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         Paine Tom:     more books (100)
  1. Tom Paine: A Political Life (Grove Great Lives) by John Keane, 2003-01-21
  2. Tom Paine and Revolutionary America by Eric Foner, 2004-09-30
  3. The Selected Work of Tom Paine & Citizen Tom Paine by Thomas Paine, Howard Fast, 1946-01-01
  4. Citizen Tom Paine by Howard Fast, 1994-05-05
  5. Tom Paine the Greatest Exile by David Powell, 1989-01-01
  6. Roxy Paine: Bluff by Michael Crewdson, Tim Griffin, et all 2003-07-02
  7. Tom Paine Maru - Special Author's Edition by L. Neil Smith, 2008-10-08
  8. Common Sense - Thomas Paine by Thomas Paine, 2010-02-19
  9. Scar Vegas and Other Stories by Tom Paine, 2000-01-01
  10. Tom Paine, Freedom's Apostle by Leo Gurko, 1957-06
  11. Tom Paine: Voice of Revolution (Milton Meltzer Biographies Series) by Milton Meltzer, 1996-10
  12. Rights Of Man - Thomas Paine by Thomas Paine, 2010-02-11
  13. Tom Paine America's Godfather 1737-1809 by W.E. Woodward, 1945-01-01
  14. Tom Paine Revolutionary by Olivia Coolidge, 1979-03

1. Tom Paine
Tom Paine, the son of a Quaker corset maker, was born in Thetford in Norfolk on 29th January, 1737. After being educated at the local grammar school Paine
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Tom Paine, the son of a Quaker corset maker, was born in Thetford in Norfolk on 29th January, 1737. After being educated at the local grammar school Paine became an apprentice corset maker in Kent. This was followed by work as an exciseman in Lincolnshire and a school teacher in London
In 1768 Paine moved to Lewes where he was employed as an excise officer. Paine became involved in local politics, serving on the town council and establishing a debating club in a local inn. Paine upset his employers when he demanded a higher salary. Paine was dismissed and he responded by publishing a pamphlet The Case of the Officers of Excise . While in London Paine met Benjamin Franklin who encouraged him to emigrate to America.
Paine settled in Philadelphia where he became a journalist. Paine had several articles published in the Pennsylvania Magazine including one advocating the abolition of slavery. In 1776 he published Common Sense , a pamphlet that attacked the British Monarchy and argued for American independence. During the war with England Tom Paine wrote articles and pamphlets on the superiority of republican democracy over monarchical government and served with Washington's armies. Paine also travelled to France in 1781 to raise money for the American cause.
Paine played no role in American government after independence and in 1787 he returned to Britain. Paine continued to write on political issues and in 1791 published his most influential work

2. Thomas Paine
Tom Paine was born in England and worked as a tax collector and political writer. Through the auspices of Benjamin Franklin, Paine came to the colonies in
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Colonial America
Thomas Paine
Tom Paine was born in England and worked as a tax collector and political writer. Through the auspices of Benjamin Franklin , Paine came to the colonies in 1774 as the editor of the Pennsylvania Magazine Lasting fame resulted from the publication of Common Sense in January 1776, followed some months later by the first of a series of pamphlets called The Crisis . With the continental forces in retreat, American readers received encouragement from the installments of The Crisis In addition to his polemical writing, Paine served on the Committee on Foreign Affairs for the Continental Congress and as a clerk to the legislature in Pennsylvania. Following the War for American Independence, Paine left for England. In 1791-92 he published The Rights of Man , a justification of the French Revolution; the treatise was suppressed in that country. Fleeing to France, Paine became politically active and was elected to the National Convention. In 1793, during the Reign of Terror, Paine was imprisoned by the Jacobins. During his confinement, he penned The Age of Reason , which embraced the popular deistic views of the day and was regarded as critical of the Bible.

