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Nabokov Vladimir: more books (100) | |||||||||||||||
41. Vladimir Nabokov A bibliography of vladimir nabokov s books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/n/vladimir-nabokov/ | |
42. Vladimir Nabokov - Salon.com By King Kaufman Feb 27, 2001; vladimir nabokov Lolita read by awardwinning actor Jeremy Irons By vladimir nabokov Oct 5, 2000; Letters to the editor http://dir.salon.com/topics/vladimir_nabokov/ | |
43. Vladimir Nabokov Life Stories, Books, & Links Stories about vladimir nabokov s life and Visiting Mrs. nabokov and Other Excursions, Lolita, Pnin, Pale Fire. With links to essays literary criticism and http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/vladimir.nabokov.asp | |
44. Nabokov Wanted His Last Work Destroyed. Should It Be? - By Ron Rosenbaum - Slate It s the question of whether the last unpublished work of vladimir nabokov, which is now reposing unread in a Swiss bank vault, should be destroyedas http://www.slate.com/id/2181859/ | |
45. Vladimir Nabokov Biography This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article vladimir nabokov. http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Nabokov_Vladimir.html | |
46. Scriptorium - Vladimir Nabokov This page contains links to sites on vladimir nabokov, and will one day contain a full Scriptorium page. http://www.themodernword.com/scriptorium/nabokov.html | |
47. 3quarksdaily As Brian Boyd shows in the second volume of his biography, vladimir nabokov The American Years, though nabokov had no formal education in entomology, http://3quarksdaily.blogs.com/3quarksdaily/2005/05/monday_musing_v.html | |
48. NABOKOVâS BLUES Oliver Sacks has told me how fascinated he was to learn that as a sevenyear-old in the throes of fever vladimir nabokov lost his skills as a mathematical http://www.gingkopress.com/_cata/_arph/alpco-for.htm | |
49. Vladimir Nabokov - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At Research vladimir nabokov at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/literature/vladimir-nabokov.jsp |
50. Vladimir Nabokov - Authors Online At BookSpot.com Learn more about vladimir nabokov s life and works. http://www.bookspot.com/authors/nabokov.htm | |
51. Quillblog » Saving Vladimir Nabokov Daily updates from the blog division of Quill Quire, Canadas magazine of book news and reviews. http://www.quillandquire.com/blog/index.php/2008/01/18/saving-vladimir-nabokov/ | |
52. Vladimir Nabokov â Infoplease.com The novel as target practice vladimir nabokov s The Gift and the new malady of the century .(novelist)(Critical Essay) (Studies in the Novel) http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0834682.html | |
53. Nabokov Studies, Volume 8 - Table Of Contents A Speck of Coal Dust vladimir nabokov s Pnin and the Possibility of Translation . Bellino, Mary. Torpid Smoke The Stories of vladimir nabokov (review) http://muse.jhu.edu/demo/nabokov_studies/ | |
54. CONTEXT: Keith Gessen Reading Vladimir Nabokov Reading vladimir nabokov. Keith Gessen. If nabokov was, as he often claimed, a God in his fictional universes, and his loyal readers were, as he sometimes http://www.centerforbookculture.org/context/no6/gessen.html | |
56. Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich (Harper's Magazine) by Dmitri nabokov (Trans.) and vladimir vladimirovich nabokov Readings/Poem, January 2007, 1 pp. The servile path. Translating nabokov by epistle http://www.harpers.org/subjects/VladimirVladimirovichNabokov | |
57. Boyd, B.: Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years. of the book vladimir nabokov The Russian Years by Boyd, B., published by Princeton University Press....... http://press.princeton.edu/titles/4633.html | |
58. WordCraft The Vladimir Nabokov Fanlisting fan.desertrose.org/nabokov/ - 1k - Cached - Similar pages PAL vladimir nabokov (1899-1977)vladimir nabokov selected letters, 1940-1977. Edited by Dmitri nabokov and Matthew The stories of vladimir nabokov. NY Alfred A. Knopf, 1995. PS3527 . http://fan.desert-rose.org/nabokov/ |
59. The Online Books Page: Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov (Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimi nabokov, vladimir vladimirovich, 18991977 Ada or Ardor A Family Chronicle (with annotations by the editor), ed. by Brian Boyd (frame-dependent hypertext http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupname?key=Nabokov, Vladimi |
60. On The Media In 1958, vladimir nabokov s 300page novel Lolita, also about an older man obsessed with a young girl, was published in the United States. http://www.onthemedia.org/transcripts/transcripts_050704_lolita.html | |
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