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         Roussel Raymond:     more books (92)
  1. Locus Solus (Oneworld Modern Classics) by Raymond Roussel, 2011-04-01
  2. How I Wrote Certain Of My Books by Raymond Roussel, John Ashbery, 2005-08-15
  3. New Impressions of Africa by Raymond Roussel, 2004-01
  4. Raymond Roussel and the Republic of Dreams by Mark Ford, 2000-12
  5. Locus Solus (French Edition) by Raymond Roussel, 2010-04-02
  6. Roussel & Co (French Edition) by Michel Leiris, 1998
  7. Raymond Roussel y la republica de los suenos/ Raymond Roussel and the republic of dreams (Libros Del Tiempo) (Spanish Edition) by Mark Ford, 2005-06-30
  8. Impressions of Africa (French Surrealism) by Raymond Roussel, 2001-06
  9. Raymond Roussel by Michel Foucault, 1992-10-02
  10. Raymond Roussel: Au cannibale affable (Les Infrequentables) (French Edition) by Philippe G Kerbellec, 1994
  11. Among the Blacks by Raymond Roussel, Ron Padgett, 1988-10-01
  12. Le Procede De Raymond Roussel.(Faux Titre 15) (French Edition) by Ginette Adamson, 1984-01
  13. Locus Solus (Spanish Edition) by Raymond Roussel, 2004-02
  14. Raymond Roussel by Franois Caradec, François Caradec, et all 2001-06-01

1. Raymond Roussel - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Death and the Labyrinth The World of Raymond Roussel, trans. Charles Ruas, Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday. ISBN 0385-27854-3.
Raymond Roussel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Raymond Roussel Paris January 20 Palermo July 14 ) was a French poet novelist playwright ... chess enthusiast, neurasthenic , and drug addict . Through his novels, poems, and plays he exerted a profound influence on certain groups within 20th century French literature , including the Surrealists Oulipo , and the authors of the nouveau roman Roussel was the third and last child in his family, with a brother Georges and sister Germaine. In , at age 15, he was admitted to the Paris Conservatoire for piano . A year later, he inherited a substantial fortune from his deceased father and began to write poetry to accompany his musical compositions. At age 17, he wrote Mon ‚me , a long poem published three years later in Le Gaulois . By 1896, he had commenced editing his long poem La Doublure when he suffered a mental crisis. After the poem was published on June 10 and was completely unsuccessful, Roussel began to see the psychiatrist Pierre Janet . In subsequent years, his inherited fortune allowed him to publish his own works and mount luxurious productions of his plays. He wrote and published some of his most important work between 1900 and 1914, and then from 1920 to 1921 traveled around the world. He continued to write for the next decade, but when his fortune finally gave out, he made his way to a hotel in Palermo , where he died of a barbiturate overdose in 1933. He is buried in

2. Atlas Arkhive 8 - Raymond Roussel: Raymond Roussel
Raymond Roussel (18771933) - poet, novelist, playwright, musician, chess enthusiast, neurasthenic, homosexual, drug addict, probable suicide - an

3. Roussel Raymond Free Encyclopedia Articles At Online
Research roussel raymond and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the online library.

4. Raymond ROUSSEL
RAYMOND ROUSSEL. This writer, of the end of 19th century is read rather little because of the very great complexity of his works. With the first access,
RAYMOND ROUSSEL This writer, of the end of 19th century is read rather little because of the very great complexity of his works. With the first access, his books content stories or poetry. But makes some in its works Locus Solus , The star with the face, Impressions of Africa ... construction is very rigorous: R. Roussel wrote : " I chose two similar words. For example billiards and pilliards (looter) . Then I added to it words similar but taken in two different directions, and I obtained two almost identical sentences thus. The two found sentences, it was a question of writing a tale which can start with the first and finish by the second. Amplifying the process then, I sought new words reporting itself to the word billiards , always to take them in a different direction than that which was presented first of all, and that provided me each time a creation moreover. The process evolved/moved and I was led to take an unspecified sentence, of which I drew from the images by dislocating it, a little as if it had been a question of extracting some from the drawings of rebus ". The process in New Impressions of Africa is somewhat different and extremely complicated. It took 7 years to write the 40 pages of the book with which associated 59 rather mysterious drawings compared to the text, compared to their very particular layout in the book ! R. Roussel even imagined a machine for reading his book. The principal difficulty of reading is the overlap of brackets on several levels, with footnotes (cf extracts hereafter)