3. Tom Paine Index
Life and Writings of Thomas paine. Edited and annotated by Daniel Edwin Wheeler. (contributed by Gary Edwards). Volume One (ZIP)
Thomas Paine
Life and Writings of Thomas Paine. Edited and annotated by Daniel Edwin Wheeler
(contributed by Gary Edwards)
Volume One: ( ZIP
  • Title Page and Contents (RTF)
  • Introduction (RTF)
  • Life of Thomas Paine By Thomas Clio Rickman (RTF)
  • Erkine's Defense of Paine (RTF)
  • Thomas Paine: Father of Republics by Paul Desjardins (RTF)
  • Paine in the American Revolution By Leslie Stephen (RTF)
  • Thomas Paine. By Robert Green Ingersoll ( RTF
  • A Little Journey To The Home of Thomas Paine By Elbert Hubbard ( RTF
  • A Square Deal By Marilla M. Ricker ( RTF
Volume Two: ( Zip
  • Title Page and Contents ( RTF
  • Explanatory Preface (RTF)
  • Introduction ( RTF
Common Sense
  • Of the Origin and Design of Government in General, etc. ( RTF
  • Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession. ( RTF
  • Thoughts on the present State of American Affairs. ( RTF
  • Of the Present Ability of America, with Some Miscellaneous Reflections. ( RTF
  • Appendix ( RTF
  • Epistle to Quakers ( RTF
Miscellaneous Essays
  • African Slavery in America ( RTF
  • A Dialogue Between General Wolfe and General Gage in a Wood near Boston ( RTF
  • The Magazine in America ( RTF
  • Useful and Entertaining Hints ( RTF
  • New Anecdotes of Alexander the Great ( RTF
  • Reflections on the Death on Lord Clive. (

4. The Philosophy Of Paine (Thomas A. Edison )
tom paine has almost no influence on presentday thinking in the United States because he is unknown to the average citizen. Perhaps I might say right here
Thomas Paine National Historical Association 983 North Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10804 Home Membership Events Programs ... About Us The Philosophy of Paine (Thomas A. Edison ) The Philosophy of Paine
by Thomas A. Edison June 7, 1925 Tom Paine has almost no influence on present-day thinking in the United States because he is unknown to the average citizen. Perhaps I might say right here that this is a national loss and a deplorable lack of understanding concerning the man who first proposed and first wrote those impressive words, 'the United States of America.' But it is hardly strange. Paine's teachings have been debarred from schools everywhere and his views of life misrepresented until his memory is hidden in shadows, or he is looked upon as of unsound mind. We never had a sounder intelligence in this Republic. He was the equal of Washington in making American liberty possible. Where Washington performed Paine devised and wrote. The deeds of one in the Weld were matched by the deeds of the other with his pen. Washington himself appreciated Paine at his true worth. Franklin knew him for a great patriot and clear thinker. He was a friend and confidant of Jefferson, and the two must often have debated the academic and practical phases of liberty. I consider Paine our greatest political thinker. As we have not advanced, and perhaps never shall advance, beyond the Declaration and Constitution, so Paine has had no successors who extended his principles. Although the present generation knows little of Paine's writings, and although he has almost no influence upon contemporary thought, Americans of the future will justly appraise his work. I am certain of it. Truth is governed by natural laws and cannot be denied. Paine spoke truth with a peculiarly clear and forceful ring. Therefore time must balance the scales. The Declaration and the Constitution expressed in form Paine's theory of political rights. He worked in Philadelphia at the time that the first document was written, and occupied a position of intimate contact with the nation's leaders when they framed the Constitution.

from The Live and Works of Thomas paine, Patriot s Edition, Thomas paine National Historical tom paine National Historical Association Archive Index
Geolibertarian Home Page
Other Essays by Tom Paine

Other Essays
Agrarian Justice
by Thomas Paine
Author's Inscription (editors notes follow
To the Legislature and the Executive Directory of the French Republic THE plan contained in this work is not adapted for any particular country alone: the principle on which it is based is general. But as the rights of man are a new study in this world, and one needing protection from priestly imposture, and the insolence of oppressions too long established, I have thought it right to place this little work under your safeguard. When we reflect on the long and dense night in which France and all Europe have remained plunged by their governments and their priests, we must feel less surprise than grief at the bewilderment caused by the first burst of light that dispels the darkness. The eye accustomed to darkness can hardly bear at first the broad daylight. It is by usage the eye learns to see, and it is the same inpassing from any situation to its opposite. As we have not at one instant renounced all our errors, we cannot at one stroke acquire knowledge of all our rights. France has had the honor of adding to the word Liberty that of Equality;

