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         Mishima Yukio:     more books (100)
  1. Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima, 1990-04-14
  2. Confessions of a Mask (New Directions Paperbook) by Yukio Mishima, 1958-01-17
  3. Acts of Worship: Seven Stories by Yukio Mishima, 2002-09-13
  4. The Life and Death of Yukio Mishima by Henry Scott Stokes, 2000-08-08
  5. Five Modern No Plays (Vintage International) by Yukio Mishima, 2009-12-01
  6. Death in Midsummer: And Other Stories by Yukio Mishima, 1966-06
  7. Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima, 2003-04-11
  8. The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima, 1994-10-04
  9. Thirst for Love by Yukio Mishima, 1999-02-22
  10. The Decay of the Angel (Sea of Fertility, Book 4) by Yukio Mishima, 1990-04-14
  11. The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea by Yukio Mishima, 1994-05-31
  12. Runaway Horses by Yukio Mishima, 1990-04-14
  13. Ba-ra-kei: Ordeal by Roses
  14. Musica / Music (Spanish Edition) by Yukio Mishima, 2010-06-30

1. Yukio Mishima - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
In order to protect him from a possible backlash from his schoolmates, his teachers coined the penname mishima yukio . Mishima s story Tabako (The
Yukio Mishima
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Kimitake Hiraoka
photograph by Shirou Aoyama (1956) Pseudonym Yukio Mishima Born January 14
Shinjuku, Tokyo
Died November 25 (at 45)
headquarters, Tokyo Occupation novelist playwright ... poet
short story writer, essayist Nationality Japanese Writing period Debut works The Forest in Full Flower Influences Natsuko Hiraoka Thomas Mann Fyodor Dostoevsky Fran§ois Mauriac Yukio Mishima Mishima Yukio was the public name of Kimitake Hiraoka Hiraoka Kimitake January 14 November 25 , a Japanese author and playwright.
edit Early life
Mishima in his childhood April, 1931. Mishima was born in the Yotsuya district of Tōkyō (now part of Shinjuku ). His father was Azusa Hiraoka, a government official while his mother, Shizue, was the daughter of a school's principal in Tokyo. His paternal grandparents were Jotaro and Natsuko Hiraoka. He had a younger brother named Chiyuki and a sister named Mitsuko who died of typhus Mishima's early childhood was dominated by the shadow of his grandmother, Natsu, who took the boy and separated him from his immediate family for several years.

2. The Mishima Yukio Cyber Museum
Biography and publication history, bibliography, information on the museum and forum.
[First Edition]
The suicide death of Mishima Yukio, a writer of the Showa era, shocked the world. Two and a half decades have passed since his death. If he were alive today, what would he have said about this new era?
The Mishima Yukio Museum (Bungakukan) to be built in the Lake Yamanakako Library Grove (Bungaku-no-mori) overlooking Mount Fuji shall give us a chance to reflect on such thoughts. The architecture of the museum is based on Mishima's western-style residential home. The writer's works, manuscripts and about 700 personal items are stored in this museum.
In anticipation of the museum, we present through the internet The Mishima Yukio Cyber Museum. The Cyber Museum will consist of an index of items stored in the museum, an introduction of some of the displayed items, Mishima's biography, reference maps, questions answered by top researchers, and a forum of comments for the museum.
The Cyber Museum is produced in an effort to introduce the world renowned writer and his remarkable works to as many people as possible.
History of
his Life
List of
his Works
The Museum
[Bungakukan] Each work displayed for The Mishima Yukio Cyber Museum has been processed by IBM Japan, Ltd. under its confirmation of understanding and / or consent obtained by Yamanakako village from the respective author(s) or right owner.

3. Yukio Mishima
Yukio Mishima. Life magazine called him the Japanese Hemingway ; Yasunari Kawabata, the first Japanese novelist to win a Nobel prize, declared that a
Yukio Mishima
Life magazine called him "the Japanese Hemingway"; Yasunari Kawabata, the first Japanese novelist to win a Nobel prize, declared that "a writer of his caliber appears only once every 200 or 300 years." Mishima's manner was certainly distasteful. From adolescence on he was possessed by violent fantasies, which he wrote down in detail in the autobiographical novel, "Confessions of a Mask". He once imagined a murder theatre, in which "young Roman gladiators offered up their lives for my amusement." And he once dreamed of feasting on the body of a school mate, presented to him naked and pinned to a vast dish. Rummaging through art books in his father's study, he came upon a picture of the martyred Saint Sebastian. There, as he gloated over blood oozing from the arrow holes, he masturbated for the first time. After World War II, Mishima became a fervent proponent for a return to the ancient virtues of Japan. At the height of his career, after having written over 100 works, and receiving three Nobel Prize nominations for literature, Mishima commmitted a ritualized suicide by ceremonial seppuku after a demonstration in the public interest. And yet the 25th anniversary his death, which falls on November 25th, will be remembered quietly in Japan.

