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         Rosenberg Joel:     more books (38)
  1. Emile and the Dutchman by Joel Rosenberg, 01 November, 1991
  2. Kol Haneshamah: Mahzor Leyamim Nora'Im by David Teutsch, Joel Rosenberg, 01 May, 2000
  3. King and Kin: Political Allegory in the Hebrew Bible (Indiana Studies in Biblical Literature) by Joel Rosenberg, 01 December, 1986
  4. D'Shai by Joel Rosenberg, 01 January, 1991
  5. Guardians of Flame-4 Vol. (Boxed) by Joel Rosenberg, November, 1988
  6. Guardians of the Flame-3 Vol. (Boxed) by Joel Rosenberg, November, 1986
  7. Die drei Krieger. Die Legenden von Midkemia 2. by Raymond E. Feist, Joel Rosenberg, 01 July, 2003
  8. Why economic growth is critical to Arab-Israeli peace (The Heritage Foundation backgrounder) by Joel C Rosenberg, 1992
    More books from Canada, United Kingdom, Germany and France sites

61. Paladins By Joel Rosenberg - Baen Books

62. Book Review: The Last Jihad By Joel C. Rosenberg
By joel C. rosenberg. Review by Tim O Bryhim. Prior to the war in Iraq, joel rosenberg has written an entertaining and enlightening novel that makes the

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63. Jewish Science Fiction
rosenberg, joel. The Call. Armageddon, edited by David Drake Billie Sue Mosiman. rosenberg, joel. The Fire Duke. AvoNova, 1995. Purchase from Amazon
Jewish Science Fiction and Fantasy
Please mail me with any additions, suggestions or corrections. Subscribe to the
Jewish Speculative Fiction Discussion Group
Enter your e-mail address: Agnon, S.Y. "Fable of the Goat" Agnon, S.Y. "The Lady and the Pedlar" Allen, Woody. "The Scrolls." More Wandering Stars , edited by Jack Dann. Doubleday, 1981. Anderson, Poul. "In the House of Sorrow." What Might Have Been I Anderson, Poul. Operation Chaos , Doubleday, 1971. Anson, Barbara. Golem . Leisure Books, 1978. Antoniou, Laura. "Shayna Maidel." Ritual Sex . Edited by David A. Clark. Masquerade Books, 1996. Ash, Sarah. The Lost Child . Millennium, 1998. Archambault, Alberic A. Samsons . Bruce Humphries, 1941. Aronin, Ben. The Lost Tribe: Being the strange adventures of Raphael Drale in search of the lost tribes of Israel , Simons 1924. Asimov, Isaac. "Unto the Fourth Generation." Wandering Stars Asplund, Russell William. "The Dybbuk in the Bottle."

64. Joel Rosenberg: The Silver Stone
joel rosenberg made his name in fantasy writing the Guardians of the Flame series in which a group of college students are magically transported to a
by Joel Rosenberg
Avon Books
346pp/$5.99/July 1998 Reviewed by Steven H Silver Joel Rosenberg made his name in fantasy writing the "Guardians of the Flame" series in which a group of college students are magically transported to a magical realm during a role-playing game. After several books in that series and two other series, Rosenberg has returned to that same sub-genre with his "Keepers of the Hidden Ways" series in which college students are transported to a magical realm. The Silver Stone is the second book of the new series and follows Ian Silverstein, Torrie Thorsen and their companions as they return to the mythical land of Tir Na Nog. While Rosenberg's earlier series was set in a (to star wtih) generic fantasy setting, this new series relies heavily on Norse mythology, including appearances of Odin, Freya, and other standards of the Vikings, although frequently in skewed roles. Unfortunately, this setting does not work as well as the wide variety of lands Rosenberg has invented, whether the world of the Guardians novels or the vaguely Oriental lands of his "D'Shai" series. Rosenberg uses several viewpoint characters, both the aforementioned college students and the parents and friends of Torrie Thorsen, who hails, ostensibly, from Hardwood, North Dakota (in the Newer World), but really has his roots in Tir Na Nog. Nearly all these characters are representative of the Heinleinian superman (or woman), with the ability to do anything which needs to be done and, perhaps more importantly, the common sense to see what needs doing. Unfortunately, this has a tendency to turn several of Rosenberg's characters more into caricatures.