6. Bishopsgate - Paine, Thomas
Thomas paine (17371809) ADMINISTRATIVE/BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY tom paine, the son of a Quaker corset maker, was born in Thetford in Norfolk on 29th January,

7. Paine, Tom | Find Articles At
By tom paine, DVDNow! Despite the constant news stories, the business of legitimate movie downloads over the Internet is slow to catch on. Yet., Tom

8. Bob Dylan Who's Who - Tom Paine
As I went out one morning To breathe the air around tom paine s, I spied the fairest damsel That ever did walk in chains. Subject Re tom paine From James
Paine, Tom
As I Went Out One Morning / John Wesley Harding / 1967 As I went out one morning To breathe the air around Tom Paine's, I spied the fairest damsel That ever did walk in chains. Subject: Re: Tom Paine From: James Zadok Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 21:28:23 -0400 A leading figure of the American Revolution, famous for having written "Common Sense," a pamphlet that is often considered to have played a key role in moving American public opinion towards support of revolution against the British. Have a look at: Some believe that "As I Went Out One Morning" is about the time in late 1963 when Dylan received the Tom Paine Award of the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee and made some less than welcome remarks about the Kennedy assassination. paddype1 at I work in the West Village and recently noticed that approximately 3 blocks away from Dylan's famous 161 W. 4th Street apt is 59 Grove Street where Thomas Paine died now the site of Marie's Crisis CafŽ. There is a pretty old, bronze plaque commemorating Paine's residency at this address on the front of the building. Not sure if it was there during Dylan's day, but an interesting consideration nonetheless.

9. Paine, Tom - Contact Details
paine, tom. paine, tom. paine, tom. New Zealand. Site by Lessrain.

10. The Pearl Of Kuwait. - PAINE, TOM,
The Pearl of Kuwait.; paine, tom,. Offered by Julian s Books.
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PAINE, TOM, The Pearl of Kuwait.
Orlando: Harcourt, Inc. 2003. First Edition. Hardcover. Small 4to; 310 pages. AN/AN.
US$ 24.00 Offered by: Julian's Books - Book number: 64546
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11. Thomas Paine - Wikiquote
I know not whether any man in the world has had more influence on its inhabitants or affairs for the last thirty years than tom paine.
Thomas Paine
From Wikiquote
Jump to: navigation search I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good. Thomas Paine 29 January 8 June ) was a British-American political writer, theorist, and activist.
  • Sourced
    edit Sourced
    • I speak an open and disinterested language, dictated by no passion but that of humanity. To me, who have not only refused offers, because I thought them improper, but have declined rewards I might with reputation have accepted, it is no wonder that meanness and imposition appear disgustful. Independence is my happiness, and I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
      • The Rights of Man Man is not the enemy of man but through the medium of a false system of government.
        • The Rights of Man
        edit Common Sense
        First published 10 January 1776, the most commonly reproduced edition is the third, published on 14 February 1776. Full text online
        Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not YET sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favour... Time makes more converts than reason.

12. Stories, Listed By Author
The New Millennium Reader (3rd Edition), ed. Stuart Hirschberg Terry Hirschberg, Prentice Hall 2002. paine, tom. * Me Michelangelo, (ss)
Miscellaneous Anthologies
Stories, Listed by Author
Previous Table-of-Contents
OVID (continued)

13. The Tom Paine Project
The tom paine Project Lewes, UK. Resident of Lewes, England 1768-1774. Co-author of the French Constitution of 1792. Godfather of American Independence

14. The Last Ditch
tom paine, expatriate Englishman in Moscow, blogs about politics in Britain.
The Last Ditch
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  • Richard Lindzen (climate scientist, MIT)
    Controlling carbon is a bureaucrat's dream. If you control carbon, you control life. Edward R. Murrow
    Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar. Mark Twain
    No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.

