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         Rolland Romain:     more books (100)
  1. Romain Rolland sa vie son oeuvre by Jean Bonnerot, 2009-09-20
  2. The Story of Eugene Debs With an Introduction By Romain Rolland by Henry T Schnittkind, 1929-01-01
  3. Andre Gide and Romain Rolland: Two men divided by Frederick John Harris, 1973
  4. Romain Rolland (French Edition) by Pierre Sipriot, 1965-06
  5. Romain Rollands visionares Beethovenbild im Jean-Christophe (Werkstruktur und Hintergrund) (German Edition) by Maria Hulle-Keeding, 1997
  6. Critical Bibliography of the Published Writings of Romain Rolland: (Northwestern University Humanities Series : No. 21) by William T. Starr, 1972-06
  7. Romain Rolland L'ame Et L'art (French Edition) by Jean-Bertrand Barrere, 1965-06
  8. Romain Rolland: Der Mann Und Das Werk, Mit Sechs Bildnissen Und Drei Schriftwiedergaben (German Edition) by Stefan Zweig, 2010-02-03
  9. Romain Rolland. by Stefan Zweig, Knut Beck, 1987-01-01
  10. The pre-war biographies of Romain Rolland and their place in his work and the period, by Ronald Alfred Wilson, 1972
  11. Romain Rolland: L'homme Et L'euvre (French Edition) by Paul Seippel, 2010-04-08
  12. En plein vol: Textes et documents (Cahiers Romain Rolland) (French Edition) by Jean de Saint-Prix, 1980
  13. Five Masters of French Romance: Anatole France, Pierre Loti, Paul Bourget, Maurice Barres, Romain Rolland (1916) by Albert Leon Guerard, 2009-06-25
  14. Romain Rolland by Harold March, 1971-06

41. Romain Rolland Biography
Biography of romain rolland, recipient of the 1915 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born into a middleclass family in Clamecy, France.
Romain Rolland biography
Biography of Romain Rolland, recipient of the 1915 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born into a middle-class family in Clamecy, France.
Romain Rolland, recipient of the 1915 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born into a middle-class family in Clamecy, France. His father was a lawyer. He was educated at the Ecole Normale Superieure and the Sorbonne. He later worked as a professor at the Ecole Normale in Paris and the Sorbonne. Rolland published his first book, HISTOIRE DE L'OPERA EN EUROPE AVANT LULLY ET SCARLATTI, in 1895. He is most famous for his ten volume work, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE, which was published between 1904 and 1912. Romain Rolland died in Vezelay, France in 1944. CHRONOLOGY 1866 He was born in Clamecy, France. (January 29) 1880 He moved with his family to paris. 1889 He passed his agregation examination. 1892 He married Clotilde Breal. 1895 HISTOIRE DE L'OPERA EN EUROPE AVANT LULLY ET SCARLATTI; He received his doctorate in art at the Sorbonne. 1897 SAINT-LOUIS 1898 AERT; LES LOUPS (THE WOLVES)

42. Romain Rolland And The Politics Of Intellectual Engagement
romain rolland and the Politics of Intellectual Engagement. Berkeley University of California Press, c1988. http//
Home Search Browse About Us ... Help Romain Rolland and the Politics of Intellectual Engagement
David James Fisher
Suggested citation:
Fisher, David James.  Romain Rolland and the Politics of Intellectual Engagement.  Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1988.

43. Collège Romain Rolland - Redirection
Translate this page Bienvenue sur le site du collège romain rolland au Havre. Retrouvez l’actualité du collège, des infos pratiques, des travaux d’élèves,
patientez : si rien ne se passe, cliquez ici

44. Romain Rolland
Translate this page romain rolland. Ecrivain français protestant (1866-1944). Ancien élève de l Ecole Normale Supérieure, agrégé, professeur d histoire de l art à Normale Sup
Romain Rolland Ecrivain français protestant (1866-1944). Ancien élève de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, agrégé, professeur d'histoire de l'art à Normale Sup et professeur d'histoire de la musique à la Sorbonne.
Pacifiste il se "réfugie" en Suisse en 1914, et y demeure jusqu'en 1937. En 1915 il obtient le prix Nobel de littérature pour " Au-dessus de la mêlée
Il publie en 1917 " Salut à la révolution russe " et adhère au communisme soviétique en 1927.
Sa secrétaire, puis sa maîtresse, puis son épouse, la princesse russe Maria Pavlova Koudatchova, est un agent soviétique
Auteur, notamment , de " Jean-Christophe " (dix volumes, 1904-1912), Clérambault L'Ame enchantée (sept volumes, 1922-1933).
Je m'épouvante parfois de l'idée que les Etats-Unis pourraient, un jour, dominer le monde. Et je ne crains pas moins l'idéalisme américain que son capitalisme. Qui sait si je ne crains pas encore plus l'idéalisme puritain ? Car il ne comprend rien, rien au reste du monde ; et il est si tranquillement convaincu qu'il n'est d'autre idéal que le sien - que les autres il les extermine.
Lettre à Maxime Gorki , 1er août 1924 ; cité par

