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         Tabucchi Antonio:     more books (100)
  1. Pereira Declares: A Testimony by Antonio Tabucchi, 1997-06-17
  2. Indian Nocturne (New Directions) by Antonio Tabucchi, 1989-03-17
  3. Requiem: A Hallucination by Antonio Tabucchi, 2002-11-17
  4. It's Getting Later All the Time (New Directions Paperbook) by Antonio Tabucchi, 2006-05-29
  5. Letter from Casablanca: Stories by Antonio Tabucchi, 1986-06-01
  6. Dreams of Dreams and the Last Three Days of Fernando Pessoa by Antonio Tabucchi, 2001-01-01
  7. The Missing Head of Damasceno Monteiro by Antonio Tabucchi, 2005-01-30
  8. SI Sta Facendo Sempre Piu' Tardi (Italian Edition) by Antonio Tabucchi, 2001-01
  9. Conversaciones Con Antonio Tabucchi (Monografica Arte y Arqueologia) (Spanish Edition) by Antonio Tabucchi, Carlos Gumpert, 1996-03
  10. The Edge of the Horizon by Antonio Tabucchi, 1990-05
  11. Tristano Muore by Antonio Tabucchi, 2007-10-01
  12. Sostiene Pereira by Antonio Tabucchi, 1996
  13. Sostiene Pereira (La strega e il capitano) (Italian Edition) by Antonio Tabucchi, 1994
  14. Die Literatur im Spiegel ihrer selbst--: Italo Calvino, Antonio Tabucchi, zwei Beispiele (European university studies. Series IX, Italian language and literature) (German Edition) by Gunde Kurtz, 1992

1. Antonio Tabucchi -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Also notable are the short stories and short novels of Antonio Tabucchi, author, for example, of Notturno indiano (1984; Indian Nocturne) and Piccoli
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Antonio Tabucchi Italian author
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  • Italian literature in Italian literature: Fiction at the turn of the 21st century ...His career culminated with the reflections on grief, sickness, and death of Camere separate (1989; Separate Rooms). Also notable are the short stories and short novels of Antonio Tabucchi, author, for example, of Notturno indiano (1984; Indian Nocturne) and Piccoli equivoci senza importanza (1985; Little Misunderstandings...
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2. Antonio Tabucchi - Wikipedia
Translate this page Antonio Tabucchi (Pisa, 24 settembre 1943) è uno scrittore italiano. Insegna lingua e letteratura portoghese all università di Siena.
Antonio Tabucchi
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Vai a: Navigazione cerca Antonio Tabucchi Pisa 24 settembre ) ¨ uno scrittore italiano . Insegna lingua e letteratura portoghese all' universit  di Siena Legato da un amore viscerale al Portogallo , ¨ il maggior conoscitore, critico e traduttore dell'opera dello scrittore Fernando Pessoa dal quale ha attinto i concetti della saudade , della finzione e degli eteronimi Tabucchi conosce l'opera di Pessoa negli anni sessanta , durante le sessioni che frequenta alla Sorbona , ne rimane talmente affascinato che, tornato in Italia frequenta un corso di lingua portoghese per comprendere meglio il poeta. I suoi libri e saggi sono stati tradotti in 18 paesi, compreso il Giappone . Con Mar­a Jos© de Lancastre, sua moglie, ha tradotto in italiano molte delle opere di Fernando Pessoa, ha scritto un libro di saggi e una commedia teatrale su questo grande scrittore. Ha ottenuto il premio francese " M©dicis ©tranger " per Nocturne indien Notturno indiano ) e il premio Campiello per Sostiene Pereira Dal 21 marzo , Tabucchi collabora al blog del gruppo del Cantiere, insieme a Gianni Barbacetto, Oliviero Beha, Giulietto Chiesa, Udo G¼mpel, Diego Novelli, Achille Occhetto, Marcelle Padovani, Lidia Ravera ed Elio Veltri. Collabora con la rivista

3. Antonio Tabucchi
Antonio Tabucchi was born in Pisa, in Tuscany, but he grew up in his maternal grandparents home in Vecchiano, a village not far from Pisa.
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by Bamber Gascoigne
Antonio Tabucchi (1943-) Italian writer, a master of the short story and novella, professor of Portuguese language and literature. As a scholar and translator Tabuccho is especially known for his work on the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa. Tabucchi has been mentioned as a contender for the Nobel Prize in Literature. "He blew his nose again and went on: Besides, the one hundred escudo notes are cool, they've got a picture of Fernando Pessoa on them, and now let me ask you a question, do you like Pessoa? Very much, I replied, I could even tell you a good story about him, but it's not worth it"... (from Requiem: A Hallucination Antonio Tabucchi was born in Pisa, in Tuscany, but he grew up in his maternal grandparents' home in Vecchiano, a village not far from Pisa. He was educated at the University of Pisa and graduated in 1969 with the thesis Surrealism in Portugal . Tabucchi then furthered his education at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. As a novelist Tabucchi made his debut in 1975 with Piazza d'Italia , which sought to chart "a short history of the last hundred years of Italy, in tragicomic style", as the author himself said. Tabucchi's first collection of short stories

