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Seshadri Vijay: more detail | |||||||||
41. Reading Room At The Threepenny Review seshadri, vijay Spring 1998, Memoir My Pirate Boyhood. Shapiro, Alan Winter 2004, Poem Space Dog. Shepherd, Reginald http://www.threepennyreview.com/readingroom.html | |
42. Audio: Poetry Of The Moment: The New Yorker The New Yorker poetry editor Alice Quinn introduces readings by Adam Zagajewski, Galway Kinnell, Deborah Garrison, and vijay seshadri. http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2006/09/11/060911on_onlineonly03 | |
43. Method And Apparatus For Resetable Memory And Design Approach For Same - Patent seshadri, vijay K. (San Jose, CA, US) Mcelvain, Kenneth S. (Los Altos, CA, US). Application Number. 10/804878. Filing Date. 03/18/2004. Publication Date http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6934183.html | |
44. The New Yorker: Genre Fiction And Fact Index, Sa- seshadri, vijay, Locus Solus, March 11, 1996. (poem) The Scholar, December 2, 1996. (poem) The Disappearances, October 8, 2001. * (poem) http://www.hycyber.com/HF/new_yorker_sa.html | |
45. The World Authors SeriesBiographical Dictionaries seshadri, vijay. Shakar, Alex. Shapiro, Alan. Sharp, Paula. Shepard, Sam. Sherwood, Frances. Shore, Jane. Shreve, Anita. Silber, Joan. Sleigh, Tom http://www.hwwilson.com/print/waseries_authorslist.htm | |
46. Vinod’s Blog The members of QCT are Hariharan, Sundararajan, visweswaran, Mahesh, Harish, P.Sriram, S.Sriram, Sunil, seshadri, vijay Krishnan, Dileep, Aravind, http://vinod.ampli5.org/index.php?s=quizzer |
47. Emerald: Article Request vijay seshadri s first collection of poems, Wild Kingdom, was celebrated as one of the most exciting debuts in years. In The Long Meadow, seshadri presents http://xtra.emeraldinsight.com/Insight/viewContentItem.do?contentType=Article&hd |
48. Past Poetry Readings-Folger Shakespeare Library seshadri, vijay2/28/2000 Shore, Jane2/5/1990 Simic, Charles5/2/1981, 4/2/1984, 3/2/1993 Sklarew, Myra3/26/1972, 11/10/1977, 9/20/1982, 3/29/1988 http://www.folger.edu/template.cfm?cid=559 |
49. The Asian American Bookseller: Poetry By Title Wild Kingdom, seshadri,vijay, 12.95, wisevi. Willow Wind, trans.,Sze, Arthur,, 6.00, wiszar. Winged,The, Lee,LiYoung, 20.00, wileli http://www.panix.com/~aaww/bookseller/autoindex/poetry_title.html | |
50. American Poetry by seshadri, vijay. Sale from $2.25. At 4 stores Details Rate it Jubilant Thicket New and Selected Poems Jubilant Thicket New and Selected Poems http://shopping.msn.com/results/american-poetry/bcatid3079/forsale?text=category |
51. Read About Arts, Literature, Authors, S, Seshadri, Vijay From Thumbshots.net Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Literature/Authors/S/Seshadri,_ |
52. WNYC - The Leonard Lopate Show: Brainiacs (May 27, 2004) vijay seshadri on his new book of poems, The Long Meadow. vijay seshadri writes about love, bodily pain, and his fathers obsession with the American http://www.wnyc.org/shows/lopate/episodes/2004/05/27 | |
53. WhimsyLand: Netflix And BAP Stats seshadri, vijay Thompson, Sue Ellen Towle, Tony Townsend, Alison Webb, Charles Harper Yezzi, David. That s a pretty good percentage for any BAP. http://www.whimsyspeaks.com/2006/09/netflix_and_bap_stats.html | |
54. Seshadri, Vijay Now in paperback, the highly praised second collection by vijay seshadri, winner of the 2003 James Laughlin Award from the Academy of American Poets We hold http://www.growinglifestyle.com/us/j2477400 | |
55. Session 152 - Dense-Phase Flow Components In Fluid Particle Systems Effect of Fine Particles on the Flow of NarrowSized Coarse Slurry through 90° Bend UMESH KUMAR, SIDHNATH SINGH, VENKATA RAMAIAH seshadri, vijay KUMAR http://shop.omnipress.com/aiche-individuals/2006spring/S2305.HTM | |
56. INFORMS Online Personal BulletinTraffic Management For Integrated ServicesEconom Eng., Durham, NC 277080291, (erol@ee.kuke.edu); SB32.2 A Method for Estimating End-to-End Delays in ATM Networks Sridhar seshadri, vijay Srinivasan - NYU http://meetings.informs.org/SD97/Prof/pb_telecom.html | |
57. Whitman''s Triumph. (Books: Rereading). - Journal, Magazine, Article, Periodical (Books rereading). Publication Date 01JAN-02 Publication Title American Scholar Format Online - approximately 3523 words Author seshadri, vijay http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/summary_0199-1356003_ITM | |
58. Indo-American Arts Council, Inc. vijay seshadri. vijay seshadri s collections of poems are Wild Kingdom (1996) and The Long Meadow (2004), both from Graywolf Press. http://www.iaac.us/mic_vijay_seshadri.htm | |
59. DesiLit : S. Asian And S. Asian Diaspora Annotated Bibliography seshadri, vijay. The Long Meadow (James Loughlin Award winner for poetry); Wild Kingdom (poetry); appeared in Agni , The New Yorker , Paris Review , etc. http://www.desilit.org/authors.html | |
60. The Futility Review seshadri, vijay. Winter 2001. Sheppard, Reginald. Winter 2004. Shindell, Matthew. Winter 2004. Shippy, Peter Jay. Winter 1997. Siken, Richard. Winter 2005 | |
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