45. By Romain Rolland
rolland, romain Johann Christof. Kinder und Jugendjahre Roman Publisher Rütten und Loening Frankfurt am Main, Germany 1914. VG- Hardcover Yellow boards a

Translate this page BIENVENUE AU LYCEE romain rolland A CLAMECY. Les structures du lycée Renseignements pratiques Vie du lycée Pédagogie les pages disciplinaires
Les structures du lycée
Renseignements pratiques Vie du lycée Pédagogie: les pages disciplinaires ... La section européenne Nouveau ! Les menus de la semaine Mise à jour: janvier 2008
  • Une réunion d' information sur l'orientation post-baccalauréat aura lieu le vendredi 1er février 2008 en salle polyvalente : les différentes voies de formation; le calendrier et les procédures d'inscription, le dossier social étudiant, etc... Le jeudi 7 février 2008, les élèves de Terminale seront en devoir commun. Pour consulter le programme de cette journée cliquer ici. Comment s'y retrouver dans ce "grand" Lycée ? Cliquer ici pour consulter le plan. Le diaporama du voyage de la section européeenne est maintenant disponible. Diaporama Irlande (environ 30 Mo) Le Lycée vu du ciel ! Cliquer sur l'image. Les photos de la sortie du 16/11/07 des élèves de 1°ES et 1°S1 sont disponibles :
Responsable de publication : M. Pierre Joly, proviseur.
Webmestre :Eric Laloë

47. Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise: Beethoven In Paris Circa 1900
From romain rolland s novel cycle JeanChristophe. For the moment the idol was Beethoven. Beethoven — save the mark! — was in the fashion at least,
Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise
Articles, a blog, and a book by the music critic of The New Yorker
thank you all
  • var sc_project=467443; var sc_invisible=0; var sc_partition=2; var sc_security="";
Beethoven in Paris circa 1900
From Romain Rolland's novel cycle Jean-Christophe January 14, 2008 Permalink
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48. Jean Christophe: In Paris The Market-Place, Antoinette, The House / Rolland, Rom
Title Jean Christophe In Paris The MarketPlace, Antoinette, The House Author romain rolland Release Date May, 2005 EBook 8149 Yes, we are more than
Jean Christophe: in Paris The Market-Place, Antoinette, the House / Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944
Author Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944 Title Jean Christophe: in Paris The Market-Place, Antoinette, the House Date Contributor(s) Cannan, Gilbert, 1884-1955 [Translator] Size Identifier Language en Publisher Project Gutenberg Rights GNU General Public License Tag(s) christophe olivier life people ... translator Versions original local mirror plain HTML (this file)
concordance (most frequent 100 words, etc.)
... Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts Share addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = 'ericleasemorgan';
This file was acquired from Project Gutenberg, and it is in the public domain. It is re-distributed here as a part of the Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts ( by Eric Lease Morgan (Infomotions, Inc.) for the purpose of freely sharing, distributing, and making available works of great literature. Its Infomotions unique identifier is etext8149, and it should be available from the following URL:

49. Gandhi Book By Romain Rolland « Lekowala!
Its by romain rolland (1924). There’s a nice little paragraph at the end refering to India’s quest for home rule, probably phrased by Tagore.
A lizard and a tree
Gandhi Book by Romain Rolland
Finally finished this book by Romain Rolland
The picture above shows them talking. Gandhi had gone to visit Romain in his home at Switzerland. Narayana September 5, 2006 Posted by lekowala Uncategorized No Comments
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Some nice sayings
“Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything.” St. Francis of Assisi

50. Romain Rolland Et L'agence Des Prisonniers De Genève (1914-1916).
Translate this page Lorsque éclate, en août 1914, la première guerre mondiale, romain rolland est en Suisse, où il compte passer l été. Il fait bientôt paraître,
@import url("css/styles_revue.css"); Th¨ses de l'Ecole des chartes Ecole nationale des chartes Accueil Liste des th¨ses ... R©glementation Claire BASQUIN Romain Rolland et l'agence des prisonniers de Gen¨ve (1914-1916) Th¨se soutenue en 1999
Lorsque ©clate, en ao»t 1914, la premi¨re guerre mondiale, Romain Rolland est en Suisse, o¹ il compte passer l'©t©. Il fait bient´t para®tre, dans le suppl©ment au Journal de Gen¨ve des 22-23 septembre, un article intitul© Au-dessus de la mªl©e , amen©   conna®tre une formidable notori©t©. Cet article, qui aujourd'hui symbolise   lui seul la position adopt©e par son auteur durant le conflit, a fait oublier un autre aspect de son engagement. Au mªme moment, en effet, Romain Rolland se met au service de l'Agence internationale des prisonniers de guerre que la Croix-Rouge internationale vient de fonder   Gen¨ve. Cet engagement, qui peut sembler de moindre importance, se r©v¨le tr¨s m©connu. Pourtant, l'©tude de cette collaboration permet de mieux appr©hender l'attitude de l'©crivain au cours de la guerre.
Journal des ann©es de guerre (1914-1919) , paru en 1952 ; une partie de sa correspondance, ©dit©e dans la s©rie des

