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Segal Erich: more books (100) | ||||||||
41. Erich Segal - Authors - Random House From worldrenowed author erich segal comes a powerful and moving saga of five extraordinary members of the Harvard class of 1958 and the women with whom http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=27581 |
42. Used, Rare And Out Of Print Books And Textbooks Are All Available Online At Grea Author segal, erich Bantam Books January 1, 1993. List Price $2.92. Usually ships in 1 2 weeks. 2. Black Diaspora. Hardcover http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/usedbooks/getSearchResults?author=Segal |
43. 20th-Century American Bestsellers cream colored with Oliver s SToRY erich segal author of LOVE STORY on the . erich segal s Oliver s Story was the long awaited sequel to his 1970 http://www3.isrl.uiuc.edu/~unsworth/courses/bestsellers/search.cgi?title=Oliver' |
44. CML Great Reads - If You Like Try segal, erich, 1937; Find authors similar to segal, erich, 1937-; Reserve It If you like segal, erich, 1937-; Try Stewart, Fred Mustard http://www.columbuslibrary.org/ebranch/index.cfm?pageid=83&parentid=482&searchty |
45. As We Like It: How A Girl Can Be Smart And Still Popular Identifiers, segal (erich); Shakespeare (William). Record Type, Journal. Level, N/A. Institutions, N/A. Sponsors, N/A http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=EJ074036 |
46. Commedia Dell'Arte Bibliography segal, erich. The Death of Comedy. Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press. 2001. segal, erich. Roman Laughter The Comedy of Plautus. http://www.commedia-dell-arte.com/bibout.htm | |
47. Large Type Books: Unclassified Fiction segal, erich Acts of faith segal, erich Man, woman, and child segal, erich Prizes segal, erich The class segal, Harriet The skylark s song http://www.menloparklibrary.org/LT/LTfic_A-C.html | |
48. American Legends Interviews..... Erich Segal Mel Zerman On The Marketing Of Love This feat was accomplished in 1970 by erich segal with the publication of his first novel, Love Story, which overnight became a publishing sensation and http://www.americanlegends.com/Interviews/erich_segal.html | |
49. Horizon Information Portal Seg, segal, erich, 1937, Man, woman, and child / erich segal. Seg, segal, erich, 1937-, Oliver s story / by erich segal. http://capemay.njstatelib.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?aspect=subtab37&index=BC&index=CAL |
50. Oxford Readings In Aristophanes By Erich Segal At Questia Online Cataloging in Publication Data Oxford readings in Aristophanes / edited by erich segal. 1. AristophanesCriticism and Interpretation. 2. http://www.questia.com/library/book/oxford-readings-in-aristophanes-by-erich-seg |
51. Books & More From Paddyfield.com LOVE STORY 1000 HEADWORDS; NEW ED OF ABRIDGED ED segal, erich / BORDER, From Eric segal comes an unforgettable story of love .the drama of a father http://www.paddyfield.com/mainstore/searchbooks.php?qtype=author&q=Segal, Erich |
52. Erich Segal Reads His Novel Doctors By Erich Segal (Used, New, Out Alibris UK has erich segal Reads His Novel Doctors and other books by erich segal, including new used copies, rare, outof-print signed editions, http://www.alibris.co.uk/search/books/qwork/2099792/used/Erich Segal Reads His N | |
53. Erich Segal Criticism (Vol. 3) segal, erich 1937. An American educator, editor, translator, critic, and author of screenplays and a libretto, segal gained fame for what is undoubtedly http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/segal-erich | |
54. The Site For Books & Readers - Shelfari 2 Titles By erich segal Love Story Series 1. Love Story 2. 3 Titles By erich segal The Class Doctors Acts of Faith (editions 2) http://www.shelfari.com/authors/229091/Erich-Segal | |
55. A Semester On Comedy And Humor - Fall 2006 - University Of Maryland erich segal. Roman Laughter The Comedy of Plautus. 2nd. ed. Oxford UP, 1987 1967. Smith, Martha Nell. Comic Power in Emily Dickinson. U of Texas P, 1993. http://www.comedy.umd.edu/bibliography.html | |
56. Bryn Mawr Classical Review: Index By Authors: S 98.5.26 Reply to Richard Seaford s Review (BMCR 98.3.10) of Charles segal, Dionysiac Poetics, Exp. Ed. (1997). Reviewed by Richard Seaford. segal, erich http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/by_authorS.html | |
57. Author Of 'Love Story' Disputes A Gore Story - New York Times erich segal, author of the weeper Love Story, said today that only the emotional family baggage of the romantic hero in his novel was inspired by a http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9801EED9163FF937A25751C1A96195826 |
58. NEWSMEAT ▷ ERICH SEGAL's Federal Campaign Contribution Search Results segal, erich LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 NOVELIST Receive an alert every time new records are added to this search for erich segal. Your Email http://www.newsmeat.com/fec/bystate_detail.php?zip=90049&last=SEGAL&first=ERICH |
59. Four Comedies - Blackwell Online Translator, segal, erich, Height (mm), 196. Library of Congress, 95044849, Width (mm), 129. DEWEY, 872.01, Academic level, G http://bookshop.blackwell.co.uk/jsp/id/Four_Comedies/9780192838964 | |
60. Plautus (ca. 254-184 BC) Library Of Congress Citations Author segal, erich, 1937 Title Roman laughter; the comedy of Plautus by Translated from the Latin, with an introd. and notes, by erich segal. http://www.malaspina.edu/~mcneil/cit/citlcplautus.htm | |
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