5. Raymond Roussel - Wikipédia
Translate this page Dans Comment j ai écrit certains de mes livres (1935), Raymond Roussel explique les mécanismes de son écriture imaginaire, notamment basée sur l homophonie.
Raymond Roussel
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Pour les articles homonymes , voir Roussel Cet article est une ©bauche concernant un ©crivain N’h©sitez pas   partager vos connaissances en l’am©liorant. Raymond Roussel est un ©crivain et po¨te dramatique fran§ais ( Paris 20 janvier Palerme 14 juillet Ses premiers livres, La Doublure La Vue Impressions d'Afrique , ne rencontrent aucun succ¨s. Tous ses autres livres, comme Locus Solus ou L'‰toile au front , seront per§us comme des œuvres d©routantes. En 1932, il fait para®tre ses Nouvelles Impressions d'Afrique , suivies de 59 ©nigmatiques dessins   la plume d' Henri-Achille Zo Dans Comment j'ai ©crit certains de mes livres ), Raymond Roussel explique les m©canismes de son ©criture imaginaire, notamment bas©e sur l' homophonie . Son faible succ¨s aupr¨s de ses contemporains l'amena   publier   compte d'auteur, d'o¹ le jeu de mots dans le titre de son ouvrage Impressions d'Afrique Pr©curseur des surr©alistes, admir© par Andr© Breton Jean Cocteau Louis Aragon Paul ‰luard ... Georges Perec , cet ©crivain fut assez peu lu, compte tenu de la tr¨s grande complexit© de ses ouvrages.

Translate this page RAYMOND ROUSSEL PAR M. FOUCAULT une oeuvre de roussel raymond paru en 1972 aux éditions GALLIMARD, en edition ancienne ou neuve, rare ou épuisée,
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Paru en 1972 Vous recherchez le livre RAYMOND ROUSSEL PAR M. FOUCAULT ROUSSEL RAYMOND : si c'est le titre tant recherché, vous pouvez avoir plus d' informations ici RAYMOND ROUSSEL PAR M. FOUCAULT livre , vous propose d'affiner votre recherche concernant " RAYMOND ROUSSEL PAR M. FOUCAULT " dans la partie de droite afin de mieux satisfaire votre requête. Accès ici Remplissez un ou plusieurs champs : Rechercher dans : Livres en français DVD Livres étrangers neufs Livres étrangers d'occasion Titre : Auteur : Editeur : Collection : Par titre Par auteur Du plus cher au moins cher Du moins cher au plus cher Rechercher

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roussel raymond art / artists links R Authors, Literature directory. roussel raymond resources.
Roussel Raymond art and artist resources. Roussel Raymond, R, Authors, Literature Art and Artist links.
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9. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB - Raymond Roussel
Raymond Roussel (1887 1933) France Poet, novelist and playwright. Born in Paris, his mother, Marguerite Roussel, was artistic, but a morphine addict.
Last update: June 20 th Raymond Roussel
(1887 - 1933) France
Poet, novelist and playwright He wrote verse at a very young age and he wrote his first novel La Doublure at the age of 10. He also studied piano and composed songs. In 1909 he received a gold medal for marksmanship. He was also a keen chess player. He is often called a fabulist. His Impressions d'Afrique is a surreal fantasy of parts of a continent that he never visited. He had a considerable impact on the US writers John Ashbery and Harry Matthews, and they named their experimental journal after his book Locus Solus He was repeatedly blackmailed for his homosexual activities, and he was almost bankrupted by his extravagant lifestyle. He tried to screen himself from his problems with drugs and suffered from heavy addiction to barbituates. During the period 1920 to 1921 he travelled to India, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, China, Japan, and the United States of America. He also visited Africa several times and became fascinated by it. His work include:
  • La Doublure (1897) La Vue (1904) Impressions d'Afrique (Impressions of Africa, 1910)

