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         Rolland Romain:     more books (100)
  1. The Life of Ramakrishna by Romain Rolland, 1929-06-01
  2. The Life of Vivekananda and the Universal Gospel by Romain Rolland, 2001-04-01
  3. Jean-Christophe in Paris: The market-place, Antoinette, The house by Romain Rolland, Gilbert Cannan, 2010-08-29
  4. Jean-Christophe, Volume I by Romain Rolland, 2009-10-04
  5. The Jean-Christophe Cycle by Romain Rolland, 2008-11-04
  6. Life of Vivekananda by Romain Rolland, Translated from the French by E.F. Malcolm-Smith, et all 1953-04-15
  7. Musicians of to-day by Romain Rolland, 1915-01-01
  8. Romain Rolland by R. A. Francis, 1999-05-01
  9. Mahatma Gandhi: The man who became one with the universal being by Romain Rolland, 1976
  10. Jean-Christophe (French Edition) by Romain Rolland, 2010-09-10
  11. Colas Breugnon by Romain Rolland, 2009-12-26
  12. Romain Rolland's Jean-Christophe by Romain Rolland, 2010-10-14
  13. The Universality of man: The message of Romain Rolland : addresses and papers of international seminar organised jointly by the Sahitya Akademi and Festival of France in India, 15-17 January 1990 by Sibnarayan (ed.) Ray, 1992
  14. Mahatma Gandhi by Romain Rolland, 2003-03

1. Romain Rolland - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Romain Rolland (January 29, 1866 – December 30, 1944) was a French writer and dramatist, best known as the author of the novel series JeanChristophe
Romain Rolland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Born 29 January
Ni¨vre Died 30 December
Occupation novelist ... French Writing period Influences Goethe Leo Tolstoy French literature By category French literary history Medieval
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Playwrights ... edit Romain Rolland January 29 December 30 ) was a French writer and dramatist , best known as the author of the novel series Jean-Christophe His first book was published in , when he was already 36 years old. Thirteen years later, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in "as a tribute to the lofty idealism of his literary production and to the sympathy and love of truth with which he has described different types of human beings." His mind sculpted by a passion for music and discursive admiration for exceptional men, he sought a means of communion among men for his entire life. Through his advocacy for a 'people's theatre', he made a significant contribution towards the democratization of the theatre . Because of his insistence upon justice and his humanist ideal, he looked for peace during and after the

2. Romain Rolland Definition Of Romain Rolland In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia article about Romain Rolland. Information about Romain Rolland in the Columbia Encyclopedia, Computer Desktop Encyclopedia, Rolland
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Rolland, Romain (redirected from Romain Rolland
Also found in: Wikipedia Hutchinson 0.07 sec. write_ads(AdsNum, 0) Rolland, Romain Jean-Christophe roman-fleuve, or continuous series of novels, it is a fictional biography of a German-born musician and a study of contemporary French and German civilization. Rolland was awarded the 1915 Nobel Prize in Literature. His genuine pacifistic philosophy and the courage of his convictions, reflected in Above the Battle (1915, tr. 1916), led to self-imposed exile in Switzerland, where he remained until 1938. Among his other works are the play The Wolves (1898, tr. 1937), inspired by the Dreyfus Affair; the seven-volume novel The Soul Enchanted Journey Within (2d ed. 1959, tr. 1947) and

3. Romain Rolland
Romain Rolland saw that art must be a part of the struggle to bring enlightenment to people. In his work he attacked all forms of nazism and fascism,
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by Bamber Gascoigne
Romain Rolland (1866-1944) French novelist, dramatist, essayist, mystic, pacifist, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915. Romain Rolland saw that art must be a part of the struggle to bring enlightenment to people. In his work he attacked all forms of nazism and fascism, and struggled for social and political justice. Rolland never joined any party but he acquired a reputation as an ardent Communist. "In politics, he has always been a republican with advanced Socialist sympathies, and internationalist at heart, and, as they said in the eighteenth century, a 'citizen of the world.' He has always fought social injustice. In art, he loves, above all, Beethoven, Shakespeare, and Goethe... Rembrandt is the painter dearest to him. But his chosen country is Italy." (Romain Rolland on himself, World Authors 1900-1950 , vol. 3, ed. by Martin Seymour-Smith and Andrew C. Kimmens, 1996) Romain Rolland was born in Clamecy, to a middle-class family. His father was a lawyer and his mother, the former Antoinette-Marie Courot, was a pious and introspective woman. In 1880 the family moved to Paris in 1880 in order to obtain a better schooling for their son.

