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Rivard David: more detail | ||||||||||
41. Psychology — Concordia University School Of Graduate Studies Karen Li, Sydney Miller (Director of Clinical Training), Dave Mumby, MarieJosée rivard, david Ross, Christina Saltaris, Annie Sapin-Leduc, http://graduatestudies.concordia.ca/gradcalendars/2006-07/partII/q-psychology06. | |
42. MAR Author Index: Poets J-R rivard, david Going v. XVIII, no. 2 Rivers, J.W. The NonSwimmer Advises His Nephew About the Beach v. I, no. 1 Rivers, J. W. Three Poems v. II, no. 1 http://www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/organizations/midamericanreview/authorpoetryinde | |
43. West Coast Ragtime Festival Schedule 2007 Featured Artists Jeff Ann Barnhart, Brian Holland, Bob Milne, Dr Dave Majchrzak, DVM .. Dennis Pash, Jim Radloff, Sophie rivard, david Thomas Roberts, http://www.westcoastragtime.com/festivals.2007.htm | |
44. ScienceDirect - Thrombosis Research : Evidence-based Treatment Of The Antiphosph C. Infanterivard, M. david, R. Gauthier and G.E. rivard, Lupus anticoagulants, anticardiolipin antibodies, and fetal loss. A case-control study see http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0049384804002816 | |
45. The Flower Kings - The Official Site Joachim Hansson / Jaco Hardendood / Dave Harris / Paul Harvey / Michael Scott B. Richards / Tony Rinaldi / Russell rivard / david Robin / Steve Sack http://www.flowerkings.se/?s=fanclub |
46. The Poetry Harsh Archive: Reviews, Interviews, Commentary david rivard seems like he s trying to find a middle ground between two tiresome schools of poetry the shallow, Generation Xy, phoney street life poetry http://www.mrbauld.com/harshp.html | |
47. Heights Candidates Vie For Judicial Seat 07/26/06 The five candidates Catherine Heise, Gary Miotke, Donald rivard, david Turfe and Margaret Van Houten all seek to claim the seat of Judge Leo Foran, http://www.pressandguide.com/stories/072606/loc_20060726006.shtml | |
48. Labyrinth Books rivard, david What kind of grace rushes through these poems? It smells, it lucidly perceives reality, it instantly rearranges seven different levels. http://www.labyrinthbooks.com/sale_search.aspx?spage=176&ssort=stitle |
49. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With R rivard, Daniel (APR 1869) rivard, Daniel Isaias Vincent-de-Paul (23 SEP 1838-19 APR 1906) rivard, david (-) rivard, Delia (ABT 1872-) http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~marianak/idxr.html | |
50. A Trp 3/4 Cav Vietnam Cox, Dave, SP4, A14 A 18, May 65Dec 66. Crist, Michael, Tank Section . rivard, david R. PFC, 1966. Robertson, Thomas, SGT, Scout TC, 1968/1969 http://home.comcast.net/~ATrp3-4Cav/1stPlt.html | |
51. State Bar Of Michigan -- Elected Officials - Locality Information rivard, david J. (District 5), Phone (906) 7895105 Fax (906) 789-5196. Ruohomaki, Leslie (District 2), Phone (906) 789-5105 Fax (906) 789-5196 http://capwiz.com/michbar/officials/locality/?entity_id=2058&state=MI |
52. Health Physics - November 1999, Volume 77, Issue 5 Mass Attenuation Coefficients of ClearPb(R) For Photons From 125I, 103Pd, 99mTc, 192Ir, 137Cs, And 60Co. Mark J. rivard; david S. Waid; Jacek G. Wierbicki http://www.health-physics.com/pt/re/healthphys/toc.00004032-199911000-00000.htm; | |
53. Bmj.com CiteMap C Infanterivard, M david, R Gauthier, and GE rivard Lupus anticoagulants, anticardiolipin antibodies, and fetal loss. A case-control study http://www.bmj.com/searchall/all.citemap.dtl?id=clinchem;49/9/1476 |
54. COMPUTER ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL INC - CA Proxy Statement (definitive) (DEF 14A Ira H. Zar; Lloyd Silverstein; david rivard; david Kaplan; Gary Quinn; Wang, Kumar, Silverstein, rivard and Kaplan; and breach of fiduciary duty, http://sec.edgar-online.com/2004/07/29/0000950123-04-008931/Section12.asp | |
55. IngentaConnect Table Of Contents: Child And Adolescent Social Work Journal 513527(15) Authors Phyllis A. Gordon; Molly K. Tschopp; david Feldman Authors Jeanne C. rivard; david McCorkle; Mariama E. Duncan; Lina E. Pasquale; http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/casw/2004/00000021/00000005 |
56. Chapters.indigo.ca: Search In Books For David Rivard Indigo Books Music is a Canadian bookseller committed to providing a stressfree approach to satisfying the booklover. Getting you the right book at the http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/35/search?sc=David Rivard&sf=Author |
57. CIPO - Patent - 2475868 (72) Inventors (Country), rivard, david (United States). (73) Owners (Country), ENCHANTED MEADOW PRODUCTS INC. (Canada) http://patents1.ic.gc.ca/details?patent_number=2475868 |
58. Jett W. Whitehead Rare Books rivard, david. TORQUE. $35. 1st edition, full tan cloth, w/printed dj. The manuscript for this title, the author s first book, was the winner of the Agnes http://members.aol.com/poetryjett/Booklist18.html | |
59. Poetry Magazine: Historical Index rivard, david C è Un Altra Possibilità, Volume 156, August 1990, Page 265 Rivers, J. W. Illinois At Night, Black Hawk s Statue Broods, Volume 148, http://www.poetrymagazine.org/magazine/r3.html | |
60. Plans And Apologies, David Rivard [American Poetry Perspectives] Sometimes I find an indie pop band that hits the spot for that day, and today it s Plans and Aplogies. I heard one of their songs on Soma FM and it reminded http://floatnotswim.blog-city.com/plans_and_apologies_david_rivard.htm | |
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