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Murdoch Iris: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
1. Iris Murdoch - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Dame Jean Iris Murdoch DBE (15 July 1919 8 February 1999) was a Dublinborn writer and philosopher, best known for her novels, which combine rich http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_Murdoch | |
2. Iris Murdoch - Wikipédia Translate this page Iris Murdoch est née à Dublin, Irlande, le 15 juillet 1919. Son père, Wills John Hughes Murdoch, venait dune famille presbytérienne déleveurs de moutons http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_Murdoch | |
3. Iris Murdoch - Wikiquote Dame Jean Iris Murdoch (191907-15 1999-02-08) was an Anglo-Irish novelist and philosopher, famed for her series of novels that combine rich http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Iris_Murdoch | |
4. Literary Encyclopedia: Dame Iris Murdoch Iris Murdoch had a long and distinguished dual career as a major twentiethcentury English novelist and an influential moral philosopher. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=3262 |
5. Iris Murdoch - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre Translate this page Dama Jean Iris Murdoch (Orden del Imperio Británico) (15 de julio 1919 8 de febrero 1999) Escritora y filósofa nacida en Irlanda, mejor conocida por sus http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iris_Murdoch | |
6. Iris Murdochâs Last Novel Reveals First Signs Of Alzheimerâs Disease The last novel written by author Iris Murdoch before she died reveals signs of the first stages of Alzheimers disease, according to a study published in http://www.ucl.ac.uk/media/library/murdoch | |
7. ArtandCulture Artist: Iris Murdoch Iris Murdochs fiction has a way of exposing fears and insecurities; suspense and an impending sense of death drive the plots of many of her novels. http://www.artandculture.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/ACLive.woa/wa/artist?id=1237 |
8. Gifford Lecture Series - Biography - Iris Murdoch Iris Murdoch was born in Dublin, Ireland, of AngloEnglish parents and was educated at Badminton School and Oxford University. After several government jobs http://www.giffordlectures.org/Author.asp?AuthorID=131 |
9. Iris Murdoch - Book Lust I was introduced to Iris Murdochs novels in the early 1980s, and I read them, in no particular order, in a flurry of delight and awe, thoroughly convinced http://booklust.wetpaint.com/page/Iris Murdoch | |
10. Murdoch.shape9.nl Short biography, information on her books, links. http://murdoch.shape9.nl/ |
11. Iris Murdoch Life and selected bibliography of the prolific English novelist. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/imurdoch.htm | |
12. JOYCE CAROL OATES : ON IRIS MURCOCH Joyce Carol Oates on iris murdoch. http://www.usfca.edu/fac-staff/southerr/murdoch.html | |
13. Murdoch, Iris | Authors | Guardian Unlimited Books Quick introduction to the author, and several relevant articles, including obituary. http://books.guardian.co.uk/authors/author/0,,-113,00.html | |
14. Iris Murdoch Internet Resources: Welcome Welcome to this iris murdoch page. It is hard to find things about her on the Internet, so I started this page to link the few resources together. http://www.shape9.nl/murdoch/Murdoch.html | |
15. Featured Author: Iris Murdoch Several book reviews, and an interview, from the New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/books/98/12/20/specials/murdoch.html | |
16. BBC - BBC Four - Audio Interviews - Iris Murdoch Listen to extracts from a BBC interview with iris murdoch. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/profilepages/murdochi1.shtml | |
17. IRIS MURDOCH ON THE GOOD, GOD AND RELIGION Among the philosophers and novelists of the last halfcentury, iris murdoch is remarkable for her preoccupation with the conception of morality or the http://www.ul.ie/~philos/vol4/murdoch.html | |
18. Iris Murdoch Quotes 37 quotes and quotations by iris murdoch. iris murdoch All art is a struggle to be, in a particular sort of way, virtuous. iris murdoch http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/i/iris_murdoch.html | |
19. FIRST THINGS: A Journal Of Religion, Culture, And Public Life Yet if any contemporary writer, in the Englishspeaking world anyway, deserves this kind of attention it is iris murdoch. Until her retirement a few years http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft9502/jacobs.html | |
20. Iris Murdoch Resources Hundreds of links to web resources sorted by work, biographical timeline, news. http://www.robotwisdom.com/jorn/iris.html | |
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