4. Romain Rolland - EVENE
Translate this page Romain Rolland , rolland romain - Ecrivain français. Découvrez la biographie de Romain Rolland, ainsi que des anecdotes, des citations de Romain Rolland,
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Romain Rolland
Ecrivain français
Littérature française
Né à Clamecy le 29 January 1866
Décédé à Vézelay le 30 December 1944
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Biographie de Romain Rolland
Normalien, agrégé d' histoire et docteur ès Lettres Romain Rolland enseigne à l' Ecole normale et à la Sorbonne avant de se consacrer à l'écriture. D'abord tourné vers le théâtre , il a écrit une dizaine de pièces à l'âge de trente ans et devient célèbre grâce à ' Jean-Christophe roman en dix volumes paru entre 1904 et 1912. Au début de la

5. Romain Rolland - Wikipédia
Translate this page Romain Rolland est un écrivain français, né à Clamecy (Nièvre) le 29 janvier 1866 et mort à Vézelay (Yonne) le 30 décembre 1944.
Romain Rolland
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Pour les articles homonymes , voir Rolland Romain Rolland s'entretenant avec Gandhi en 1931. Romain Rolland est un ©crivain fran§ais , n©   Clamecy (Ni¨vre) le 29 janvier et mort   V©zelay Yonne ) le 30 d©cembre . Il re§ut en le Prix Nobel de litt©rature pour son œuvre majeure, Jean-Christophe D'une culture sculpt©e par la passion de l'art et de la musique (op©ra, Michel-Ange Scarlatti Lulli Beethoven , amiti© avec Richard Strauss au-dessus de la mªl©e Premi¨re Guerre mondiale . Tenaill© par son id©al humaniste et sa quªte d'un monde non-violent, par son admiration pour L©on Tolsto¯ , grande figure de la non-violence, par les philosophies de l' Inde (conversations avec Rabindranath Tagore et Gandhi ), l'enseignement de Ramakrishna et Vivekananda , par sa fascination pour Baha'u'llah Union sovi©tique . Mais il n'atteint la transcendance que dans l'©criture de son œuvre.
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Issu d'une famille de notaires, il trouve dans son ascendance des paysans et des bourgeois ais©s. Son introspection avec son

6. Rolland Romain
Translate this page Romain Rolland professa un humanisme axé à la fois sur l idéal patriotique et sur l internationalisme pièces de théâtre à caractère populaire (les Loups,
Rolland Romain
les Loups Danton, 1901; le Quatorze-Juillet Colas Breugnon , 1919), deux grands cycles romanesques: Jean-Christoph e (10 vol., 1904-1912),"roman-fleuve" (mot de Rolland) consacré à un musicien imaginaire de génie, et (7 vol., 1922-1934).
Jean-Christophe , le premier Roman-Fleuve en dix volumes qui raconte l'histoire d'un individu pns dans les filets de l'Histoire. Ce roman musical dont la matière est le sentiment, met en scène Jean-Chnstophe," I'homme éternel, dans son aspiration héroïque à la liberté et à la vérité". A travers son entreprise totalisante, Romain Rolland rénove le genre de la biographie et ouvre la voie à Georges Duhamel Roger Martin du Gard et Jules Romains La suite de cet Article n'est accessible que par les Jean Christophe Cette section n'est accessible que par les Cette section n'est accessible que par les Voir aussi : DEMO
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7. Romain Rolland - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Romain Rolland
Hutchinson encyclopedia article about Romain Rolland. Romain Rolland. Information about Romain Rolland in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. Rolland
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Email Feedback Sign in Email: Password: Register Charity('US') Your Ad Here Mentioned in No references found Hutchinson browser Full browser Rolphton ROM Roma Roma (Australia) ... Romagna Romain Rolland Romains, Jules romalla Roman Roman Academy ... Romain Rocchi Romain Rolland Romain Sardou Romain Sato Romain Tranchart Romain Vincelot ... Romainmôtier-Envy (Vaud) TheFreeDictionary Google Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text Free Tools: For surfers: Browser extension Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content NEW! Linking Lookup box ... Farlex, Inc. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.

