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21. CANOE Money: Sectors - Author Peter C. Newman Tackles Izzy Asper In Next Biograp TORONTO peter C. newman, known for his clashes with National Post founder Conrad Black, has a new media magnate in his literary crosshairs Izzy Asper, http://money.canoe.ca/News/Sectors/Entertainment/2008/01/10/4766445-cp.html | |
22. Newman, Peter C., The Canadian Revolution In his book, The Canadian Revolution; From Deference to Defiance, our special guest, peter C. newman asserts that the rejection of the Charlottetown http://www.empireclubfoundation.com/details.asp?FT=yes&SpeechID=1490 |
23. Peter C. Newman - Full Comment peter C. newman on Canada s quot;Jewish establishment quot; and the book on the subject that he Legendary Canadian writer peter C. newman responded. http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/fullcomment/archive/tags/Peter C. Newma | |
24. Conrad Black Versus Peter C. Newman Twelve Rounds ~ Aidan Maconachy The war of words between soonto-be jailbird Conrad M. Black and legendary literary sailor, peter C. newman, heated up recently. http://aidanmaconachyblog.blogspot.com/2007/11/conrad-black-versus-peter-c-newma | |
25. Peter C. Newman - Authors - Random House peter C. newman has been writing about Canadian politics for nearly half a century, including books on prime ministers John Diefenbaker, Lester B. Pearson http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=22078 |
26. Common Ground - Nov 2005 - Peter C. Newman On Being Canadian peter C. newman has been writing about Canadian politics for nearly half a century. He has published 22 books, including his 2004 bestselling memoir Here http://commonground.ca/iss/0511172/cg172_newman.shtml | |
27. McClelland.com | Books | Here Be Dragons By Peter C. Newman Written by peter C. newman peter C. newman Author Alert. Category Format Hardcover, 744 pages Publisher Douglas Gibson Books http://www.mcclelland.com/catalog/display.pperl?0771067925 |
28. Peter C. Newman Takes On Izzy Asper - McNally Robinson Booksellers HarperCollins is publishing a peter C. newman biography of Winnipeg s Israel Asper. All we know at the moment is that the book is scheduled for a http://www.mcnallyrobinson.com/editorial-626/Peter-C.-Newman-Takes-on-Izzy-Asper | |
29. Peter C Newman - Uncensored peter C. newman, one of Canadas most influential writers, will share his insights into Conrad Blacks rise and fall. Hosted by CTVs Steve Murphy, http://www.ticketatlantic.com/en/home/otherevents/peternewman.aspx | |
30. Author Peter C. Newman Tackles Izzy Asper In Next Biography - Topix peter C. newman, known for his clashes with National Post founder Conrad Black, has a new media magnate in his literary crosshairs Izzy Asper, http://www.topix.com/ca/winnipeg-mb/2008/01/author-peter-c-newman-tackles-izzy-a | |
31. CM Magazine: From The CM Archive peter C. newman is a writer whose history is read. People who could only just bear to hang on through the final exam in high school have cheerfully forked http://umanitoba.ca/cm/vol3/no6/newman.html | |
32. Share It - The Conrad Black Peter C. Newman Playpen Scrap I get the National Post along with a couple of other newspaper daily and it s been interesting to read Conrad Black and peter C. newman snipe at each http://communities.canada.com/shareit/forums/permalink/143828/141213/ShowThread. | |
33. Conversations/Peter C. Newman; A Canadian Warns: Breaking Up Is Now Much Easier peter C. newman, a Canadian journalist whose books include The Canadian Establishment and a threevolume history of the Hudson Bay Company, discussed the http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CEFD71F3FF932A35752C1A96495826 |
34. Peter C. Newman's Odd Behaviour Conrad Black s perspectives on the literary talents and contributions of peter C. newman are provocative if not iconoclastic. Let me add another dimension http://www.financialpost.com/conrad_black/Story.html?id=79948 |
35. Company Of Adventurers. - NEWMAN, PETER C. Company of Adventurers.; newman, peter C.. Offered by AbbeyBooks.Com. http://antiqbook.com/boox/abbe/002077.shtml | |
36. Peter C. Newman: A Bibliography peter C. newman has been called the Jacques Cousteau of the Canadian corporate aquarium and over many years has produced numerous books and articles about http://www.lib.uwo.ca/business/newmanbib.html | |
37. FIE 2006 Author Index Mary R. AndersonRowland and Dana C. Newell. newman, peter C. A PARTNERSHIP FOR SENIOR DESIGN PROJECTS IN BIOMEDICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING http://fie.engrng.pitt.edu/fie2006/authors/N.htm | |
38. Peter C. Newman Following are short clips of Mr. newman s answers to the audience s questions on. Want more information about peter C. newman? Go to Idea Connections http://www.t3digital.com/newman.html | |
39. BloodCenter Of Wisconsin Rathore V, D Wang, DK newman and PJ newman Phospholipase C 2 . Top Row Michelle Stapleton, Melanie Berken, Debra newman, peter newman, Cathy Paddock, http://www.bcw.edu/bins/site/templates/default.asp?area_2=public/research/invest |
40. "Peter C Newman" - Topic Profile :: BoardReader Topic profile for peter C newman by BoardReader. http://boardreader.com/tp/Peter C Newman.html | |
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