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Sedaris David: more books (109) | ||||||||||||||||
1. David Sedaris - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia David Sedaris (born December 26, 1956) is a Grammy Awardnominated American humorist and radio contributor. Sedaris came to prominence in 1992 when National http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Sedaris | |
2. Home Page For David Sedaris David Sedaris is a playwright and a regular commentator for National Public Radio. He is also the author of the bestselling Barrel Fever, Naked, http://literati.net/Sedaris/ | |
3. David Sedaris David Sedaris. David Sedaris AKA David Raymond Sedaris. Born 26Dec-1956 Birthplace Johnson City, NY. Gender Male Race or Ethnicity White http://www.nndb.com/people/508/000026430/ | |
4. Kelly Writers House Fellows - David Sedaris David Sedaris reading A digital recording of the March 5, 2001 event where Sedaris read from recent and very new work and answered questions. http://writing.upenn.edu/~whfellow/sedaris.html | |
5. The Missouri Review: Text Feature: A Conversation With David Sedaris David Sedaris first came into the national spotlight in 1992, when Ira Glass asked him to read for Morning Edition on National Public Radio. http://www.missourireview.com/content/features/2007/sedaris/3001-interview-text. | |
6. David Sedaris: David Sedaris May Sometimes Exaggerate For Effect! So the David Sedaris takedown piece that we ve waited so long for has finally arrived courtesy of the folks at. http://gawker.com/news/david-sedaris/david-sedaris-may-sometimes-exaggerate-for- | |
7. David Sedaris - Wikiquote From Wikiquote. Jump to navigation, search. David Sedaris (born December 26, 1956) is an American essayist and radio contributor. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/David_Sedaris | |
8. The Believer - Interview With David Sedaris David Sedaris knows more than any author should about his readers. He knows, for instance, that more of his German fans have seen their parents naked than http://www.believermag.com/issues/200510/?read=interview_sedaris |
9. David Sedaris ★ Steven Barclay Agency david sedaris Steven Barclay Agency represents some of our culture s most important and thought-provoking voices. For lectures, readings, workshops, http://www.barclayagency.com/sedaris.html | |
10. NPR : David Sedaris Selected pieces from writer and commentator david sedaris. http://www.npr.org/programs/specials/lists/sedaris/ | |
11. Interview | David Sedaris Those who have read any of david sedaris work at all know that he s openly and happily gay. In fact, he shares his Paris home with Hugh Hamrick, http://januarymagazine.com/profiles/sedaris.html | |
12. 10 Questions For David Sedaris - TIME In such bestselling essay collections as Me Talk Pretty One Day, david sedaris has engaged readers with tales of his North Carolina family and assorted odd http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,650720-1,00.html | |
13. Reflections : The Way We Are: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker by david sedaris February 19, 2007. Text Size Small Text Medium Text Large Text . Jury Duty david Denby on Otto Preminger and the films of 2007. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2007/02/19/070219fa_fact_sedaris | |
14. You Can't Kill The Rooster: Home Page Of Paul Sedaris, Subject Of Many Of David You Can t Kill The Rooster, Home Page of Paul sedaris, subject of many of david sedaris s works. http://www.youcantkilltherooster.com/ | |
15. David Sedaris And His Defenders. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine When Alex Heard tenderly busted david sedaris in the New Republic last month for adulterating his nonfiction with many imagined settings, scenes, http://www.slate.com/id/2163957/ | |
16. Turning Sour Grapes Into A Silk Purse - New York Times FOR managers of the Barnes Noble store on Union Square, the realization that david sedaris s reading on Wednesday night would not be the usual author http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9801EEDA1331F935A35755C0A9629C8B6 |
17. Davidsedaris.com Me Talk Pretty One Day by david sedaris (Paperback Jun 5, david sedaris Live at Carnegie Hall by david sedaris (Audio CD - Oct 2003) - Audiobook http://www.davidsedaris.com/ | |
18. David Sedaris On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online 2 copies, 0 review; Vestido De Domingo, Un 1 copy, 0 review; 3book Set By david sedaris; Me Talk Pretty O 1 copy, 0 review; (see all 20 books) http://www.librarything.com/author/sedarisdavid | |
19. New York State Writers Institute - David Sedaris Information and reviews of sedaris books, plays, and essays. http://www.albany.edu/writers-inst/sedaris.html | |
20. UCLA Live david sedaris Black Box Readings. See and hear sedaris workshop neverbefore-read material from his upcoming new book (untitled June 2008), giving fans a http://www.uclalive.org/event.asp?Event_ID=514 |
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