65. Physician Finder ::: St. Joseph's Hospital
Name, rosenberg, joel, MD, rosenberg, joel MD. Practice, Cardiac Surgery Assoc of CNY. Phone, (315) 4237192. Fax, (315) 423-8013

66. Joel Rosenberg Quotes
6 quotes and quotations by joel rosenberg. joel rosenberg Miscellaneous is always the largest category. joel rosenberg We who are about to die,
Atlas Dictionary Encyclopedia Geography ...
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Web Joel Rosenberg Quotes
I'm a simple man. All I want is enough sleep for two normal men, enough whiskey for three, and enough women for four.
Joel Rosenberg

Miscellaneous is always the largest category.
Joel Rosenberg

We who are about to die, are going to take one hell of a lot of the bastards with us.
Joel Rosenberg

Whatever you want too much you can't have, so when you really want something, try to want it a little less.
Joel Rosenberg
When the Black Camel comes for me, I'm not going to go kicking and screaming - I am, however, going to try to talk my way out of it. "No, no, you want the other Walter Slovotsky." Joel Rosenberg Yea, though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the meanest son of a bitch in the valley. Joel Rosenberg Type: Author Quotes Category: American Author Quotes Year of Birth: Nationality: American Biography: Joel Rosenberg Biography Find on Amazon: Joel Rosenberg Related Authors: Mark Twain Henry David Thoreau James A. Baldwin

67. Tyndale House Publishers - Tyndale Fiction Authors
no additional photos to display at this time. author titles. The Ezekiel Option (HC). Select one of joel C. rosenberg s Books, The Ezekiel Option (HC)

68. Tyndale House Publishers - Tyndale Fiction Authors
But for many adults joel rosenberg is the ‘it author’ right now. But joel rosenberg hit it in his first political thriller, The Last Jihad,
Fiction Non-Fiction Bibles/Reference Kids/Youth AV/Interactive ... Z Select a letter to view authors
by last names alphabetically. Select an Author Aiken, Ginny Alcorn, Randy Benson, Angela Billerbeck, Kristin Blackwell, Lawana Bright, Vonette Brouwer, Sigmund Copeland, Lori Cote, Lyn Crawford, Dianna de Graaf, Anne Dickson, Athol Fuller, Kathleen Goodnight, Linda Griffin, Pamela Gutteridge, Rene Hanegraaff, Hank Hart, Neesa Hatcher, Robin Lee Henderson, Dee Jenkins, Jerry B. Kingsbury, Karen Martinusen, Cindy McCormick Morgan, Cindy Morgan, Kathleen Moser, Nancy Noble, Diane Odom, Mel Palmer, Catherine Pence, James H. Phillips, Michael Richer, Lois Rivers, Francine Rosenberg, Joel C. Thoene, Bodie Thoene, Brock Thoene, Jake Thrasher, Travis Warren, Susan May Watson, Jan White, Elizabeth Karen Kingsbury
Set against the backdrop of the Redemption series’ Baxter family, Fame follows ...
Joel C. Rosenberg

In the early 1990s, I read an out-of-print, nonfiction book by Tim LaHaye called The C...
Jake Thoene

Interview with Jake Thoene
By Stu Johnson
this inte...

69. COR Healthcare Market Strategist - 2003 Contents
Here are the insights from Dan Beckham, Luke Perkocha, MD, Rob rosenberg, joel English, David Shore, Terry Rynne, and Ruth Colby. $ACCESS

70. Joel Rosenberg
Name, joel rosenberg. Title, Lee S. McCollester Associate Professor of Biblical Literature and Associate Professor of Judaic Studies

71. The Ezekiel Option - Wal-Mart
. Hardcover, 413 pages......The Ezekiel Option. Author rosenberg, joel See all Books by rosenberg, joel. See full

72. FindArticles In Prooftexts: A Journal Of Jewish Literary History: January 2002
by rosenberg, joel; Auch ruhiges land remembrance and testimony in Paul Celan s Nuit by rosenberg, joel; The double legacy of Arbeit Macht Frei.
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IN free articles only all articles this publication 10,000,000 articles - not found on any other search engine. FindArticles Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History Save a personal copy of any page on the Web and quickly find it again with Get started now. (It's free.) Articles in January 2002 issue of Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History

73. Joel Rosenberg
Born in Winnipeg, Canada in 1954, joel rosenberg grew up in eastern North An incomplete bibliography for joel rosenberg is available in the Lysator
Joel Rosenberg
Born in Winnipeg, Canada in 1954, Joel Rosenberg grew up in eastern North Dakota and northern Connecticut. He attended the University of Connecticut, where he met his future wife, Felicia Herman. Joel's past occupations include driving a truck, caring for the institutionalized retarded, bookkeeping, gambling, clerking at a motel front desk, and passing himself off as a head chef for two weeks. Joel's first sale, an op-ed piece favoring nuclear power, was published in The New York Times . His stories have appeared in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine Perpetual Light Amazing Science Fiction Stories and TSR's The Dragon . Joel's hobbies include backgammon, poker, bridge, and several other sorts of gaming, as well as cooking, His broiled butterfly leg of lamb has to be tasted to be believed. He now lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with one wife, two computers, and three cats. Joel Rosenberg has his own home page An incomplete bibliography for Joel Rosenberg is available in the Lysator archive in Sweden.

