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Slonczewski Joan: more books (43) | ||
41. Biology In Science Fiction: Science Fiction By Scientists: Joan Slonczewski I would be remiss if I didn t devote a post to Kenyon College Professor joan L. slonczewski. slonczewski and her students study how bacteria can live under http://sciencefictionbiology.blogspot.com/2006/09/science-fiction-by-scientists- | |
42. The Invisible Can Or, Gendering Corporate Globalization Trouble Capra speaks in tandem with joan slonczewski s A Door Into Ocean (1985) when he advocates ecodesign principles (designs which shape the flows of energy and http://reconstruction.eserver.org/011/theinvisiblecan.htm | |
43. Feminist SFF & Utopia: Research & Literary Criticism The Kindom of God in joan slonczewski s Novels . Feminist Criticism and Science Fiction for Children. Children s Literature Association Quarterly http://feministsf.org/crit/critrz.html | |
44. Nature slonczewski, joan, (1956 ) Tuberculosis Bacteria Join UN, Vol. 406, 6790, June 29, 2000 (p. 1001). * (short short). Smith, Roger, An End to Violence, http://www.hycyber.com/SF/nature_index.html | |
45. Access : : Nature joan slonczewski is a microbiologist at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, and is also an acclaimed writer of science fiction (see Nature 405, 1001; 2000). http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v426/n6966/full/426501a.html | |
46. Joan Slonczewski, The Children Star joan slonczewski, in the The Children Star, has written a hard SF novel set far in the future, when humans are practically immortal. http://www.rambles.net/slonczewski_children.html | |
47. Brain Plague, By Joan Slonczewski « Kimiko’s LesFic Reviews As far as I can tell, Brain Plague is the final (fourth) installment in what is called joan slonczewskis Elysium series. Its not a direct sequel to The http://kimik0.wordpress.com/2007/08/23/brain-plague-by-joan-slonczewski/ | |
48. Wotmania: Feed Your Wheel Of Time Addiction joan slonczewski 7. Karin Lowachee 8. Chris Moriarty 9. Julie E. Czerneda 10. S.L. Viehl 11. Ursula K. Le Guin 12. C.J. Cherryh 13. Nicola Griffith http://www.wotmania.com/yourwotmaniaprofile.asp?Username=Anastasia |
49. O.K.. Ðåêîìåíäàòåëüíûé ñïèñîê äëÿ ÷òåíèÿ (àíã slonczewski, joan, The Children Star, 1998. Smith, Cordwainer, Norstrilia, 1975. Smith, Dean Wesley, Laying the Music to Rest, 1989 http://zhurnal.lib.ru/k/kolesnikow_o/sfbest.shtml |
50. The Other Change Of Hobbit Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookstore: August 1998 Rele slonczewski, joan. The Children Star. $24.95. Hardcover science fiction. Jacket art by Bob Eggleton. Smith, Julie. Skip Langdon 8 82 Desire. $24.00. http://www.otherchangeofhobbit.com/9808.html | |
51. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg by slonczewski, joan. Svaha by De Lint, Charles, The Merlin of St. Gilles Well Chamberlin, Ann. joan of Ar by Chamberlin, Ann http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-5197.html | |
52. Feminist SF Postings Author Index slonczewski, joan Jessica Atreides / Dune What do women want? Power? Selfnames in A Door Into Ocean Reverse Oppression Democracies in SF Fantasy http://therem.net/femsf-authors.htm | |
53. PNAS -- Index By Author (Oct 1981, 78 (10)) Alfred Abstract Siraganian, Reuben P. Abstract Sitia, Roberto Abstract Skokut, T. A. Abstract slonczewski, joan L. Abstract Smart, http://www.pnas.org/content/vol78/issue10/aindex.shtml | |
54. Xslvalue-of Select= EcoSsal Index Of Contributors / slonczewski, joan L. (Chapter 96). SMITH, JOHN MAYNARD (Chapter 146). SPENSER, IAN D. (Chapter 43). SPENSER, IAN D. (Chapter 45) http://www.ecosal.org/ecosal/toc/contributors.jsp |
55. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 04.03.16 slonczewski, joan, Daughter of Elysium. New York William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1993. Pp. 521. $25.00. ISBN 0688-12509-3. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/1993/04.03.16.html | |
56. In Other Worlds Fantasy SF Books By Author slonczewski, joan. The Children Star, Science Fiction, Tor September 1998 5.5 (David). Smith, Deborah. Alice at Heart (Waterlilies 1), Fantasy, http://home.sprynet.com/~dbrukman/books-by-author.html |
57. The Speculative Literature Foundation slonczewski, joan. Her novel A Door Into Ocean (Avon, 1986) explores an allfemale culture and its unique language heavy in share verbs. http://www.speculativeliterature.org/Reader/Booklists/bklists_xenoling.php | |
58. Science Fiction Novels slonczewski, joan, A Door Into Ocean, 10/18/02. The Children Star, 1/1/03. The Wall around Eden, 1/15/03. Brain Plague, 1/24/03 http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~davare/books.html | |
59. CVCO - Overbooked: Speculative Fiction Stars 1998 Author slonczewski, joan Publisher Tor Books $ 24.95 ISBN 0312867166 Date 1998 star PW A triumphant return to the universe of A Door into Ocean and http://www.overbooked.org/stars/speculative/98.html | |
60. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Library Booklist: Quaker Fiction - Anecdotes And Fol slonczewski, joan. STILL FORMS ON FOXFIELD. Ballantine, 1980. 214p. Science fiction story of a small Quaker communtiy that develops in isolation on a planet http://www.pym.org/library/lists/quakquak.htm | |
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