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61. BCPL Books And More African American Expressions Book List Buffalo soldiers. Guidry, Jacqueline. Year the Colored Sisters Came to Town 1950s coming of age. randall, alice. Wind Done Gone Gone with the Wind revisited http://www.bcplonline.org/centers/library/aabooklist.html | |
62. BookBitch: Book Group Selections For 2001 randall, alice, The Wind Done Gone. Rizzuto, Rahna Reiko, Why She Left Us. Roth, Phillip, Human Stain. Salzman, Mark, Lying Awake. Saramago, Jose, Blindness http://www.bookbitch.com/BookGroups.htm | |
63. Reading Room African Amer Authors randall, alice. Rawles, Nancy. Ray, Francis. Reed, Ishmael. Ridley, John. Roby, Kimberla Lawson. Sapphire. Saxton, Lisa. Shange, Ntozake http://www.library.ci.corpus-christi.tx.us/readingroomafrauthos.htm | |
64. BiblioReview, A Project Of Biblioworks.com randall, alice Interview -Audio - The Connection - WBUR - Rankin, Ian - Interview -Audio - BBC - Rashid, Ahmed - Interview -Audio - Fresh Air - WHYY http://www.biblioreview.com/audio.asp | |
65. CIC 2008 Schedule Chuck randall, alice in Chains Kevin Chief Zaruk, Chief Sound Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115pm230pm The Lost Art of College Talent Buying http://www.pollstarpro.com/cic2008/schedule.htm | |
66. Don T Miss Lists And Other Reading Resources The Darkest Child, 2004 PriceThompson, Tracy. Knockin Boots A Novel, 2005. Raboteau, Emily. The Professor s Daughter A Novel, 2005 randall, alice. http://www.madisonpubliclibrary.org/booklists/afriamerfiction.html | |
67. Borders - List - Hardcover Fiction Key Contributors randall, alice Format Hardcover List Price $24.00 Publisher/label Houghton Mifflin Company Trade Reference DivisioM http://www.bordersstores.com/features/list.jsp?list=best2004hcfiction |
68. 49th Parallel Summer Issue 2004 This article focuses on the first novel written by author alice randall, The Wind Done Gone, an unauthorized parody of Margaret Mitchells 1936 classic Gone http://www.49thparallel.bham.ac.uk/back/issue14/baschirotto.htm | |
69. Racism, Misogyny, And The randall, alice. Wind Done Gone, The 11, 12, 145. rape 18, 202, 401, 61, 108, 145, 1478, 1545, 1589, 163, 168, 175, 17881, 1923, 1946, 2023, 205, http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521848787&ss=ind |
70. Juniata Township Cemetery - Tuscola County, Michigan randall, alice, b. 1862, d. 1900 randall, H M, b. 1850, d. 1911 Rathburn, Charles, d. 4 Apr 1883, 23y 8m 7d, s/o TE R Rathburn, Freddie L, s/o TE R, d. http://www.interment.net/data/us/mi/tuscola/watrous/index.htm | |
71. Tewksbury Almshouse Patient Index randall, alice randall, Annie J. randall, Augustus randall, Frank randall, Frank randall, Joseph randall, Lovey randall, Loveyetna randall, Mary randall http://library.uml.edu/clh/TewAlms/RAlms.htm | |
72. Union Cemetery, Middle Island, NY randall, Adaliza J. 1860, 1, Row 3Block A. randall, Albert D. 1859, 27, Row 3-Block A. randall, alice R. 1930, 73, Row 3-Block A. randall, Altha, 1945, 68 http://www.longwood.k12.ny.us/history/cemet/midisl/union.htm | |
73. Stowaway (1936) - IMDb User Comments Afraid of being arrested, she hides out in the state room of Susan randall (alice Faye), a young girl traveling with her future motherin-law, http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0028315/usercomments | |
74. Morton Cemetery: Town Of Kendall, Orleans County, New York randall, ALEXANDRIA, 1826, DEC 16, 1874. randall, alice, 1816, JAN 9, 1849, 2ND WIFE OF CHARLES T. randall, AMOS, JAN 3, 1788, AUG 28, 1830 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyorlean/cemmort2.htm | |
75. VG: Artist Biographies By Name Nelson, alice Dunbar; Sapphire; Lee, Virginia; Vega, Ana Lydia; Arasanayagam, Jean Holmes, Shirlene; randall, alice; Ganesan, Indira; Culleton, Beatrice http://voices.cla.umn.edu/vg/Bios/biosbypostdate.html | |
76. The "New Woman" Revised "d0e14246" Marsh, alice randall (Marsh s mother), 49 .. randall, alice See Marsh, alice randall. Raphael, 63 ;. as source for Miller, 76 , 80 http://content.cdlib.org/xtf/view?docId=ft9k4009m7&doc.view=content&chunk.id=d0e |
77. Xkcd - A Webcomic Of Romance, Sarcasm, Math, And Language - By Randall Munroe alice and Bob. Prev Random Next . alice and Bob. Prev Random Next . Permanent link to this comic http//xkcd.com/177/ http://xkcd.com/177/ | |
78. CNU Writing Across The Disciplines A course that examines electronic rhetoric and composition. http://writingcenter.cnu.edu/ | |
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