10. Roussel Raymond Birthdate - Astrology Natal Chart Of Roussel Raymond
roussel raymond birthdate astrology natal chart of roussel raymond. Raymond

11. If You Have Come Straight To This Page Thanks To A Search Engine
this is Roussel’s masterpiece, it prompted Raymond Queneau to declare that roussel raymond Roussel Rrat 4 literair tijdschrift uit Adelaide with text
If you have come straight to this page thanks to a search engine, click here to be taken to the Boekie Woekie home page where you can find links to our entire stock of artists' books and information about our shop/gallery. R Radelfinger, Peter
Theorie Der Falten In Einem Kopfkissen
EUR 19,50 Radiofonisch Festival Van De Nieuwe Muziek
booklet for a radio programme conceived and realized by G.Schraenen, Antwerpen 1987
EUR 7.- Raeder, Manuel
Brand New Second Hand Agenda 2005
12 used agendas of, I assume, friends of the author, reproduced and at the same time recycled (i.e. the pages made blank again), soft cover, 138 not numbered pages, 22 x 16,5 cm, Frankfurt 2004
EUR 21.-
Raetz, Markus
Arbeiten/Travaux/Works 1971-1981
on the occasion of exhibitions in Basel Paris Villeurbanne and Frankfurt, many works reproduced full page in b/w and also in colour, with a text in German/French/English by Jean-Christophe Ammann , soft cover with dust jacket with some small tears, 142 not numbered pages, 21,5 x 30 cm Basel EUR 23,00

12. :: Munseys: Raymond Roussel
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13. Context: Trevor Winkfield, Reading Raymond Roussel
For some readers, raymond roussel resembles nobody so much as the admired party guest towards whom one is propelled by overly enthusiastic hosts who
No. 10
Online Edition SPECIAL SALEany 100 Dalkey titles for $500 Reading Raymond Roussel
Trevor Winkfield
For some readers, Raymond Roussel resembles nobody so much as the admired party guest towards whom one is propelled by overly enthusiastic hosts who breathlessly assure one, "You'll have so much in common." But confronted with the said guest, one finds that though one might have everything in common with him, one has nothing to say. Roussel was born into an immensely wealthy Parisian family in 1877 (he died a suicide in 1933), the money surrounding him acting as a cocoon between himself and reality. The quotidian is notable by its absence from his work: this is not a literature with much appeal for anyone in search of a social conscience. But if one is magnetized by works of the imagination derived almost solely from linguistics, Roussel represents some kind of summation. How I Wrote Certain of My Books, the posthumously published testament in which Roussel delineates manybut by no means allof his writing techniques, is, as they say, essential reading. As a vade mecum it doesn't necessarily make the books easier to penetrate, but it does provide some clue as to what lies beneath them (though no matter how knowledgeable these clues make us, as readers, feel, no amount of shouting "Open Sesame!" at the threshold of the books entices them to reveal all their secrets). The most obvious examples of his expository secrets can be found early in his career, before he learnt to cover his tracks. The story

14. Raymond Roussel, De L'angoisse à L'extase
Translate this page Me penchant pour les ramasser, qu elle ne fut pas ma surprise de constater que tous étaient au nom de raymond roussel carte postale représentant la
Rechercher Lettre d'info
Les communautés : Roman Polar / Suspens Poésie Nouvelle Erotisme Récits et Témoignages Essais et Documents SF / Fantastique Arts et Scénario Marges Jeunesse Droit Littérature
Español Italiano Deutsch RAYMOND ROUSSEL De l'angoisse à l'extase
Un soleil noir mélancolique
Qualifié en 1939 par André Breton dans son Le Gaulois . En 1909, paraissent en feuilleton les (que Roussel ne visitera jamais) portées à la scène en 1912, représentation à laquelle assistera Marcel Duchamp pour qui Roussel est un maître absolu. Et puis vînt la guerre, et au contraire du capitaine "Destouches" Céline, ne fît pas front au feu…
Un auteur béni sans succès
Parisien Le Gaulois, Locus Solus
et Documents pour servir de canevas
Techniques rousselliennes
Un voyageur singulier
Livres de R. R. disponibles , Jean-Jacques Pauvert La Vue et poèmes inédits (Œuvres), éd. Jean-Jacques Pauvert La Tonsure, la Seine (Oeuvres inédites), éd. Jean-Jacques Pauvert , éd. Pauvert ; suivies de , éd. Pauvert Locus Solus , éd. Imaginaire Gallimard Epaves , éd. Jean-Jacques Pauvert