4. Yukio Mishima
Yukio Mishima. Pseudonym of Kimitake Hiraoka (19251970), Japanese novelist, whose central theme is the dichotomy between traditional Japanese values and
Yukio Mishima
Pseudonym of Kimitake Hiraoka (1925-1970), Japanese novelist, whose central theme is the dichotomy between traditional Japanese values and the spiritual barrenness of contemporary life. Born in Tokyo, he failed to qualify for military service during World War II and worked in an aircraft factory instead. After the war he studied law and for a short time was employed in the finance ministry. Mishima's first novel, the partly autobiographical Confessions of a Mask (1949; trans. 1958), was widely acclaimed and successful enough to enable its author to become a full-time writer. The Temple of the Golden Pavilion (1956; trans. 1963) portrays a young man obsessed with both religion and beauty; The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea (1963; trans. 1965) is a gruesome tale of adolescent jealousy; and his four-volume epic The Sea of Fertility (1970; trans. 1972-1975), consisting of Spring Snow, Runaway Horses, The Temple of Dawn, and The Decay of the Angel, is about the transformation of Japan into a modern but sterile society. Mishima, who organized the Tatenokai, a society stressing physical fitness and the martial arts, committed ritual suicide. His death was regarded as his final protest against modern Japanese weakness.

5. Mishima Yukio
Essay on the availability in English of the fiction of Yukio Mishima.
I say that the strongest literary influence on my whole life has been Shakespeare, of course, but in my early years in graduate school it was Nathaniel Hawthorne, and in the years between 1973 and 1983 it was definitely Yukio Mishima, for he captured my attention in a single evening (in the film version of one of his short stories, Rites of Love and Death ), and then drew me into the study of Japanese literature, which was my primary activity for that ten years, and, during that period, more and more of his work came to be translated into English. So I am offering as my item on Japanese Literature for April, 2000, the first thing I wrote in the field, The Availability of Yukio Mishima (published in Inscape in 1974), which I think has held up pretty well. In my judgment Mishima will stand taller than any twentieth-century American novelist 200 years from now, and I was pleased to see that The East , a magazine I subscribe to, selected him as the most important figure in Japanese literature for the century. I would still be pleased to teach a course in Mishima (as I used to tell my department chairman about the British Literature survey course, "free in the middle of the night")though I would also be willing to teach a course on James Joyce, with whom I have worked much more in the last few years, whom Time Magazine chose as the most important novelist of the century, and who does have a chance of standing taller than Mishima 200 years from now.

6. Yukio Mishima - Wikipedia
Translate this page Yukio Mishima ( ) pseudonimo di Hiraoka Kimitake (Tokyo, 14 gennaio 1925 – Tokyo, 25 novembre 1970) è stato uno scrittore e drammaturgo giapponese.
Yukio Mishima
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Vai a: Navigazione cerca Mishima Yukio. Yukio Mishima, biglietto d'addio lasciato prima del suicidio rituale, il 25 novembre 1970. Yukio Mishima (三島由紀夫) pseudonimo di Hiraoka Kimitake ( Tokyo 14 gennaio Tokyo 25 novembre ) ¨ stato uno scrittore e drammaturgo giapponese Mishima ¨ uno dei pochi autori giapponesi che hanno riscosso immediato successo all'estero (pi¹ che in Giappone stesso, dove la critica lo ha pi¹ volte stroncato). Le sue numerosissime opere spaziano dal romanzo alle forme rimodernizzate e riadattate di teatro tradizionale giapponese Kabuki e Nō , quest'ultimo rivisitato in chiave moderna. Personaggio difficile e complesso, spesso in Europa travisato ed etichettato genericamente come " fascista ", era in realt  un nazionalista nostalgico, un conservatore decadente come lo defin¬ Alberto Moravia che lo aveva incontrato nella sua casa in stile occidentale in un sobborgo di Tokyo . Tuttavia Mishima stesso non dichiar² mai apertamente di essere di destra, e anzi si identific² sempre come apolitico, soprattutto visto il suo astio nei confronti dei politici a lui contemporanei. Sicuramente uno dei suoi ideali pi¹ forti ¨ il patriottismo, che ha ispirato anche numerosi personaggi delle sue opere, oltre al culto per l' Imperatore , non come personaggio storico o figura autoritaria ma come ideale astratto dell'essenza del Giappone tradizionale.

