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41. Upton Sinclair - MSN Encarta sinclair, upton Beall (18781968), American writer and social and economic reformer. upton Beall sinclair was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761568458/Upton_Sinclair.html | |
42. The Fictitious Suppression Of Upton Sinclairs The Jungle Mr. Phelps, associate professor of history at The Ohio State University at Mansfield, is the editor of the Bedford/St. Martins edition of upton sinclairs http://hnn.us/articles/27227.html | |
43. The Jungle upton sinclair s sixth novel and first popular success, written when he was sent by the socialist weekly newspaper Appeal to Reason to Chicago to http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/sinclair-upton/works/jungle/index.htm | |
44. Upton Sinclair On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online upton sinclair. George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress). There are 37 conversations about upton sinclair s books. http://www.librarything.com/author/sinclairupton | |
45. More About Upton Sinclair Read books by upton sinclair, FREE, online. This author and many more are available. http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Upton_Sinclair/ | |
46. RADICAL INNOCENT: UPTON SINCLAIR By Anthony Arthur Published By Random House Jun upton sinclair once complained that too many biographies give us canonized images to worship. They so seldom give us a friend that we can live in a house http://www.anthonyarthur.net/ | |
47. Heyday Books: The Land Of Orange Groves And Jails: Upton Sinclairs California Novelist and muckraker upton sinclair will forever be associated with The Jungle, an exposé of Chicagos meatpacking industry that aimed for their hearts http://www.heydaybooks.com/public/books/logj.html | |
48. Uppie Redux?: The New Yorker upton sinclairs losses and triumphs. A hundred years ago, upton sinclair, the muckraker and socialist, brought out The Jungle, a sensationally grim http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2006/08/28/060828crbo_books | |
49. San Francisco Bay Guardian News LAUREN COODLEY HAS performed a timely and valuable public service by restoring upton sinclair to his rightful place in California history. http://www.sfbg.com/39/26/web_exclusive_sinclair.html | |
50. Upton Sinclair Hits His Readers In The Stomach In 1904, in the midst of a bitter stockyard strike, socialist writer upton sinclairs twomonth visit to Chicagos Packingtown area provided him with a http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5727/ | |
51. The Illinois Center For The Book -- Illinois Authors Directory -- Record For Sin Also writes as upton Beall sinclair, Clarke Fitch, Frederick Garrison, Arthur Stirling, Beall sinclair, Jr., upton (Beall) sinclair, upton Beale sinclair, http://www.eliillinois.org/cgi-bin/icftb/specificrecord2.pl?record=265 |
52. Tucson Weekly : Opinion : Been There, Done That upton sinclair, whose novel about the meatpacking industry, The Jungle, upton sinclair remained in California for another 30 years but left the state http://www.tucsonweekly.com/gbase/Opinion/Content?oid=oid:48510 |
53. Upton Sinclair [1878-1968] Page At Spirit Of America Bookstore Books of and information on journalist, labor leader, Socialist, muckraker politician upton sinclair. http://www.genordell.com/stores/spirit/UptonSinclair.htm | |