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41. Augustus Baldwin Longstreet Find out more about augustus Baldwin longstreet from The History Channel s free online encyclopedia. http://www.thehistorychannel.co.uk/site/encyclopedia/article_show/Longstreet_Aug |
42. DMOZ Arts Literature World Literature American 19th 3 pages found in longstreet, augustus. augustus Baldwin longstreet Short biography and an excerpt from Once Upon a Time in Newton County A Short History http://nlp-polska.qlweb.pl/dmoz/index.php?c=Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Ame |
43. Category:19th Century - Longstreet, Augustus - Wikology - The Open Business Dire longstreet, augustus Stories. Articles in category 19th Century - longstreet, augustus . There are 0 articles in this category. http://www.wikology.com/index.php/Category:19th_Century_-_Longstreet,_Augustus | |
44. Augustus Baldwin Longstreet Owner of the Augusta proslavery newspaper, States Rights Sentinel (which he purchased when it was the North American Gazette.) Uncle of James longstreet. http://www.nndb.com/people/102/000047958/ | |
45. Bartleby's Books - (longstreet, augustus B.) . Georgia Scenes, Characters, Incidents, c., in the .. NY Harper, 1840. Second edition (with the date on the title page). http://www.bartlebysbooks.com/bartlebys/bookmain.asp?pg=26&searchtype=&searchstr |
46. Augustus Baldwin Longstreet Biography (1790â1870) Online Encyclopedia Artic a href= http//encyclopedia.jrank.org/Cambridge/entries/078/augustusBaldwin- longstreet.html augustus Baldwin longstreet /a http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/Cambridge/entries/078/Augustus-Baldwin-Longstreet. | |
47. The Archive, By Author longstreet, augustus Baldwin. Darby, The Politician. Stories with a Moral Humorous and Descriptive Of Southern Life a Century Ago. Ed. Fitz R. longstreet. http://writing2.richmond.edu/spirit/author.html | |
48. Guide Methodist History augustus Baldwin longstreet (17901870) was a lawyer, author, and president of Emory College. He was ordained a Methodist minister in 1838. http://marbl.library.emory.edu/Guides/guides-methodist.html | |
49. Read About Arts, Literature, World Literature, American, 19th Century, Longstree augustus Baldwin longstreet Short biography and an excerpt from Once Upon a Time in Newton County A Short History of Emory from Its Founding to the Civil http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Ame |
50. A Catalogue Of Students At The Law School longstreet, augustus Baldwin, 1813 Loring, Charles Greely, 1813 Loring, Edward Greely, 1822 Lothrop, Cyrus H., 1810 Lott, Adrian, 1831 http://www.litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org/lawschool/students.html | |
51. : Philadelphia Rare Books and longstreet, augustus Baldwin. Patriotic effusions; by Bob Short. New York L. F. Lockwood (J. J. Harper, prs.), 1819. 12mo. 46, 2 pp. http://www.prbm.com/interest/napoleon.shtml | |
52. UVa Library Digital Collections Texts (1833); longstreet, augustus Baldwin. Georgia Scenes, Characters, Incidents, c., in the First Half Century of the Republic. By a Native Georgian. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/digital/collections/text/uva_repository_texts.html | |
53. University Of Delaware Library: AMERICAN LITERATURE TO 1865: Selected Primary So longstreet, augustus Baldwin, 17901870. Georgia scenes, characters, incidents, c., in the first half century of the republic by a native Georgian. http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/guides/earlylit.htm | |
54. The Longstreet Reading List | General James Longstreet (A James longstreet biography for young people). longstreet, augustus B. Georgia Scenes Characters, Incidents, etc., in the First HalfCentury of the http://www.longstreet.info/?q=node/2 |
55. The Archive, By Title longstreet, augustus Baldwin. Stories with a Moral Humorous and Descriptive Of Southern Life a Century Ago. Ed. Fitz R. longstreet. http://0-writing2.richmond.edu.pugwash.lib.warwick.ac.uk/spirit/title.html | |
56. SHQ Online :: Volume 029 Number 3 :: Review: Augustus Baldwin Longstreet, A Stud Born in 1790 in Augusta, Georgia, then still a frontier town, augustus longstreet enjoyed rather unusual advantagesan intimate boyish friendship with http://www.tshaonline.org/publications/journals/shq/online/v029/n3/review_11.htm | |
57. JSTOR Literary Dialect As Linguistic Evidence Subject-Verb longstreet, augustus B. 1835. Georgia Scenes. New York Sagamore, 1957. Lowell, James Russell. 1848. The Biglow Papers. Boston Houghton, 1885. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-1283(199422)69:2<128:LDALES>2.0.CO;2-Q |
58. ArchiveGrid.org - Historical Sources From Thousands Of Archives Long, Martha Jane Gamble, 18381923 - Correspondence; Long, Ruth Edgerton; longstreet, augustus Baldwin, 1790-1870; Loring, William Wing, 1818-1886 http://www.archivegrid.org/web/jsp/lp.jsp?id=251 |
59. Archival Collections 2 longstreet, augustus B. 3 Louisville, Georgia. 4 Ma Rainey House, Columbus. 5 Ma Rainey House Restoration. 6 Macon, Georgia. 7 Madison, Georgia. http://archives.colstate.edu/findingaids/mc32.shtml | |
60. Martin Scorsese's Raging Bull - Cambridge University Press longstreet, augustus Baldwin. The Fight, 7. Lubitsch, Ernst. Trouble in Paradise, 19. Lynch, David. The Elephant Man, 142. McCormack, Peggy, 17 http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780511108785&ss=ind |
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