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21. Articles From Chicago Review | Find Articles At BNET.com Chicago Review, 12/22/04 by roussel, raymond · More from publication. Article Results (Showing 1 1 of 1) About. Find Featured Titles for Home Garden http://findarticles.com/p/search?tb=art&qa=Roussel, Raymond |
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24. Raymond Roussel â Infoplease.com roussel, raymond, 18771933, French writer. roussel was an eccentric whose beautifully written work employed hallucinatory imagery while eschewing emotion http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0842543.html | |
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30. Roussel, Raymond raymond roussel Selections from Certain of His Books (Atlas Anthology, 7) raymond roussel, John Shabery, Harry Mathews, Antony Melville, Sorrell http://www.bokfynd.nu/forfattare/Roussel, Raymond.html | |
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