7. Yukio Mishima
Yukio Mishima article and useful links page by Momiji the death of Yukio Mishima Sacred Visions of Splendor, essay on the meaning of Yukio Mishima s
Yukio Mishima
real name: Kimitake Hiraoka posthumous Buddhist name: Shobuin Bunkan Koi Koji [Buddhist Lay Spirit of Literature and Martial Arts, Mirror of Culture, Kimitake] born January 14, 1925, Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo died November 25, 1970, Ichigaya Headquarters, Tokyo entered Tokyo Imperial University 1943 graduated in law 1947 married Yoko Sugiyama, May 30, 1958, formal ceremony June 11 at International Cultural Hall in Azabu, Tokyo (Yoko Sugiyama, 19, was daughter of famous traditional painter Nei Sugiyama; Yasunari Kawabata served as matchmaker) June 1958 began Kendo under Kendo Kyoshi 7th Dan Masami Yoshikawa, assistant instructor, Higashi Chofu Police Station December 1958 practicing Kendo in the basement exercise hall of Daiichi Seimei under Kendo Kyoshi 7th Dan Takayuki Yamamoto August 1959 resumed receiving instruction in Kendo under Yoshikawa Sensei April 1961 Kendo Shodan March 1963 Kendo 2nd Dan November 1965 began Iaido at Himonya Police Station in Meguro January 1966 took part in Kendo Friendship Competition with Councilors in the House of Councilors Training Hall March 1966 Mishima entered the Sainei-kan Training Hall within the Imperial Palace grounds to study Kendo and Iaido under Kendo Kyoshi 7th Dan Masami Matsunaga May 1966 Kendo 4th Dan August 1966 in Kumamoto met Seishi Araki, editor-in-chief of Nihon Dangi, from whom learned about the deeds and final resting places of the samurai involved in the Shinpuren Incident of 1877; while there, received Kendo lessons in the Ryujo-kan Training Hall

8. Yukio Mishima - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Yukio Mishima ( mishima yukio), de verdadero nombre Kimitake Hiraoka ( ), fue un escritor y dramaturgo japonés nacido en Tokio el 14 de
Yukio Mishima
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Kimitake Hiraoka
Fotograf­a de Shirou Aoyama Yukio Mishima Mishima Yukio ), de verdadero nombre Kimitake Hiraoka (平岡公威), fue un escritor y dramaturgo japon©s nacido en Tokio el 14 de enero de y muerto el 25 de noviembre de
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Yukio Mishima Hijo de Azusa Hiraoka , secretario de Pesca del Ministerio de Agricultura. Pas³ los primeros a±os de su infancia bajo la sombra de su abuela, Natsu, que se lo llev³ y lo separ³ de su familia inmediata durante varios a±os. Natsu proven­a de una familia vinculada a los samurai de la era Tokugawa , ella mantuvo aspiraciones aristocr¡ticas -el nombre de juventud de Mishima, "kimitake", significa "pr­ncipe guerrero"- aºn despu©s de casarse con el abuelo de Mishima, un bur³crata que hab­a hecho su fortuna en las fronteras coloniales. Ten­a mal car¡cter y se exacerb³ por su ci¡tica. El joven Mishima acud­a a masajearla para aliviar su dolor. Ella ten­a tendencia a la violencia, incluso con salidas m³rbidas cercanas a la locura que ser¡n posteriormente retratadas en algunos escritos de Mishima. Algunos bi³grafos opinan que Natsu favoreci³ la fascinaci³n de Mishima por la muerte. Ella le­a franc©s y alem¡n, y ten­a un exquisito gusto por el Kabuki . Natsu no permit­a que Mishima jugase a la luz del sol, practicase algºn deporte o que tuviera juegos rudos con otros chicos de su edad. Prefer­a que pasase su tiempo solo o jugando a las mu±ecas con sus primas, incluso se habla de unos escritos de primera juventud que su padre rompi³ ante la mirada del joven Mishima.