8. Romain Rolland - Wikipedia
Translate this page Romain Rolland war auch ein bekennender Tierschützer So nennt er Roheit gegen Tiere und Ungerührtheit durch ihre Qualen „eine der schwersten Sünden des
Romain Rolland
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Romain Rolland Romain Rolland (* 29. Januar 1866 in Clamecy (Ni¨vre) , D©partement Ni¨vre ; † 30. Dezember 1944 in V©zelay ) war ein franz¶sischer Schriftsteller. Er wurde 1915 als dritter Franzose mit dem Nobelpreis f¼r Literatur ausgezeichnet.
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Rolland war Sohn eines Notars und erhielt eine gutb¼rgerliche Erziehung und Bildung. Im Alter von elf Jahren begann er zu schreiben. Daneben begeisterte er sich unter Anleitung seiner sehr musikalischen Mutter fr¼h f¼r Musik. 1880 verkaufte der Vater seine Praxis, und die Familie zog nach Paris, um dem Jungen bessere M¶glichkeiten zu verschaffen, sich f¼r die Zulassungspr¼fung (concours) zur ‰cole Normale Sup©rieure (ENS), der franz¶sischen Eliteschule f¼r die Lehramtsf¤cher an Gymnasien, vorzubereiten. Rolland, der bis dahin das katholische Gymnasium seines Heimatst¤dtchens besucht hatte, wechselte nun an das Lyc©e Saint-Louis und 1882 an das Traditionsgymnasium Louis-le-Grand , wo er sich u.a. mit

9. Romain Rolland - Wikisource
Translate this page Le Cloître de la rue d’Ulm. Journal de Romain Rolland à l école normale (1886-1889) Correspondance entre Romain Rolland et Maxime Gorki. Publié en 1991.
Romain Rolland
La biblioth¨que libre.
Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Certaines œuvres de cet auteur sont dans le domaine public aux ‰tats-Unis, mais encore soumises aux droits d’auteur dans certains pays, notamment en Europe. Les t©l©chargements sont faits sous votre responsabilit©. Auteurs R Romain Rolland ©crivain fran§ais (1866-1944)
Laur©at du Prix Nobel de litt©rature Œuvres Th©¢tre Romans

10. Romain Rolland —
Romain Rolland the great French savant, novelist, dramatist, essayist, and mysticRomain Rolland (1866 - 1944) was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in
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Romain Rolland
View: Writings of Romain Rolland Romain Rolland  the great French savant, novelist, dramatist, essayist, and mystic-Romain Rolland (1866 - 1944) was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915. He was born in Clamecy, Ni¨vre,  France . His family was of mixed stock including both wealthy townspeople and uch poorer "peasant" lineage.    Romain Rolland went to University in 1886 where he studied philosophy, however he didn't enjoy the rigid nature of the philospohy syllabus and so left before he had finished his course. Instead he received a degree in history. After university he spent a couple of years in Italy greatly admiring Italian masterpieces. On returning to France he took up a posts teaching at various university's including the Sorbonne. However his heart was never in teaching, he prefered to be a writer. Therefore he quit his teaching post to dedicate his time to writing. Rolland was my nature introverted he didn't make close friendships but absorbed himself in his writing. During the German occupation of France from 1940 he led a life of isolation and was very much a loner.

11. Romain Rolland - Wikiquote
Romain Rolland (January 29, 1866 December 30, 1944) was a French writer who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915 after the publication of his
Romain Rolland
From Wikiquote
Jump to: navigation search A hero is a man who does what he can. Romain Rolland January 29 December 30 ) was a French writer who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915 after the publication of his major work, Jean-Christophe
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The true Vedantic spirit does not start out with a system of preconceived ideas.
  • I find war detestable but those who praise it without participating in it even more so.
    • Inter arma Caritas, Journal de Gen¨ve (30 October 1914) If there is one place on the face of the earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India....For more than 30 centuries, the tree of vision, with all its thousand branches and their millions of twigs, has sprung from this torrid land, the burning womb of the Gods. It renews itself tirelessly showing no signs of decay.
      • Life of Ramakrishna
      One makes mistakes; that is life. But it is never a mistake to have loved.
      • The true Vedantic spirit does not start out with a system of preconceived ideas.

12. Romain Rolland – Groups At
The Romain Rolland group has 63 members at Connected artists include Garbage, Queen and Nelly Furtado. color= 3333FF Rolland

13. Rolland Romain @ MP3
rolland romain. Most popular tracks. Minutes To Midnight Minutes To Midnight Linkin Park 2007 . Graduation Graduation

