquiry' and indicates the nature of this new way of dealing with the past. The recording of human events is no longer the uncritical retelling of traditional myths and legends, but an account which is the result of critical evaluation applied to what the author himself and others have seen and heard.

    49. 61232. Thucydides. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996
    61232. thucydides. The Columbia World of Quotations. 1996.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Quotations The Columbia World of Quotations PREVIOUS ... AUTHOR INDEX The Columbia World of Quotations. NUMBER: QUOTATION: History is Philosophy teaching by examples.

    50. Thucydides (historicus) - Wikipedia
    Translate this page thucydides legt de spreker een magistrale rede in de mond, die vooral het karakter heeft van een lofzang op het ideale Athene. Een tweede onderdeel van
    Thucydides (historicus)
    Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie
    Ga naar: navigatie zoeken Thucydides ) ca. 400 v.Chr. was een Atheens legeraanvoerder en geschiedschrijver Hij was de aanvoerder ( strategos ) van de Atheense legers in het noorden van Griekenland in het begin van de Peloponnesische oorlog en aan hem danken wij een gedetailleerde beschrijving van het verloop ervan. In 424 v.Chr. werd hij voor twintig jaar verbannen omdat hij het belangrijke bastion Amphipolis door de vingers had laten glippen. Hij gebruikte zijn ballingschap om van ooggetuigen informatie in te winnen over de oorlog en die op schrift te stellen. Vanwege zijn systematische en rationele aanpak geldt hij als grondlegger van de wetenschappelijke methode in de geschiedkunde. In het begin van het geschrift geeft hij expliciet aan welke methode hij zal toepassen en waarom. In de Oudheid werd hij mateloos bewonderd, vooral om zijn krachtige en heldere stijl en zijn vermogen om de politieke standpunten van de verschillende partijen tot uitdrukking te brengen in briljante (en grotendeels fictieve) redevoeringen. Zijn werk, dat de naam draagt van de oorlog dat het behandelt, behoort tot de oudste Griekse prozageschriften die bewaard zijn gebleven en zijn taalgebruik is nog niet zo gepolijst als dat van latere generaties Helleense auteurs. Inhoudelijk beperkt hij zich niet tot een droge opsomming van de feiten: hij geeft een scherpe analyse van de economische, sociale en politieke achtergronden en probeert altijd de echte oorzaken van het menselijk handelen bloot te leggen. De reden dat men aanneemt dat de meeste in het werk weergegeven redevoeringen fictief zijn, is dat in werkelijkheid politici en diplomaten zich zo wel nooit hadden uitgedrukt - Thucydides laat steeds hun ware motieven doorschemeren!

    51. Thucydides, Books VI-VIII: Reading Guide
    In V.256 thucydides explains that the peace of Nicias was only an interval in what was really one war. Athens and Sparta drifted back into war (although it
    Macquarie University
    POL167: Introduction to Political Theory
    Thucydides, Books VI-VIII: Reading Guide
    R.J. Kilcullen
    Books VI and VII: The Sicilian Expedition
    In V.25-6 Thucydides explains that the peace of Nicias was only an interval in what was really one war. Athens and Sparta drifted back into war (although it was almost seven years before Athenians and Spartans directly fought one another; V.25, VII.18). In book VI Thucydides describes the next major Athenian action, an attack on Syracuse, a democratic city in Sicily, not allied with Sparta. Ostensibly the Athenians went there to aid certain allies, and to cut off possible help for Sparta from the cities of the western Mediterranean. Thucydides suggests that their real aim was to extend their empire (contrary to Pericles' advice not to try to add to the empire during the war, II.65). Read VI.8-18 Compare Nicias and Alcibiades on the rationality of taking risks in extending the empire. Which is right? Just before the departure of the Sicilian expedition Alcibiades was accused of impiety (certain statues had been desecrated), and was later recalled from Sicily to face the charge. Instead he went to Sparta and offered his services. Read VI.89-92

    52. Thucydides Vs. Victor Davis Hanson - By John Taylor
    Hanson s title is a quote from the redoubtable historian thucydides, who fought for Athens during the war and whose history of the conflict,

    53. Thucydides: Free Web Books, Online
    thucydides is generally regarded as one of the first true historians. Like his predecessor Herodotus (often called the father of history ), thucydides
    The University of Adelaide Library eBooks Help
    Thucydides (c. 460 BC - 395 BC)
    Biographical note
    Greek historian, and the author of the History of the Peloponnesian War, which recounts the 5th century BC war between Sparta and Athens. Thucydides is generally regarded as one of the first true historians. Like his predecessor Herodotus (often called "the father of history"), Thucydides placed a high-value on autopsy, or eye-witness testimony to events, and writes about many episodes in which he himself probably took part. He also assiduously consulted written documents and interviewed participants in the events that he records. Unlike Herodotus, he did not recognize divine interventions in human affairs. Certainly he held unconscious biases — for example, to modern eyes he seems to underestimate the importance of Persian intervention — but Thucydides was the first historian who attempted something like modern historical objectivity. More ...
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    54. Sahlins, Marshall: Apologies To Thucydides
    Sahlins, Marshall Apologies to thucydides, university press books, shopping cart, new release notification.
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    Sahlins, Marshall Apologies to Thucydides Understanding History as Culture and Vice Versa . 320 p., 19 halftones, 9 maps, 13 line drawings. 6 x 9 2004 Cloth $30.00 ISBN: 978-0-226-73400-2 (ISBN-10: 0-226-73400-5) Fall 2004
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    1. The Polynesian War: With Apologies to Thucydides
    2. Culture and Agency in History 3. The Culture of an Assassination Bibliography Index Subjects:
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    You may purchase this title at these fine bookstores . Outside the USA, consult our

