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41. Henry David Thoreau: On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience henry david thoreau. On the Duty of Civil Disobedience. 1849, original title Resistance to Civil Government. I heartily accept the motto, http://www.constitution.org/civ/civildis.htm | |
42. IHAS Poet With these words henry david thoreau declared the purpose of his Walden experiment, the two years he spent in the Concord woods testing his belief in the http://www.pbs.org/wnet/ihas/poet/thoreau.html | |
43. Thoreau, Henry David (Henry David Thoreau) | KnowProSE.com henry david thoreau Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it. henry david thoreau It is truly enough said that a corporation has no http://www.knowprose.com/node/12369 | |
44. Henry David Thoreau â Infoplease.com July 12 Birthdays henry david thoreau July 12 birthdays henry david thoreau, George Eastman, Josiah Wedgwood, Pablo Neruda, Oscar Hammerstein, 2d, http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0848570.html | |
45. Henry D. Thoreau Listen Walden by henry david thoreau Walden by henry david thoreau is one of the bestknown non-fiction books written by an American. http://www.lichtensteiger.de/thoreau02.html | |
46. 59610. Thoreau, Henry David. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 59610. thoreau, henry david. The Columbia World of Quotations. 1996. http://www.bartleby.com/66/10/59610.html | |
47. Henry David Thoreau: Walden HTML version of the henry david thoreau classic. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/WALDEN/walden.html | |
48. LibriVox » Walden By Henry David Thoreau Walden by henry david thoreau is one of the bestknown non-fiction books written by an American. Published in 1854, it details thoreaus life for two years, http://librivox.org/walden-by-henry-david-thoreau/ | |
49. Thoreau Quotes A page by, and for, lovers of the writings of henry david thoreau. thoreau thoreau Quotes from the random thoreau quote generator at http://www.psymon.com/walden/quotes.html |
50. Henry David Thoreau Quotes henry david thoreau quotes,henry, david, thoreau, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people. http://thinkexist.com/quotes/henry_david_thoreau/ | |
51. Henry David THOREAU FOUNDATION The henry david thoreau Foundation attracts and sustains outstanding young leaders in diverse disciplines who will safeguard the environmental welfare of http://www.thoreauscholar.org/ | |
52. Henry David Thoreau EBooks - Visit EBookMall Today! henry david thoreau Over 210000 eBooks - eBookMall - Authors. http://ebooks.ebookmall.com/author/henry-david-thoreau-ebooks.htm | |
53. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Outlines: Outline Of American Literature: Dem images/thoreau.jpg WIDTH=141 HEIGHT=226 HSPACE=5 VSPACE=5 ALIGN=left henry david thoreau, of French and Scottish descent, was born in Concord and made it http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/lit/thoreau.htm | |
54. Walden Pond And Thoreau Pictures and information on henry david thoreau s Walden Pond. about Walden Pond and henry david thoreau. We even have the complete http://nanosft.com/walden/ |
55. Henry David Thoreau Biography And Links To Etext At Owl-Eyes Providing a henry david thoreau biography, links to texts of his works, and help with term papers, essays, or other assignments. http://www.owleyes.org/thoreau.htm | |
56. Henry David Thoreau Unitarian Universalist Congregation Of Fort Bend County Stafford. Information about Sunday schedule, upcoming events, members. http://www.tuuc.org/ |
57. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection Annotated links to online biographical and other information on thoreau. http://www.ipl.org/div/litcrit/bin/litcrit.out.pl?au=tho-7 |
58. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) A guide for teaching thoreau which can also serve as an introduction for students. Analysis of themes, suggested classroom strategies, questions, http://college.hmco.com/english/heath/syllabuild/iguide/thoreau.html | |
59. Department Of Conservation And Recreation - It S Your Nature 333 acres surrounding Walden Pond, a 103foot deep kettle hole pond is set aside from the 2280 acres of Walden Woods. Site of henry david thoreau s http://www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/northeast/wldn.htm |
60. Henry David Thoreau Was Born If henry david thoreau were alive today you might think he was a little odd or you might admire him. Born on July 12, 1817, in Concord, Massachusetts, http://www.americaslibrary.gov/cgi-bin/jb_date.cgi?day=12&month=07 |
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