74. Joel Rosenberg Quotes - ThinkExist Quotations
Legend means, basically, bullshit. joel rosenberg quotes. About Time quotes. Add to my book. Submit a New joel rosenberg quote
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All Joel Rosenberg Quotations Authors Topics Keywords ... More... Famous people: Name Nationality Occupation Date ... Jin Joe 1-6 Quotations of
Joel Rosenberg quotes
" I'm a simple man. All I want is enough sleep for two normal men, enough whiskey for three, and enough women for four. " Joel Rosenberg quotes Add to my book show_bar(211753,null,'i-m_a_simple_man-all_i_want_is_enough_sleep_for') " We who are about to die, are going to take one hell of a lot of the bastards with us. " Joel Rosenberg quotes Add to my book show_bar(7935,null,'we_who_are_about_to_die-are_going_to_take_one') " Miscellaneous is always the largest category. " Joel Rosenberg quotes Add to my book show_bar(211757,null,'miscellaneous_is_always_the_largest_category') " Yea, though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the meanest son of a bitch in the valley. " Joel Rosenberg quotes Add to my book show_bar(211755,null,'yea-though_i_walk_through_the_valley_of_death_i')

75. Clarkesworld Books -- Used Books By Author -- R
rosenberg, joel. Keepers of the Hidden Ways Book One The Fire Duke AvoNova (1996), Used Paperback details. A01271. Our Price, $2.25
Used Books by Author R
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52 books for this letter, showing 1 through 50
Radford, Irene Dragon Nimus #3: The Lonliest Magician
Daw (1996), Used Paperback [details] Our Price No noticeable flaws. Guardian of the Trust: Merlin's Decendant's #2 Daw (2001), Used Paperback [details] Our Price No noticeable flaws. Guardian of the Trust: Merlin's Decendant's #2 Daw (2001), Used Paperback [details] Our Price No noticeable flaws.

76. Recursive Science Fiction R
rosenberg, joel joint author with Mike Resnick, et al. rosenberg, joel, Baggieworld A Tale of Pretty Well Known Space . This is a parody of the beginning
Recursive Science Fiction
Return home A B C ... P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Graphics Drama ... Related Raleigh, Richard joint author with David Barbour Ramirez, Frank, "The Merchant of Stratford" The first time traveler goes back to 1615 to see William Shakespeare. It turns out that travelers from all eras have been doing this and Shakespeare is excellent at merchandising himself. The literature he is interested in is SF because it is honest and entertaining. He particularly collects Isaac Asimov, Roger Zelazny, Robert Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, Harlan Ellison. He has spent the equivalent of forty years on the lecture circuit (post-2400). Shakespeare sells him an authorized omnibus edition of his works including a previously unpublished SF novel Go-Captains in Nostrilia (based upon the works of Cordwainer Smith Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine , 3:7 July 1979 (pp.125-133) Laughing Space Inside the Funhouse , (edited by Mike Resnick), AvoNova 76643-4, August 1992 (pp.33-42) Reed, Robert, "The Apollo Man" Asimov's Science Fiction 20:2 February 1996 (pp.62-80)

77. Stark Stark Litigation Record Powered By Westlaw All Data In
Attorneys w/ Litigation Records rosenberg, joel R., Shareholder rosenberg, joel R. Zamost, Bruce H., Shareholder

78. Sound & Spirit: Joel Rosenberg: "God Of Abraham, God Of Isaac"
by joel rosenberg. An Aramean fugitive, my father, Abraham, an atheist, refused to serve the gods. The gods, he d say, are merely an excuse
God of Abraham, God of Isaac
by Joel Rosenberg
An Aramean fugitive, my father, Abraham,
an atheist, refused to serve the gods.
"The gods," he'd say, "are merely an excuse
for people to enslave each other."
So he sought a non-religion,
a precise refusal of all servitude to god or man,
and picked up followers in Ur, and in Haran.
In debt up to his neck to Eliezer of Damascus,
Abram gleaned the other debt-slaves, pickpockets,
sharecroppers, the unemployed, some blacks,
rebellious women, poets, clownsand ran. They hustled to the hills together, formed a band, and learned to fight, and, intermittently, to wheel-and-deal. They entertained, and rented themselves out as soldiers, tinkers, busboys, builders, midwives, popular musicians. Here and there, they managed to grab up a little land. In time, they gave their non-religion an unpronounceable and secret name, which meant, some jokingly maintained, just "Let it be." Their women They would laughingly address as "sisters," especially in front of country folk, because they knew the villagers would be enraged to find them treating "wives" as equals.

79. Powell's Books - The Ezekiel Option By Joel Rosenberg
When Russia s richest oil baron is killed, Moscow suddenly teeters on the verge of political chaos. Tehran races to complete its nuclear arsenal.

80. Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Joel Rosenberg: After Arafat
My old friend joel rosenberg, a novelist, remembers Arafat. posted by Amy Ridenour at 11/11/2004 044129 PM Home Blog Home National Center Home
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Joel Rosenberg: After Arafat
My old friend Joel Rosenberg , a novelist, remembers Arafat. posted by Amy Ridenour at 11/11/2004 04:41:29 PM
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