9. Mishima Yukio
This also marked his first use of the pen name mishima yukio. The war had a decisive influence on Mishima, who was wrongly diagnosed as having pleurisy and
Mishima Yukio (January 14, 1925 - November 25, 1970)
  • Literary History
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      Mishima was the modern Japanese author who, until the arrival of Murakami Haruki and Yoshimoto Banana, had won the largest readership outside of Japan, at least in part because of the dramatic way he ended his life. A versatile and prolific writer as well as an astute critic (some would rate his criticism higher than his fiction), Mishima seems assured of a reputation as one of Japan's most important postwar writers. Mishima was born in Tokyo as Hiraoka Kimitake. His father, Azusa, was an official in the Ministry of Agriculture; his mother Shizue was the second daughter of a former principal of Kaisei Middle School, Hashi Kenzō. The influence of Mishima's autocratic grandmother, Natsu " who had Mishima live in her room and forbade him to play with other boys " is frequently cited by biographers as the source of Mishima's later deviation from normality. Donald Keene and others, however, also point out rightly that she helped Mishima develop his precocious taste in literature. Throughout his youth Mishima attended the Gakushūin (Peers School), serializing his first important prose work

10. Mishima Yukio --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on mishima yukio prolific writer who is regarded by many critics as the most important Japanese novelist of the 20th
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Mishima Yukio
Page 1 of 1 born Jan. 14, 1925, Tokyo died Nov. 25, 1970, Tokyo Mishima Yukio. Courtesy of Mrs. Mishima Yukio pseudonym of Hiraoka Kimitake prolific writer who is regarded by many critics as the most important Japanese novelist of the 20th century. Mishima Yukio... (75 of 783 words) To read the full article, activate your FREE Trial Commonly Asked Questions About Mishima Yukio Close Enable free complete viewings of Britannica premium articles when linked from your website or blog-post. Now readers of your website, blog-post, or any other web content can enjoy full access to this article on Mishima Yukio , or any Britannica premium article for free, even those readers without a premium membership. Just copy the HTML code fragment provided below to create the link and then paste it within your web content. For more details about this feature, visit our

11. Yukio Mishima - Wikipédia
Translate this page Yukio Mishima ( ) de son vrai nom Kimitake Hiraoka ( Hiraoka Kimitake) est un écrivain japonais, né le 14 janvier 1925 et décédé le 25
Yukio Mishima
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Yukio Mishima (三島由紀夫) de son vrai nom Kimitake Hiraoka (平岡公威 Hiraoka Kimitake) est un ©crivain japonais , n© le 14 janvier et d©c©d© le 25 novembre
  • Biographie
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    Mishima est issu d'une famille de la paysannerie. Son enfance est marqu©e par sa grand-m¨re Natsu qui le retire   sa m¨re pour le prendre en charge, s©par© du reste de la famille. Sa famille avait des origines ancillaires. Elle fut li©e aux samoura¯s de l'¨re Tokugawa . Sa grand-m¨re garda des pr©tentions aristocratiques mªme apr¨s avoir ©pous© le grand-p¨re de Mishima pourtant lui aussi issu d'une famille de domestique mais qui a fait fortune avec le commerce colonial. Elle lisait ainsi le fran§ais et l' allemand et appr©ciait le th©¢tre kabuki . Cette grand-m¨re, victime de douleurs et de sciatique Mishima rejoint sa famille   12 ans et d©veloppe une relation tr¨s forte avec sa m¨re. Celle-ci le r©conforte et l'encourage   lire. Son p¨re est un homme brutal marqu© par la discipline militaire qui l'©duque en le for§ant par exemple   se tenir   c´t© d'un train en marche. Il fait ©galement des rafles dans sa chambre pour trouver des preuves de son int©rªt eff©min© pour la litt©rature et d©chire ses manuscrits. Il semblerait que Mishima ne se soit pas r©volt© contre lui.
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12. Multitudes Web - Mishima Yukio : Everyone's Favorite Homofascist
While mishima yukio is known outside of Japan primarily as a « gay » writer, enshrined along with Oscar Wilde and Marcel Proust on a ceiling mural depicting

13. Horizon Information Portal
Search Results. 9 titles matched mishima yukio by Mishima, Yukio,. New York, Knopf, 1959. Add to my list. Add to my list Yukio

14. Project MUSE
mishima yukio (1925–1970) will surely be remembered as the most infamous Japanese author of the twentieth century owing to his failed insurrection and
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Primary Colors: A Play by Mishima Yukio: Introduction
Asian Theatre Journal - Volume 23, Number 2, Fall 2006, pp. 223-232
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15. Mishima Yukio - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At
Research mishima yukio at the online library.