4. Antonio Tabucchi - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Antonio Tabucchi (nacido en Vecchiano, provincia de Pisa el 24 de septiembre de 1943) es un escritor italiano, profesor de Lengua y Literatura Portuguesas
Antonio Tabucchi
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Antonio Tabucchi (nacido en Vecchiano, provincia de Pisa el 24 de septiembre de ) es un escritor italiano , profesor de Lengua y Literatura Portuguesas en la Universidad de Siena. Visceralmente enamorado de Portugal , es el mejor conocedor, cr­tico y traductor italiano del escritor portugu©s Fernando Pessoa . Tabucchi conoce la obra de Pessoa en los a±os sesenta, en la Sorbona , le fascina de tal forma que a su regreso a Italia acude a clases de portugu©s para comprender mejor al poeta. Sus libros han sido traducidos en dieciocho pa­ses. Junto a Maria Jos© de Lancastre, su esposa, ha traducido al italiano muchas de las obras de Pessoa. Ha escrito, adem¡s, un libro de ensayos y una comedia teatral sobre ©l. Ha obtenido el premio franc©s "M©dicis ©tranger" por su novela Notturno Indiano, y el premio Campiello por Sostiene Pereira. Algunos de sus libros m¡s conocidos son Notturno Indiano, Piccoli equivoci senza importanza, Un baule pieno di gente, Gli ultimi tre giorni di Fernando Pessoa, Sostiene Pereira, La testa perduta di Damasceno Monteiro y Si sta facendo sempre pi¹ tardi. Varios de sus libros han sido llevados al cine, entre los que destaca Sostiene Pereira, donde Marcello Mastroianni destaca en una de sus ºltimas interpretaciones, en 1995, s³lo un a±o antes de su fallecimiento.

5. Tabucchi Antonio - IBS - I Libri Di Antonio Tabucchi
Translate this page Libri di Antonio Tabucchi,tabucchi antonio. tabucchi antonio, Feltrinelli Attualmente non disponibile su iBS € 14,46 Avvisami. 1996. Donna di Porto Pim Antonio/libri.html
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Donna di Porto Pim. Audiolibro. CD Audio

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6. Antonio Tabucchi - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Antonio Tabucchi (born on September 23, 1943) is an Italian writer and academic who teaches Portuguese language and literature at the University of Siena,
Antonio Tabucchi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Antonio Tabucchi (born on September 23 ) is an Italian writer and academic who teaches Portuguese language and literature at the University of Siena , Italy. Deeply in love with Portugal , he is an expert, critic and translator of the works of the writer Fernando Pessoa from whom he drew the conceptions of saudade , of fiction and of the heteronomouses . Tabucchi was first introduced to Pessoa's works in the 1960s when attending the Sorbonne . He was so charmed that, back in Italy, he attended a course of Portuguese language for a better comprehension of the poet. His books and essays have been translated in 18 countries, including Japan . Together with his wife, Mar­a Jos© de Lancastre, he translated into Italian many works by Pessoa into Italian and has written a book of essays and a comedy about the writer. Tabucchi has been awarded the French prize "M©dicis ©tranger" for Nocturne indien Notturno indiano ) and the premio Campiello , and the Aristeion Prize for Sostiene Pereira
edit Early life
This short section requires expansion Antonio Tabucchi was born in Pisa but grew up at his maternal grandparents' home in Vecchiano , a nearby village.