15. Tom Paine - MyBlogLog
tom paine. Member Since 7th Sep 2006 Last Login 15th Jan 1251 pm ?Tags for tom paine. What s this? Tags are supershort descriptions of people and sites.
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Tom Paine
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About Me : An English libertarian blogs about the death of liberty in Britain from his home in Moscow Gender: Male Age: 50 MSN:

16. Encyclopedia On Political Economy / Philosophers / Socio-Political / M Thru R
The Pamphlet War Edmund Burke, Thomas paine and the French Revolution Howard Fast an abridged introduction to The Selected Work of tom paine
ASKHENRY Search Engine

BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY of the Georgist Movement

LINKS to Other Websites
The Encyclopedia on Political Economy
One of the School's objectives is to serve as a valuable resource for students, teachers, journalists, authors, researchers and anyone interested in the study of political economy.
Material contained in the School's on-line library is linked here. Where available, listings for external material is linked to the online source.
Researchers are also encouraged to make use of the search engine provided by the Banneker Center for Economic Justice for an extensive subject search of the SCI website and other websites with similar content. AskHenry
M thru R

17. Were Abraham, Isaac And Jacob Jews? - The Divided Kingdom And A Man Called Tom P
tom paine is probably better known in the USA than here in England and a more Suffice it to say, tom paine turned his back on the Christian Religion,-Isaac-and-Jacob-Jews?---The-Divided-King

18. The Blogspot Last Ditch Archives
tom paine, expatriate Englishman, blogged here about the death of liberty in Britain, but now blogs at
@import url(""); @import url(""); var BL_backlinkURL = "";var BL_blogId = "11461767";
The Blogspot Last Ditch Archives
Tom Paine, expatriate Englishman, blogged here about the death of liberty in Britain, but now blogs at
Friday, March 09, 2007
On the new Last Ditch now...
posted by Tom Paine at 3/09/2007 06:16:00 PM 0 comments links to this post
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The Last Ditch has moved to TypePad
I have been blogging happily on Blogger for 18 months, but I am going to try a new home. Follow the link in the header and please update your bookmarks to posted by Tom Paine at 9/17/2006 09:44:00 PM 2 comments links to this post
Iain Dale's Diary: The Top 100 Blogs
Congratulations to all my fellow bloggers on UK politics who are featured in Iain Dale's various "Top 100" lists. I am sure it will do your traffic a lot of good, as Iain is an influential chap these days.
I shall humbly consider what I must do to improve my blog so as to make it one day. Any suggestions?

19. Thomas Paine - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Thomas paine was born to Joseph paine, a Quaker, and Frances paine (née Cocke) an Anglican, in Thetford; a small market town and coaching stagepost,
Thomas Paine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search For other persons of the same name, see Thomas Paine (disambiguation) Western Philosophy
18th-century philosophy
Thomas Paine Name Thomas Paine Birth January 29
England Great Britain Death June 8
New York
NY U.S. School/tradition Enlightenment Radicalism Classical liberalism Republicanism Main interests Ethics Politics Influenced by Voltaire Jean-Jacques Rousseau John Locke Religious Society of Friends ... Montesquieu Influenced Thomas Jefferson Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud Abraham Lincoln Thomas Edison ... Robert G. Ingersoll Thomas Paine Thetford England 29 January 8 June ... U.S. ) was an English pamphleteer revolutionary radical ... classical liberal and intellectual . Born in Great Britain, he lived and worked there until the age of 37, when he migrated to the American colonies just in time to take part in the American Revolution . His main contribution was as the author of the powerful, widely read pamphlet, Common Sense (1776), advocating independence for the American Colonies from the Kingdom of Great Britain , and of The American Crisis , supporting the Revolution.

20. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Biographies: Thomas Paine
USAproject, biographies-area, biographical data on Thomas paine (1737-1809)
FRtR Biographies Thomas Paine
A Biography of Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
Quote Thomas Paine was born on the twenty-ninth of January 1737 at Thetford, Norfolk in England, as a son of a Quaker. After a short basic education, he started to work, at first for his father, later as an officer of the excise. During this occupation Thomas Paine was an unsuccesfull man, and was twice dismissed from his post. In 1774, he met Benjamin Franklin in London, who advised him to emigrate to America, giving him letters of recommandation. Paine landed at Philadelphia on November 30, 1774. Starting over as a publicist, he first published his African Slavery in America , in the spring of 1775, criticizing slavery in America as being unjust and inhumane. At this time he also had become co-editor of the Pennsylvania Magazine On arriving in Philadelphia, Paine had sensed the rise of tension, and the spirit of rebellion, that had steadily mounted in the Colonies after the Boston Teaparty and when the fightings had started, in April 1775, with the battles of

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