51. Romain Rolland --  Britannica Student Encyclopaedia
romain rolland (18661944). The French author romain rolland was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in 1915 for his series of novels JeanChristophe
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52. Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944. Letters To Lucien Price: Guide.
Abstract Letters from French novelist romain rolland to American writer and journalist Lucien Price concerning articles by Price.
Harvard University Library
: Online Archival Search Information System Frames Version
Questions or Comments
bMS Fr 130
Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944. Letters to Lucien Price: Guide.
Houghton Library, Harvard College Library
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Descriptive Summary
Repository: Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
Location: b
Call No.: MS Fr 130
Creator: Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944.
Title: Letters to Lucien Price,
Date(s): 1913-1940 and undated.
Quantity: 1 box (.5 linear ft.)
Abstract: Letters from French novelist Romain Rolland to American writer and journalist Lucien Price concerning articles by Price.
Acquisition Information:
Deposited by Lucien Price, Esq.of the Boston Globe; received: 1954 July.
Historical Note
Romain Rolland was a French novelist, dramatist, and essayist, an idealist who was deeply involved with pacifism; Lucien Price was an American novelist and journalist with the Boston Transcript (1907-1914) and then the Boston Globe until his death in 1964.
Arranged chronologically
Scope and Content
Contains letters to Lucien Price concerning published articles received as well as an autograph manuscript in response to a 1921 article by Henri Barbusse and a signed transcript of his 1932 address against the war.

53. Quotes Of Romain Rolland — Poet Seers
Quotes of romain rolland. If there is one place on the face of the earth where romain rolland on Sri Aurobindo ‘Here comes Aurobindo, the completest
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Quotes of Romain Rolland
"If there is one place on the face of the earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India....For more than 30 centuries, the tree of vision, with all its thousand branches and their millions of twigs, has sprung from this torrid land, the burning womb of the Gods. It renews itself tirelessly showing no signs of decay." Romain Rolland From: Life of Ramakrishna
"The true Vedantic spirit does not start out with a system of preconceived ideas. It possesses absolute liberty and unrivalled courage among religions with regard to the facts to be observed and the diverse hypotheses it has laid down for their coordination. Never having been hampered by a priestly order, each man has been entirely free to search wherever he pleased for the spiritual explanation of the spectacle of the universe." Romain Rolland From: Life of Vivekananda
"The greatest book is not the one whose message engraves itself on the brain - but the one whose vital impact opens up other viewpoints, and from writer to reader spreads the fire that is fed by the various essences, until it becomes a vast conflagration leaping from forest to forest."

54. PEP Web - Sigmund Freud And Romain Rolland: Correspondence, 1923-1936.: By Henri
In the collection The History of Psychoanalysis (edited by Alain de Mijolla), Henri and Madeleine Vermorel present to us Sigmund Freud and romain rolland

55. :: Munseys: Romain Rolland
not available. Tags No Tags. Musicians of ToDay rolland, romain Berlioz.Wagner Siegfried, Tristan.Camille Saint-Saens.......rolland, romain
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Rolland, Romain

Description not available. Tags: Fiction. World War, 1914-1918
Jean-Christophe, Vol I

Rolland, Romain

Description not available. Tags: No Tags Musicians of To-Day Rolland, Romain Berlioz.Wagner: Siegfried, Tristan.Camille Saint-Saens.Vincent d'Indy.Richard Strauss.Hugo Tags: Biography. Composers Terms and Conditions

56. Rolland, Romain (Harper's Magazine)
rolland, romain. WRITER OF, 1 Article from 1928. CONNECTIONS Portrait of Beethoven at thirty. by romain rolland Article, October 1928, 12 pp.
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Rolland, Romain
WRITER OF 1 Article from 1928
Portrait of Beethoven at thirty
by Romain Rolland
Article, October 1928 , 12 pp. Harper's Magazine is an American journal of literature, politics, culture, and the arts published from 1850. Subscriptions start at $16.97 a year.
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58. Einstein Archives Online - Contents Of Folder 33-1
331.00, 01/01/1901, Envelope with address of Fonds romain rolland 33-18.00, 01/01/1922, rolland, romain, Excerpts from romain rolland s diary about

59. Rolland, Romain. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fou
rolland, romain. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition. 2000.
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60. Romain Rolland
Translate this page Partagé entre la pensée de Nietzsche et celle de Tolstoï, romain rolland rêva d un héros non violent qui cherchât à tout comprendre pour tout aimer .
Romain Rolland
  • tout comprendre pour tout aimer Prix Nobel en 1916 pour " En correspondance avec le monde entier, rencontrant Gandhi Vies de hommes illustres " et notamment une " Vie de Beethoven et son Jean-Christophe et l'
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