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10. Italica - Tabucchi Antonio: Si Sta Facendo Sempre Più Tardi
Translate this page Ad inquadrar tematiche ed intendimenti della più recente fatica letteraria di Antonio Tabucchi ( Si sta facendo sempre più tardi , Feltrinelli, 228 pagine,

11. Antonio Tabucchi
Antonio Tabucchi. Antonio Tabucchi Born 23Sep-1943 Birthplace Pisa, Tuscany, Italy. Gender Male Race or Ethnicity White Sexual orientation Straight
This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for Antonio Tabucchi Born: 23-Sep
Birthplace: Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Author Nationality: Italy
Executive summary: The Last Three Days of Fernando Pessoa A fan of Portuguese literature, Tabucchi has translated much of the work of Fernando Pessoa into Italian. He is generally considered one of the most talented Italian writers of the last 20 years. Wife:
Professor: Chair of Literature, University of Siena
Prix Médicis étranger
1987 for Nocturne indien
Author of books:
Piazza d'Italia , novel) Il Gioco del Rovescio , novel) Donna di Porto Pim e Altre Storie , short stories) Notturno Indiano , novel) Piccoli Equivoci Senza Importanza , novel) Requiem: un'Allucinazione , novel) Declares Pereira , novel) La Testa Perduta di Damasceno Monteiro , novel) Do you know something we don't? Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile

12. PEN American Center - Antonio Tabucchi
Antonio Tabucchi. Antonio Tabucchi. Antonio Tabucchi was born in Pisa in 1943. Tabucchi traveled widely and lived in India and Portugal before settling in
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World Voices 2005 2005 Participants > Antonio Tabucchi
Antonio Tabucchi Antonio Tabucchi was born in Pisa in 1943.

13. Tabucchi Antonio Requiem A Hallucination Gifts In India At Rediff
tabucchi antonio Requiem A Hallucination at rediff books. Antonio&search

Translate this page LA TENTATION DE SAINT ANTOINE UN PEINTRE, JEROME BOSCH, UN ECRIVAIN, ANTONIO TABUCCHI une oeuvre de tabucchi antonio paru en 1989. aux éditions A. BIRO,
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Edité par A. BIRO
Paru en 1989. Vous recherchez le livre LA TENTATION DE SAINT ANTOINE: UN PEINTRE, JEROME BOSCH, UN ECRIVAIN, ANTONIO TABUCCHI TABUCCHI ANTONIO : si c'est le titre tant recherché, vous pouvez avoir plus d' informations ici LA TENTATION DE SAINT ANTOINE: UN PEINTRE, JEROME BOSCH, UN ECRIVAIN, ANTONIO TABUCCHI livre , vous propose d'affiner votre recherche concernant " LA TENTATION DE SAINT ANTOINE: UN PEINTRE, JEROME BOSCH, UN ECRIVAIN, ANTONIO TABUCCHI " dans la partie de droite afin de mieux satisfaire votre requête. Accès ici Remplissez un ou plusieurs champs : Rechercher dans : Livres en français DVD Livres étrangers neufs Livres étrangers d'occasion Titre : Auteur : Editeur : Collection : Par titre Par auteur Du plus cher au moins cher Du moins cher au plus cher Rechercher

15. Tabucchi Antonio
Un amico scrive lettere a Antonio Tabucchi nelle quali prende forma l immagine di un paese dove crebbero entrambi in epoche diverse. Una microstoria .
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16. Rlsinfiction
1992 tabucchi antonio (1992). Il Sogno di Robert Louis Stevenson, scrittore e viaggiatore . In Sogni di sogni. Palermo Sellerio ( La memoria n.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Portrayals of Stevenson in fiction, films and poetry back to home page
suggest an addition or correction to the list See also: References to Stevenson and his works in works of fiction and films 1) Portrayals of Stevenson in fiction Meredith, George (1895). The Amazing Marriage . London: Constable [in the early chapters Gower Woodseer is modelled on the youthful RLS] London, Jack (1911). ‘The Seed of McCoy’ in South Sea Tales [A character says ‘The currents are always changing. There was a man who wrote books. I forget his name, in the yacht Casco . He missed Takaroa by thirty miles and fetched Tikei, all because of he shifting currents’.] Barrie, J. M. (1925). [imaginary meeting with RLS ‘one snowy afternoon’ in Edinburgh]. In Masson, Rosaline (1925). I Can Remember Robert Louis Stevenson nd Edition. Edinburgh/London: Chambers. Hesse, Hermann (1927). 'A Journey with Stevenson'. Frankfurter Zeitung (11 Sept 1927). Repr. in The Living Age : A Weekly Magazine
of Contemporary Literature and Thought
[New York, an American general magazine largely consisting of selections from various English and American magazines and newspapers] (Nov. 1 1927): 812-4

17. Antiquarian Books :: ILAB-LILA :: International League Of Antiquarian Bookseller
tabucchi antonio Le triste cas de Monsieur Silva da Silva e Silva EUR 15.95, http// Colombier Pierre de

18. Il Libro Della Settimana
Translate this page La testa perduta di Damasceno Monteiro, di Antonio Tabucchi . tabucchi antonio, Un baule pieno di gente. Scritti su Fernando Pessoa, 1990, 160 p., Lit.
Antonio Tabucchi
La testa perduta di Damasceno Monteiro
"Il marziano mi ha incontrato per strada e ha avuto paura della mia impossibilità umana. Come può esistere, ha pensato tra sé, un essere che nell'esistere mette un così grande annullamento dell'esistenza?"

Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Antonio Tabucchi, ovvero l'arte del romanzo. Utilizzando tecniche di vari generi narrativi, il giallo, il pamphlet filosofico, il romanzo civile, ecc., Tabucchi offre un'opera che può soddisfare vari tipi di lettori, da quello più raffinato e sofisticato, a chi cerca invece nella "trama" narrativa il motivo principale di interesse.
"La testa perduta di Damasceno Monteiro" è un falso giallo: ben presto si conoscono assassino e motivazioni del delitto, eppure la strada che porta al disvelamento dell'assassino percorre tappe investigative di vero interesse per il lettore. Protagonista è Firmino, giovane giornalista prestato alla professione dalla letteratura, sua vera aspirazione di vita. La strada che percorre per raccogliere le prove e le testimonianze dell'assassinio, rappresentano un percorso di formazione intellettuale e morale che trasforma lentamente l'opera in vero Bildungsroman . Ma l'evoluzione di Firmino corrisponde anche alla trasformazione della formula narrativa : diventa infatti preponderante la dimensione filosofica e civile. Vero protagonista, non dichiarato, ma indimenticabile per il lettore, diventa così "Loton", l'avvocato, il filosofo, colui che cerca la

19. Antonio Tabucchi At The Complete Review
antonio tabucchi at the Complete Review information about antonio tabucchi and links to reviews of antonio tabucchi s books.
Literary Saloon
Site of Review.
Trying to meet all your book preview and review needs.
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A Literary Saloon and Site of Review
Antonio Tabucchi
at the complete review
bibliography quotes pros/cons ... links Biographical Name: Antonio TABUCCHI Nationality: Italy Born: Awards:
  • Attended University of Pisa
  • Taught at University of Genua and University of Siena
  • Has close ties to Portugal
  • Has travelled extensively through India and Latin America
Return to top of page. Bibliography Highlighted titles are under review at the complete review
  • Piazza d'Italia novel, 1975
  • Il piccolo naviglio novel, 1978
  • Letter from Casablanca stories, 1981 ( Il gioco del rovescio , trans. Janice M. Thresher, 1986)
  • Donna di Porto Pim stories, 1983
  • Indian Nocturne novel, 1984 ( Notturno indiano , trans. Tim Parks, 1988)
  • Pessoana minima: escritos sobre Fernando Pessoa non-fiction, 1984
  • Piccoli equivoci senza importanza novel, 1985 ( Little Misunderstandings of No Importance , trans. Frances Frenaye, 1987)
  • The Edge of the Horizon novel, 1986 (

20. Antonio Tabucchi: A Committed Doubter.
antonio tabucchi is used to writing his novels on hot, empty July afternoons in Lisbon, where he lives for six months of the year.
Keeping his options open Bibliography ANTONIO TABUCCHI: A COMMITTED DOUBTER
Interview by Asbel Lopez UNESCO Courier journalist
Antonio Tabucchi
“The salt of any interesting civilization is mixture.” Above, Berlin police gesture Romanian gypsies to move on.
“Xenophobic violence is the most serious conflict in Europe today.”
Above, skinheads on the outskirts of Paris.
East Timorese lining up to cast ballots in the August 30, 1999 referendum on independence or autonomy.
If a politician’s job is to
soothe people, to show that all’s well because of his or her presence, mine is to disturb people, to sow the seeds of doubt. The capacity to doubt is very important for human beings. For heaven’s sake, if we don’t have any doubts, we’re finished!
Keeping his options open
Antonio Tabucchi is used to writing his novels on hot, empty July afternoons in Lisbon, where he lives for six months of the year. But this summer, he had other things on his mind. None of his colleagues in the International Parliament of Writers was able to go to East Timor to write about the referendum there in late August, a historic step in the Timorese people’s fight for independence from Indonesia. He hesitated to go to this island 700 kilometres from Australia because he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to get back in time to give key evidence in favour of a gypsy family in a court case in Florence.
This is a typical situation in the 56-year-old writer’s life. Tabucchi waits for things to happen and keeps all his options open. He knows that an encounter with a book, a picture or a person can give a new twist to a person’s life. His own changed after he read on a train journey a poem called Tabacaria (“The Tobacconist’s”), by the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). He went to study in Lisbon and developed a passion for the country which, he says, is now part of his “genetic baggage”.

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