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61. FOXNews.com - Author Norman Mailer, Who Penned 'The Naked And The Dead,' Dead At Author norman mailer, Who Penned The Naked and The Dead, Dead at 84, norman mailer, the macho prince of American letters who for decades reigned as the http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,310376,00.html | |
62. CapeCodTimes.com - 'He Always Was Working On Something'bsb His friends all tell similar stories norman mailer at a dinner party, awards ceremony or afternoon gathering, hobbling on canes up or down a few steps or a http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071111/NEWS/711110363 |
63. A Blustery Force In Life And Letters - Washingtonpost.com norman mailer, the Pulitzer Prizewinning author who wrote compellingly about sex and violence, conflict and politics, and love and war as the tempests of http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2007/11/11/ST2007111101767.ht | |
64. Bloomberg.com: Worldwide 10 (Bloomberg) norman mailer, the prolific writer whose public brawls and macho swagger often overshadowed his Pulitzer Prizewinning prose that http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aMWkflQOIoGc&refer=home |
65. Norman Mailer Quotes 45 quotes and quotations by norman mailer. norman mailer America is a hurricane, and the only people who do not hear the sound are those fortunate if http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/n/norman_mailer.html | |
66. Norman Mailer Posthumously Awarded Bad Sex Prize | Entertainment | People | Reut (Attn language in 7th paragraph) LONDON, Nov 27 (Reuters) Writer norman mailer, a giant of the American literary scene and twice a winner of the Pulitzer http://www.reuters.com/article/peopleNews/idUSL2711264620071127 | |
67. The White Man Unburdened - CommonDreams.org The following essay by norman mailer was published in July 2003 issue of The .. It took the kind of fantasysickened nation that norman mailer spent a http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/11/10/5141/ | |
68. My Way News - Biographer Norman Mailer Dead At Age 84 NEW YORK (AP) norman mailer, the macho prince of American letters who for decades reigned as the country s literary conscience and provocateur with such http://apnews.myway.com/article/20071110/D8SQS18G0.html | |
69. Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : Norman Mailer Disses New Wave, Reagan AGED BEEF mailer, Godard (inset) Let it be known 84year-old godfather of new journalism, norman mailer, was no fan of French new wave filmmaker Jean-Luc http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2007/07/norman-mailer-jean-luc-godard.php | |
70. Poets&Writers, Inc. norman mailer rarely gives interviews anymore; they distract from his writing. Instead, the father of five daughters and four sons lives a quiet life with http://www.pw.org/mag/hughes.htm | |
71. Norman Mailerâs Honey-toned Flirt With Madonna - Times Online THE lifelong correspondence of norman mailer has been made public, revealing the flirtations, friendships and feuds of one of 20th century literatures http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article3137666.ece | |
72. Norman Mailer - Paper Cuts - Books - New York Times Blog To name only a few John Berryman, Truman Capote, Frank Conroy, James Jones, norman mailer, Rod McKuen, Joyce Carol Oates, Budd Schulberg and Terry Southern http://papercuts.blogs.nytimes.com/tag/norman-mailer/ | |
73. Why We Should Weep For Mailer - Opinion - Smh.com.au norman mailer is dead. Aged 84, the pugnacious Pulitzer winner hit the canvas for the final time at the weekend. And should anyone care? http://www.smh.com.au/news/opinion/why-we-should-weep-for-mailer/2007/11/13/1194 | |
74. Spring Blog » Blog Archive » Norris Church Mailer, Norman Mailers Wife Talks D norman mailers wife speaks at the Texas Book Festival just a few days before his death. His sixth and last wife, married in 1980, was Norris Church (née http://www.spring.net/blog/?p=87 |
75. Norman Mailer Papers Open To Researchers, Students And Public On January 3 AUSTIN, TexasThe Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at The University of Texas at Austin opens the norman mailer Papers, more than 1000 boxes of http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/press/releases/2007/mailer.html | |
76. Complex Blog » Norman Mailer Had 'The Faith Of Graffiti' The Complex.com Blog is the definitive source for pop culture news and information. The Blog curates the web to match the tastes of Complex readers as well http://www.complex.com/blogs/?p=7632 |
77. Mailer And The Almighty | Spiked norman mailer was a master of provocation, even if many of his thoughts including those in his final book on God - were plain silly. http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php?/site/article/4107/ |
78. THE TIME OF OUR TIME Elaines, that notso-clean, not-so-well-lighted place, simply because there was nowhere else to go if you were norman mailer and had made of your life what http://www.brucebawer.com/mailer.htm | |
79. Pulitzer Prize Winner Norman Mailer Dies - Tributes, Norman Mailer : People.com The prolific and outspoken novelist of The Naked and the Dead was 84. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20159578,00.html | |
80. Norman Mailer - Esquire - The Last Man Standing By Tom Junod - Esquire norman mailer, the only World War IIgeneration writer left, staked it all on manhood and the novel. Fifty-eight years after his first book, eighty-three http://www.esquire.com/features/ESQ0107lastman | |
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