    55. Matt Neuburg's Home Page
    thucydides Presents your Safari history file as a sortable, searchable table. I wrote this because I got tired of Safari s crappy, unusable history and

    56. Zagorin, P.: Thucydides: An Introduction For The Common Reader.
    of the book thucydides An Introduction for the Common Reader by Zagorin, P., published by Princeton University Press.......
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    An Introduction for the Common Reader
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    Introduction [HTML] or [PDF format] This book is a concise, readable introduction to the Greek author Thucydides, who is widely regarded as one of the foremost historians of all time. Why does Thucydides continue to matter today? Perez Zagorin answers this question by examining Thucydides' landmark History of the Peloponnesian War , one of the great classics of Western civilization. This history, Zagorin explains, is far more than a mere chronicle of the conflict between Athens and Sparta, the two superpowers of Greece in the fifth century BCE. It is also a remarkable story of politics, decision-making, the uses of power, and the human and communal experience of war. Zagorin maintains that the work remains of permanent interest because of the exceptional intellect that Thucydides brought to the writing of history, and to the originality, penetration, and the breadth and intensity of vision that inform his narrative. The first half of Zagorin's book discusses the intellectual and historical background to Thucydides' work and its method, structure, and view of the causes of the war. The following chapters deal with Thucydides' portrayal of the Athenian leader Pericles and his account of some of the main episodes of the war, such as the revolution in Corcyra and the Athenian invasion of Sicily. The book concludes with an insightful discussion of Thucydides as a thinker and philosophic historian.

    57. Thucydides On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online
    Bust of thucydides, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto 24 copies, 0 review; thucydides Book VI 19 copies, 0 review; History of the Peloponnesian War, I,
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    Author: Thucydides
    Also known as: Thucydides 431 BC Thucydides (Richard Crawley) translator. David Grene, editor Thucydides. Thomas Thucydides; C.F. Smith ... translator Thucydides. Rex Warner Members Reviews Rating Favorited Conversations
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    58. Thucydides Quotes
    thucydides The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet
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    (Ancient Greek historians and author, 460-404bc) Similar Quotes . About: Bravery quotes . For: Memorial day quotes Add to Chapter...
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    Quotes about: Danger Glory Vision ... vision
    Thucydides said: "The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision..." and:
    It is frequently a misfortune to have very brilliant men in charge of affairs. They expect too much of ordinary men. Thucydides quotes (Ancient Greek historians and author, 460-404bc) Similar Quotes Add to Chapter... The strong do what they have to do and the weak accept what they have to accept. Thucydides quotes (Ancient Greek historians and author, 460-404bc) Similar Quotes Add to Chapter... Few things are brought to a successful issue by impetuous desire, but most by calm and prudent forethought Thucydides quotes (Ancient Greek historians and author, 460-404bc) Similar Quotes Add to Chapter... Justice will not come to Athens until those who are not injured are as indignant as those who are injured Thucydides quotes (Ancient Greek historians and author, 460-404bc) Similar Quotes Add to Chapter...

    59. Ancient Greek Online Library | Thucydides
    thucydides. Biography and plays by this great author.
    Ancient Drama - Tragedy Ancient Drama - Comedy Historiography Philosophy ... Other Authors Aeschines Aeschylus Aesop Alcidamas Aristophanes Aristotle Demosthenes Epictetus Epicurus Euripides Galen Herodotus Hippocrates Homer Lucretius Plato Plutarch Porphyry Quintus Sophocles Thucydides Texts Texts Aeschines Against Timarchus Aeschylus Agamemnon Eumenides Prometheus bound The Choephori The Persians The seven against thebes The Suppliants Aesop Aesop's Fables Alcidamas On the Sophists Aristophanes Acharnians Lysistrata Peace Plutus The Birds The Clouds The Ecclesiazusae The Frogs The Knights The Thesmophoriazusae The Wasps Aristotle Categories History of Animals Metaphysics Meteorology Nicomachean Ethics On Dreams On Generation and corruption On Interpratation On Longevity And Shortness Of Life On Memory And Reminiscense On Prophesying By Dreams On Sense And The Sensible On Sleep And Sleeplessness On Sophistical Refutations On The Gait Of Animals On The Generation Of Animals On The Heavens On The Motion Of Animals On The Parts Of Animals On The Soul On Youth And Old Age, On Life And Death, On Breathing Physics Poetics Politics Posterior Analytics Prior Analytics - Book I Prior Analytics - Book II Rhetoric The Athenian Constitution Topics Demosthenes For The Freedon Of The Rhodians For The Megapolitans On The Chersonese On The Crown On The Naval Boards On The Peace The First Olynthiac The First Philippic The Fourth Philippic The Second Olynthiac The Second Philippic The Third Olynthiac The Third Philippic Epictetus Discourses - Book I Discourses - Book II Discourses - Book III Discourses - Book IV

    60. The Revelation Of Thucydides « The Toynbee Convector
    The general war of 1914 overtook me expounding thucydides to Balliol undergraduates reading for Literae Humaniores, and then suddenly my understanding was
    The Toynbee convector

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