15. A Lovely Curiosity Raymond Roussel | William Clark | Variant 15
Go into any book shop and they ll probably not have anything on or by raymond roussel. In 1957 the young Michel Foucault noticed some faded yellow books in
Variant issue15 back to issue list A lovely Curiosity
William Clark
"A formidable poetic apparatus"
Marcel Proust
"Raymond Roussel belongs to the most important French literature of the beginning of the century"
Alain Robbe-Grillet
"Genius in its pure state"
Jean Cocteau
"Creator of authentic myths
Michel Leiris
"A great poet" Marcel Duchamp "The President of the Republic of Dreams" Louis Aragon "The greatest mesmerist of modern times" "The plays are among the strangest and most enchanting in modern literature" John Ashbery "My fame will outshine that of Victor Hugo or Napoleon" Raymond Roussel When it was translated into English an anonymous reviewer in The Times Literary Supplement remarked that the book 'seems addressed to an audience of cognoscenti, which must be exceedingly small in France and can hardly number more than two or three here.' However, Foucault's book was noticed by the new novelists in France, and Alain Robbe-Grillet saw the 'fascinating essay' as one of the signs of a growing interest in Roussel, albeit not widely spread beyond certain circles. Roussel's life and work are so unusual that for a long time some people believed him to be a fictional character. A new biography 'Raymond Roussel' by Francois Caradec and translated by Ian Monk has recently been published by Atlas Press - who in a series of Anthologies have enthusiastically preserved Roussel. This comes fairly soon after Mark Ford's 'Raymond Roussel and the Republic of Dreams', (Cornell University Press) embalmed him a bit earlier, and there is some difference of opinion and emphasis in the two works.

16. Browse By Author: R - Project Gutenberg
raymond, Charles W. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. roussel, raymond, 18771933. Wikipedia Locus Solus (French)
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Raabe, Heinrich August, 1759-1841
Raabe, Wilhelm, 1831-1910
Rabbe, F.
Rabb, Kate Milner
Rabelais, Fran§ois, 1483-1553

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18. : : : : : Raymond Roussel : : : : :
Translate this page A ésta siguieron, La vue (1904), Impresiones de África (1910), una de sus novelas más celebradas; Locus Solus (1914), raymond roussel y la república de los

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Hogeschool voor de kunsten Arnhem. 1994. 96 p. Paperback. Leesnaadje op rug.
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20. Madinkbeard » Blog Archive » New Impressions Of Africa By Raymond Roussel
raymond roussel’s influence on French literature of the 20th century is considerable, among his admirers numbered Surrealists (Breton, Aragon, Desnos),
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New Impressions of Africa by Raymond Roussel
Comment? Roussel, Raymond. New Impressions of Africa (1932). Illustrations by Henri-A. Zo. Translated by Ian Monk. London: Atlas Press For a New Novel Death and the Labyrinth New Impressions of Africa Merely to cite him joining in combat,
At an age when his coat and little hat
Still on that last sheer rock his uniform
Had not begun to magnify his form,
Means, pensive, we forget for a moment
Egypt, its evening, sun and firmament. (173) Lest one think that Roussel just wrote a short poem that rhymed and then added a rhyming parenthetical, then another, it is worth noting that often the rhymes cross from one parenthetical level to another or from main text to footnote and back. The parentheticals often integrate quite smoothly and aptly with the lines outside them, such as the ending of Canto III where: Pleasantly dream of tears and mourning dress;),
Of being thus delivered from distress. (205) The two lines both close other sections, only vaguely related, yet also work with each other not just as rhyme but as content.

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