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61. Robert Lowell « PÅ’Ä-trÄ robert lowell. Listen (to Hoon read). A single man stands like a birdwatcher, and scuffles the pepper and salt snow from a discarded, gray http://audiopoetry.wordpress.com/category/poet/robert-lowell/ | |
62. LOWELL, Robert Traill Spence, Jr. lowell, robert Traill Spence, Jr. A cousin of the distinguished intellectuals Amy, Percival, and Abbott lowell, he was born March 1, 1917, in Boston and http://www.history.com/encyclopedia/article.jsp?link=FWNE.fw..lo096700.a |
63. Robert Lowell: An Inventory Of His Papers At The Harry Ransom Humanities Researc The robert lowell Papers, ca. 18451988, consist mainly of lowell s working papers for the period 1970-1977. As such the papers include heavily revised http://research.hrc.utexas.edu:8080/hrcxtf/view?docId=ead/00081.xml |
64. The Robert Lowell Translation Prize German entry, John Smith robert lowell Translation Prize robert lowell. About robert lowell. Coming Soon. Translations at Black Lawrence Press http://blacklawrencepress.homestead.com/robertlowell.html | |
65. Richard Tillinghast, Editor: Robert Lowell's Life And Work, University Of Michig Richard Tillinghast, Editor. The University of Michigan Press publishes books in political science, ESL and applied linguistics, fiction, theater, classics, http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=10652 |
66. Kenyon College - Kenyon Celebrates Robert Lowell T he illusion that you re getting the real robert lowell is only that, an illusion; part of the power of the poem is to make you feel you re gaining http://bulletin.kenyon.edu/x1500.xml | |
67. Robert Lowell Quotes 6 quotes and quotations by robert lowell. robert lowell If youth is a defect, it is one we outgrow too soon. robert lowell http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/r/robert_lowell.html | |
68. Project MUSE All of which seems appropriate for a discussion of robert lowell s poetry, not only because much of lowell s verse seems to have been written with monuments http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_literary_history/v012/12.1thurston.html | |
69. The Register-Guard, Eugene, Oregon, USA robert lowell Bob Houglum. robert (Bob) lowell Houglum 19222007 robert lowell Bob Houglum. January 04, 2008 To the Family of Bob, we want to extend http://www.legacy.com/registerguard/Obituaries.asp?Page=LifeStory&PersonID=10025 |
70. Robert Lowell: Death Of An Elfking When robert lowell died on September 12, he was riding in a taxicab from Kennedy Airport to Manhattan. There is little question that the most distinguished http://www.religion-online.org/showarticle.asp?title=1193 |
71. Poet Robert Lowell, Nazi's Hitler Topics Of New Books A new book about robert lowell, along with the diary of a World War II veteran and a study of the psychlogy of Adolf Hitler are topics covered this week. http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/new_books/36379 | |
72. Robert White And Lowell Liebermann, MP3 Music Download At EMusic robert White and lowell Liebermann MP3s at eMusic. Download robert White and lowell Liebermann albums, tracks and songs for free with eMusic s trial http://www.emusic.com/artist/Robert-White-and-Lowell-Liebermann-MP3-Download/116 | |
73. Harvard University Press: Robert Lowell : Nihilist As Hero By Vereen M. Bell robert lowell Nihilist as Hero by Vereen M. Bell, published by Harvard University Press. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/BELROB.html | |
74. Handout: Robert Lowell And Sylvia Plath - UCSB English Department Knowledge Base For all his vanity, robert Frost is admirable he looked into his desert places, confronted his desire to enter the oblivion of the snowy woods, http://wiki.english.ucsb.edu/index.php/Handout:_Robert_Lowell_and_Sylvia_Plath | |
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