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Mailer Norman: more books (99) | |||||||||||||||
1. Norman Mailer Norman Mailer developed in the 1960s and 1970s a form of journalism, that combined actual events, autobiography, and political commentary with the richness http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/nmailer.htm | |
2. Norman Mailer - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Norman Mailer (born Norman Kingsley Mailer) was born to a wellknown Jewish family in Long Branch, New Jersey. His father, Isaac Barnett Mailer, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Mailer | |
3. Norman Mailer -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on Norman Mailer American novelist and journalist, best known for using a form of journalismcalled New http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9050159/Norman-Mailer | |
4. Norman Mailer Norman Mailer. Norman Mailer AKA Norman Kingsley Mailer. Born 31Jan-1923 Wife Norris Church Mailer Son Michael Mailer (b. 1964) http://www.nndb.com/people/936/000022870/ | |
5. Norman Mailer - Politics On The Huffington Post Tough Guys Don t Dance Directed by Norman Mailer More Posts By Norman Mailer. God s Chosen Envoy for America Intelligence 101A http://www.huffingtonpost.com/norman-mailer | |
6. Norman Mailer « Charlottesville Words Norman mailer norman Mailer has died at the age of 84. I had heard he was in poor health, but I dont think it occurred to me that Norman Mailer actually http://cvillewords.wordpress.com/2007/11/10/norman-mailer/ | |
7. Norman Mailer - Wikiquote Norman Mailer (192301-31 - 2007-11-10) was an American novelist, journalist, playwright, screenwriter and film director who is considered to have been http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Norman_Mailer | |
8. RandomHouse.ca | Author Spotlight: Norman Mailer Norman Mailer was born in 1923 in Long Branch, New Jersey, and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. In 1955, he was one of the cofounders of The Village Voice. http://www.randomhouse.ca/author/results.pperl?authorid=18718 |
9. KC's Norman Mailer Page General information about norman mailer. Complete bibliography, quotes from the author, links to related sites, mailer on Clinton. http://www.iol.ie/~kic/index.html | |
10. American Masters . Norman Mailer | PBS Among our major living writers, norman mailer is perhaps the most wellknown, both in the United States and internationally. No career in our literature has http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/database/mailer_n.html | |
11. Norman Mailer, Towering Writer With Matching Ego, Dies At 84 - New York Times norman mailer was an outspoken novelist who loomed over American letters longer and larger than any writer of his generation. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/10/books/11mailer.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin |
12. Literary Lion Norman Mailer Dies - CNN.com norman mailer, the outspoken author whose prizewinning works made him a towering figure on the American literary stage for more than 50 years, is dead. http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/books/11/10/mailer.obit/index.html | |
13. Norman Mailer Writer Tough Guys Don t Dance. Controversial, celebrated postWWII American writer norman mailer first Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, Discussions, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0537551/ | |
14. New York State Writers Institute - Norman Mailer, New York State Author norman mailer, a formidable presence in American letters for nearly six decades, is the author of novels, creative nonfiction, short stories, essays, http://www.albany.edu/writers-inst/mailer.html | |
15. Norman Mailer Meetings, protests, marchesNorman mailer was everywhere. It was as though LBJ had conjured up the Vietnam War for Normanand God then sent him Nixon. http://www.americanlegends.com/authors/norman_mailer.html | |
16. Postscript: Norman Mailer: The Talk Of The Town: The New Yorker No one would say of norman mailer, who died on November 10th, at the age of eightyfour, that he hoarded his gift. He was a slugger. He swung at everything, http://www.newyorker.com/talk/2007/11/19/071119ta_talk_menand | |
18. Why Norman Mailer Mattered - TIME In ten novels and almost two dozen other books, norman mailer not only did it with boom. He did it with brains and wit and nerve. http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1682741,00.html | |
19. Norman Mailer - Telegraph norman mailer, who died on Saturday aged 84, was a novelist, journalist, filmmaker and relentlessly tendentious controversialist who subscribed http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/11/12/db1201.xml |
20. The Norman Mailer Society The norman mailer Society is devoted to the life and work of American novelist norman mailer. Welcome to the official web site of the norman mailer Society http://www.normanmailersociety.com/ | |
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