16. Yukio Mishima - Wikiquote
Yukio Mishima (192501-14 - 1970-11-25) was the pen name of Kimitake Hiraoka, a Japanese novelist, playwright, essayist and short story writer.
Yukio Mishima
From Wikiquote
Jump to: navigation search At no time are we ever in such complete possession of a journey, down to its last nook and cranny, as when we are busy with preparations for it. Yukio Mishima ) was the pen name of Kimitake Hiraoka, a Japanese novelist, playwright, essayist and short story writer.
edit Sourced
What transforms this world is — knowledge. When you look at the world with knowledge, you realize that things are unchangeable and at the same time are constantly being transformed.
  • What transforms this world is — knowledge. Do you see what I mean? Nothing else can change anything in this world. Knowledge alone is capable of transforming the world, while at the same time leaving it exactly as it is. When you look at the world with knowledge, you realize that things are unchangeable and at the same time are constantly being transformed. You may ask what good is does us. Let's put it this way — human beings possess the weapon of knowledge in order to make life bearable. For animals such things aren't necessary. Animals don't need knowledge or anything of the sort to make life bearable. But human beings do need something, and with knowledge they can make the very intorelableness of life a weapon, though at the same time that intorelableness is not reduced in the slightest. That's all there is to it.
    • The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
    By means of microscopic observation and astronomical projection the lotus flower can become the foundation for an entire theory of the universe and an agent whereby we may perceive the Truth.

17. Yukio Mishima
Yukio mishima yukio Mishima was born into an upper middle class family in 1925. Author of a hundred books, playwright, actor, he has been described as the
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Yukio Mishima
Italian Futurism

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Philosophy ... Candidates Yukio Mishima Yukio Mishima was born into an upper middle class family in 1925. Author of a hundred books, playwright, actor, he has been described as the 'Leonardo da Vinci of contemporary Japan, and is one of the few Japanese writers to have become widely known and translated in the West. DARK SIDE OF THE SUN
Mishima's aesthetic was the beauty of the violent death, the death of one in his prime, an ideal common in classical Japanese literature. As a sickly youngster, Mishima's ideal of the heroic death had already taken hold: "A sensuous craving for such things as the destiny of soldiers, the tragic nature of their calling... the ways they would die." He was determined to overcome his physical weaknesses. There is much of the Nietzschean 'Overman' about him, of self-overcoming personal and social restraints to express his own heroic individuality. His motto was: "Be Strong." (He had read Nietzsche during the war). World War II had a lasting impact on Mishima. Along with his fellow students, he felt that conscription and certain death waited. He became chairman of the college literary club, and his patriotic poems were published in the student magazine. He also co-founded his own journal and began to read the Japanese classics. He associated with a literary group, Bungei Bunka that believed war to be holy. The Japanese Romanticists were another literary group avowing the same principles with which Mishima was in contact. Mishima barely passed the medical examination for military training. He was drafted into an aircraft factory and several other such jobs.

18. Yukio Mishima | Find Articles At
Yukio mishima yukio Mishima (19251970) was a Japanese novelist and playwright. He wrote in a multitude of styles, from ornate to plain, and dealt. Mishima&qf=free

19. Yukio Mishima - FamousWhy
Yukio Mishima Biography, Career, Trivia, Filmography, Links, Pictures.
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Yukio Mishima
Home People Writers Yukio Mishima (real name Kimitake Hiraoka) was born on January 14, 1925 in Shinjuku, Tokyo. He was a Japanese author and playwright. Biography and Career : Yukio Mishima was brought up by his grandmother, Natsu. While childhood he read books in German and French.

20. Jan/Feb 2005 | Japan In The Footsteps Of Yukio Mishima |
Yukio Mishima stands as a giant in gay literature, and his controversial legacy can still be explored in modernday Japan

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