14. Romain Rolland
Romain Rolland was born in Clemency, to a middleclass family. His father was a lawyer and his mother, the former Antoinette-Marie Courot, was a pious and
Romain Rolland
1915 Nobel Laureate in Literature Romain Rolland (1866-1944), french novelist, dramatist, essayist, mystic, and pacifist, awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915.
Romain Rolland was born in Clemency, to a middle-class family. His father was a lawyer and his mother, the former Antoinette-Marie Courot, was a pious and introspective woman. In 1880 the family moved to Paris in order to obtain a better schooling for their son. In 1886 Rolland entered École Normale Supérieure, and in 1889 he passed his agrégation examination. Rolland continued his studies in Rome, where he formed a lasting friendship with Malwida von Meysenbug, who encouraged his first attempt to write. In 1892 Rolland married Clotilde Bréal, who shared his love for music. They lived for some time in Rome, where Rolland researched the origins of the opera, (before Jean-Baptiste Lully and Alessandro Scarlatti), for his doctoral thesis. Rolland received his doctorate in art in 1895, with the first dissertation on music ever presented at the Sorbonne. Rolland became professor of art history at the École Normale in Paris and eight years later he became the professor of the history of music at the Sorbonne. Although a teacher, Rolland's first vocation was the theatre. In his mid-30s he wrote successful plays about the French Revolution. On completion of his best known work

15. Romain ROLLAND
Translate this page Romain Rolland est enterré non loin, à Brèves. C’est là que siège l’association Romain Rolland s/c Martine Liégeois, présidente, 1 rue Colas Breugnon,
Annuaire des lieux Idées-balades Hôtels-cafés-restos littéraires Lectures-guides ... Qui nous sommes

16. Romain Rolland Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris
Alibris has new used books by Romain Rolland, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. Rolland
You'll find it at Alibris! Log in here. Over 60 million used, new, and out-of-print books! YOUR CART items ACCOUNT WISHLIST HELP search all sellers in
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BOOKS by Romain Rolland
Your search: Books Author: Romain Rolland (90 matching titles) Narrow your results by: Signed First edition Fiction Nonfiction ... Eligible for FREE shipping Narrow results by title Narrow results by author Narrow results by subject Narrow results by keyword Narrow results by publisher or refine further Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of items matching your search terms. Page of 4 sort by Top-Selling Price New Price Title Author Jean-Christophe more books like this by Romain Rolland Rolland's massive roman-fleuve about a great composer and his art was published in three volumes between 1902 and 1912.

17. Romain Rolland - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Romain Rolland escritor francés nacido en Clamecy, Nièvre, el 29 de enero de 1866 y fallecido en Vézelay el 30 de diciembre de 1944.
Romain Rolland
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Romain Rolland Romain Rolland escritor franc©s nacido en Clamecy Ni¨vre , el 29 de enero de y fallecido en V©zelay el 30 de diciembre de Su primer libro fue publicado en , cuando ten­a 36 a±os. Trece a±os m¡s tarde, gan³ el Premio Nobel de Literatura de "como tributo al elevado idealismo de su producci³n literaria y a la simpat­a y el amor por la verdad con el cual ha descrito diversos tipos de seres humanos." Su existencia estuvo marcada por la pasi³n por la mºsica y el hero­smo, y durante toda su vida busc³ medios de comuni³n entre los hombres . Su imperiosa necesidad de justicia le llev³ a buscar la paz m¡s all¡ de la contienda durante y despu©s de la Primera Guerra Mundial . Atormentado por su ideal humanista y su Debido a su insistencia por la justicia y sus ideales humanistas , busc³ la paz durante y despu©s de la Primera Guerra Mundial . Fue un gran admirador de Leon Tolstoi , gran figura de la no violencia, de los fil³sofos de la India ("Conversaciones con Rabindranath Tagore ", y

Translate this page (webmestre) P. Crocombette. nous écrire. Lycée Romain Rolland 17 rue Lucien Nadaire 94200 Ivry sur Seine. accès forum. romain rolland romain rolland.
Directeur de publication
M. Moreau
P. Crocombette
17 rue Lucien Nadaire
94200 Ivry sur Seine

19. Romain Rolland – Gruppen Bei
Romain Rolland Gruppe hat 63 Mitglieder bei Verknüpfte Künstler beinhalten Garbage, Queen and Nelly Furtado. color= 3333FF Rolland

20. Literature 1915
romain rolland. romain rolland. France. b. 1866 d. 1944 romain rolland Other Resources literature articles Articles Their sources of inspiration
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1915
"as a tribute to the lofty idealism of his literary production and to the sympathy and love of truth with which he has described different types of human beings" Romain Rolland France b. 1866
d. 1944 Titles, data and places given above refer to the time of the award.
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The Nobel Prize in Literature 1915
Romain Rolland ... Oldest, youngest, most awarded Who are the awarded women? Watch TheNobelPrize at YouTube Try the Nobel Prize Quiz! Sign up for News from var so = new SWFObject("/images/shortcuts/shortcut_big_calendar_07_after.swf", "Flash", "160", "160", ""); so.addParam("quality", "best"); so.addVariable("CalendarDate", "2008-01-27"); so.write("banner_zone7");

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