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21. Black Gate: The Fantasy Cycles Of Clark Ashton Smith: Tales Of Zothique Likewise in 1932, when clark ashton smith discovered the last continent of dying Zothique, he knew that he had found the ideal setting for his poetic and http://www.blackgate.com/articles/zothique.htm | |
22. Michael Dirda - Michael Dirda - Washingtonpost.com clark ashton smith (18931961) was one of the three great contributors to the magazine Weird Tales (along with HP Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/15/AR2007021501543_ | |
23. Clark Ashton Smith On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online Also known as clark ashton smith, clark ashton smith, C. A. smith, clark A. smith, There are 12 conversations about clark ashton smith s books. http://www.librarything.com/author/smithclarkashton | |
24. Texts In Tribute To Clark Ashton Smith Beauty and the Bigot clark ashton smith as Saint and Sinner (30/iv/2005) . Wizard with Words An Appreciation of clark ashton smith http://www.gwywyr.com/texts/index.html | |
25. CLARK ASHTON SMITH - TALES OF SCIENCE AND SORCERY by clark ashton smith. GHOULISH TALES OF WEIRD FANTASY AND SHEER HORROR BY clark ashton smith A Memoir by E.Hoffman Price http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~jimthing/clark.htm | |
26. Clark Ashton Smith Book Covers I hadnt looked at Eldritch Dark, the premier clark ashton smith site, for a while so its good to see they now have a substantial collection of CAS covers http://www.johncoulthart.com/feuilleton/?p=2754 |
27. The Freedom Of Fantastic Things: Selected Criticism On Clark Ashton Smith, Edite As poet, fiction writer, and artist, clark ashton smith (18931961) has left an indelible mark on the fields of horror, fantasy, and science fiction. http://www.hippocampuspress.com/smith/freedom_of_fantastic_things.html | |
28. The Cthulhu Mythos: An Annotated Bibliography CAS Coming clark ashton smith, The Coming of the White Worm, in Lost Worlds. CAS Door - clark ashton smith, The Door to Saturn, in Lost Worlds. http://cthulhufiles.com/biblio/cthabib_smith.htm | |
29. TomFolio.com: By Clark Ashton SMITH Shop for used, rare, hard to find books from secondhand booksellers dedicated to personal service. We re your corner bookstore on the Internet. http://www.tomfolio.com/SearchAuthorTitle.asp?Aut=Clark_Ashton_SMITH |
30. The Weird Review: Clark Ashton Smith Commentary on the clark ashton smith s great weird fantasy The Maze ofMaal Dweb. http://www.violetbooks.com/REVIEWS/rockhill-cas.html | |
31. Clark Ashton Smith@Everything2.com clark ashton smith was born on January 13th, 1893, and he was a master fantasist whose main body of work was created during his most active period during http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=812658 |
32. BRGSTERL Guide To The George Sterling Collection Of Papers, 1897 clark ashton smith Manuscript box Poems of General Lucius H. Foote, The. 5 corr. out 25 letters in 5 folders Manuscript box smith, clark ashton. http://www.nypl.org/research/manuscripts/berg/brgsterl.xml | |
33. Complete Clark Ashton Smith EBook Complete clark ashton smith. Author clark ashton smith Category Horror. A near complete ebook of CAS s short stories. Created with permission from http://www.memoware.com/?screen=doc_detail&doc_id=19647&p=category^!Horror~! |
34. Supernatural Fiction Database, Clark Ashton Smith Tartarus Press Supernatural Fiction Database, clark ashton smith. http://homepages.pavilion.net/users/tartarus/s13.htm | |
35. University Of Nebraska Press: Praise For Clark Ashton Smith And yet without it, smith couldnt create the dark beauty and alluring otherness of his best work. If youve never read clark ashton smith before, http://nebraskapress.typepad.com/university_of_nebraska_pr/2007/03/praise_for_cl | |
36. Clark Ashton Smith And The Necronomicon « Papers Falling From An Attic Window Just popped downstairs to find Night Shade Books third volume of clark ashton smiths collected works, A Vintage from Atlantis, waiting for me. http://danharms.wordpress.com/2007/12/01/clark-ashton-smith-and-the-necronomicon | |
37. Zothique Review - Clark Ashton Smith - Salem On Literature Zothique by clark ashton smith. Author clark ashton smith; First Published 1970; Type of Work Stories; Type of Plot Fantasymagical world http://www.enotes.com/zothique-salem/zothique | |
38. STAR CHANGES - Clark Ashton Smith As most aficionados of weird fiction know, clark ashton smith s career really launched with contributions to Hugo Gernsback s Wonder Stories. http://www.darksidepress.com/smithstar.html | |
39. Clark Ashton Smith - Xenagia Forums: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Horror I usually hear the two authors mentioned together in something of a triat with clark ashton smith. With both Lovecraft and Howard I have a good sense of http://forum.xenagia.net/showthread.php?p=3272 |
40. Clark Ashton Smith Redivivus smith, clark ashton. Selected Letters of clark ashton smith. Edited by David E. Schultz and Scott Connors. Sauk City, WI Arkham House, 2003. xxvii, 417 p. http://www.lsu.edu/necrofile/smith12 | |
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