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21. Larry McMurtry Papers Listing of the authors papers donated to the Texas State University collection. http://www.library.txstate.edu/swwc/archives/writers/mcmurtry.html | |
22. Larry McMurtry Books Reviews Detailed analysis of the plot, theme, setting and characters of his books, plus links to similar books. Sign up to be a mcmurtry scholar on the site. http://www.allreaders.com/topics/Topic_545.asp | |
23. Larry McMurtry - AOL Music larry mcmurtry official AOL Music site for larry mcmurtry music videos, larry mcmurtry songs, larry mcmurtry photos, larry mcmurtry live performances and http://music.aol.com/artist/larry-mcmurtry/1227031 | |
24. âBrokebackâ Writer Says Life Isnât For âsissiesâ - Acad Writers Diana Ossana and larry mcmurtry pose in the press room with the theatrical adapted screenplay award for Brokeback Mountain during the 2006 Writers http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11395788/ | |
25. Telegraph Days By Larry McMurtry Telegraph Days is a delightful bagatelle of a novel. Bagatelle is used in the sense of a short, light piece of work. It is a most enjoyable read, http://contemporarylit.about.com/od/historicalfictionreviews/fr/telegraphDays.ht | |
26. Larry McMurtry On Film Chron.com - Houston Chronicle Five movies suggest that novelist larry mcmurtry has a golden touch for characters and dialogue that can be adapted to film. The Last Picture Show (1971) http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ent/tv/5448160.html |
27. McMurtry, Larry â Infoplease.com More on larry mcmurtry from Infoplease. Brokeback Mountain Starring Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway, Michelle Williams, Randy Quaid http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0157894.html | |
28. NPR: From Page To Screen: 'Brokeback Mountain' NORRIS larry mcmurtry and Diana Ossana wrote the screenplay for Brokeback Mountain. mcmurtry is known for his novels Lonesome Dove, The Last Picture http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5046849 |
29. Writers Larry McMurtry And Diana Ossana Discuss Their Collaborative Process | Da GuideLive.com, from The Dallas Morning News, is an arts and entertainment guide to the DallasFort Worth area. Restaurants, movies, theater, concerts, http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/ent/stories/DN-mcmurtry_0112gl.ART.S | |
30. Salon Books | "Walter Benjamin At The Dairy Queen" By Larry McMurtry The novelist s memoir is an elegy to vanishing breeds like novelists. http://www.salon.com/books/review/1999/11/29/mcmurtry/ | |
31. McMurtry, Larry (Harper's Magazine) mcmurtry, larry. WRITER OF, 1 Article from 1968 The hole in the bucket. by larry mcmurtry Fiction, May 1970, 3 pp. Harper s Magazine is an American http://www.harpers.org/subjects/LarryMcMurtry | |
32. Books Blog: Texas Pages: Larry McMurtry And Diana Ossana Discuss "Comanche Moon" larry mcmurtry and Diana Ossana discuss Comanche Moon . Find the whole story here. And below find an additional comment from Ms. Ossana about the nature of http://books.beloblog.com/archives/2008/01/larry_mcmurtry_and_diana_ossan.html | |
33. The D-word--dysfunctional--came To Mind As Larry McMurtry Limned Clinton REVENGE OF THE DWORD larry mcmurtrys proper subject seems to be larry mcmurtry. In his review of the latest Clinton bioa review in the current New York http://www.dailyhowler.com/dh101303.shtml | |
34. Larry McMurtry Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris UK Alibris UK has new used books by larry mcmurtry, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.co.uk/search/books/author/McMurtry, Larry | |
35. 38553. McMurtry, Larry. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 38553. mcmurtry, larry. The Columbia World of Quotations. 1996. http://www.bartleby.com/66/53/38553.html | |
36. Larry McMurtry Criticism (Vol. 127) Lonesome Dove is larry mcmurtry s loftiest novel, a wondrous work, drowned in love, melancholy, and yet, ultimately, exultant, said John Horne, http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/mcmurtry-larry-vol-127 | |
37. Larry McMurtry News & Articles On Washingtonpost.com larry mcmurtry News Articles on washingtonpost.com. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/Larry McMurtry?tid=informline |
38. HOFblog » Larry McMurtry On Wednesday night, Comanche Moon concluded the miniseries saga of Lonesome Dove created by the immortal words of the great larry mcmurtry. http://blog.hofmag.com/category/larry-mcmurtry/ | |
39. Larry McMurtry - Authors - Random House Random House Random House will keep you up to date on the works of larry mcmurtry! Enter your email address below to enroll. http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=20106 |
40. Larry (Jeff) McMurtry Biography larry mcmurtry by Thomas Landess, Austin, Texas, Steck Vaughn, 1969; The Ghost Country A Study of the Novels of larry mcmurtry by Raymond L. Neinstein, http://biography.jrank.org/pages/4585/McMurtry-Larry-Jeff.html | |
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